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Gay marriage becomes law in UK

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Hundreds of gay couples are preparing to form civil partnerships in the coming weeks as the law changes after decades of campaigning.

At least 1,200 ceremonies are confirmed as being scheduled already, according to figures from councils compiled by the BBC News website.

Councils are preparing for the first ceremonies, with couples permitted to register from Monday morning.

Campaigners says the law ends inequalities for same-sex couples.

The first ceremonies under the Civil Partnerships Act can take place in Northern Ireland on 19 December, followed by Scotland the next day and England and Wales on 21 December.

Under the law, couples who want to form a partnership must register their intentions with local councils. Unlike marriages, the signing of the legal partnership papers does not need to happen in public.

Bookings coming in

Hundreds of couples are expected to go ahead quickly, with Brighton conducting 198 ceremonies before the end of the year. Overall, the city has taken 510 bookings for the coming months, thought to be the highest in the country.

Other cities which have seen strong interest include London, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle and Edinburgh.

Meg Munn, minister for equality, said the government expected 4,500 couples to get "partnered" in the first year.

"This is an important piece of legislation that gives legal recognition to relationships which until now were invisible in the eyes of the law," Ms Munn told the BBC News website.

"It accords people in same-sex relationships the same sort of rights and responsibilities that are available to married couples.

"We know there are people who have been together maybe 40 years and have been waiting for the chance to do this kind of thing, because of the important differences it makes to their lives.

"They have the same concerns as married couples - tenancy, ownership, pensions and inheritance.

"People now have this as an option to consider when they feel they are in a permanent relationship and feel it is the right thing to do. It is just as serious a commitment to make as marriage."

Alan Wardle, of gay campaign group Stonewall, said the importance of the change should not be underestimated.

"Our view is that civil partnerships are transformative for the lives of individual couples and their rights, but also for society more generally.

"Society now legally recognises gay relationships for the first time.

"It's a big day but 21 December, when the first partnerships take place, will be even bigger because that will see gay and lesbian people removing discrimination."

Reticent councils

Campaigners have however focused on councils which have been equivocal about the new law.

Bromley in south-east London had initially planned not to offer public ceremonies. Lisburn in Northern Ireland also overturned a proposed ban.

Some registrars have objected to officiating at ceremonies, according to reports in some newspapers.

Ms Munn said any councils dragging their feet needed to comply with the both the spirit and letter of the law.

"The legislation requires that every authority must offer a civil partnership. The basic level of that is a simple signing of a register - some couples may just want that alone.

"But if any councils are saying they won't allow [public] ceremonies, for couples who want that kind of celebration, then it's time they came into the 21st century.

"Most people I have spoken to have had very moving stories. If councils won't, then there are plenty of people willing to take the business."

Posts: 2928
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I honestly didn't think I see it in my lifetime. Probably won't in the US. :p


Posts: 109
Estimable Member

It's a hoax. It has to be.

Now we just have to wait for the US to follow in toe... ha. Like that'll ever happen.

Posts: 2928
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You know how opposed to equal rights humans are.


Posts: 4336
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Especially after the age of consent was lowered some time ago.

You all know my opinions already, so I won't repeat them here. Nevertheless, I'm not surprised. Disgusted? Eh, you could say that. But not surprised.

Posts: 2928
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Oh hush you silly, go back to writing about little Izzy's erections. :D


Posts: 109
Estimable Member

Oh? Why are you "disgusted"? I've never heard this, so I'm very curious.

But this probably isn't the place for that and I'm going to bed now anyway.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

I don't support homosexuality in general, but I have no problem with people doing what they want, in cases like this. Whether it's homosexuality, abortion, or using animals as lab experiments, they don't affect me personally, and as a Christian, I shouldn't judge these people. There's only One who can do that, so...

Pro-choice FTW.

Posts: 2928
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I wish all Christian's thought that way. You're a credit to your religion DDK.


Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Like I said in chat when Creo pointed it out.

Yay Progress ^^

~Crimson, always a fan of letting people do what they enjoy if it don't hurt anyone.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

Thanks, Rico. =D I guess others would call me a bit unorthadox... But I don't really care. I'll be the first to promote tolerance of others and spread optimism, love, and kindness.

If that's not the way Christians should be, then what is? Screw all these extremists that burn Harry Potter books, and then let their kids watch Jackass or the Man Show or something.

Posts: 2232
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Fearful of lions when in Rome?

Posts: 1818
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In related news, music legend Elton John and film producer David Furnish, who met at a Halloween party in 1993, are set to wed on December 21st.

Oh? Why are you "disgusted"? I've never heard this, so I'm very curious.
Long story. Jist of it is, his knowledge of HIV is stuck somewhere in the early- to mid-80s.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Anyone ever hear of Ake Green? A Swedish pastor that was recently acquitted of 'hate speech' due to a sermon that spoke out against homosexual behavior?

