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Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

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Posts: 2354
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Quote from WB:

Politicians who use God as an agenda to fuel hate, discrepancy, and put money in thier pockets and "church morons" like these who use God to fuel unnecessary political diatribes. Is it any wonder why the whole world f-ing sucks and has gone to pot now?

You know, it ticks me off that such events continue. Besides, how the heck he asks to vote for Bush if he's unqualified to be president in 2008?
Mind you, I still fail to understand this man's purpose. I'll go through this topic again later tonight or whenever I have more time.

EDIT: As mentioned by Shadow Hog's post, there's this little regulation that prohibits any president to have more than two consequetive terms that started by FDR's four-term run (due to his popularity and the economic situation of those days). At any rate, I agree with WB here: religion and politics should not be mixed, like ammonia and bleach. As for the minister, I doubt he has any form of tolerance and do not consider him as a messenger of my Lord.

Posts: 29
Eminent Member


Please don't comment on things you really have no idea about

I didn't spend 12 years in Catholic school for nothing. I didn't spend 4 of those years in honors level Catholic theology for nothing.

First of all, in case you forgot, the Bible comes in TWO parts. Y'know that part called the Old Testament with the Pentauch and the Septuagent.

Second there are also many places where both books say that a truly good person will be rewarded.

I will return, after some research. You picked the wrong person to debate.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Who is this guy?!? I'm appalled at his stance and why he feels must be done in order to correctly proporgate the Word of the Lord he supposedly follows..

Now... as I sit here and think of something slightly offensive to sate-Ah I got it...

Wow, and just when I thought it was time to change my sig-here it stands, once again for all to see that it still holds relevance. Howso? Mainly because it would put truth to the light that Bush could somehow add that first page and suddenly create what would be known as the Bushle...and that would be sad :o

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

I haven't spent 19 years as the son of a Lutheran preacher for nothing. I kind of have you beat in the credentials department.

"Rewarded" does not mean "get into heaven." The Beattitudes in Matthew 5 are good examples or rewards for things that you do, but it's not what you do that gets you into Heaven. "We are saved by grace through faith, not by works, so that you can't boast about the stuff you do getting you in." (Ephesians 2:8-9 para.)

A thought just came to me: 12 years in a Catholic school? What you're saying would make sense then, as that's what the Catholics believe, that you can get into Heaven by good works, which is not true.

Posts: 419
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**sets up a popcorn, soda, and betting stand to capitalize on TEH DIBBATES and prepares to make a killing**

Posts: 428
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You would, Dub. :.laughs.:

Posts: 1376
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::Videotapes the battle so all children in future generations can learn what it was like to fight over Jesus::

Posts: 1437
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"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" -John 14:6

That sounds a whole lot like it DOES matter what you believe, and what you must believe is that Jesus is the only way to God, and the only way to Heaven. It also says that anyone who isn't going to Heaven (retroactively, not believing in Jesus) is going to Hell.

That's not what it says at all.

What it says is that nobody goes to the Father except THROUGH Jesus. In other words, you need his help. It does not say that you get his help by believing in him.


I didn't spend 12 years in Catholic school for nothing.

Then I guess I've got you beat by one year. Not that it matters even a little.


I didn't spend 4 of those years in honors level Catholic theology for nothing.

As far as this little argument is concerned, you did. Becuase your Catholic theology is based on a Catholic interpretation, and therefore anything you've been taught that isn't stated outright in the Bible really only holds water when used with other members of that denomination.


I haven't spent 19 years as the son of a Lutheran preacher for nothing.

Same for you, substituting "Lutheran" for "Catholic."


I kind of have you beat in the credentials department.

Do I detect a pharisee?

Posts: 67
Trusted Member


that's what the Catholics believe, that you can get into Heaven by good works, which is not true

lets not get drawn into a my version of christianity is better than yours debate which would both stupid and pointless.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Oh yeah? I got you all beat, so I feel no need to get into an argument where, clearly, I would win because....I'm related to John Paul II.

So there. I need no back up for that! >:p

Now let's get back to that fight. *sits* I spent good money on the tickets!

Posts: 29
Eminent Member

...I'm staking my credibilty here. I know the lines I was thinking of in the back of my mind, I just want to have all my info together. Speed reading through the Scriptures and the Gospels for a few verses you once read isn't easy. But I will swear on what I said...just takes some time.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

:.laughs.: Don't bother, I'm not debating you. As was said, there's no point.

For the next time, though, memorising your verses helps. Also, is a great resource, I've found.

See you around.

Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Okay, but I'll always back up most my information. I just don't exactly have chapter/verse numbers memorized.




Okay this is mostly historical speculation, but it's been suggested recently that Mary Magdeline wasn't the 'prostitute' archetype most people would think of. The 'Mary that was to be stoned, and draped her hair over Jesus' feet, etc. were likely different people.

The Mary present at the resurection and other events was Mary Magdeline...but not in the sense she is portrayed.

A popular theory is that Magdeline was an aristocrat and wasn't a 'prostitute', so much as she just slept around with her wealth and boredom. She was only a 'slut' in the same sense you might refer to a 'loose' girl today.

Going on the same flow, Mary Magdeline and Jesus were indeed close friends, but probably not married as some people have suggested. However her social position is said to have been one of the major forces that helped the early church to survive, possibly to the point of having a major place even on the same level as the 12 themselves if not higher.

The obvious suggestion is that alot of Magdeline's role was downplayed with the whole significance of women in the church alltogether, and that over time all the Marys were merged into a single legend that became popular.

Of course the Vatican's official position on this one is that there is no position on's neither confirmed or denied.

