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The Same Crap Over And Over Again

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The source is irrelevant.

A man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War Two owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

"Very few people were true Nazis "he said," but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories."

We are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majorit y of Muslims just want to live in peace.

Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history.

It is the fanatics who march.
It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide.
It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave.
It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor kill.
It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque.
It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals.
The hard quantifiable fact is that the "peaceful majority" the "silent majority" is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia comprised Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China's huge population, it was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War 2 was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel and bayonet.

And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were "peace loving"?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence.

Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awake one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

As for us who watch it all unfold; we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Swing away.

"Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it."

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The source is irrelevant.

No it isn't.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Yeah, dropping the source points to FOX News (Note: srsly though, SX told me the source and it's not FOX News).

But it is pure editorial, so the source is irrelevant. No need to get ad hominem.

So, what exactly is the editorial arguing for? Islam genocide? That seems to be the only logical conclusion. Hey, I'm not judging out of hand just on scary words like that, but if you've got a point, speak up about it. What's worse than genocide? Genocide that's too cowardly to admit to being so (Native Americans).

I seem to remember the religion of peace business being coined by Bush. So if you and the other Republicans who keep posting anti-Islam propaganda are so put off by this horrible political correctness about Islam go track him down.


A man whose family was upper middle class prior to the Iraq War owned a number of large SUVs and houses. When asked how many Republicans were true neoconservatives, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

"Very few people were true neoconservatives "he said," but many enjoyed the return of nationalistic pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the neoconservatives were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up bankrupt and my son died in an ill-conceived massive social engineering debacle."

We are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that Republicanism is the party of life, and that the vast majority of Republicans just want to live in peace.

Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of America. The fact is that the fanatics rule America at this moment in history.

It is the fanatics who spread hate.
It is the fanatics who manipulate wars and murder hundreds of thousands, using only their religious and racial similarity to a real terrorist as an excuse.
It is the fanatics who dip into the pockets of corrupt corporations, paying them off with the money of the taxpayer.
It is the fanatics who torture prisoners in Soviet gulags.
It is the fanatics who preach life for a media exposed brain-dead person while vehemently pushing the death penalty and kicking real patients out of hospitals because they don't have enough money to buy off a politician.
It is the fanatics who try to cover up science that works against the profits of their backers, to attempt to fool the public about global warming or the environment.
The hard quantifiable fact is that the "peaceful majority" the "silent majority" is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia comprised Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China's huge population, it was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War 2 was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel and bayonet.

And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were "peace loving"?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Christians have been made irrelevant by their silence.

Peace-loving Christians will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awake one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

As for us who watch it all unfold; we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Hey, this is quite the speech. It's like a hate speech generator, complete with excusing hatred of the group for actions of the individuals and comparing them to Nazis!

Try others!

That Crazy Utahraptor (by T-Rex)
Vogons (by Ford Prefect)
Autobots (by Megatron)
The Spanish Inquisition
The Crusades
Black People
White People
Blue People
The evil residents of McDonaldland (by The Burger King)
Live Nude Robotniks

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Did you even read it, Vec? It's not anti-Islam. o.O

