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Someone tell me am I totally crazy and for thinking that...

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Posts: 1367
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Why does my age matter? I didn't say I planned on getting married right away. :p SOMEDAY I want to get married, but right now I've got other things to worry about. I'm not in any hurry right now, and we've got our whole lives ahead of us. So I don't see why you'd be concerned with my age.

1. You can't be sure that you WILL marry him, especially at a young age. And before you say anything, you specifically said WHEN you marry, not IF..
2. You can't love at a young age.
3. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking this is an online relationship. Is it? Because you know those pretty much never work out.

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

Let's go over what you just said.

1. Your opinion
2. Your opinion
3. Your opinion

You know why I'm being blunt about this? Because you're simply dishing out opinions without backing up your statements. You also cannot PROVE that young, online relationships won't work out, nor is it any of your buisiness. It is also not your place to say that young people can't love, and while it's true that many young online relationships don't work out, that doesn't mean that ALL young online relationships don't work out.
And the reason why I said when, isn't because I'm not sure that I will marry him, because I AM sure, I just don't know when we'll be ready. There are SUCH THINGS as college, school, careers and jobs to worry about FIRST to ENSURE that it DOES work out. We're taking measures to CAREFULLY PLAN out what we're going to do with our lives so it DOESN'T get screwed up and not work out. The only reason I said when is because I don't want to rush into a relationship while I AM young, but we plan on getting married, we just don't know WHEN. Not IF we WILL, but WHEN we will and saying WHEN we're going to get married I believe shows more confidence than saying IF we will. I KNOW we will so I don't really think there's any need to say IF, but rather to say WHEN because we KNOW that we WILL. Just thought I'd clarify that.

Tell me which one sounds more justified?

"If we get married, it will be in January."
"When we get married it will be in January."

Now we've gone WAAAAY off topic here and I think we should get back to the main point, arguing whether or not sex and money are overrated, I say yes, I have my reasons, hooblah.
Of course, the only thing is is that we need money to survive in this day and age, unless of course we have the means to support ourselves, and that's very hard to find nowadays even amoungst the amish. Sex is definatly overrated, and I feel that love is more important, something people seem to be forgetting. Yes I recall the comment made "Welcome to the 20th century", yes I'm aware of that, but regardless of what day and age it is, that doesn't suffice to say that sex is more important than love, and it doesn't make it right to go out and have sex with twenty different partners a night rather than sticking to one. Now I realize everyone has their own opinions on this, it is a sick sad world we live in today and I'm sorry to say that sex and money do seem to be the basis of today's society regardless of what nation we live in. The problem here, is that love and selflessness is missing from the equation, where it should be that these are the main points of society rather than the other way around.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

1. Your opinion

Actually, hun, that was a statement, as well as just plain logical thinking. It was not an opinion.

2. Your opinion

Okay. You think most 13 year old couples who say they love each other have any idea what the hell they're talking about?

3. Your opinion

You do know that most online relationships really never do work out, don't you?

Also for all you know you and your boyfriend could break up in two weeks thus ending any plans.

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

I take it you replied before you got a change to read my edit.

1. Don't call me "hun." And just because it was a statement doesn't mean it's not an opinion. From what I could see you were STATING your opinion.

2. There is such a thing called common sense. Obviously a little kid isn't going to know what love is, and I think you're just being a jerk right now.

3. You said MOST. You didn't say all.

4. Maybe we should take this to AIM, or PM so we don't end up flooding this thread up with an arguement that's unrelated to the subject.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

"1. You can't be sure that you WILL marry him, especially at a young age. And before you say anything, you specifically said WHEN you marry, not IF..
2. You can't love at a young age.
3. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking this is an online relationship. Is it? Because you know those pretty much never work out."

1) That's a good point Wesu, WHEN not IF... So does that mean an engagement? 😡
2) I'm not gonna agree with THAT though, you can love at any age. Providing it's come to the point where you know a bit about life (a lil younger than me, I would personally say)
3) Heh, good guessing....

