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Under My Left Thumb, There Is An Entire Universe

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Some of you people might be familiar with the holographic universe theory. I believe that the holographic universe theory can, in my opinion, provide a model which coherently explains some of the greatest mysteries of Reality. Many of our world's most ancient spiritual traditions tend to agree with the basic premise of the holographic universe theory; that our universe is akin to a projected hologram since EVERYTHING is connected to EVERYTHING ELSE, thus the notion of 'separateness' is illusory.
Now it seems as though studies done in the field of quantum mechanics/physics are drifting toward the same conclusion: that our universe operates through holographic principles. One of the most intriguing properties of a hologram is that every individual 'part' of a hologram is entirely identical to the hologram as a whole. For example, if one were to 'cut' a holographic image of a rose in half, one would find that if these images were magnified, exactly the same image of that rose can be seen in each of those halves. One could then split those halves into halves again and would still find that in these new smaller halves, the exact same 'rose' image can still be seen in these particular halves. This process can continue infinitely and one will STILL find the same image in its entirety. If our universe does indeed operate in accordance with holographic principles, then, just like that hypothetical holographic rose image, each constituent part of the whole contains ALL of the information contained by the whole (whatever this 'whole' might be). Here is the link to a fairly lengthy article which describes the holographic universe theory and its STAGGERING implications in an in-depth manner, but I won't bore you people by copying and pasting it into this thread. It is quite a long article, in my opinion, though I've read far longer. However, if the holographic universe theory enthralls you like it does to me, then it's COMPLETELY worth the time to read.
In any case, allow me to describe what holograms are in a little bit more detail. A hologram is basically a three-dimensional photograph which appears through the aid of a laser. To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first immersed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film. When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.
As I have already mentioned, through cutting a holographic image in half and then illuminating it with a laser, one will find that each half will still be found to contain the entire image in question. This 'whole in every part' nature of a hologram is not only very intriguing, but may provide us with a new way of understanding the world we live in and the nature of Reality itself.
If a tree falls in a forest and there is no-one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Sound is the distortion of air. This distortion does not exist as 'sound' until perceived of as such by an ear which is capable of picking it up in such a way. Yet this doesn't mean that nothing occurs until it is observed (though some people seem to believe this), it means that the energy in the airwaves has no one particular 'fixed' existential Reality until it is perceived by someone/something. It is formless and meaningless until a perceiver bestows upon it form and meaning. A mutually dependent transaction of 'hearer' and 'heard' makes it what we would recognise as 'sound'.
If our universe is holographic, then a tree in a forest (whether seen or not) is, at heart, an interference pattern..... brought to life only when we tune it in.
If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, then at a deeper level of Reality, all things are infinitely interconnected to each other. Nothing is separate as it seems. As the ancient spiritual traditions of India, China and the native Americans have long declared, this physical world surrounding us is Maya - an illusion. And though we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion. However, this does NOT necessarily mean that the world we live in is completely and utterly 'unreal'. There are degrees of Maya and while we dwell on Earth, our time here has a certain extent of 'realness' to us according to our personal perceptions. It is simply that the existence of this world is temporary and subject to relentless change. Things are not always how they seem. Our senses can deceive us. For example, if we completely trust our senses, then we could understandably be led to the conclusion that we are walking upon an apparently stable and unmoving ground. However, the ground on which we tread is actually whirling around at dizzying speeds (just like our planet as a whole).
Everything connects to everything else through overlapping interference patterns. One Infinite Whole. A whole within the Whole.
Memory also appears to be holographic, residing in not one specific portion of the brain, but uniformly spread throughout. 'Synesthesia' is the name of a neurological condition which has utterly intrigued me for quite some time. Synesthesia is a neurological condition found in humans in which two or more bodily senses are 'combined' in one way or another. There are various types of synesthesia, one relatively common type which involves 'seeing sound' (for example). The phenomenon of synesthesia, to me, lends further credence to the holographic model of Reality.
All is One and One is All. Every cell in our body enfolds the entire cosmos. So too does every leaf, every raindrop and every dust mote, which gives new meaning to these famous poetic verses by William Blake:

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

We are part and parcel of everything. We are the cosmos. We are life. We are love. We are the dancers as well as the dance.