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Sailor Evil (6:35 pm): but srsly i don't get why
republicans are so paranoid abou t islam
being called a religion of peace since like the
only person i ever heard saying that was
Sailor Evil (6:35 pm): and when he did i was
like lol
SX (6:36 pm): Muslims are as peaceful as
Christians. o.o
SX (6:36 pm): (See: the Crusades, the IRA,
Sailor Evil (6:36 pm): it's a religion of
Sailor Evil (6:36 pm): yeah
SX (6:36 pm): It's a religion of FAITH. 😮
SX (6:36 pm): Anyway
SX (6:37 pm): The Koran doesn't say kill all
infidels" and it doesn't say "Kill innocent
people." I know several Islamic people, and
I've asked them about it personally. Muslims
are just as disgusted by radical Islam as
Christians are.
Sailor Evil (6:38 pm): so, uh, i don't get the editorial
Sailor Evil (6:38 pm): what is the point then?
SX (6:38 pm): Read it again. o.o
Sailor Evil (6:38 pm): i know that dangerous muslims are the most immediate muslim threat
SX (6:38 pm): The point is it doesn't matter that the majority of Muslims are peaceful people.
There are still radicals and they can still be a threat. It's mostly against people who say like,
SX (6:39 pm): The average German dismissed the Nazis as fanatics. World War Two happened
because of it.
SX (6:40 pm): Though admittedly, that's an overly simplififed view of the 1930s.
Sailor Evil (6:40 pm): the war isn't bogus because not all muslims are like that, it's bogus
because it's a humongous expensive violent government controlled social engineering debacle
and the people running it were appointed for loyalty and nepotism over competence
SX (6:41 pm): It's big. It's expensive. Yes.
Sailor Evil (6:41 pm): like the kind of thing bush claimed to be against
SX (6:41 pm): The good things in life are never easy.
SX (6:42 pm): I don't see what more justification you need, really. People celebrate the mass
murder of thousands of innocent civilians. People chant "Death to Americans" and teach their
children to blow synagogues up.
Sailor Evil (6:42 pm): but it's still a social engineering war
SX (6:42 pm): Sounds like a good reason to kill them to me. o.o
Sailor Evil (6:43 pm): that just makes them martyrs
Sailor Evil (6:43 pm): it's more effective to let them self-destruct
SX (6:43 pm): Countries that were threatening the United States are and were confirmed to
have weapons of mass destruction. Iraq had an active nuke program unti lthe Isrealis bombed
it. We already know they had chemical weapons, andthey were intercepted from buying smallpo
x fro mteh Soviets.
Sailor Evil (6:43 pm): the whole war is just legitimizing them
Sailor Evil (6:44 pm): and now those countries not named iraq are in a more advantageous
SX (6:44 pm): So let me get this straight
SX (6:44 pm): You feel that if we don't fight them
SX (6:44 pm): We'd be safer?
Sailor Evil (6:45 pm): depends on the type of fight
SX (6:45 pm): I'd prefer them be killing American soldiers in their turf than be here killing
noncombatants en masse.
Sailor Evil (6:45 pm): security measures are safer
Sailor Evil (6:45 pm): going in and invading a country run by a guy they hated just because he
had the same religion/race as them, not so much
SX (6:46 pm): Iraq harbored terrorists. I think that's somewhat proven. o.o
SX (6:46 pm): Not to mention. The insurrection? That was a plan of Saddam's. o.o
SX (6:47 pm): You don't have to be for the war. But wishing that the military fail because of an
enemy plan...That's just wrong. o.o
Sailor Evil (6:47 pm): especially since nothing is more useful to a bunch of squabbling fanatics
who hate each other almost as much as everybody else than a common enemy who's constant
ly in the headlines
Sailor Evil (6:48 pm): iraq was harboring terrorists by what evidence, not that it matters
SX (6:48 pm): Well
SX (6:48 pm): The fact that there's a ton of terrorists there, to put it simply. They found camps.
They found weapons. They found plans. They found terrorists. They found Iranian Special-
Forces units. What the hell else do tehy need to find?
Sailor Evil (6:49 pm): the whole iraq war EXCUSE has a "hit it with a stick" mentality to it. there
are many things that doesn't work on, such as hornet nests
Sailor Evil (6:49 pm): yeah, i wonder how many came in after
Sailor Evil (6:49 pm): iran and iraq HATED each other
SX (6:49 pm): I think the Army "misunderestimated" the insurrection...but it's a huge minority. o.o
