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Someone tell me am I totally crazy and for thinking that...

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Most hookers are unhappy afterwards. They're just satisfied >>;; NOT happy.

Anyway, what's wrong with sex? Especially with the person who you truely love? You love them, they love you, things are romantic ect then "it" happens. It's something you have to think about, though.

Or I would say, anyway.

Posts: 322
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What's wrong with premarital sex, you ask? You're not guaranteed to stay with your bf/gf forever. If you have sex and break up sometime afterwards, then that's just one more person with whom you've had sex. Think: How many boyfriends or girlfriends do people usually have? Now imagine if everyone had that many sexual partners. (I realize that there are people who are actually like that (;x), but imagine if EVERYONE was.)

I don't understand how someone could NOT take sex as a big deal. Sex is the ultimate expression of love, and is part of what keeps people together in marriage. If people have sex whenever and with whomever, then it just kills the significance of real love and marriage.

Just because something is commonplace doesn't mean it isn't wrong anymore. Single parenthood is a sign of a messed-up family life. Should we really accept that as "normal", or should we encourage strong marriages and solid families?

Posts: 456
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What's wrong with premarital sex, you ask? You're not guaranteed to stay with your bf/gf forever. If you have sex and break up sometime afterwards, then that's just one more person with whom you've had sex.

So what?


I don't understand how someone could NOT take sex as a big deal.

I don't understand how someone can not like pineapple and coconut smoothies, but it's no harm if they don't. What's the big deal if people feel differently about certain things than you do as long as they're not hurting anyone?

If two (or three, or four or ten) people want to have safe sex with each other just for the pure fun of it then how's that anyone else's business?


Sex is the ultimate expression of love

Reproduction is the only thing that sex really "meant" to be for. If you see it as more than that then good for you, but why should everyone else share your opinions?


If people have sex whenever and with whomever, then it just kills the significance of real love and marriage.

For some people it doesn't, and other people don't particularly care. Again, so what?


Single parenthood is a sign of a messed-up family life. Should we really accept that as "normal", or should we encourage strong marriages and solid families?

Different kettle of fishes. Generally safe sex doesn't result in pregnancy. If pregnancy is your major concern for sex outside of marriage then I guess you wouldn't oppose the infertile having sex or homosexuals having sex.

Posts: 622
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Single parenthood is a sign of a messed-up family life. Should we really accept that as "normal", or should we encourage strong marriages and solid families?

You make it sound as though single parenthood is ALL down to premarital sex. Married parents can have the same problems.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


What's wrong with premarital sex, you ask? You're not guaranteed to stay with your bf/gf forever.

You're not guaranteed to stay with your husband/wife forever either. That's one of the reasons I have older half-siblings. I'm my dad's 4th while my mom's 1st.


Just because something is commonplace doesn't mean it isn't wrong anymore. Single parenthood is a sign of a messed-up family life. Should we really accept that as "normal", or should we encourage strong marriages and solid families?

My parents both grew up in single parent homes. Only my father's could be considered "messed-up" considering it dealt with him being sent to foster homes among other things as well. I have older half-siblings that grew up in single parent homes and none would claim they were "messed-up." There are also people who end up with single parent homes due to losing a parent as a police officer, fighting in the armed forces, "normal" causes of death, etc. Single parenthood is just a fact of life that has existed for a long time and will continue to exist as not all singles will marry or re-marry (whatever the case may be). You can't force everything to be the way you want it to be and that means facing the reality that things people don't like will happen. The reason it isn't such a stigma is that it's so common and people aren't traumatized by it anymoreso than other family lifestyles, where the biggest factor is supposedly a loving home. The stereotypes don't hold up under scrutiny, just as they don't for minorities, women, men, etc. in other things.

If people have the right to believe (or not believe) in any religion that they choose, then people have the right to live the lives that they choose whether others like it or not. No one would like being told that they must follow a religion that they do not believe in, therefore no one likes being told that they must live their lives a certain way. That's why what is alright for some is not alright for others. The deciding factor in terms of whether or not to "stop" something is whether or not it is certain to harm someone else. That's why murder is illegal but you can smoke if you choose even though someone could argue that both are harmful to others.

Personally, I don't understand why people seem to care so much about what other people do. If sex is important to you, great. If sex isn't important to you, great. I can understand why people have the attitudes toward sex that they have. I just don't understand why it matters what other people's attitudes are UNLESS they are in a relationship with the person. That's the only time I feel that it matters because the attitudes do need to be comparable, otherwise someone is going to have to compromise, or the relationship is probably doomed.

