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Posts: 276
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I can't help it. I love to look at porn. Eevn though I promise my parents every time I get on the computer that I won't , I do. I just have to look at it? Is that right? Am I wrong? Are my parents right? Someone help me.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

From the way you type and the fact you're actually worried about this, I'm guessing you're a young lad on the cusp of pubescence. I grew up looking at a HELL of a lot of porn, thanks to me discovering my brother's stash aged 12, and I personally see nothing wrong with it. I advise you don't look at it on your home PC if you think your parents might disapprove, or at least wait until they're out. ;)

Seriously, it's nothing to be ashamed of. As you get older you'll find your "urge" to flick through jazz mags fading, much as I did. Now at the grand age of 18, I'm a healthy, sexually active individual, and I wouldn't have gotten there without a good dose of vitamin Porn. Many people think it digusting thanks to social conditioning, but I don't think there's a better way to explore sexuality other than, of course, the act itself. You're not wrong mate, so read away and be proud that you're as normal as everyone else likes to pretend they're not. :)

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

His profile says "Age 22". If that's true, then this is funny.

If this is about our opinions on porn... I hold nothing against those who look at it. Although I myself don't, most people I know do, so I'd say it's fairly normal.

Well, depending on what you're looking at.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

I'd rather someone look at a lotta porn than sleep with just as many women. Porn can't give you STD's.


Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Or can it...? o.-

Almost everything gives STDs these days. Well, AIDS, at least.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

I wouldn't think it's anything horrible or anything. Unless you get too obsessive over it. I mean looking at it for a bit to relax yourself is normal in my opinion and is alright. Discovered Porn on accident when I was younger though - aged twelve I believe. Logged on to a site I thought was a local video store. Clicked. Entered. And you know the rest.

Personally I think its healthy. What Rick said, too.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Nothing wrong with it, just keep in mind that what happens in porn and what happens when you have sex with another person tend to be very different things. Unless you're a porn star.

Porn has alot to do with acting, hopefully your real intimacy with another person doesn't.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

There's truly no problem. I myself don't feel the need to, but I don't think there's anything wrong with people who look at porn.
Like Jman said it's a good way to get to know sexuality.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hmm...I'm about done with porn to be honest. Rather degrading IMO... some of it makes people(girls in particular) look like sex-crazed, easy to get into bed(if it happens to take place there lol), human anatomy mind infested freaks. Yea but I look at some every now and then, not as much as I used me. I just love girls too much to look at that, I can stop...I [hope]think. XD

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Teenage boys discovering their sexuality by looking at porn is nothing to be ashamed of. It's when it becomes an obsession, when naked women in self-demeaning postures is all you think about, that one should start worrying.

Nethertheless, you seem like a healthy minded young lad, so I'll just voice my personal opinion on the matter, which is that it's the women who pose for these dreadful photographs who have the real problem, degrading themselves and their gender.

You can't help being guys, it's the fate you endure when your daddy's sperm sats "Hey! I wanna be a Y!" to your mummy's egg.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member


You can't help being guys

Some might think that statements suggesting that males are predisposed to being uncontrollably sexual could be considered demeaning to the male gender. Both males and females carry testosterone.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I personally hate it...and don't look at it either. See it and click away ASAP....but that's me and what can you expect from me...;)

Posts: 456
Reputable Member


I'll just voice my personal opinion on the matter, which is that it's the women who pose for these dreadful photographs who have the real problem, degrading themselves and their gender.

I thought you were the one blatantly spreading sex and corruption?


You can't help being guys, it's the fate you endure when your daddy's sperm sats "Hey! I wanna be a Y!" to your mummy's egg.

Sperm don't become X or Y at fertilisation, they're already X or Y (a man carries approximately 50% of each). And gender shouldn't be used as an excuse for behaviour.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Dammit, so I can use being male to excuse hitting on Acrio?


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Almost everything gives STDs these days. Well, AIDS, at least.
Sexually Transmitted Disease. Sharing bodily fluids (typically accomplished by having sex or by being Iroqois blood brothers) transmits an STD, otherwise it wouldn't be an STD. Anyone who tells you that AIDS can be spread through the air or by simply touching someone should be sterilized. A woman could give an AIDS-infected man a hand job and not have to worry about contracting the disease.

By the way, if this guy is really 22 and still worried about his parents being angry at him for looking at porno, that's sad.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Nice job editting your post there, lad. I can do it, too. And you know what? I stand corrected. 😀

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I aim to please.

