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I can kind of see where Sagey's coming from, to be honest. Heck, I remember reading about some novel online in which the society was largely naked and everything, whereas clothes were rare. Thus, nobody really coveted each others' bodies, but instead lusted for clothing - essentially, a wildly backwards version of reality. And I can see it realistically happening, albeit not in any modern society I can think of.

Which would explain all the wild and exotic fetishes, too - people are into them because you're not supposed to usually see them. Although that doesn't exactly explain the sidewalk fetishists, but whatever.

Posts: 4607
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I remember this topic a while ago, which brought up whether nudity and art. I remember it went on for quite a while until it was decided that everything that could be discussed had been and it was ultimately locked. But of course, thanks to the hack, that topic no longer exists...

So I'm dragging it back up, as everything old is new again. What are your thoughts on nudity? Can the naked human body be taken seriously as art? What's your opinions on the whole "going naked is illegal" thing? Stuffs like that.

I mean, in the United States, obviously the naked body is viewed as highly immoral. Long story short, if you're naked, you're out for sex. Yes, it's not really the case all the time (see nudists, who are naked for the sake of being naked), but it's really hard to take nudity seriously in art when, frequently, naked people are more often photographed for pornography than anything else. Not to mention, the fact we don't see the naked body on a regular basis leads to the sexualization of it... I'd assume that, if you lived in a society of naked people or what have you, then eventually you'd be so desensitized to it that you'd see a naked body without beginning to lust or what have you. Otherwise, if you're seeing somebody naked, it's clearly a rather special situation... which, following the train of thought, will probably wind up at reproduction.

Of course, I don't know if I totally support going naked or anything - it's rather cold, and I don't exactly want to see a man's sexual organ (I don't even like looking at my own), and probably has a lot of health risks involved. Still, I wouldn't really mind others doing it as long as they're not doing it in an overtly sexual manner or anything, and, more importantly, not actively trying to bother me with that (kind of like how I have absolutely no problem with gay people so long as they don't have the hots for me - what they do in their bedroom's not my problem). It's their body, they can do with it as they please. I don't think that's an opinion that'll be particularly popular, particularly coming from a country where you'll probably be looked down upon unless you have a full outfit on (you can't even go barefoot without getting some odd glares - which is funny, since I've read that going barefoot has a ton of health benefits, not the least of which is making your feet not stink so much - but that's another topic for another time). Still, it's the opinion I have.

As for the artistic value of it, sure. It's still possible to make it artistic... I mean, if the artists of the Rennaissance could make it artistic, so can we, right? Just don't draw attention to those no-no spots and add a bit of symbolism, some sort of REASON as to why that person is naked. Easy! Sort of. Just don't be surprised if some people don't take to it very well (OMG SHE'S NEKKID CENSOR NAO) or in the wrong manner entirely (OMG SHE'S NEKKID HOTT <3), thanks to the kind of society we live in.

Right, well, I have the feeling I'm being rather inconsistent with whatever the hell it is I'm trying to say, but at least it'll get some conversation started. Thoughts plz.

Posts: 1058
Noble Member

It's kind of bad you're afraid of your penis. That can be thrown on the pile of silly things caused by the nudity stigma you mentioned!

What separates art and porn for me is the intention the artist/pornist has behind creating it or the way an observer interprets it. If something is being used for nothing more than the stimulation of loin power, then it is porn. If it stimulates more than that, or other things entirely, it is art.

I don't want to be naked because it is cold. Also it is just not trendy. I don't mind others being naked, and seeing others naked doesn't register as disturbing for me. Seeing a really hot naked person doesn't automaticly fill me with lust either. If the latter is reverse for someone, I think they need to let off some steam with the more secret parts of the web/magazine rack once in a while.

And in recognition of the first topic, let us not forget this:

Or that with bare skin, no-one will want to cook any bacon.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 3291
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i'm finding this topic slightly surreal with it's timing after reading one on almost the same subject elsewhere online today.. ^^;

first off, nudity in art. i lurk a lot on deviantart which gets a ton of art/photos/writing/etc uploaded onto it every day. they're pretty strict about their nude photos, as like you said.. there's a thin borderline with it being viewed as porn.
i've seen some beautiful photos with nude people in them, and apart from the fact that they're stark nakkid you barely notice it becuase you're admiring how pretty the lighting or the effects or the way things like wings have been edited on.
but then you get photographs in the popular section of the gallery of close-up shots of a girl's private parts, which apparently is acceptable by their rules, but a man's isn't? *not fully sure*

as an art student for yeaars and years now, i've been to several life drawing classes and had to draw naked people for it. after the initial embaressment you just focus on trying to get the blasted curves and lines of their body right and you sort of forget about the rest of it.

