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Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

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Posts: 85
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I just took action to end the barbaric practice of aerial gunning at, and I hope you will, too.

More than 400 wolves have been shot dead under the state's inhumane aerial gunning program that allows trophy hunters to gun down wolves from airplanes or run helpless wolves to exhaustion and then land and shoot them.

We must stop the slaughter of Alaska's wolves. Help me protect these magnificent creatures.

Go to to take action now.

Thanks for your help protecting wildlife.

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F**k Wolves.
When's the last time a Wolf did anything for me?
Never, that's when.

As a matter of fact, I now want to buy a plane ticket and fly to Alaska simply to kill a Wolf for the sole purpose of spiting you and everyone else who likes Wolves.

Wolves are freeloading, filthy creatures. Kill the Wolves, I say. No skin off my nose if fat guys have nothing to put on T-Shirts.

Man, F**k Wolves.

Posts: 2232
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Man, F**k Wolves.

Be gentle ;)

Posts: 4336
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The practice of aerial gunning itself sounds too cruel for hunting. Nix it.

Posts: 666
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I've always felt that Alaska could make more money by selling hunting licenses to out of staters to take any excess wolves...

Normally when the prey population declines the predator population also declines, but Alaskan wolves have proven to be the exeption to the rule in at least one scientifically documented case.

However, if the animals need to be harvested to keep the ecosystem balanced, what does it matter in which way they are killed? Is a death by gunshot any different from a death by starvation?

Nature doesn't care how things die, and for the most part neither do I.


Posts: 1334
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For once, I agree with Jimro. Completely.

Posts: 3468
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Wolves are freeloading, filthy creatures. Kill the Wolves, I say. No skin off my nose if fat guys have nothing to put on T-Shirts.

Wonderbat. No.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Stop being tossers guys. Can't we have one thread about stopping cruelty without posts consisting of "LOLOL I DON'T CARE AND I THINK IT'S FUNNY".

You all suck.

Posts: 3756
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Wonder fails.

As usual.

*signs petition*


Posts: 2928
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Pot. Kettle. Black.

Posts: 2928
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Hey! Us foxes need "f**king" too. :[

Seriously though, I really wish we'd do the same with humans. It keeps the animal population in check we could use it on the human race too. Think of money we could get from letting someone run through a jail or orphanage with a banana clip of ammo for 200 bucks. Just like this Alaskan wolf thingy. Everyone wins. :D :D :D

Posts: 666
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What would they do with a banana clip?


Posts: 2928
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Someone told me once there are no stupid questions. They must not have met you. :3

Posts: 666
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There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

I just don't see why folks would pay 200 bucks for the priviledge of carrying a banana clip through an orphanage...

However when it comes to "human overpopulation" you never see anyone lining up for euthanasia, so folks who feel they are qualified to choose who lives and who dies make comments about "hunting seasons" etc...

There are legal standards for executing people, but for fun and profit is not one of them.


Posts: 3756
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I just don't see why folks would pay 200 bucks for the priviledge of carrying a banana clip through an orphanage...

I'm assuming a banana clip is either a gun, or ammo for a gun. Which is more likely. And I don't know if you realize that.

Posts: 2928
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He does, he's just trying to be humourous. And when I say trying I mean trying as in a hippo trying to swim out of a tarpit.

Posts: 4336
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Complete with a monocle for extra British flavor.

Posts: 3291
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that's not english! where's his pipe and a cup of tea?

Posts: 4336
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My MS Paint skills can only do so much with a mugshot. ;_;

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

You know Spam is aganist the rules on non-Spam forums, right Ultra?

But yeah, a bannana clip is ammo for a gun. Hence the Clip part.

Posts: 4336
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You know Spam is aganist the rules on non-Spam forums, right Ultra?

Not wanton spam, in any case. If that were the case, Bizarro Bayfield and Fexusfan wouldn't be allowed in the MF Central.

Besides, I already contributed my opinion to the topic at hand. I was just contributing to the little spat (well, not really a spat, but you get my drift) with a mustachioed, monacle-wearing Rico pic. :3

Posts: 229
Estimable Member

It's Chav Rico 😛

Who the f**k you lookin' at?!