Here's the sermon.

Read it. It echoes pretty much all of my thoughts on homosexuality...and the fact that homosexuals are not outside the grace of God. How can that be called 'hate speech'?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The nice and moral side of me which is even and fair and loves all humans says: "This is wonderful news!" and it is, the only bad bit of it is that this hadn't happened sooner. Here's hoping equality reaches the US sooner than later :)

Annoyingly, some naggingly BRITISH part of my soul is saying "...damn... as if this country wasn't crowded enough as it was, grumble grumble"

Luckily I'm not British enough to be heartless, I hope the rest of the world starts to follow suit soon :)

*Will look forward to the pride march next year, after something like this it'll bound to be worth keeping an eye on*

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

But, seriously, the best bit is the WAY the gay laws were originally introduced to Queen Victoria...

And she had only legislated against men because when an aid had tried to hint that there "might" be such a thing as gay women she refused to believe him, as if such a thing could exist????? :cuckoo

But seriously, We've had gay adoptions, gay teachers and minsters, gay vicars, didn't we have a gay archbishop for a couple of months? Is there ANY reason at all whilst they shouldn't be allowed to marry?

EDIT; Ultra, I;ve always been curious, how does the system work in the US...
Cos, somehow I'm amazed to see you surprised at this systm but as far as I can see it's brilliant.

You can't drink AT ALL when you're a kid
You can only drink with parental consent or when having a meal when your an early teen
And you're legally allowed to drink when your 18, but not drive when drunk.

You can't drive a car untill your 17, on which you take lessons, pass a test and then your road legal until a Policeman decides you have too many points on your license and suspends you.

The age of consent laws are complicated but give way to personal freedom and choice, but protects younger people from elder ones.... There are LOADS of people in an active relationship at 16, but the bill is designed to make sure they arent preyed upon by elder people like; teachers, council works, doctors, 28 year old bloke two doors down from the pub...
It's encouraging personal freedoms, and choice, and most of all protecting the innocent.

Hang on, America was supposed to be the land of the free....


Posts: 530
Honorable Member

Yes, America WAS supposed to be the home of the free. Then came the Patriot Act, which basically shoves a rather large piece of flaky wood up the collective bums of our forefather's dreams and wishes.

Certain unalienable rights indeed.

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

1 word: Awesome!

2 words: About time..

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Um... because you're blaming a whole section of society, wrongly and unfounded I might add, for one of the worst diseases on the planet?

I skimmed the other 12 pages of it, same stuff being said over and over. You hate me, thats fine, why can't you be like DDK and at LEAST be tolerant of how I was born? I know your chosen faith hates it, but thats just too bad. I don't want you to be my friend, oh god no. But it would help if you weren't throwing virtual knives at me everytime someone says the word homo.

In closing, what did I do to you?


Posts: 4336
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And if I may reiterate...

'Hate the sin, not the sinner'.

Posts: 2928
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I've been hated for stupidier reasons. I just can't think of any at the moment. Well aside from being called four eyes in grade school.


Posts: 2928
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I'm moving in, Craig, you get the floor. Tails Doll already confirmed it.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

One-eye is better; ask Leela.

But I digress...

Now, I'm against homosexuality. According to the Bible, it is an abomination against God's design.

But despite that, there's free will.

And that's why that, despite my dislike for those who choose homosexuality, I'm not going to actively convert them against their will. God gave free will...and as such, mankind has the ability to choose to do good or evil.

I may not like homosexuality...but it's something I have to live with in today's world.

Of course, if someone doesn't WANT to be a homosexual anymore, then it's a whole new ball game (in terms of converting).

Posts: 2928
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According to the bible, so is worshipping false idols. *points at your avatar*

But I digress.

Like I told Jimro, you can think what you want, but alienating people is not the way to win friends and influence people.


Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I'm up for equal rights and all, but on the subject of homosexuality, I don't care. It's their choice, let them do what they want. That's all.

Posts: 2723
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The same goes for yours. ;P

Posts: 2928
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I'm not a christian. I can worship steve the lawn mower god if I wanted to. So neener neener neener poo.

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Posts: 2723
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ok I'm confused now...

Posts: 2928
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My messiah is sexAHer than yours. :3


Posts: 2928
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Its all very offtopic, just ignore us. Ultra wants to have my children, but we can't get married and adopt till this law passes in the US.


Posts: 4336
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I'm looking for commitment. Can't get that from a guy who's always clamoring for Craig and Geo's babies. :O

Posts: 2928
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I guess Craig IS better looking than you two. /shrug


Posts: 2723
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...I'm going to leave you two alone now...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well, I just think this is a good idea really. I know what my preferences are and we only have one life or a lot of lifes (But some as Tapeworms and bacteria) and you might as well enjoy yourself with your time.