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

1. Heheh, well ^^; we aren't engaged no. But we are commited and love each other. Right now we just have other things to worry about before we can take that next step, and we just don't want to rush things. We plan to, and we will. Thing is a lot of relationships don't work out when they're rushed. We want to take this one step at a time. Just because we aren't getting married right away doesn't mean we don't plan to, that we aren't going to. We're willing to wait for whatever we need to do before we actually do get married. There's nothing wrong with that is there? :D
2. *nods*
3. Yeah I'll admit it is an online relationship. But even then we've taken steps that have brought us closer together, we even got the oppurtunity to meet this summer. :D

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Mau, perhaps you should study Wesu. This is how he normally acts. ^^

But seriousily, meeting him is a step yes but I loathe relationships of internet caliber for good reasons.

Posts: 349
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Well perhaps. But I think I am going to get off that subject for a while now, I've heard the whole lecture about internet relationships before and to be quite honest, I don't even care anymore what other people think. I think the important thing is, we love each other, and we're devoted and commited to each other. People can think what they want, but that isn't going to stop me from loving my boyfriend or doing what makes us happy.
On another note, I respect your opinion, and I thank you for respecting mine. ^^

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Hey, not all relationships initiated on the internet are bad. If you're an adult you can afford plane tickets, you don't have to "ask your parents" and you aren't in school anymore so it's not that bad.

If you're under 18 it probably won't work out. Waiting once every couple of months to get off work and college to see my boyfriend is one thing, but I can't imagine not knowing if I'd see him this year, or even in the next two years. That's just too much "relationship" based on not enough actual time with the person. In fact, I don't know now in my life if I would even want to start a relationship online without knowing that I could meet the person within a couple of months.

Fortunately, I don't have to look. :)

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Personally, I don't approve of internet romance. You only get to see one side of a person, and sometimes it's totally opposite of what the person is like in real life.

I'm trying my best not to preach to people on this, but doesn't anyone think it's unwise to base romance on typing words back and forth? The person you're falling for is an image in your mind, since you can't see him/her in person for who he/she really is. Plus, emails, IMs, etc, can have totally disguised emotions. A person could write one thing and be feeling a totally different way.

I myself think it's terribly unwise. =

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I find the concept of an online relationship hard because sometimes I can be talking to a person on AIM and still feel loenly. It's just not the same as talking to them in real life...I'd probably have it easier at an online relationship since my attempts in real life have all fallen flat...

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

People have based romances on letters ever since their inception. People basing romances on the internet is just a technological adjustment from that.

Is it recommended for some people? Yes, because it can/has/does work and there are some couples around here (as well as in real life) that "prove" that. Is it recommended for everyone? No way. As with everything in life, it's an individual case by case basis as what works for one person may not work for another. Romance is full of risk no matter what and all different methods have their own factors.

Oh, and Wesu, everything you or I or anyone says is an opinion unless it can be proven, like a mathematical statement. So let's not start arguments over whether or not something said is an opinion people. ;p

Posts: 349
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Hehe, thanks True Red. That's the point I was sorta trying to get acrossed but I think you put it better than I did. :lol

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

But, TR, that defeats the WHOLE POINT of debating o.o

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Oh, and Wesu, everything you or I or anyone says is an opinion unless it can be proven, like a mathematical statement. So let's not start arguments over whether or not something said is an opinion people. ;p

Okay. Sorry, mom. :[

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Well, people have opinions and, unless you are open minded, you will think other peoples opinions count for nothing because you believe that you are right. At least, that is in my experience of people.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


But, TR, that defeats the WHOLE POINT of debating o.o

No, it doesn't. The point of debating is attempting to convince others that your opinion is "better" than those that oppose you. 😉

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Most of this has been mentioned previously, but...