Posts: 534
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I grew up in a two parent household (and they're still married) and yet I ended up in foster care for a couple years because my mom was convicted of neglect and child abuse and my dad got charged with neglect because he pretended to be ignorant to the fact that my mom wasn't fit to be a guardian. Where as both my best friend and my boyfriend live in a single parent households, are well adjusted, fed, clothed and educated and have adults in their lives that care about them.


I would hope not. You know those two parents of mine I described earlier? Well my mom has Multiple Sclerosis. She's been totally bedridden for about 8 years now and is currently working on her Terri Schiavo impression. My dad still sits with her every single night, feeds her breakfast and dinner, talks to her (even though she doesn't understand who we are or what we're saying), watches TV with her and neglects his needs to be able to afford her healthcare. That's an ultimate expression of love to me.

Your body is fleeting. I think care, loyalty, selflessness and support are ultimate expressions of love in relationships. A temporary physical experience is just that. Sex is so overrated.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

On the issue of when it is appropriate to have sex, it depends on the feelings of the two people involved at the time. If neither sees sex as having any special connotations, and just something mutually pleasurable, then there is little more discussion to be had (although I would doubt that these individuals gain as much pleasure from it as others) If we take sex as something to be special - an "ultimate expression of love" as ShoeHedgie puts it - then there are two ways of approaching this view:

A) "If I love someone, I'll still love them tomorrow/next week/for the rest of my life, so I can wait until after the other person confirms they love me" - i.e. wait until after marriage. This also provides greater significance to sex, since it gains the same significance as marriage, and is something that, in theory, you will only share with one person.

B) "I love that person now, and they love me now, so why should we not share this feeling with each other." This view is more prone to accepting that feelings change over time, and so should be enjoyed while they last. If the feelings last, then that's great, but if not, you still enjoyed what you had, and can hopefully reflect on the experience fondly.

I'm not saying either view is correct, just that there are different ways of interpreting the same kind of idea, which result in very different attitudes.

As to sex being what binds marriages together, that is a little oversimplified. Marriage takes work at the relationship, compromise and the ability to forgive, as anyone who has shared a house with other people can testify. Sex can potentially help, if it is given the kind of importance suggested by ShoeHedgie, but it could equally cause individuals to rush into a marriage, and then be miserable due to not having a strong enough relationship.

Posts: 322
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-_- I don't think I made myself clear...

If sex isn't any big deal, then what is? It just upsets me how such an important thing has been downplayed by the entertainment industry. *cough*Hollywood*cough*. And people are eating it up. And then they're reinforcing this primitive sexual behavior with each other. We're civilized now, you know.

Would you really want to marry someone who has had twelve different sex partners? Even if they did use condoms, that's just really, really unsettling to me.

Posts: 286
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I can see what ShoeHedgie is saying here. This subject never seems to be such a big deal to a lot of people. Why, I don't know but it is.
Pre-marital sex invites complications eg teen pregnancies. This can lead to abortions that can damage opinions and respect for you eg when is the baby an actual living being.
Kids are not aware of the responsibilities that will arise with pre-marital sex. But don't get me wrong, it's not just kids that have pre-marital sex.
Then there is the case of STD's. If we all starting making out like desperate, horny rabbits then, eventually, you will catch something and if you cannot remember who it might have been to pass it on to you, then that is your problem.

I've noticed that a lot of people can't understand why ShoeHedgie finds the idea of pre-marital sex wrong.
The fact is, there is no right answer to this. It depends on how you were raised and the morals you have gained which will decide. I, personally, would want to share that moment when the only person who matters in your life is the person you have sworn to be with forever. The fact that some marriages don't last forever as people claim doesn't come into it. Making the marriage work is down to you. But that's my opinion.
I would see the act of making love to be a celebration of your love for one another.
And WHAT a celebration!:p

Posts: 1367
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Seeing people argue over different morals is kind of funny.

Posts: 1583
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If sex isn't any big deal, then what is?