SX (6:49 pm): Indeed
SX (6:49 pm): But you know what?
SX (6:49 pm): The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Sailor Evil (6:49 pm): so why would iraq be harboring iranian insurgents?
Sailor Evil (6:50 pm): yeah, that's sort of what i said
Sailor Evil (6:50 pm): common enemy
SX (6:50 pm): They don't have to like each other, but I can tell you Iranian specops teams aren't
there because it's a nice place to visit.
SX (6:50 pm): The why is to be deduced, not argued. It's a FACT that Iranian nationals were
captured in IRaq. o.o
SX (6:51 pm): They were found with Hezbollah (an Iranian-backed force) fighters in Isreal, too.
That's called an act of war. o.o
Sailor Evil (6:52 pm): so israel committed an act of war on america?
SX (6:52 pm): ...No, Iran commited an act of war on Isreal...And on the United States.
Sailor Evil (6:52 pm): by your logic... israel has a number of terrorist camps
Sailor Evil (6:52 pm): i mean they are ENEMIES, but they are there. it's an undisputed FACT
SX (6:53 pm): I've never heard of a major Jewish terrorist group. o.o
Sailor Evil (6:53 pm): and israel has a history of committing atrocities on its own citizens
Sailor Evil (6:53 pm): that sonic boom you heard up there was my point
Sailor Evil (6:54 pm): i'm using your arguments and changing the names
Sailor Evil (6:54 pm): israel and the terrorists were enemies, as were iraq and iran
SX (6:54 pm): So you're saying Isreal is a hotbed of international terrorism and deserves to be
Sailor Evil (6:54 pm): somehow i doubt iraq was intentionally hosting iranian militants
SX (6:54 pm): Oh no
SX (6:55 pm): I dn't mean that.
Sailor Evil (6:55 pm): so then what do you mean?
SX (6:55 pm): That Iranian forces are in Iraq killing American soldiers.
SX (6:55 pm): I didn't say they were under Iraqi command.
Sailor Evil (6:55 pm):
Sailor Evil (6:55 pm): what does that have to do with justifying the war?
Sailor Evil (6:56 pm): sounds more like a reason not to go there
SX (6:56 pm): Well, when we aren't fighting them, Vec, they're fighting us.
SX (6:57 pm): 9/11 is just the most famous example. o.o
Sailor Evil (6:57 pm): you don't "keep terrorists busy" like that
SX (6:57 pm): Let me put it this way.
SX (6:57 pm): In the six years since 9/11
Sailor Evil (6:57 pm): yeah, 9/11 of less than 20 terrorists and whoever was backing them
SX (6:57 pm): No innocent Americans have died on American soil by foreign terrorists.
SX (6:58 pm): Sounds like they're busy to me. o.o
Sailor Evil (6:58 pm): that's like an argument for a tiger defense force
SX (6:58 pm): "The best defense is a good offense."
Sailor Evil (6:58 pm): there has also been an increase in security
SX (6:58 pm): I'd much prefer them be under attack to us being under attack.
Sailor Evil (6:58 pm): SX, they are not a conventional army you can beat by numbers
SX (6:59 pm): No, tehy aren't
SX (6:59 pm): That's why we pwned the Iraqi Army in like, hours, but we're STILL in Iraq fighting
Sailor Evil (6:59 pm): or by offense
SX (6:59 pm): Ah, I don't agree that far.
Sailor Evil (6:59 pm): think of it like this
Sailor Evil (7:00 pm): if we had some magic spell that would kill every a-qaeda member
remotely, what do you think would happen?
SX (7:00 pm): Well, every al-qaueda member would die remotely. o.o
Sailor Evil (7:00 pm): and would it stop them?
SX (7:01 pm): If they were all dead? Yes. Copycat forces? No.
Sailor Evil (7:01 pm): would we actually get any profit from it?
Sailor Evil (7:01 pm): yeah, copycats
SX (7:01 pm): I think so.
SX (7:01 pm): I mean, they're copycatted right now anyway.
Sailor Evil (7:01 pm): maybe like a hit to their organization
Sailor Evil (7:01 pm): even exising copycas
SX (7:02 pm): Personally, if my enemy suddenly killed a lot of my allies with impunity and ease
Sailor Evil (7:02 pm): there would be a lot less terrorists, but it would only take new terorists with
loyalty to them to take up the cause
SX (7:02 pm): I'd be too scared &^%$less to fight them.
Sailor Evil (7:03 pm): the fact is that the iraq war IS social enginering, and you don't win by force
unless you're going for some kind of genocide like rome vs. carthage
Sailor Evil (7:04 pm): and the terrorist war too
SX (7:04 pm): You may not win by force alone, Vec, but having a lack of force will most definately
make us lose.
Sailor Evil (7:04 pm): let's not mix em up