Money is important -- unless you grow and/or catch your own food, it's necessary to live. Also, although you can't "buy happiness", you can buy things that make you happy. (And for some people, money, and the things bought with it, can serve as a way of keeping score in the "game of life".) Still, it's dangerous to assume that if you get lots of money, you'll be happy -- it can be a lot of work to aquire, and it often doesn't make people happy in the end.

Sex, meanwhile, is "overrated", at least in the sense that, contrary to the impression you might get from the media, you can live without it (and happily, too).

Both of them can be dangerous, too (even beyond STDs and the social problems sex can cause)-- people often become obsessed or "addicted" to them, and any obsession/addiction can ruin a person's life.

...I also wanted to comment on something from one of the early pages of the thread...


Hookers are happy?

They are if they get enough money! (Which nicely ties our two topics together.) ;)

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

Heh, Chronos I agree with you.
...and I'm surprized TR didn't lash out at Wesu for that last comment. Personally I think that was rude and disrespectful. :annoyed

Posts: 286
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TR most likely didn't because there didn't seem much point in pursuing it.

Anyway, I reckon it all depends on what you were taught as a child that denotes what you believe in a subject like this.

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Personally I think that was rude and disrespectful.


Posts: 1334
Noble Member


...and I'm surprized TR didn't lash out at Wesu for that last comment. Personally I think that was rude and disrespectful.

Uh huh, and I'm suprised you are too serious for your own good. And why would TR lash out for him saying "Sorry, Mom" eh?

Knowing Wes, its probally what he would of said anyway.


Posts: 1583
Noble Member


We're one big happy family. Many call me "mom" around here though only Acrio and EspioFan are technically my "kids" and Astrid is technically my "grandchild" (along with any other "kids" Acrio has, which I can't remember now). MFW Info explains some of that stuff.

Posts: 456
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You tell 'em aunt Katrice.

Posts: 349
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If you carefully re-read what I said, you'll realized that I said I personally think that, I didn't state it as a fact. :lol

And TR, I thought he was being sarcastic and rude. A lot of times people will say yes mom, and mean it in a way that someone is being a "nag." If you know what I's like saying someone's being bossy.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Oh yeah, I forget that I have nephews/nieces, too. ;p

It's okay, I can understand the confusion, but Wesu is my personal hat. He's rarely disrespectful to me unless he feels I deserve it. 🙂

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

The next person who so much as jokingly mentions the action of "stating something as a fact" is getting razor blades in the mail. I'm dead serious.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

It's too early in the morning for me, can someone else come up with a good "fact" joke. If something pops into my head later, I'll edit my post or something. ;p

Posts: 9
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I don't know about you guys, but everything I state is purely fictional.

Posts: 349
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But I wasn't stating anything as a fact. :p

Posts: 286
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Stating something as a fact can only be done if you are 100% correct!:jester

Posts: 1818
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But that's just your opinion.

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Well, who else's would it be?

Posts: 1818
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My point exactly.

Posts: 349
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But nothing can be proven as 100% certain, not even THIS statement! :lol

Posts: 286
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I can't be 100% certain I'm making sense in this post!

Posts: 0
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Stop it.

Posts: 349
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Eh, I think we should get back on topic.
Whatever the topic was anyway...
something about sex and money being overated...

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

Well, unfortunatly the only way to get anything you want and need physically is with money. It's sad, but thats just how society keeps itself in check. We may not like it, but having money is our own invented controll on what we can obtain. sure marketers maybe weird in how they charge for their products, but thats just human nature. I do think money is essential in this world because humans, without it, are going ot be outright chaotic in how they get stuff. You think they wont, but thats you. your a person, you have your own ways of understanding. but people in general just dont think with comon sence and comon good. we ALLWAYS want more than what we essentially need. you dont need a computer, but your using it right now to read this. its just how we are.