Astrid already answered that when discussing her parents, but I'll list my own things. Committment, understanding, and real love, which are all things sex doesn't provide. You can sex with none of those and they are far more important than sex. You equate sex with those things (which is fine), but many people don't and it has nothing to do with Hollywood or being civilized. It has to deal with reality that people live in, whether it concerns rapes, spur of the moment love-making, divorces/re-marrying, etc. among many things that have always happened in the world. These things weren't/aren't all frowned upon, just considered normal, horrible facts of life, hidden, or taken care of through other means, such as abortions (things that existed long before it became legal and actually monitored). Only if you are not privy to the "dark stuff" of centuries past could you think that Hollywood has something to do with recent attitudes. Hollywood reflects the attitude of the times (or else movies from years past wouldn't have reflected the racist/sexist/etc. attitudes of the people of the generations they were released but the "liberal" attitudes of those who fought against the stuff), not the other way around. It is a good thing one of my friends isn't around at the moment to read your "civilized" comment because you'd be ripped into pieces for that one in particular. I don't think seeing nothing wrong with different lifestyle choices due to understanding the different realities people can/do/will live in has anything to do with being "civilized." Your future husband could die for any number of reasons causing you to have a single parent household. Should you be looked down for it? Should you be looked down upon should you decide to re-marry after the fact because you've had a previous partner? Your husband could be unfaithful (it happens), should you necessarily stick around? Lots of things happen in life that are unforeseen. How you deal with them if they occur to you is up to you and what you can live with. None of those things have to deal with being "civilized" or not--just realities people deal with everyday and have for thousands of years, but in the past women didn't have the choices in these matters like they do now. That's actually the "new" wrinkle to most of these situations.


Would you really want to marry someone who has had twelve different sex partners? Even if they did use condoms, that's just really, really unsettling to me.

I don't know. That wouldn't be an issue if they check out fine and it wouldn't matter if the person has had one or a hundred different sex partners. The quantity isn't the issue, it's whether the person has a infection that I could catch that's an issue--and that can happen if someone has had only one sex partner just as much as if the person has had many (and depending on their lifestyle, it could even be with none). Personally, how the person treats me as a person is a much larger issue because if the person doesn't treat me right then sex isn't even going to become an issue.


I've noticed that a lot of people can't understand why ShoeHedgie finds the idea of pre-marital sex wrong.

No, that's not true. I just don't understand why she or anyone else cares how other people feel unless she's in a relationship with the person. That's the only time it matters. People see the world differently and why that can't be accepted when it's something that doesn't cause personal harm to her (or anyone else) is something that I don't see the need to do or to attempt to insult.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


No, that's not true. I just don't understand why she or anyone else cares how other people feel unless she's in a relationship with the person. That's the only time it matters. People see the world differently and why that can't be accepted when it's something that doesn't cause personal harm to her (or anyone else) is something that I don't see the need to do or to attempt to insult.


Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Remarrying after a spouse has died is entirely acceptable. It's just cheating that shouldn't happen.

Dude, Hollywood just SAYS they're reflecting "today's" culture! It is a lie! They're trying all the time to figure out new ways to shock people into watching, and that usually involves more intense sex than before, more intense violence than before, and making it seem like it's perfectly okay to have half a family due to out-of-wedlock kids, heated divorces, etc. Ever see The Ring? The mom was having to raise her son by herself because she was stupid enough to have him out of wedlock.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member


And then they're reinforcing this primitive sexual behavior with each other. We're civilized now, you know.

Do we HAVE to be civilised? We are just as animal as anything else, we're nothing special, so we can ACT animal... Because we ARE animal.


Would you really want to marry someone who has had twelve different sex partners?

Let me change that question:
Would you really want to marry someone who has had twelve different marriages?

Being cautious and KNOWING the person you marry is gonna last forever is NEVER EVER garanteed. So we could end up marrying twelve times, and people will frown upon that, but twelve different sexual partners, no one will care. Unless you're with the whole Christian pre-marriage sex crap.

Posts: 456
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Ever see The Ring? The mom was having to raise her son by herself because she was stupid enough to have him out of wedlock.


Personally I think that was the least of her problems in that movie.

Posts: 322
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but twelve different sexual partners, no one will care. Unless you're with the whole Christian pre-marriage sex crap.

Obviously, someone DOES care, Jaffa. :annoyed And don't call pre-marriage sex "crap". It's not crap. Pre-marital abstinence is perfectly logical and is the best way to avoid social and emotional complications.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


Do we HAVE to be civilised? We are just as animal as anything else, we're nothing special, so we can ACT animal... Because we ARE animal.

I'd like to say humans are above animals...

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Dude, Hollywood just SAYS they're reflecting "today's" culture! It is a lie! They're trying all the time to figure out new ways to shock people into watching, and that usually involves more intense sex than before, more intense violence than before, and making it seem like it's perfectly okay to have half a family due to out-of-wedlock kids, heated divorces, etc. Ever see The Ring? The mom was having to raise her son by herself because she was stupid enough to have him out of wedlock.

