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Fifth Season of Digimon in 2007 (Release Date Changed)

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On one hand- YAY! MORE DIGIMON!
On the other hand, I'm in the UK, and since we didn't get Season 4, we'll almost certainly not get this... Still, I hope it's good.

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Yet, another tale of the goggle-wearing hero. XD

I'll be ready for this, as a big-digimon fan I'm anticipating it. ^^

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Heard about this about a week ago and I'm giddy in me pants.

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what's it about?

hopefully the kids don't turn into digimon this time.
it wasn't bad in season 4, but it wasn't great either.

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No Chiaki Konaka, no deal.

Seriously, Tamers is the only series of Digimon I really liked and it would be awesome if Disney/STUDIOPOLIS, Inc at least would release a boxset, with an unedited sub track.

Posts: 1195
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No Chiaki Konaka, no deal.

Seriously, Tamers is the only series of Digimon I really liked and it would be awesome if Disney/STUDIOPOLIS, Inc at least would release a boxset, with an unedited sub track.

FINALLY! Someone else besides me perfers Digimon Tamers over the others. Man, it was getting lonely feeling like the only who loved Tamers like mayo on bread.

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I hated Tamers. o.o

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I hated everything post-02.

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I liked the characters more, and the art style was more unique (watercolors for the win). However, Zero Two ended on a horrible note (MaloMyotismon was killed by happy thoughts. HAPPY THOUGHTS!).

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Tamers was my favorite season. It was much darker than the previous two. When the Digimon died, they stayed dead. Not to mention, I feel it showed the bond between Tamer and Digimon much better than the first two. Human and Digimon came together in one accord, literally fusing into one warrior. Much better than the DNA Digivolving in Digimon 02.

Speaking of which, Digimon 02 was, IMO, the worst season, especially the final battle. Couldn't they have come up with a better way of killing off MaloMyotismon? There was barely even any fighting. If I recall right, none of the Digimon even through a punch after they broke free from MaloMyotismon's dream. The kids, who were responsible for him even coming into existance, said their dreams/wishes and MaloMyotismon was defeated. This guy was supposed to be most powerful enemy of the season. And he's destroyed by a handful of kids who didn't even HAVE a Digimon at the time. Some villain. When they brought all of the international Digidestined, I thought that there would be a massive group attack, a la 01's final battle, with every Digimon present attacking at once. Instead, they have that horrid excuse for a final battle. Pathetic.

That said, I'm curious about the the fifth season. I hear it's supposed to be good. I just hope they don't end it with a pathetic "all we have to is state our dreams, and the big final villain will be defeated" ending.

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Tamers was my favorite season. It was much darker than the previous two. When the Digimon died, they stayed dead. Not to mention, I feel it showed the bond between Tamer and Digimon much better than the first two. Human and Digimon came together in one accord, literally fusing into one warrior. Much better than the DNA Digivolving in Digimon 02.

*nods in agreement* Gotta love a show that doesn't use cheap death. I know Digimon is all data, but if Tamers made them stay dead, I can still reason using that excuse.

To me, Tamers felt so much more then any other. I cried in all four seasons on the sad episodes, but I felt more for Tamers then anything. The characters felt more real and I cared for all of them (except Ryo, I don't care lickety split for him) and their Digimon. I felt for Takato struggling to be the leader, Rika trying to be more lighthearted, Jeri struggling through her depression, and etc. There's not a lot of show that truly gets to me, Tamers has the honor of being one of the few.
I'd also like to say I aboslutely LOVE the animation in Tamers. The colorings and character designs had this sort of beautiful atmosphere that the other Digimon seasons just didn't have. While the other seasons were colorful (and nice), Tamers felt more "real", vibrant, and more "alive". I am still in awe as of today. And I cannot get over the very lovely eyes on the Tamers. Oh, and them D-Reapers have some killer awesome designs.

Speaking of which, Digimon 02 was, IMO, the worst season, especially the final battle.

Agrees as well. Man, Season Two was generally going the first half, then after "Genesis of Evil" (which is a very good episode, by the way), so much crap happened with WAY too many characters. Yes, yes, it's all good seeing nostaglic about past characters, but with so much happening and so little development and the fact that the episodes kept jumping around wandering what arc it should do and seemingly looking like they had a trouble time deciding on what to place where and who to showcase what, it just ruined it for me.