As far as sex being overated, i think that might be somewhat true, depending on the person. Personally, i think sex should be illegal untill your old enough to be responsible. now... how the heck can you determain if someone is responsible? you cant. its hard because certain people reach it at certain ages. but a fair assumption would be around the age of 18 i think. before that is just kids wanting to be adults and letting their hormones rage. I personally thought sex was overated myself, but when i finally was introduced to it in an actual act of love, NOT lust, it is by far the greatest thing you could share with a love. But ONLY in love. Nowadays love is basically rare as can be. with people getting married and divorcing like no tomorrow, i barely see love at all anymore. but, in your heart if its true, and done for the most deepest of reason, then sex is the most emotional experience you can feel with someone. now i dont agree with just going out and having sex. the person you want to do it with i feel should be introduced to your way of life for years if needed, and a bond on the highest level must be made first. in other words, if your not in true love (and trust me, true love is not as easy to find as people might think. it takes time and alot of emotion, devotion, and well thought and felt feelings) then no reason to be having sex. And as far as my view on internet relationships, well, its alot more risky than in person, and for people younger than 19 its pretty much an emotional joke. I'm not saying it is for everyone, but for younger people online it is because they really have no means to stay in a relationship over distance. My girlfriend actually lives on the other side of the continent. i met her online. i talked for years before i finally flew out to meet her (since i waited till i was 21, and i think responsible) and to this day, its the best i could ever have done. and she fly's to see me as often as she can. its hard right now because she's in a university and im working on jets, but thats just the sacrafice. and if/when this all pulls through over the course of the years, thatll mean just how much we really mean to each other, and i have full faith just as she does. sometimes, you just need to have a will. then anything is possible.

Whatever though, its nature people, come on. In our society we try to controll ourselves when it comes to nature intended things, then we cause disputes on weather we think its bad or not. honestly i think jelousy is a big factor in alot of decitions. i mean people (guys mainly) always have the instinctual way of protecting what they deem close ot them. so why not try to mess with peoples social view on sex? It's all been thrown on our minds by how we were raised nowadays. there is alot of hidden meaning to all this, but its just going to cause more disputes. lucky for us, disputes in older times usually ended up with people dieing so easly. now we have laws againsed that. and its forbidden to break a law... heavens to betsy. =P

As for money? its society's way of controlling... well, society. Money is mans invention to keep man from being like a barbarian and taking all he thinks he wants and needs. because if it wasnt for some type of currency and govenrment, there would be chaos. and if not for chaos, there wouldnt be a government and currency! Screwed if you do, screwed if you dont. Arnt people a wonderful race?

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Well, unfortunatly the only way to get anything you want and need physically is with money.
I've just been given a car by an incredibly generous relative. For free. As in without money.

And since it's on-topic, you only need to pay for sex if you're really pathetic.

Posts: 489
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Well. things like that are extremely possible. It's just a matter of choice if people want to be nice for once. :thumbsup

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And as far as my view on internet relationships, well, its alot more risky than in person, and for people younger than 19 its pretty much an emotional joke. I'm not saying it is for everyone, but for younger people online it is because they really have no means to stay in a relationship over distance. My girlfriend actually lives on the other side of the continent. i met her online. i talked for years before i finally flew out to meet her (since i waited till i was 21, and i think responsible) and to this day, its the best i could ever have done. and she fly's to see me as often as she can. its hard right now because she's in a university and im working on jets, but thats just the sacrafice. and if/when this all pulls through over the course of the years, thatll mean just how much we really mean to each other, and i have full faith just as she does. sometimes, you just need to have a will. then anything is possible

Wow at the moment i'm talking to a girl over the net, but being that we're both 16 we have atleast two more years before we would have the chance to meet. She's really great and we have so much in common, it's almost like we were meant to meet, but yes it is risky anybody could be pretending to be her(serial killers/rapists/etc). Anything is possible though, I like that. I already told her the summer of '07 i'm coming out to meet her, and funny thing is she's on the other side of the country(and continent) as your girl is. May you two have the best of luck and set an example for future online couples, so that they can see that it is possible.

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