Nope, never watched "The Ring," but considering the mom raising a son due to having him out of wedlock is stuff that has happened in the U.S. ever since the existence of the country and is something that is currently extremely common... yes it IS reflecting our culture. More intense violence/sex/etc. shown doesn't make it not reflect our culture. Hollywood always falls short of truly reflecting culture because it usually falls on stereotypes in some manner, but otherwise, it is just showing more of our culture. There's always much more intense violence/sex/etc. than the stuff shown in any movie. It's not possible for Hollywood to truly simulate our culture--though it continually strives to get closer. The only way you can say that Hollywood ISN'T reflecting our culture is to point out something Hollywood has done that ISN'T reflected in our culture. Unless you possibly point to some kind of alien-related film or a futuristic film, you're not going to find a movie (or even a book, etc.) that isn't based on our current culture in some way. Whether or not you approve of our current culture is a whole different matter and really isn't a big deal. There are a lot of people who follow different religions yet get along. There are a lot of people who follow different denominations within the "same" religion yet get along. There are people who don't share any religion yet get along with those who do share a religion and vice versa. What has also happened is that people have learned to accept different lifestyles yet get along. No one has to approve someone else's stance on religion or lifestyles or even something as trivial as favorite colors. The point is we can live together anyway as long as we all understand that much.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Unless you're with the whole Christian pre-marriage sex crap.

Actually, I believe in that.
Although, saving sex until your married doesn't guarantee that you'll stay with that person forever, that's why you just can't really be sure that you'll be saving a special moment, Shoe.
If you were to divorce a husband/wife that you've already had sex with, won't you just be having sex with the next person you marry?

Posts: 322
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Yes, but at least it's within marriage, after the vows have taken place. Marriage is an oath to be faithful to each other. It's not guaranteed that you'll stay together forever, of course, since like half of all marriages end in divorce, sadly.

I think the reason why I'm for saving sex 'til marriage is because I don't equate sex as being important. I've lived just fine without it for all seventeen years of m' life, and I've never expressed any want or interest. Besides, throwing my virginity away would be a stupid, stupid idea.

Before you say "but you said sex is the ultimate expression of love, Shoe", I mean that in the way of that sex should be reserved for married couples who have exchanged vows to stay together for as long as possible. To me, sex is a very personal thing, so it should be shared by two people who are closer than close. Close as in marriage.

Posts: 286
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Unless you're with the whole Christian pre-marriage sex crap.

Now Jaffa Cake, there is no need to resort to insulting religious belief to argue your point. Let's not allow this debate to get nasty, shall we.

No one is right here. No one. People can say what they THINK is right and wrong but no one can say they KNOW what is right and wrong.
And before anyone catches me out, I mean right and wrong in moral issues such as this not whether it's right or wrong to beat up random people on the street for example.

Posts: 622
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I think he was voicing his opinion, Em.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member


I think he was voicing his opinion, Em.

Yeah, I don't insult religions unless they insult me first =P

To be honest, I don't beleive in marriage at all, really. It's just a piece of paper that helps complicate things. Marriage isn't always love y'know...

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Marriage is so sacred.

That's why 70% of married couples get divorced.

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

Not everyone believes that friend. There's still hope in this world.
The sad part is is that everyone is born with a tendicy for evil things.
But I won't get into that religious stuff right now. That's just my opinion.

Posts: 1367
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The sad part is is that everyone is born with a tendicy for evil things.

Sex and money are evil?

Posts: 1567
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We're all born evil...:p

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Thats fine, Mau. And trying to convert people to your beliefs is evil in my opinion. ;)

As for the ACTUAL TOPIC here. Human's are born weak, blind, and helpless. They are still fairly meak until puberty. During that phase there is a very REAL need for selfishness to survive. Since you can't yet fully care for yourself you need to be wholly aware of your needs and get your guardian to furfill them.

Later on you "grow out" of that. Some people don't. The problem seems to be that its a "fad" now not to grow out of that child-like thinking. That leads to people only being interested in self gratification. I.E. Money, Sex, Drugs, Fame, etc.

~Rico (Ex-psychology minor)

Posts: 1367
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~Rico (Ex-psychology minor)

you have no idea how much that turns me on

Posts: 2928
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Looking at linolem turns you on.


Posts: 1367
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Ssshh. It's a secret.

Posts: 763
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If only your Mother was here, Wesu. She'd be ASHAMED of you.

