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Bristol Comic Expo 2005 - Second Wave of Pictures UP!

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Posts: 336
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So who's there this year? I'm booking the holiday right now, so if all goes to plan I'll be there on the Saturday and maybe even the Sunday if I crash someone's room. Who knows, maybe we can increase the MoFo turnout from last year's convention. :)

Oh, and this time I'm coming alone. No girlfriend is going to ruin this one for me. Let's make it a good one, eh?

Posts: 3291
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i'm definately going for both days, and may possibly have room left over in my home for a few more people to sleep over at. (just remeber that we'll have to catch a short train ride to bristol from my place, and possibly a bus. ^^; so include that in your costs!)

i know who's staying at mine so far, but could i have a re-cap of those who're hoping for a spare sofa/bed at mine? i need to know when and where you guys will be appearing from so i can round you all up and supply you with food and etc. (bring sleeping bags if you can. i need numbers so that i don't scare my poor family with 6 strangers appearing out of the blue from various places. :p )

my only dissapointment is that my freind shan't have a dealers table at the place this year, so i can't sneek in for free. ;.;

Posts: 336
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If you just keep an armchair or a 6' X 2' gap on your carpet free, it'd be very helpful in case my hotel room plans fall through. 🙂

Posts: 3291
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we'll have plenty of carpet space left free, that's for sure. :p (heck, bring a tent and you could camp out in the garden, it's big enough!)

Posts: 1321
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Who's going? A human not of myself unfortunately...

Posts: 47
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Ooooh! MEMEME! I wanna go!

Of course, considering the accomodation business I'll probably only be going for the Saturday...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, I think it's a fair given that I'll be going and I seriously cannot wait to see you all.

I've got a hotel room for the night booked, and so will be there both days 🙂

Hopefully I can bring some treats for you all, like last year.

Posts: 47
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Forget treats! I just wanna see you and Becca fight! I missed last year's...

*Makes a note to bring a camera so he can photo a new "SPORK'D!" pic*

Posts: 336
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I want to buy you a thank-you present, Craig. Your Knuckles plushie was a sweet and unexpected addition to my merchandise and I should repay the favour. 🙂

Posts: 131
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I'm considering it. o_o Seeing as I'm within reach this year, so to speak..

Posts: 1269
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I wish I could go too, then you'd all see my insanity firsthand... but I can't because I'd probably get lost.

Posts: 2232
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I would love to go, but, I don't think it is possible, ah well.

So, I order many pictures, so I can pretend I was there ;D

Posts: 3291
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it's near impossible to get lost, as the convention is literally right outside the train station in bristol (temple meads). if you're worried about walking about bristol itself in search of food and etc, i've a resonably good sence of direction, plus we'll be in a large gang like last we'll look out for each other. ^^

if people are willing to sleep on floors/chairs/sofas, i should have enough room for a few more people in my parent's house.

Posts: 859
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I'll add to my annual non appearance 😛

But, with luck next time...


Anyway, have fun everyone.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Plus, to help ease the fear of those who think they'll get lost. Last year about four of us spent an hour standing outside the station, with my Tails Plushie waving to anyone who came out as a way of saying "WE ARE THE FORUMMERS YOU'RE LOOKING FOR!"

Of course, we did also snag a pretty scared little girl in a Sonic T-Shirt using this method, but she turned out to be the famous Thalia Evans, so it was a good thing.

This year I'll have Tails Doll with me. As I own the only Tails Doll plushie in known existance, I doubt it'll be hard for anyone leaving the train station to spot me :p

Posts: 110
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You all should do the Paper Ezchat like we did at Otakon. 😛

Posts: 1396
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I'd love to go, unfortuanately I may not be able to afford a hotel, so most likely a one day visit, if anything.

I'll let you all know if I can.

Posts: 151
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Can someone send me a plane ticket so i can go?

Posts: 859
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Do you want fake plane tickets, unfortuately anything that isn't a forgery I might have trouble delivering on 😛

Posts: 8
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Ugh. I'm afraid I'm probably gonna sit this one out...again. I don't really fancy taking a train from Birmingham to Bristol by myself, and I'll probably be incredibely busy with the exams and all, that, and lack of accomodation. Way too much hassle for me at the moment. If I lived closer, I wouldn't have a problem, but meh, it's a long way, takes planning, but my main concerns are just the

Hopefully next year I'll have my drivers license and a car (undergoing lessons soon) so when I do get one I won't have a second thought about jumping in my car and going down there...Heck, I could even sleep in the thing and save money on accomodation. 😛

That said though, there's the last ditch attempt plan to get there...*goes to scheme something*

Posts: 859
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I don't really fancy taking a train from Birmingham to Bristol by myself, and I'll probably be incredibely busy with the exams and all, that, and lack of accomodation. Way too much hassle for me at the moment. If I lived closer, I wouldn't have a problem, but meh, it's a long way, takes planning, but my main concerns are just the


If you go next year I might meet you at Birmingham station, i'd rather take the train than a car (if you are driving, fancy offering some people a lift, although, I might want to see your driving skills before, oh, and will you be asking for petrol money 😛 )

Really annoyed that I cant go this year, 🙁

Posts: 18
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For reference purposes, I'm the sexy one with long, dark, brown hair in the Slayer t-shirt (black with a helmeted skull on it).

I have some photos of my own - sixty-seven to be precise, but I probably shan't post them up on the boards for all the world to see. Certainly not the ones that feature Saz. You know, parental concerns and all. They're not that good anyway. I am, however, willing to send them to all those that were in attendance on the saturday, though be warned: the file is 20MB in size and my connection is terrible.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

What about nosey people who attended on Sunday?

Posts: 336
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John's pictures are good. There's a good few shots of him groping my man-breasts.

That's supposed to make you want to see them, by the way. :p

Posts: 40
Eminent Member

I've seen the pictures as well now. I won't comment on them now because I too am too tired. Well, there are some good and mad shots on there - but there is more madness to come still. ^^ It was a fun time! I think I didn't have so much fun in weeks.
Thank you all for being so great as you are!! *is very, very happy*

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i can only predict that next year will be even crazier!

Edit: w00t, the spork'd pictures were added! ^.^

Posts: 336
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I love the one with me walking through the underpass with all the motion blur. Consider it desktop'd. :D

Posts: 54
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Posts: 3291
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send them all to CJ, he'll put them up in the gallery.

Posts: 300
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Im hosting all the pics of the comics con, so send them on to me = 3

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

I feel I must ask this. So I shall. =P

What exactly did you do all day at the con? I have a habit of being very self-conscious, y'see. I MUST KNOW THE LIMIT OF MY ABILITY TO CAUSE DUMBASSERY IF I AM TO ATTEND IN FUTURE!! =O

No, seriously. How crazy are you all really? I don't want to be too over-quiet nor too loud and obnoxious. I can never seem to strike the balance right, either. 'Specially with new people.

So, yeah. Heeeeeeeeelp meeeeee oot. And when will the next con be? ^_^

EDIT: Oh yes, also, after many attempts, I just cannot get that movie to play properly. Which is a shame 'cos I wanna see! ;__;

Is there another link I can use? ^^

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

We all sat around drawing and watching Sonic X. That's it. :)

And the next con should be same time, same place next year. There's also one in Brighton in November.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

And buying stuff, don't forget that.

Posts: 679
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And blowing up inflatable Daleks and nattering. And I dragged some folk out to Broadmead shopping centre so we could go to Forbidden Planet.


Posts: 462
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All hail the wobbly Dalek!

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