Sailor Evil (7:05 pm): i seriously doubt any military action in an unrelated country is going to put
a dent in their social movement. if anything it would get them hype and recruits
Sailor Evil (7:05 pm): at best you might be giving them an alternative target
Sailor Evil (7:06 pm): which is like saying, hey, let's use soldiers as human shields
Sailor Evil (7:06 pm): which means the longer you do it the stronger they get and the weaker you
SX (7:06 pm): Look
SX (7:06 pm): The US Army is the strongest military force in the world.
SX (7:07 pm): It's not going to be beaten by any number of ragtag groups sleeping in caves and
using 80 year old weapons.
SX (7:07 pm): However, we can still lose the war, and quite easily.
Sailor Evil (7:08 pm): a mlitary force can do nothing against a few people who decide to go blow
you up
SX (7:08 pm): However, I do think the Army is going about all of it the wrong way.
Sailor Evil (7:09 pm): the metaphor of a hornet's nest is actually very fitting
SX (7:10 pm): Well, y'know a good way to beat a hornet's next?
Sailor Evil (7:10 pm): you could have the strongest bat in the world and it won't stop a hornet
from hitting you if it wants to
SX (7:10 pm): Smoke. Smoke is used by beekeepers and exterminators all over.
Sailor Evil (7:10 pm): yes, a mask and such equipment
Sailor Evil (7:10 pm): and destroying the source
SX (7:10 pm): And I'd have to say we're making a dam nlot of smoke in Iraq. 😛
Sailor Evil (7:10 pm): how?
Sailor Evil (7:11 pm): how is iraq doing ANYTHING against them?
Sailor Evil (7:11 pm): you take out a few drones, so wha?
SX (7:11 pm): Hate to say it, but Iraq isn't the only step in the war...
SX (7:11 pm): Well, it isn't intended to be.
Sailor Evil (7:11 pm): oh boy, iran
SX (7:12 pm): An Iran war would be extremely unpopular...but they'd seriously have to try to give
us any more justification. =/
Sailor Evil (7:12 pm): and once you've expended the entire economy of the u.s. and any credibilit
y it might have in occupying every predominantly muslim country in the world, you still have the
Sailor Evil (7:13 pm): your line of thought CAN NOT WORK
Sailor Evil (7:13 pm): the only way to beat them is to beat the source
SX (7:13 pm): You're defeatist. o.o
Sailor Evil (7:14 pm): that's insanity
SX (7:14 pm): And how do we beat the source, Vec?
Sailor Evil (7:21 pm): well, talking about the islamists specifically
Sailor Evil (7:22 pm): you make them look bad in their own public
Sailor Evil (7:22 pm): you make them look weak and unglamorous
SX (7:23 pm): I think it's no secret that I disagree with you, Vec, but I tolerate the fact that you can
have your own [totally crackpot wtff] idea
Sailor Evil (7:24 pm): basically, the afghan war worked
Sailor Evil (7:24 pm): not that is was particularly for it, but i wasn't vehemently against it
SX (7:24 pm): It was fast. But what's the big difference between the war in Afghanistan and hte
war in Iraq, but country and time?
Sailor Evil (7:25 pm): it was possible to sell it to the whole world
Sailor Evil (7:25 pm): you had the terrorists hiding in caves
SX (7:25 pm): They hide in Iraq, too.
Sailor Evil (7:26 pm): the way to strengthen them is to show them beating up on the strongest
military in the world, and hyping up any threat for PR in the US
SX (7:26 pm): You know who truly believes they're beating the Army up?
SX (7:26 pm): We do.
SX (7:27 pm): America has the most pessimistic view of America in the world.
Sailor Evil (7:27 pm): al-quaeda in iraq, for example, was a totally different terrorist group that
took up the name due to the hype and was in turn hyped because it gave them a PR excuse to
say al-qaeda is in iraq
SX (7:28 pm): Al-qaeda IS in Iraq. Not the copycat group, the original one. Y'know, Osama,
Afghanistan, etc
Sailor Evil (7:28 pm): now that they've done iraq, i don't think the U.S. can get out safely
SX (7:28 pm): They've captured a lot of Al-qaeda fighters in Iraq.
Sailor Evil (7:28 pm): leave and they chase, stay and they get stronger
Sailor Evil (7:29 pm): but the ultmate point is that you can't stop terrorism, because the concept
of terrorism has gotten so broad
SX (7:29 pm): There's a point where a formula like that won't work. Because by that logic, they'll
grow forever, and that's not possible.
Sailor Evil (7:29 pm): ultimately as technology increases an individual has greater destructive