However, you will note that I edited my post as you replied, to reinforce the fact that I went off-topic to inform the unenlightened, not to insult them. Although, as you probably know, insulting the unenlightened is still my specialty.

It just so happens that there exists a group of people in the United States and Canada who would have you believe that you can get an STD from just about anything, that AIDS is some kind of super-organism that can teleport itself through a solid latex condom "one out of two times", that can seep into your bloodstream simply by touching your skin, and that is somehow tranferable via sweat. Don't ask me why they spread this crap around, but I heard some states are teaching it in schools. Maybe those jackoffs decided that AIDS sufferers aren't already miserable enough and needed a little stigmatization to go with that painful, terminal illness.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

However, you will note that I edited my post as you replied, to reinforce the fact that I went off-topic to inform the unenlightened, not to insult them. Although, as you probably know, insulting the unenlightened is still my specialty.


Posts: 201
Estimable Member

It's perfectly fine to check out porn. When your in your teens, the terastotrone starts run. It's natural to be curious. It's only if you start to look at it in later life then you need help. I think that shadow master only put age 22 so then he probably wouldn't be jeered at for looking at porn at a young age, but thats just my opinon. Now used to look at porn when I was in my pre-teens and teens. As I grew up I slowly got tired of it. My attitude was, you've seen one you've seen them all, they're all the same. It helps to provide relaxation.:lol when your a teen. Now I see from a adults perspective, that this might be worrying as it could lead to jokes with porn mags from the other kids but at the end of the day it's up to you if you want to tell your parents or not. My 18 year old brother looks at porn but not as much asd he did when he was 15-16. I'm 21 and not too worried if I found my brother looking at porn. It's the natural thing so don't worry too much about it. It's a natural phase and it will pass.

Posts: 5
Active Member


Don't ask me why they spread this crap around, but I heard some states are teaching it in schools.

All the schools in town teach abstinence and I'm pretty sure that's how most schools are taught through the country. What you described is intended to scare us away from sex (yeah, right). The "Sex is Evil" lecture is normally accompanied with pictures of people with STD's.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Teaching that sex = evil will just lead more teens to do it. It's a known fact that teenagers are trangressive and will try to do just the opposite you told them to. Moreover teens think they're unaffected from all bad things, including STD... The right thing would be to explain everything thoroughly and answer all the questions, explaining that you shouldn't be ashamed to ask..

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

What you described is intended to scare us away from sex (yeah, right).
Surely there must be some motive beyond that when they say AIDS is transferable by sweat. Seriously.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

I motion a ban on sweating.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

But what about those that sweat when they get hot? 😀

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

Then I motion a ban on heat. We have to focus on the bigger threats first; we'll start by blowing up the sun.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

A ban on heat? What the hell, what about places on the Equator, are they just going to be sprayed down?

I'm not going to tolerate that... ::Pickets JMan's Ban on heat, states its unfair to heat lovers everywhere.::

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

*beats DL senseless with picket sign* Are you kidding me? It's like been near 100 degrees here in Colorado for everyday for the past 3 weeks! I hate the heat!

Posts: 276
Reputable Member
Topic starter

No. I'm not 22. I just screwed up on my info. My true age will never be revealed. Anyway, I don't know if it's the fact that I do what I do, or if it's that I tell my 'rents I won't, and I let porn control me.

Like when I look at it I get this feeling of...liberation and freedom, but when I'm done, disgust in my self and my actions.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

It's disgusting that people who should know better will lie to their students or whatever about something as serious as an STD.

Also, some people go the other way - they'll try to tell you that if you're on the pill, you can't catch an STD. Or if they pull out before ejaculation, also. Absolute rubbish like that.

Posts: 276
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Topic starter

That pisses me off that some dude would use a dirty,underhanded way of getting a girl into bed, like drinking or using some form of paralysis drug. Tisk, tisk. They give us good dudes a bad name.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

You know sometimes girls do that to guys, too. Just not as frequent. I think.

I think.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Therefore, you are.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

You're right. I'm a horrible person and need to get sent to the police RIGHT AWAY! :O

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

I think it usualy depends on the person. I mean, I know some realy mature types who view pornographic stuff, naturaly many of them like romantic stuff or "softcore", however some of their tastes go very far. Some people though can just be disgusting about it.

I think I can trust you to be mature enough. =b As for the drug to get a girl into bed. Ick....I remember getting something like that in my junk mail, however I had another e-mail sent 3 minuites later that said "Trick him into bed with our product!"