Tack THAT on your church door! j/k :lol

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Jesus taught nothing about tolerance. He taught about loving everyone, regardless of what they believe. He didn't say you had to accept their beliefs as truth, and that everyone was right. Everyone is not right.

Tolerance = a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior; willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others

That has nothing to do with believing everyone is right. Tolerance means that you accept that everyone has a right to believe what they choose, and can act differently than you personally perceive to be correct. Jesus taught tolerance as tolerance is one of the consequences of loving everyone. I think that you have a mistaken idea as to what tolerance means based on what you've said because it comes across as contradictory to me.

Posts: 29
Eminent Member

...the only reason I even invoked my years in Catholic school was to note that I do have quite a bit of experience with the bible and ALL Christian faiths. I was in the class, but I didn't agree with all the interpretations. Regardless of how you interpret, the original bible is the same...and until I learn Greek and Aramaic (which are on my agenda), I have to go by what I read in English.

-------Paraphrased Quotes-----
Jewish Scripture: When an alien (foreigner) enters your land be kind to him, for you were once aliens in the land of Egypt.

Gospel (pick one): And they will stand before him, and he said, "When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. Imprisoned you visited. Naked you clothed. etc. Whenever you did or did not do theese for least of your siblings, so you did or did not unto me. And such those on the left (who did not nourish and clothe and visit) shal be cast away."

" ": The greatest commandment is love God. (to which a Muslim or Jew would answer God is God, the only one that they serve).

Q'aran: When you meet Christans, be kind to them for they are People of the Scriptures.

" ": There shal be no compulsion of religion for the truth is what it is, and he who rejects false idols and accepts Allah shal be rewarded.

--Note: I'm going of memory here, so forgive any minor errors. All are summaries, and not direct quotes from anywhere.

Posts: 42
Eminent Member

I think its important to note that the two of you are debating from different religions- Lutheran, and Roman Catholic. The two have differing views on Jesus (slightly). I can vouch that what Blaze said is true according to our faith.
One cannot say that Jesus "simply didn't do" something, as there are many differing accounts of his works. One can, however, state their belief as such.
Anyways, I wanted a scripture fight. I bought all this popcorn for nothing.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member


Tolerance = a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior; willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others

That has nothing to do with believing everyone is right. Tolerance means that you accept that everyone has a right to believe what they choose, and can act differently than you personally perceive to be correct. Jesus taught tolerance as tolerance is one of the consequences of loving everyone. I think that you have a mistaken idea as to what tolerance means based on what you've said because it comes across as contradictory to me.

I was using 'tolerance' in the contemporary sense of the word. When we talk about being 'tolerant' in today's society, it's mostly a call to accept other people's lifestyles and ways of thinking as okay and accept and respect their views no matter what they are. I was stating that view has nothing to do with the Bible, which is actually downright INtolerant in places.

Posts: 428
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Allah is not God (Hebrew/Christian God). Judaism and Christianity may share some of their basic beliefs with Islam, but they're not the same, by a long shot.

Posts: 2354
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Posts: 18
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Remind, what was this posted about? Religion and politics, or debating different religions?


A former church treasurer says she's at church to worship God and not the preacher.

Quoted for truth.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Jesus Christ himself didn't hang around with priests (the politicians of Judaism at the time) or rich men; he hung around with the poor, the sick, and the shunned.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member


Actually, Allah is the Arabic word for God traditionaly, fyi. :)

Semantics. They're not the same entity/deity/whatever you want to call it.

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

While I see your views perfectly, and agree with them 80% of the time, you must realize one thing:

In my humble opinion, there is a point where your opinion, though it is an opinion, can be wrong. You can't possibly be in your right mind and call yourself a Christian if you are against everything God holds as his law.

It's something like this:

*lights a house on fire*


*eats a slap of meat*

While I do agree that this dude needs to get off his {Arkansas} High-Horse {/Arkansas} and realize that not all Democrats are the baby-slaying, criminal-patting Liberals he thinks them to be, I hope you guys aren't absolutely blinded by the Freedom of Speech Amendment that you find one man's opinions as high as the dictionary. Or, perhaps in this case, the power of God. :p

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper.

"The only thing that can possibly beat the dictionary is GAWD!" O_O

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

This is like 500 years old. Why respond to it? oO

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Whoa... I must be stoned, or something...

Seriously, where'd all those 'unknown' posts come from? ^_^;

My sincere apologies.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

No worries.

And the unknown posts are there because ezBoard was hacked recently. A good portion of the posts weren't able to be retrieved.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

If anyone wants to really debate Christian theology, I highly recommend finding another forum to do it in. These guys pretty much hash over everything sooner or later, but they do answer questions.


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Then why don't you stay there, instead of bringing Christian theology over to us?

Oh, come on. I'm only saying what everyone else is thinking.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

And why don't you just leave him alone? He's simply giving another link to a place where people who are interested will most likely check out. Really, you don't have to be so mean to everybody who are just trying to give little suggestions for the good of the cause o_O

**runs off before her mouth gets her in trouble**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3291
Famed Member


I'm only saying what everyone else is thinking.

since when did you become a mind reader? surely posting a link to another forum will encorage people to debate things over there instead of here?

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Yes. But links to other forums go in the SPA. That's a damn rule.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Give it a rest Laura, his post was on topic.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Hey, I don't use your real name when I talk to you - whatever the hell it is...

So don't do it to me. The next person to do it gets accused of deliberately annoying me.

Posts: 80
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How fortunate I am

Loi du 9 dcembre 1905

Art. 1. The Republic provides the liberty of conscioucness. It guarantees the free religious observance...
Art. 2. The Republic does not recognize, put on a salary or grant-maintain any worship...

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