SX (7:29 pm): Oh, I don't think we're gonna wipe out all terrorism ever ever. That's ridiculous.
Sailor Evil (7:29 pm): school shootings?
Sailor Evil (7:29 pm): school bombings?
Sailor Evil (7:30 pm): and what recourse does the government have?
Sailor Evil (7:30 pm): they'd need to have mindreaders or psychics to do anything
Sailor Evil (7:30 pm): or totalitarian restrictions on weapons
SX (7:30 pm): That's also too extreme.
SX (7:31 pm): Don't give crazy kids weapons. o.o
SX (7:31 pm): Most of the school shootings, it was unanimous that that guy was a little, y'know,
Sailor Evil (7:31 pm): in the amish school it wasn't a kid
SX (7:31 pm): Don't give them guns. o.O
SX (7:31 pm): Okay
Sailor Evil (7:31 pm): you have the point-missing ability of a billion stormtroopers
SX (7:31 pm): That was a shooting in a school, but it isn't really my difinition of a school shooting
Sailor Evil (7:32 pm): so what do you do about the people who are off?
SX (7:32 pm): I mean, that was just a shooting, at a school. It's unfortunate, damn unfortunate,
but it isn't really like, say, VT Tech or Columbin
SX (7:32 pm): e
SX (7:32 pm): Help them. o.o
SX (7:32 pm): Don't isolate them and watch them build an arsenal.
Sailor Evil (7:33 pm): even if you somehow magically beat the islamists, which will not happen
withut genocide or a way to ditch their victim complex, there are other threats
SX (7:33 pm): Of course there are other threats.
SX (7:33 pm): But we couldn't deal with any of them woithout a MASSIVE mass whine by antiwar
Sailor Evil (7:33 pm): ultimately you need some kind of social engineering, but you've got to do it
the smart way. fight poverty, overpopulaton, intolerance, etc.
SX (7:34 pm): We're doing that too.
SX (7:34 pm): It never makes the news, but there's a program by the US Army, to predict places
that could be anti-American hotspots in remote areas in say, 50 years
SX (7:34 pm): And Army forces are going there, unarmed, and building infrastructure, building
SX (7:34 pm): And damn well bet that this village that was so cared for by Americans
Sailor Evil (7:34 pm): well do it without the whole military presence that starts resistances
SX (7:34 pm): They aren't gonna be as welcome havens for terrorists.
SX (7:35 pm): I don't mean they're going there with guns or gifts. o.o
Sailor Evil (7:35 pm): yeah, well that's the smart way to do it
SX (7:35 pm): They're not going as an armed force.
SX (7:35 pm): This is done in Africa a lot actually
SX (7:35 pm): Small tribes in remote nations that could be the next Somalia in fifty years.
Sailor Evil (7:36 pm): iraq was the wrong way. just look up project for the new american century
and laugh at the concepts that sound about as historically wrong as mein kampf
SX (7:36 pm): We're already doing that. This never makes the news.
Sailor Evil (7:36 pm): why would it?
Sailor Evil (7:37 pm): the news is not supposed to be a propaganda channel
SX (7:37 pm): Because. Everyone thinks we're just killing people, and doing the stupidest
things, and dying more and more...Noone cares about the troops.
SX (7:37 pm): It IS a propoganda channel.
Sailor Evil (7:37 pm): what you're describing it not exactly news
SX (7:37 pm): But not for our side.
SX (7:37 pm): The good things just don't sell, Vec. o.o
Sailor Evil (7:37 pm): they also aren't news
SX (7:37 pm): Perosnally, if the news was all, WE'RE ALL HAPPY oh and this war here BUT
SX (7:37 pm): I would tune off too.
Sailor Evil (7:37 pm): unless it's like a new program
Sailor Evil (7:38 pm): they could be like OH AND THE GOVERNMENT HAS POLIO VACCINES
SX (7:39 pm): But it's happening, it's one of the best things the Army can do, and noone hears of
Sailor Evil (7:39 pm): well then spread THAT around
SX (7:39 pm): LOL
Sailor Evil (7:39 pm): but there's so much poarization that it's become politicized
SX (7:39 pm): Dude, you psost that in a topic, and you watch the results.
Sailor Evil (7:40 pm): it would likely be "oh that's nice" or non responses or somebody taking it
as political
SX (7:40 pm): Exactly.
Sailor Evil (7:41 pm): 'cause people tend to have alterior motives
Sailor Evil (7:41 pm): so if they say that they are suspected
Sailor Evil (7:41 pm): anyway it is a good program
SX (7:41 pm): Not to mention
Sailor Evil (7:41 pm): what else is there to say about it? the point is, sociological threat = sociological solution