Couldn't they have come up with a better way of killing off MaloMyotismon? There was barely even any fighting. If I recall right, none of the Digimon even through a punch after they broke free from MaloMyotismon's dream. The kids, who were responsible for him even coming into existance, said their dreams/wishes and MaloMyotismon was defeated. This guy was supposed to be most powerful enemy of the season. And he's destroyed by a handful of kids who didn't even HAVE a Digimon at the time. Some villain. When they brought all of the international Digidestined, I thought that there would be a massive group attack, a la 01's final battle, with every Digimon present attacking at once. Instead, they have that horrid excuse for a final battle. Pathetic.

I'd also like to add that in the waaaaaaaaaay ending to Season Two where they show the kids as adults felt overkill to me. It wasn't necessary and I really wish they didn't put that in.

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I'd also like to add that in the waaaaaaaaaay ending to Season Two where they show the kids as adults felt overkill to me. It wasn't necessary and I really wish they didn't put that in.


That was rather unnecessary as well. There were many unnecessary things in 02, the overuse of Paildramon being a prime example. I would say what I think he was, but there may be children on here.

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I liked all the Digimon anime, with Digimon Frontier (Season 4) being a favorite. I liked the first better than all the rest, though, but I did have a problem with the pointless epilogue at the end of 02.

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*nods in agreement* Gotta love a show that doesn't use cheap death. I know Digimon is all data, but if Tamers made them stay dead, I can still reason using that excuse.

To me, Tamers felt so much more then any other. I cried in all four seasons on the sad episodes, but I felt more for Tamers then anything. The characters felt more real and I cared for all of them (except Ryo, I don't care lickety split for him) and their Digimon. I felt for Takato struggling to be the leader, Rika trying to be more lighthearted, Jeri struggling through her depression, and etc. There's not a lot of show that truly gets to me, Tamers has the honor of being one of the few.
I'd also like to say I aboslutely LOVE the animation in Tamers. The colorings and character designs had this sort of beautiful atmosphere that the other Digimon seasons just didn't have. While the other seasons were colorful (and nice), Tamers felt more "real", vibrant, and more "alive". I am still in awe as of today. And I cannot get over the very lovely eyes on the Tamers. Oh, and them D-Reapers have some killer awesome designs.

Agrees with this post.

I also like the fact that Takato is different from all the other lead google boys since he doesn't fall into the overly reckless, over-confident stereotype that's usually thrust into main boy characters in this kind of anime. He was a breath of fresh air and I found him more interesting than Tai, Davis, and the 4th google lead who's name I forgotten(Takuya was it?).

In addition, I really liked the Digimon personalities in Tamers. In seasons 01 and 02(with the exception of Gatomon) they seemed like either beacons for morality for their partner or just plain evil villians. There were no grey areas or Digimon acting near like humans. And then we have imperfect Digimon characters like Guilimon, Terriermon, Renamon, and Impmon. And then there are "villians" who are not actually the true villians at all.

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Rika is my fave character, but I absolutely adored Takato. He was just a cute l'il darling.

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I had hoped there would've been a subplot involving the Dark Ocean. That entire episode had so much potential. But they had so many things going on, that they would've screwed that up as well.

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I had hoped there would've been a subplot involving the Dark Ocean. That entire episode had so much potential.

That's because that episode was written by Konaka! Digimon 02 might have been better if he was the main screenwriter. I mean we saw what he did with Tamers, and his episode in 02 stands out above the rest IMO.

I'm excited about a new series of Digimon, although these rumours of a Digimon Tamers Neo sound false to me. Why revisit a series that's about three years dead? Especially when X-Evolution was the last Digimon related thing to air. It'd be more logical to make a series based on THAT!

Plus I'm not so sure i want a new Digimon Tamers series. Sure it's my favourite and I love all the characters, but it was so good I'm not sure they could top it again. I wont hold much hope for this if Konaka isn't back onboard.

Or it could be based on the latest Digimon manga, Digimon Next. Although I've read the first chapter and it isn't exactly oozing with originality here, folks.

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I wouldn't want a continuization of Tamers either. I was quite satified with the bittersweet but open-ended ending it had.

Posts: 1334
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I have to see Tamers again, but I do know I didn't like it when I was younger. Maybe that'll change.

Posts: 12
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OMG!!!!! This is like a dream come true! I hope they release box sets of the old seasons now. This was one of the best cartoons out there for a while. Oh man what channel is it going to be on?

Posts: 38
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Yes! This just made my week. I can't wait. I wish they would do a continuation of tamers. It was the best out of the four.

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OMG!!!!! This is like a dream come true! I hope they release box sets of the old seasons now. This was one of the best cartoons out there for a while. Oh man what channel is it going to be on?