tho' i think it's down to the pose.. they're always posed in tasteful ways, or just in really ordinary poses like sitting, standing, lieing down. ^^;
in the past i've taken photos for a fellow student wearing little more then lots of coloured cables and tape, which i didn't find too odd, wierdly enough. oo;

nudity itself is such a cultural thing.. i think of places like japan where people quite happily go to public baths and bathe before a lot of total strangers and i just couldn't see it happening over here unless they were REALLY confortable about themselves or were nudists. over here to be naked is seen as a shameful thing, i guess. i sure wouldn't run around nude, even a swimming costume is embaressing! o-o;

i know one of the sports centers where i used to live would have a nudist day once a month or so. they'd cover up all the windows to make the place compleately private. i still find the thought a bit wierd, and also a bit unhygenic.. but if makes them happy and they're not hurting anyone by it.. why worry? ^^;

..*wrote a lot there* o_o;

Posts: 841
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If you look at it enough, you'll soon find that pretty much everything purposly made is art, since art is something which triggers feelings or emotions or conveys thoughts. Of course your opinion on art may be different, but that's what I discovered on my Art AS.

So yeah, taking photos from... strange angles is art. You don't have to like it. In fact it might disgust you, but by disgusting you it's proving itself to be art.

I personally don't like full on nudity much. I've blocked it on my dA account. Like people said, I probably think like this because of our culture. I was brought up in a particularly strict background in this sense (I learnt my first curses and even what the word sex means years after everyone else).

I'll probably desensitise to it over time though. I'm going on an art course next year before heading for the degrees, so like Becca I'll have to take part in life drawing.

Also I walk around barefoot quite a bit because I dislike socks :D Only around my street though D:

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I continually answer the door in nothing but my underwear and only really put clothes on when it's absolutly nessicary (Eg; cold, I'm going out someplace)

So yeah, I don't really have a problem with it. I'm not keen on the idea of myself or others going completly naked though. *shrugs*

Posts: 1367
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Wasn't I the one who started the original topic on this a long time ago? I think I was.

Well, my personal views on it haven't changed. Nudity, when portrayed tastefully, is art--just because someone is naked doesn't mean that it's meant to arouse. It's often done simply because it's natural. As for public nudity, if people wish to do so, it's their choice. I'm not stopping them. Well, the law is, but you get what I mean.

Also, as said, being afraid of your own penis probably isn't healthy.

Posts: 955
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For clarification, he said he didn't like looking at them, either his or anyone else's. That's not the same as being afraid. :3 I'll reply with my opinions at another time. **sneaks away**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1058
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=x My wording skewed things. soz piggy

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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But shadow hog Scarcity creates value. Do we really want to lower the value of a hot naked person?

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

It's kind of bad you're afraid of your penis.


In all seriousness, nudity as art is perfectly acceptable. In Life Drawing, we drew nude male models so we could draw the human body accurately. For instances like that, clothing can get in the way.

I guess there's that fine line between "harmless nudity" and "OMG pr0n!!1!" that everyone needs to define for themselves.

Posts: 955
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Hmm.. I've been bouncing around the topic putting off replying for awhile now. I guess I've got the time, so I'll reply now 😀

The human body is beautiful. It's the one thing we can truly call our own, each one is unique though the basic form's the same. It's up to each individual person to decide how much they're comfortable showing to the world; I don't judge :3 for example, I'll go out wearing anything up top (or nothing, if society would accept that >> ) but won't go out wearing anything shorter than my knees, including shorts, skirts, dresses, etc. But if people are comfortable wearing skirts that barely cover anything or bikini tops made entirely of string, that's cool. If they wanted to go out wearing nothing at all, I wouldn't care.

But of course, everything's sexual in society's eyes and they want to preserve the minds of children when by hiding it, it only piques the curiosity of young minds and they end up looking anyway, feeling giddy and amused that they're looking at BAD STUFF.

...That was a poorly constructed sentence, I apologize. Regardless, the meaning is true. If you hide it, people will want to find it. Keep trying to hide it and people will keep looking. The persistent are labeled as perverts and are shunned by society.

As for the "fine line" between nude art and porn, I don't think there is any. Because you'll always find someone who has an interest in the dirtiest pictures showing the worst scenarios... and that, to them, is art. To each their own, regardless of what it's showing. As long as the people pictured are fine with it being shown, I don't see a problem. That doesn't mean I -like- the darker stuff, but I won't judge if you do.

Yay for controversial reply! 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1758
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As for the "fine line" between nude art and porn, I don't think there is any.

An interesting point. They can not be defined objectively.

Wot SSS said about nudity. I personally can't show anything above the knees without it feeling weird, but I think that being able to do so is a strength of some people.

Posts: 333
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I find nothing wrong with Nudity. If it comes up in a movie I don't go "OMG BOOBS! Teeheee! ^_____^" I just shrug it off. There are times when nudity is just...nudity, and there are times when nudity is used to have some sort of sexual meaning to it. I think the human body, male or female is a beautiful thing, and nobody should be ashamed of it.