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I say we have to watch out for those radical Buddhists.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Careful. The dot on their head is actually a laser cannon.

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PROTIP: You're thinking of Hindus.

Posts: 3666
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SX (7:06 pm): The US Army is the strongest military force in the world.
SX (7:07 pm): It's not going to be beaten by any number of ragtag groups sleeping in caves and using 80 year old weapons.

Simmons: I just had the strangest sense of deja vu...

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New Member Guest

I hear the true threat is bhutan. I hear they already have 95% of the worlds oil!!!1

Also we did not loose the vietnam war. North vietnam just violated the treaty after we pulled out and invaded the south.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Militarily, the war in Vietnam was won while we were still there.

Media icons and politicians worked hard to turn it to a loss though (see Walter Cronkite's coverage of the Tet Offensive).

Posts: 3468
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Topic starter

Indeed. If you want to talk about who's losing more men, we're winning in Iraq and we were winning in Vietnam.

When I say it's not going to be beaten, I mean like, we're not going to bow down to our new Jihadist dictator anytime soon.

But as I said, we can still lose.

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

the whole freaking point of the OP was that Islam may be a religion of peace but it doesn't matter. As long as that peaceful %99 allow the fanatical %1 to spread their venom, Islam will continue to appear like a religion of decapitators. All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Posts: 2398
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You think people READ the OP in here? They just string together keywords like Islam, Peace, War, and The. Then respond by shuffling the words randomly. :D


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I have an overwhelming feeling that cheezy has seen The Boondock Saints more than once.

Posts: 3468
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Oh, I already know noone read it.

Vec even reworded the entire editorial without reading the point in it. A hate speech. u.u

Posts: 261
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nope never saw boondock saints... dont even know what its about.

Posts: 217
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i don't hear about the trail of tears, the countless killings of native americans....

Posts: 3468
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At least this and most/all of the examples happened in the past 100 years, Misty.

Posts: 217
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whats the point of this topic fanatics?