Its not that I dont have faith I just dont follow a religon BTW.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member


"...damn... as if this country wasn't crowded enough as it was, grumble grumble"

Try squeezing 4 million people onto an island with only slightly over 630 sq. kilometres of space. >_> That's where I live. oo

Back on topic...

Gay marriage? Well, as long as I'm not involved, I don't mind what others do. It's their choice, and whatever happens is their responsibility.

Though yes, I'm against homosexuality - it's not my problem or fault that they do what they do.

Posts: 84
Estimable Member

Hmm. Never thought I'd see this happening in the UK. Still, this is how things are now I guess.

I don't like the idea very much, but it doesn't affect me on a personal level, so I'm not going to prattle on about it. Not my place to judge folk on how they want to live, and as others said, alienation doesn't win friends.

A few things I will pick out though:


"...will be even bigger because that will see gay and lesbian people removing discrimination."

Yes, because changing the law instantly changes how the people it governs react to any particular group of people. I'm sorry, but a world without discrimination is nothing but a fairy tale.


"Society now legally recognises gay relationships for the first time."

No, the law now legally recognises them. Getting society to do so will take longer.


"It is just as serious a commitment to make as marriage."

No it's not. Or at least, that's my personal opinion on it. Marriage is a little more serious as the partners can (usually) bear children together. (And yes, I'm aware of adoption thankyou kindly. I'm of the opinion though that there is a fundamental difference in the bond formed between parent and child when the child is your own flesh and blood to that of those who are adopted. That's just my own opinion though, and I don't intend to be offensive to anyone reading this who has been adopted) There's a few other aspects to factor in as well, but if I start factoring those in then I'll probably be branded as some sort of extremist, so for now I'd rather not.
That said, I suppose from a legal perspective it's as serious, seeing as the people involved now get the same rights and so forth as a married couple, so I guess in that context that statement isn't as much of an exaggeration.

*Sigh* The worst part about this is the number of people it's due to upset who won't take it as lightly as I do. I simply can't wait for the protests to start up.

I'm not overally greatly bothered by this change in the law. It's not likely to have as enormous an effect on society as some people are hoping. And as far as I'm concerned, the only laws I'm interested in obeying are the ones set out by God.


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

My mom says she loves me just as much as my sister even though I'm adpoted and not her.


"Society now legally recognises gay relationships for the first time."

No, the law now legally recognises them.


Posts: 1818
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Now, I'm against homosexuality. According to the Bible, it is an abomination against God's design.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Weelll that's one way to cut back on overpopulation I guess.

(btw homosexuality doesnt exist its another lie of liberal media. fight the power.)

Posts: 530
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I always knew there was something off about that paperclip.

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Posts: 308
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I am also a Christian and I agree with Divine in that a person has a right to be with whoever they choose (so long as I'm not involved).
However, curiousity took over and I looked up "homosexuality" in the Bible. All I got, though, was that "sexual immortality" is not tolerated, and "perverts" are categorized with slave traders and liars. In this day and age "sexual immortality" can be considered rape, cheating on [life] partner, etc. "Perverts"...That could be where homosexuality came in... Looked it up and found "one who practices sexual perversion". Which doesn't help my cause at all...
I don't like to make people uncomfortable with the Bible, but if someone could explain, Romans 1:18-32, 1Corinthians 6:9-11, 1Timothy 1:9-11, that'll be great.:read

And if you were uncomfortable just then, it's over now. :smile

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

OnTopic: Awesome!

Off Topic and on you Two Buggers: Shut up and have butt secks already. You two are clamoring like a married couple... a GAY married couple!

HAH! That's right! I can so TOTALLY use that joke now!!! In my life time... *sob of happiness, and scratches that off of his list to do in his life*

=3 =3 =3

Posts: 2928
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I'm TRYING. :crazy :crazy :crazy


Posts: 4336
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And I'm still hanging onto my virginity.

(smacks Rico with a paper fan) Down boy. Go and bother Craig or whatever it is you do in your spare time.

Posts: 2928
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Jin started it. :[


Posts: 4336
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But Jin has a big, hand-drawn sig and you don't. And it's insulting to boot. So nyeh.

Posts: 2928
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I've had more productive discussions than this with my filing cabinent. Lets go back to topic. :p


Posts: 1355
Noble Member

There's a small note in Leviticus and that's the only thing I know of. Since I've been wanting to use this pic outside of chat since I made it and I'm a whore:


info on the verse or whatever

As for the topic's good news. Duh. Any further expansion on my views on marriage leads to that little thing called discussion and I'm not going to be coming back here just to smack some dumbass rebuttal into a wall. Good day.

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