If they do bring it to the U.S. then most likely I could see it airing on Toon Disney's and/or ABC Family's Jetix block.

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Usually 6:30 Central and 11:30 Central. Episode order is random.

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Some more news has surfaced *glee* The new series will be called "Digimon Savers". Here's some magazine scans courtesy of With the Will (as if you don't notice the water mark).

The logo is similar to Tamers which adds fuel to the rumour that it will be a sequel, and the character designs seem a bit older than the characters in Digimon usually are, which is a nice change. Some say these characters are the Tamers grown up, and admitedly the one in the top left of the second pic sorta looks like Jeri, but it's hard to tell at the moment.

I wonder how old these "kids" are? Hopefully the show is targeted at the fans who have grown up a bit since Digimon finished, and not a new generation. :D

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Scans look neat. Older characters? BONUS!

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I agree about what has been said previously about the Tamers season. The first two seasons weren't as well translated over, they weren't handled as well. Had power to them, and Season 2 to me in some ways was better than Season 1, but both of them paled in comparison to the 3rd Season in terms of character development, background story, was powerful.

Never saw 4th season, as I was away on my mission when that happened and now I don't watch TV anymore.

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The character designs are radically different than the last 4 seasons. Is Toei still animating this?

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I think they are. Somebody translated the text in the first pic, and while it didn't reveal anything noteworthy (it basically said to wait until the next issue for more info) it mentioned Akiyoshi Hongo and Toei Animation.

Besides, the character designs in Tamers were slightly different to the first two series. I think they had a different character designer for Tamers.

These new characters have a different style to all four series of Digimon.

Posts: 1195
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The animation is indeed looking different, possibly cuz' they look older. This is interesting as previous Digimon anime was mostly kids and preteens. If they are older as the drawings appear, this indeed, looks to be a different (and exciting) look on "Digimon Savers."

And while I thought Tamers had a nice ending overall, I admit, the fangirl in me is excited if this was a Tamer sequel...

Posts: 322
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I've about had enough of Tamers... Season one reigns supreme, in my opinion.

I REEEEEEEEALLY hope they release box sets! >< I've been dying to own the entire first season! And the phone just rang, so I must go.

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Yeah I saw that link. Those three dots in the lower left-hand corner are curious. Red, green and blue = Takato, Henry and Rika? And I wonder what the significance of the thunderbolt in the logo is. I keep thinking Harry Potter. :]

One other thing that I completely forgot. Before we were given a title or screenshots, there was a storyline synopsis put up for the new series which was labelled "Digimon Tamers Neo". At first I just shrugged it off as a hoax, but when I look at how old the new character designs are, it fits with the synopsis which said it takes place 5 years after. You can read it here.

Just think... that could very well be the storyline! If this is really a new Tamers series, I hope Toei at least consulted Chiaki Konaka. He was the biggest influence in Tamers, so he at least deserves to have some say in it.

Well the show starts in April, so it's not long to go really. I want more Impmon! *squeals*

Posts: 222
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Wasn't a big Tamers fan. Didn't really find any characters I could latch onto. (Ryo and Renamon were okay... but ehhh.) Of course that's true of Adventure 02, too.

Tamers felt a bit too much like a soap opera to me. Those kids didn't stop having problems. D=

Even in Fronteir, which I didn't like that much. There was the uber-cute baseball cap wearing Kouichi.

Bleh. I hope it's not a Tamers sequel. While I *DID* like Tamers. I'd just prefer something fresh.

Posts: 1437
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I don't claim to be a big Digimon fan. The only thing I ever sawe was Adventures, and Adventures 02 I never got around to. But if it has to be anything, I'd prefer an "Adventures 03..." not that that'll happen.

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I didn't even know the show was still on TV. People actually watch it?

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No, it's been finished for three years now. At the time Toei said they were putting Digimon on hiatus. Most just assumed that was their way of saying it fails. Season 5 has been a rumour ever since then.

Digimon X-Evolution was the last movie we've had, which came out one year ago. Although I think movies 4-7 were dubbed into English some time ago and aired on TV.

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Although I think movies 4-7 were dubbed into English some time ago and aired on TV.

They were dubbed. Shown pretty recently actually. Just a few months time.

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From the Digimon Encyclopedia...


In the first column, we've got the instantly-recognisable Agumon, and his Digivolved form, GeoGreymon, who belongs to the main hero of the show, naturally. Next over is Gamon, who Digivolves into Gaogamon, and belongs to our hero's rival. And thirdly, Raramon (possibly Lalamon, y'know how that whole l/r thing works) and Sunflowmon, the Digimon partner of the show's heroine. The two knight-lookin' chaps behind the text are PawnChessmon, who belong to "DATS," a duo of policewomen.