I have no doubt whatsoever that consciousness is singular and of a holographic nature. If even ONE seemingly trivial change is made in a hologram, it is mirrored throughout the ENTIRE hologram. Now I will share an example of this with you all. This is a story which has been told from the Spanish journals when the Spanish explorers were travelling across our world looking for new routes during the 14th-15th century. One of these routes took them around the coast of South America and the Spanish galleons that were making this journey took many months to get there, up to a year. They stopped for supplies at the shore of a place the Spanish had never recording being before. The Spanish were soon met at the shore by the tribal indigenous people of this place, who apparently had never seen white people nor Western technology before. One of the first men to meet the Spanish explorers on the shore was the shaman of the tribe. So the shaman meets the Spanish explorers as they gradually come ashore. The explorers left their large ships out on the water and they came ashore in smaller row-boats and however they communicated, in whatever language they were using, the shaman asked them "Where did you come from?" The indigenous people of this land have lived there for centuries and have never seen such people come onto the shore of the place where they live. And however they communicated in return, the Spanish basically pointed and said "We came on this little boat from that larger ship out on the horizon of the ocean." The shaman looked to where the Spanish were pointing and he couldn't see that ship the Spanish were referring to. The ship was there and it was of a pattern which was so utterly foreign to the shaman's frame of reference that it made no sense whatsoever to his conscious recognition. He simply didn't recognise it. This story sometimes makes me wonder how many times this kind of situation happens in our world, in our modern era, in our day to day lives. How many times do things happen right in FRONT of us which we're unaware of maybe because we 'disallow' ourselves to recognise it for what it truly is because it doesn't make sense to us in terms of our own particular frame of reference? Is it possible that there's a vast, distinct world existing around us right here, right now which evades our awareness because we don't allow for it in our current ruling paradigms? I think that such a thing is not only possible, I think it's TRUE. To me, that which most of us recognise as 'Reality' is limitlessly multidimensional. Anyway, back to the story I had mentioned earlier. Anyway, back to the story I had mentioned earlier. Because this man was a shaman, because he was a holy man, he was fascinated by the possibility that these Spanish people had come from something he couldn't see. So while another individual may have dismissed it, the shaman worked with it. And eventually, what the shaman basically said in a matter of moments was "If I look out of the corner of my eye and squint in just the right way and redefine the shape of my eyeball, I can begin to make something out on the horizon" and in just a few moments, he taught himself how to see a pattern of matter that he had never been exposed to before. He taught himself to see that. That happened to him on the shore. Miles away was his village and the people in his village didn't have the same experience that he had on the one hand and in just a couple of days, on the other hand, they too benefited from the shaman's experience because they then were able to see what was happening on the shores. How did that happen? They weren't witnessing the event with him on the one hand, yet on the other hand, they learnt through his experience. The term we sometimes use today to describe this is 'collective resonance' and what it means to us is that every time one person chooses a NEW way to respond to the challenges of life, each time an individual chooses a NEW option, that person then becomes a living bridge for all of the others who choose to follow in that person's path. It's not about imposing will on anyone. What it IS about is that person who chose a NEW way, who chose a NEW path, they have manifested a template of a NEW possibility very close to the consciousness of all others who choose to follow that NEW way or path. So this newly manifested template becomes more accessible to the next person who chooses to follow it and the next and the next and the next etc.
The shaman on the shore, he choose to see through a NEW way and through collective resonance, others benefited from his experience. This is the true beauty of a hologram: if we have a pattern, perhaps it looks like a snowflake pattern (for example) and that pattern is whole and complete unto itself and part of an even larger snowflake, which is also whole and complete unto itself and yet again, part of an even larger snowflake and there is one place in each of these patterns where there is a little pointed tip and we take the tip off in that one place of the snowflake, that tip no longer exists ANYWHERE in the pattern. That's the beauty of a hologram. When a change occurs in one place, it's mirrored throughout the whole, it's mirrored throughout the rest of the system. What that means to us is simply this: here we are, on the threshold of a NEW era, creating a NEW paradigm, a NEW way to respond to the great challenges of life. We have lived in the world of duality where we have hated and feared and judged and killed and we've ALWAYS had the tools to rise above that hate, that fear, that judging and that killing. We rise above these base instincts each time even just ONE individual chooses a NEW way to respond, chooses something other than hate, chooses something other than retribution (that's a big one in our modern culture, if someone does something 'bad' to you, you've gotta get even, they've gotta pay for what they've done). It's not necessarily about our notions of 'right', 'wrong', 'good' or 'bad', it simply is a path, that there may be the possibility of a higher path. Each time ONE individual chooses that possibility, it makes it easier for the next and the next and the next etc.
Perhaps we should ask ourselves "Are we choosing to carry across this living bridge into a NEW era, hate, judgement, warfare, killing or do we choose peace, forgiveness, compassion and love, honouring all of the duality that brought us to this moment?" The hate, the killing, the judgement, the anger, the warfare has served us, it's served us well, it thrust us onto a path so that we would know ourselves in that particular way and now we're invited to HEAL that wounded path and choose something NEW rather than judging that path, being angry at that path and moving on. That's the beauty of the holographic model of consciousness. That is why there's only ONE of us here. We're ALL going through that doorway together, NO-ONE is left behind, EVERYONE benefits from EACH choice that we make as we collectively give birth to a NEW era in the eternal adventure of our unitary consciousness.