Sick world.


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I used to get adverts for viagra rip-offs in my e-mails all the time. It does get tiring.

They must get responses from these things, or they wouldn't keep doing it. And they send out thousands of these mails.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I used to get them too. Not anymore though. Yay!

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I used to get adverts for viagra rip-offs in my e-mails all the time. It does get tiring.

They must get responses from these things, or they wouldn't keep doing it. And they send out thousands of these mails.

I usually send them a response politely letting them know that I'm currently happy with my equipment, but, I also thank them greatly for caring. 🙂

Posts: 622
Honorable Member



Hey- you're not a pervert. No need to say THAT.
Just like everyone else said, it's all natural.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I usually send them a response politely letting them know that I'm currently happy with my equipment, but, I also thank them greatly for caring.
Wouldn't do you any good. Most spam comes from zombie computers infected with spammer viruses. I don't think Granny from Nebraska would have any idea what you're talking about.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I know. But it's something to do to pass time.

Although I have a much funner time conversing with telemarketers.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I get spam e-mails advertising products that make ejaculation easier or something or the other.


Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Yeah, actually, now that y'all say it, I haven't gotten Viagra-type spam in years.

I remember when I was about ten or eleven and had gotten my first email account at hotmail. Shortly after, my inbox was flooded with spam. I, being the naive youngster that I was, wrote back to a particular spammer, screaming "I'm not a boy, and I'M NOT GAY!!!!!" XD

Here's to another derailed topic, courtesy of the Shoe.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member


I can't help it. I love to look at porn. Eevn though I promise my parents every time I get on the computer that I won't , I do. I just have to look at it? Is that right? Am I wrong? Are my parents right? Someone help me.

My view is that looking at people/pictures for sexual pleasure is fine, so long as A) the person is single, and B) you are single. (It also would be okay if your partner/partners said it was okay.)

The real moral problem here is that you're lying to your parents. Lying is something to be avoided when possible, especially to people in authority to you. (Not that that stops most teens... I was lucky in that my parents never really brought it up, so I didn't have to lie. :) )

There may be another problem here, as well. You almost sound as if you can't help yourself... It is possible to become addicted to porn (as my father could attest to); hopefully that's not the case here -- addictions are never fun to get out of (again, wisdom gained from my father)...


And as for spam, thank goodness for filters and the junk-mail box!

Posts: 49
Trusted Member

Personally, I don't like porn and I don't condone its use.

But I may be biased. Not to get too personal here, but when I was eight years old I had terrible things done to me by a 13 year old boy because of pornography. He found his dad's stash, watched some videos, and decided I would make the perfect guinea pig to try some of these things out on.

I won't delve into the details. I wouldn't even share it if it wasn't relevant.

I'm just saying, pornography can and does hurt and exploit.

I'm not going to call you a pervert or tell you you're damned to hell if you use it. This is merely my opinion.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

By that logic if a 8 year old gets into grandma's meds, goes loopy, and rapes/kills/etc some other kid. It's the meds fault right? So elderly medication can and does hurt and exploit?

You place other objects in the same situation of varying moral status and you get the same thing.


Posts: 49
Trusted Member

Like I said, it's simply my opinion based on some unfortunate happenings in my own life.

A lot of people like to try and claim that pornography is harmless; that "it has never hurt anyone." That man should not have had pornography in his house for his 13 year old boy to find, so he is partially to blame, yes. But the pornography the boy found gave him the ideas to do what he did. He drew from the tapes directly.

Yes, medication can hurt, but it could hardly be considered exploitation. Furthermore, there is a large difference between medication and pornography in all aspects and I hardly see the basis for comparison.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

To be honest... I've seen so much porn in my life... It just doesn't have the same kick it used to have...Before I'd stare at the same pic for hours... Now it's just not, how you say, "fun" anymore. I still read "Zoo" though >>

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

It really just sounds to me like that kid wasn't all too... SANE, Lenore. I wouldn't put the blame on anything other than him. You shouldn't be convinced that if he hadn't seen porn he wouldn't have done that eventually because of voices.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Furthermore, there is a large difference between medication and pornography in all aspects and I hardly see the basis for comparison.
Me neither -- you can't help it if you go loopy after OD'ing on drugs, whereas mimicking something you saw in a porn video is entirely a matter of personal responsibility.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

The only way a "kid" could get his hands on porn is by someone not doing what they're supposed to be doing. Same way the same "kid" could get his hands of grammies med's.


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