Posts: 349
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Thats fine, Mau. And trying to convert people to your beliefs is evil in my opinion.

Well, at least you're accepting of my beliefs in that sense. And I would probably think your beliefs are evil too Rico. Except...I don't know what they are and probably don't want to know. :lol
There is a difference however..between trying to convert..and forcing people to convert. Forcing people to convert is what's evil though. But you have an entirely different opinion and I respect that. :] Now then...


As for the ACTUAL TOPIC here. Human's are born weak, blind, and helpless. They are still fairly meak until puberty. During that phase there is a very REAL need for selfishness to survive. Since you can't yet fully care for yourself you need to be wholly aware of your needs and get your guardian to furfill them.

Hmm...I suppose I can't argue that point there. But children are also innocent. So they can't really help being selfish, they don't know any better. It's when you get older and are still selfish like that and only think of yourself...that's when it becomes evil.
...or something...:lol


Later on you "grow out" of that. Some people don't. The problem seems to be that its a "fad" now not to grow out of that child-like thinking. That leads to people only being interested in self gratification. I.E. Money, Sex, Drugs, Fame, etc.

I'd probably be repeating myself at this point, I think I said enough in the above statement. They should grow out of it, but many kids grow up spoiled, it's partly the parents fault...and that goes right on back to whether or not we should punish our children with a spanking and etc.
That's the problem with the world today...thing is...people have that tendicy regardless...people are still going to think evil..but if they're raised right...they may learn to not grow up like that. But as you said, it's the fad, and peer pressure can screw up a lot of kid's minds. In fact, it was my friends who contributed to losing my faith in the first place. I think if they would've just accepted it instead it wouldve been fine..then agian that was partly my fault.
But yeah going back to the subject ^^;

Posts: 1334
Noble Member


Money and Sex and the two most overrated things in society today. They're the two things everyone wants. I look on the news and many of the crimes are sexual assault, robberies, rape, etc. A few days ago I was talking to two of my friends about money. They both want to be rich when they grow up. And i'm like, "Why?" Then they go "Dude, money can buy anything if you have enough." Me:"Yes I know exactly money is overrated". then we go into this huge discussion on wealth and power and how easy life would be with a yearly income of $250,000+. Now I want money when I grow up, but rich, wealthy, no way. Too much money is like a disease, IMO. Anyway yesterday my friend and I were in Target and we passed some condoms..

How are Money and Sex overrated? Money equals power. Power is what everyone craves especially people like me who have low-self esteems. Power and Money arent overrated, theyre more like over-desired.


And then they're reinforcing this primitive sexual behavior with each other. We're civilized now, you know.


I'd like to say humans are above animals...

Civilized? We ARE animals at the core, we desire animalistic desires and if we perform them it isnt uncivilized. Humans are mammals, mammals are animals. We are not above them. Somebody needs to remember Science.


Marriage is so sacred.

That's why 70% of married couples get divorced.

Agreed, Marriage is truly overrated and some people forget why they married in the first place. Talk about bringing on the heartbreak upon themselves.


Unless you're with the whole Christian pre-marriage sex crap.

Pre-marriage is different to being steady until marriage. Pre-marriage is like for example;
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 12 year old, Romanian girl gets forced to marry person she doesnt even love. And on that age she gets boned by said husband - forced rape, I say.

And no, I dont believe in sex until Marriage, I believe in Sex until 18. =P

; and isnt sex a natural exercise that we all desire? Its called hormones, friends.

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

Looking at linolem turns you on.

Oh yeah. Mmmm...linoleum....

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

I like the fake wood kind of linoleum, the kind they use on cheap dance floors at hotels. Hohohohohoho....

Posts: 349
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Civilized? We ARE animals at the core, we desire animalistic desires and if we perform them it isnt uncivilized. Humans are mammals, mammals are animals. We are not above them. Somebody needs to remember Science.