I think part of it is the fact that it remains covered at nearly all time, so when you see it, it's like "Wow, I can see *insert breasts/crotch/whatever here." I mean, who knows. If everyone were required to wear dark, reflective sunglasses at all times, maybe eyes would be that sexually attractive. I think part of what I'm getting at was proven in the 1920s. Something to do with girls starting to wear things that showed off their legs and many guys would faint and things of the sort because it was so unheard of back then. I'm too tired to remember what I learned in my old High School history classes though. XD


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*shrug* I remember back in the movie Children of Men, there's a scene where they reveal the mother character, the pregnant woman, and it shows her breats. A few people in the theater were all loudly, "*GASP*' and such, but I didn't think it any big deal.

Posts: 162
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During the summer 80% of the time, i dont where clothes, 95%of the time, no shoes, or socks.
and 100% of the time, i dont care what other people think!

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Uh congrats? That is not really releated to the topic at hand.

Posts: 1058
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This is a long shot, but he might do those things based on his beliefs. Also, SMA, you are the nudest nudist I know so far. 😯

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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I don't see anything wrong with nudity. Hell, I think public nudity should be legalised. It's a VICTIMLESS crime, people. Besides, there's FAR worse things one can do other than showing some skin (like rape and murder, for example). We were born nude and even if most of us probably won't die nude (I wouldn't mind it!), we should be able to proudly display our penises and vaginas whenever we damn well want! Besides, those are the only TRULY 'sexualised' parts of the human anatomy (obviously). Being nude in and of itself is NOT something that should rightfully be sexualised, as it's our NATURAL state. It's our NATURAL state. So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, sometimes really late at night (like at about 4 or 5 AM), I sneak out into the front of my house COMPLETELY NUDE while the rest of my family members are still asleep. Then I dance on the road in front of me and run around and do wtf ever, but I have to be careful that no people see me and that no cars run over me. I really don't wanna get arrested here, folks. But I gotta be honest, the risk factor of getting caught is a MASSIVE turn-on for me. I live right next to a beach, it only takes me like a minute to walk over there and I get a kickass view of it from certain parts of my house. Anyway, I've even once walked to the beach completely naked at about 5 AM, had a bit of a swim there and then walked home without getting caught. Good times! I also did something else at the beach that night and a few other things on top of someone else's car, but I won't mention that here because I don't wanna get banned. Anyway, LEGALISE PUBLIC NUDITY!

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Like I said if people walked around nude it would decrease the value of nudity, and beside it would be pretty awkward for the first generation of society that has to live with this change. Also do you really want to get a mosquito bite on your genitals?

Posts: 1984
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what about when it gets cold? brrrrrr....

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Like I said if people walked around nude it would decrease the value of nudity, and beside it would be pretty awkward for the first generation of society that has to live with this change. Also do you really want to get a mosquito bite on your genitals?

All valid points, Stair. But I still think people should only wear clothes if it's necessary for survival or just if they want to. I mean, some beaches allow nudity, so why isn't nudity allowed everywhere? That's not fair, man!

Posts: 1984
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Because nobody wants to see you naked. Why should we force ourselves into believing the average human body is a magnificent gift and that we should be graced with its pastey beauty at all times?
Its got nothing to do with sex. But its got a lot to do with me holding down my lunch.

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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Because nobody wants to see you naked.

My family would disagree with that!

Posts: 1984
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your family doesn't comprise the rest of the world.

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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

your family doesn't comprise the rest of the world.

I have a large family.

Very large.

Posts: 1984
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:




Posts: 1201
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so much information i did not need to know

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You australians and your incest.

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and your sexual interest in family members

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You australians and your incest.

Don't forget Kentucky!

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We americans aren't as proud as the south as you think. Except for texas. And KFC. But anyways perhaps nude beaches could allievate the obesity problem? You never see fat people in europe go to nude beaches because they don't want to be fat when they go nude as it is disgusting most of the time.

Posts: 1984
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Ew. should be non nudity zones? Like in front of schools or churches?

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Damn straight! I remember seeing quite a few hot female teachers back in the day when I was still in high school. Good times!

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Squishie I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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Squishie I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


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*Laughes merrily*

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*Laughes merrily*

Ah well, at least I still have a photo of her in my yearbook for me to *CENSORED*

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To what?

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To what?

I don't know what you're talking about, man.

Posts: 713
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Well, he's referring to the *CENSORED* in your post. >_>

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This topic needs more visuals so I Can understand the topic better.

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This topic needs more visuals so I Can understand the topic better.

Yup, and to be more specific:

* female
* aged 18 to 30
* not obese

Posts: 713
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guys we're not going to be posting pictures of naken women on this forum any time soon

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guys we're not going to be posting pictures of naken women on this forum any time soon

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It would be the ultimate sacrifice!

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the ultimate sacrifice!

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