My heart is filled with joy at the sight of Agumon (and I also suppose this new info debunks the 'Tamers sequel' theory).

Posts: 439
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Wow GeoGreymon looks totally unlike just regular Greymon. I suppose is attack will be "Geo Nova blast".

Anyway, here's the official story as translated from this THIS SCAN

The protagonist, Masaru, is a second year Junior High student, and is undefeated in battle. Although his skills with personal computers and technology are lacking, his father (now missing) is the leading authority on "Digital World" research. He meets the Digital Monster Agumon, who has escaped from DATS (Digital Analysis and Testing Squad), a secret government organization. Despite terrible first impressions, the two become best friends by talking with their "fists".
With the other members of DATS, Masaru and Agumon work to investigate various incidents involving the Digital World and Digital Monsters, to try and get to the bottom of things...

It still could be a Tamners sequel, but it likely isn't. Pawn Chessmon looks like those thingies from Kingdom Hearts.

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...Or whatever. Why do you all care so much about a cheesy Pokemon ripoff anyhow?

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Digimon actually came to being before least in Japan. It just came to American shores later than Pokemon did.

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You know just because it has "mon" in the title, doesn't make it a Pokemon rip-off. It's not a Pokemon rip-off anyway. If you've actually watched the show and you're not just repeating the same crap you've heard other uninformed Poke-fanatics echo a thousand times before, you'll find the two have nothing in common at all.

And as Ultra says, Digimon came before Pokemon. Just because Pokemon is more popular doesn't make Digimon more of a rip-off than Pokemon is. If cute monster raising shows is a genre, then Pokemon and Digimon would be in the same genre.

Lets not turn this into a Pokemon vs Digimon thread. How many more forums does this trend have to continue on? If you want to argue their similarities, then make a new thread.

Posts: 222
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Because this "cheesy Pokemon rip-off" actually has a story and characters, while Pokemon is basically just a 23 minute long commercial? (Not that it doesn't have it's charms.)

What it comes down to is:

Pokemon is a comedy show with occasional action.
Digimon is a Dramatic/Action show with light comedic moments.

Bah, could they try a little harder with the Digimon's designs? The human characters are cute, but jeez, Agumon again? Feh. Atleast he has... arm... braces...?

The plant thing is ugly, the wolf guy is cute, but uh... meh.

The show sounds alot like Tamers. (With the government organisation hunting digimon and all.)

Posts: 439
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I kinda like the plant Digimon, it's cute, but too Pokemon-ish if you ask me. I liked Rika because she was a girl who had the strongest Digimon (at first, anyway). This looks like a step back to the days of Biyomon and Palmon; when girls were not doing womens lib any justice. Although it could turn out to be stronger than it looks.

Anyone know how old second year Junior High students are in Japan? That would tell us how old the main charater is. We don't have Junior High where I live so I don't know, but I'm guessing around 13-14?

This series sounds more promising than Frontier at least (which isn't hard). Hopefully it'll be more like Adventures 02 where the episodes take place both in the real world and the digital world. That's one of the things I hated about Frontier, hardly enough real world action. It's cool seeing giant monsters rampaging through Tokyo Godzilla style.

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Japanese students go to school from K-9, then finish their last three grades in a different high school. Seeing as how they start at the age of five (and that they're second year Junior High students), they'd be in 8th grade and 13 years old.

And here's another picture!

On the bottom left, we see this season's 'Digivices' apparently. Plus, if you look at Geogreymon in the upper left, he has a spike coming out of his shoulder. o.o

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So, Agumon returns, ey? Must be pretty popular with people. I never cared too greatly for him.

Them digivices look like...well, cellphones, which isn't TOO much of a surprise. I mean, Frontiers had the kid's cellphone turn into digivices, but at least it's not as fugly as Frontier's or the second season one. I personally always liked Tamer's device.

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They look suspiciously like iPods to me. >>

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Digimon actually came to being before least in Japan. It just came to American shores later than Pokemon did.

Actually, that's incorrect. In Japan, Nintendo Pocket Monsters Red/Green was released in Spring 1996 while Bandai released Digimon in 1997 after the success of Tamagotchi.

As for the picture--I like the new dog Digimon but I'm not really excited for the return of Agumon.

Posts: 1321
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wow! digimon ... I haven't heard of them since 1998 , holy crap.

heh lol no.:fist

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