There is a difference, (aside from the fact that I believe humans were created in the image of God), we have the ability to choose right from wrong. If we were really animals, we wouldn't need concent, we'd do whatever we want, and pretty much live like apes and succomb to our hormones and feelings, basically live a more mechanical lifestyle, and if something threatens us we'd either simply run away or try to eliminate that threat. This would also destract from our intelligence factor, since when have you seen a cat or dog using a computer? And NO I don't mean them walking acrossed the keyboard at random.:p We are intelligent enough to choose to do these things, and are therefor above animals in that sense. So I wouldn't lower us as being mere beasts.
And to be brutally honest, if we trully evolved, why do we still insist on fighting over territories and acting purely out of lust? If we're evolved, wouldn't we have evolved OUT of that by now? Shouldn't we be settling world peace negociations at this point? Or maybe we can argue that our animalistic nature is still too strong for that. Or maybe it's just something we'll never evolve out of.
No, the answer is simple. Humans were born with the tendicy to lean towards sin and that which is evil. We do have similiarities to animals in the sense that we do have urges to do things that would take away from our intelligence, simple "primative" urges, but the reality of the situation is, we can still choose right from wrong. Why can't other animals do this hmm? A dog or cat or even a monkey may be able to choose "right from wrong" in a sense, but only because they were taught to do so by a human. They have no true discrimination about them.


Agreed, Marriage is truly overrated and some people forget why they married in the first place. Talk about bringing on the heartbreak upon themselves.

I don't think I really need to say anything on this matter since most of you know what I'd say already. But I will say this much: the only reason marriage and heart break do take place is because people do get married for the wrong reasons. Marriage was MEANT to be sacred, but like everything else, people and society have made it seem corrupt. The same thing deals with religions like Christianity and extremists. There's NOTHING WRONG with Christianity or Marriage. It's what the extremists have done to make it wrong, it's what people who desire nothing other than sex do to make it wrong.

No I'm not going to go around bashing people who live together for years and don't get married...I disagree with such actions but that should be enough.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Disagree all you want, its not going to stop us. *manical evil professor pose and laugh* MUAH-WAH HAHAHAHAHHA!


Posts: 349
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Stop you from what? Drinking booze. Oh by the way that's arsenic I slipped in your drink. :lol

Posts: 2928
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*has Dubs haul off Mau for trying to murder a mod.*

I was refering to this you sillyface,


No I'm not going to go around bashing people who live together for years and don't get married...I disagree with such actions but that should be enough.


Posts: 349
Reputable Member


*has Dubs haul off Mau for trying to murder a mod.*

Pssh. Like I'd really discriminate over whether or not someone's a mod or not. As far as I'm concerned, you're all just people behind a screen. :p


I was refering to this you sillyface,

Silly? My face isn't silly. *smacks him with the frying pan of doom*

And did I say anything about trying to stop them? I'm just going to live and let live. I can lead a camel to water but I can't make them drink. You can hear what I have to say but I can't force you to change your lifestyle. So therefore, I'm simply stating that I disagree with such actions. There. Done. Harmless statement of disagreement, I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything they don't want to do.
It's more like I'm suggesting...X3

Posts: 322
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Mau, I think we can become friends. XD I'm glad there's someone else here who takes marriage seriously.

Posts: 2928
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And did I say anything about trying to stop them?

Did I say you did? You take everything too seriously.

*laughs evilly and plots Mau's demise through an army of mini muffins trained by Snitter herself*


Posts: 349
Reputable Member


Mau, I think we can become friends. XD I'm glad there's someone else here who takes marriage seriously.

Likewise, and thanks. ^^ I'm also glad there's someone else on here that believes marriage is sacred and important. I'm sure we're not the only ones though. XD

And Rico, who said I was taking the "who's going to stop me" comment seriously? :p

Posts: 286
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I've always believed marriage is a sacred thing. It's not something that is to be taken for granted because how many people can you say you can spend the rest of your life with?
Not many I can assure you.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I like the fake wood kind of linoleum, the kind they use on cheap dance floors at hotels. Hohohohohoho....

We have that in my family's dining room.

Posts: 349
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I've always believed marriage is a sacred thing. It's not something that is to be taken for granted because how many people can you say you can spend the rest of your life with?
Not many I can assure you


Excellent point. :^^ And I feel that way about my boyfriend, we aren't married yet but I can assure you that when we do, I can be one of those people who said that they married their best friend. ^.^
I love him so much....^_^
That's the problem right there today, it's that people Do take marriage for granted. Celebrating your 25th anniversary is REALLY something to celebrate! I wish more people married for love these days than for sex...*sighs*

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Welcome to the 21st century. Hell, the 20th century let alone was the same thing practicually. =/

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

And I feel that way about my boyfriend, we aren't married yet but I can assure you that when we do, I can be one of those people who said that they married their best friend. ^.^
I love him so much....^_^

And how old are you?

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

Why does my age matter? I didn't say I planned on getting married right away. :p SOMEDAY I want to get married, but right now I've got other things to worry about. I'm not in any hurry right now, and we've got our whole lives ahead of us. So I don't see why you'd be concerned with my age.

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