Posts: 10
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Whoa! Long read. Too long. I didn't even start.

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Posts: 2398
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... Who are this guy and why is he talking to himself under two names? o.O

Also Rishi is ALMOST using paragraphs. However he didn't space them FULLY. A for Effort though.


Posts: 5035
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XDXD @ Toby! But wow...that's way too transcendental for me right now Rishi. LOL From what I read though...sounds good, very good. I may return at a later date. Nice topic.

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Indra's Net is, in my opinion, BY FAR the BEST metaphor for the holographic nature of Reality that can be found in Hinduism and its sister religion Buddhism. It is said to be an infinite network of pearls all connected to each other by innumerable nodes and when one looks at any one of these pearls, all the other pearls in the network are reflected in that single pearl. Find out more information about 'Indra's Net' here:

Anyway, I'd just like to mention that I purchased the book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot towards the beginning of this year. It's an awesome book!

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So uh. I notice no one is actually talking about any of your new age stuff rishi. Just about your writing format. Think it might be a sign?

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Under My Left Thumb, There Is An Entire Universe

no there isn't

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Under My Left Thumb, There Is An Entire Universe

no there isn't

Yes there is.

Posts: 713
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BALDERDASH at everything Rishi has said

Also Rishi you should give formatting your posts a try sometime

and Photon Z, that's something they like to call "tl;dr"

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Posts: 1058
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Everyone is within my body. Especially Rishiiii

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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Everyone is within my body. Especially Rishiiii

I don't like where this thread is heading.

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I am enjoying the new direction.

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If our universe is holofractalic (as I believe it to be), then anything can actually be used as a valid method of divination.

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How does this match up with your previous theory that the Chinese rode gunpowder rockets to the moon and built stuff there?

Posts: 1058
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if the universe is held at a particular angle, that is exactly what happened

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 0
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How does this match up with your previous theory that the Chinese rode gunpowder rockets to the moon and built stuff there?

When did I actually state that it matched up with the notion that humankind travelled to the Moon in ancient times? I never stated such a thing.

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Posts: 1058
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What on Earth is the point of bumping a thread in this mollassis covered forum. 😯 I'll chalk this one up to Rishina's input.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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I'll chalk this one up to Rishina's input.

You're right (and handsome too!). *giggles*


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