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Ohhhh how I want to...
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Ohhhh how I want to break free...

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Posts: 2232
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Okay, so, normally I don't come in here much, perfering to stick to the sillier side of the MoFo, because, as you all know, being serious brings me out in hives. But, it's quarter to four, I can't sleep, and I feel like ranting, so...

Now, as some of you know, I am now a grotty, disgusting drain on society. Or a student to the less cynical out there. When I moved up to uni, I brought only 3 friends with me. One I didn't know very well, and still don't, we see each other about, but as she lives in different halls, it's rare, but this is fine. Another was a good mate, but possibly the only person more annoying then my brother. I still hang round with him quite a bit, but like I said, the sheer annoyence he brings limits that, but this is fine.

The problem factor was friend number 3. A girl I had met only about a month before whilst on a camping trip where I new only one person. We quickly became good friends, and met up many times (often for a pub quiz, which I miss dearly =( .) When we moved to uni, we became even closer. I mean, really close. There was barely a night that we were not either out partying together, or in relaxing together. And this was more than fine.

But then came Reading week, which, is really half term with a silly name. We are SUPPOSED to revise I guess, but that isn't in the spirit of being a student. During Reading week, friend number three went home, and I was left without her.

And despite many offers from my new uni friends to party (although some I couldn't resist) what I found myself mostly doing during the week, was moping, and pining. I becaume most unhappy.

After she returned, I thought, "Yay! Now life can return to normal." I was sadly mistaken. Things changed, not drastically, but over time, the change has become more and more apparent, and now all I seem to do is sit in my room getting drunk with a bunch of stoners (honestly, you let them smoke once due to it being extremely cold and part way through a movie marathon, and they think they have a home for life!) while watching Transformers. And then lying awake at night feeling lonely and heartbroken. This is not fine.

But girls are not the topic of this um...topic. It was merely to illustrate a point, and to get some things off my chest. The point is my reaction here, my near obbsession with spending time with this girl. The point is obbessions, and my seemlingly endless affliction with them.

When I latch onto something I like, it becomes the center of my very being. (Or more accuratly, it becomes the largest mass of my being, the one so huge that the system's centre of mass is almost inside it.) When I first found Pokemon, I collected all 151, in order. (After doing it normally, of course, such a shame they merchendised the life out of that game, they turned it into a repulsive monster!) When I was into modding games, my life was continually seen in terms of objects and code, I looked at things, everything, and thought, how can I make that in game "insert game here". When we began to play Threes in the common room, I managed the league, and was often late for lessons for "One last game." I'm sure the amount of time I spend here can be a testification in itself. When I found my like of furry characters, I got the support of nearly a whole year to repaint the common room with furry characters based on them (I still have the folder of designs, dang you teachers!) When I bought City of Heroes, my life became nothing but moments between my next superhero RPing session, staying up till 3 am discussing the best name for a teen mutant supergroup (Rooftop Generation : Teen Angst HOOOOOOOOOO!) is not condusive to study, and is probably the reason I fared worse then expected for most of my A-levels. More recently, I spent a couple of hours last night refining one of my fan-created transformers, I'm considering spending some of my scarce money on some Alternators (Mmmmmm.....Suburu Impretza transformer....) and Thundercracker showed up in my last dream, only to be beaten at poker by Harley (who shouldn't be in my head, especially when I seem to have turned female and superstrong. I have wierd dreams.)

Some obbsessions stay, some go, but each is so deep, its life consuming and sometimes painful. Does anyone else here have problems with this, and can anyone teach me to not to immediatly jump to the internet for several straight days gleaming all information possible on something that just happens to tickle my fancy?

It's totally harshing my laid-back, dosn't care about anything much personality.

Thanks for reading if you got this far, have a cookie, or a Cooki, whichever you perfer =)

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Condolences for your for similar problems with me, the only one that can really compare is my love of writing. I want to write BADLY...but a lot of distractions during the day (schoolwork, chores, Xbox, the MoFo, news, eating, little brother, etcetera) force me to save my writing until late night. As a result, I get only around 5 to 7 hours of sleep.

Anyhow, my problems can't really compare to yours; in any case, I hope things get better for you and friend #3.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks for the condolences Ultra, but I knew this would happen before it did, and I know I'll get over it, perhaps even eventually find a girl of my own. It's the obbsessionishness that is bad. Good luck with your writing =)

As Freddie himself said; "Too much love will kill you, in the end."

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Or, "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing."

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Believe it or not, I've been there. Something fairly similar to this is what flunked me outta engineering.

It's hard, too hard for someone like me to handle of the first swing. It may sound harsh but, it gets easier. Unfortunately a lot of people don't seem to care about other people's emotions.

Hopefully you end up with what I did from the whole thing. I've always had good willpower, resisting peer pressure, not letting jock intimidate me, etc. After that I had unbeatable willpower. Doesn't seem much can keep me down for long.

I really hope it does the same for you O' lord of the boxers. You've realized you're not acting right, right? Do something about it. You can't let people changing make you change.


Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Probably the only thing I can suggest for avoiding obsessiveness is to find something to ground yourself, so that you have something to pull you out of obsession. Probably a close friend is the best thing for this, as they will spot if you are getting obsessed before you will, typically.

Mind you, it's probably a good thing to have interests in stuff that goes towards obsession, just as long as it then doesn't rule your life.

The final thing I'd say is don't get too caught up in worrying about whether you're obsessed with something or not, otherwise you'll end up being obsessed with avoiding obsession. AKA you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't :p

Posts: 143
Estimable Member

I can't really identify, because I don't think I've ever been obsessed with anything (Barring, of Course, Final Fantasy 3. Damned 1994.) But I'm sure it must be real hard.

Also Crim, stop having dreams, or at leats stop putting them in a place where I can read them. They give me the jibblies.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks guys for the support, it's appreciated.

I feel a lot better now, probably because last night I had my best friend from home come up, and he's always been able to take my mind off things.

Rico: Da, I've had strong willpower for a good while now, I tend to be the unphasable one, but this did phase me, still, I carry on, and it'll sort out ^^

Trim: Hehehe, yeah, Obessing over obessing leads to headaches and madness! So if I start thinking about that I just head to the bar =P Thanks for your advice ^^

Bra: You love my dreams really, your only upset because your never in them.