*used free programmes to make this*

Posts: 2097
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Creo, you are a genius. XD

Posts: 666
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A "banana clip" refers specifically in the gun world to clips for AKM variants, for those of you not familiar with Soviet small arms the AK-47 was redesigned for export as the AKM, basically they took a cheap design and made it cheaper.

Later on the 7.62x39 mm cartrige was abandoned and replaced by the 5.45x39 mm cartrige in the AK-74 model (and those interesting reddish brown plastic magazines) . The 7.62x39 mm cartrige is slightly less powerful than the common 30-30 winchester, and the 5.45x39 mm cartrige is slightly less powerful than the 223 Remington (identical to the 5.56x45 NATO), along the lines of the 222 Remington.

However, saying "take a banana clip to an orphanage or prison" is like saying "take a spare tire off an armored fighting vehicle to a prison".

Anyways, now that we all are on the same page as to what a "banana clip" is, we can move along. I understood that Rico was talking about shooting a lot of helpless people, and I felt that a little dry humor was in order. After all, equating alaskan ecosystem management with human overcrowding is a bit simplistic and over emotional.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just so you know, the Bizarro topic serves a purpose and I was asked to make it by Vec who is sort of sad that it didn't pick up into a naming fad. I created the topic to encourage accounts being made. I felt dirty and had to shower afterwards.

Posts: 4336
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I was just making a comparison.

I personally thought Bizarro Bayfield was an inventive character. Maybe Bizarro MoFo would be the subject of a future RP? 😛

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Poor Craig.

I say we give the wolves guns of their own. That way they can shoot down invading aerial hunters.

Crap, that's just horrible. As if hunting on the ground when they can get their throats torn out (which is unlikely, as they have a gun.) wasn't one-sided enough. ;__;

Poor Wolves.

Scratch giving them their own guns, let's give them their own AA guns.

Wolf: COME INTO MY AIRSPACE WILL YOU!? *Shoots down enemy aircraft*

Yay. Violent images!

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I don't see why ANYTHING should be hunted in the first place. That's just cruel, and I'm definitely against it. No one has the right to take the life of another. And no human should go hunting animals just for sport.

Really. How would you feel if animals started hunting humans just for the fun of it?

OFF-TOPIC EDIT: 800th post, yay. I'm closer to my 1k.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Really. How would you feel if animals started hunting humans just for the fun of it?

>> This is the time when I wish velociraptors were alive and hunting you, so you could see how they felt about it. Then you might see that there are SOME animals {though extinct now} that actully did do it for sport sometimes.

..::Waits for it.::

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


I don't see why ANYTHING should be hunted in the first place.

Oh, I don't Clothing from their pelts? Bags from their hides?

I'm sure if you asked the Indians (American, not India) that same question (or anyone else who lives off the land, for that matter), they'd probably look at you oddly.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

All I was saying is that hunting just for sport is wrong. Living off the land, I can definitely see, because the Native Americans needed it for food and such. If they kill a buffalo, they used all of the animal for what they needed.

It's just that it makes me angry to know that wolves are being hunted for no good reason. People are doing enough destruction to the environment as it is, with pollution and all. It's not fair to go into some habitat and start shooting everything in sight just because their population is too high.

Posts: 4336
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Well, you have to think about balance. For instance, bears; if population numbers get too high, they eventually drive other species away. Same with most animals; too much of one variety will crowd out others. Hence, hunting to prevent over-population.

All in all, in the long term, hunting wolves to prevent over-population is a GOOD thing. Because too many wolves means not enough natural food (ie moose and other animals) to go around, which means they either start starving or they move on to other food sources (ie humans).

Posts: 0
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I'm surte it would please the wolf-huging hippies in this thread more than anything if wolves DID start wantonly attacking humans, Ultra.

Posts: 403
Reputable Member

I, more or less, agree with Wonderbat. There is nothing fantastic and amazing about wolves at all and I don't see how people get so pissed off at a wolf dying. There's nothing special about them except for too many lonely people write erotic stories about them.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

Hunting for sport is a valuable tool for wildlife management.

All animals have a "habitat" that can support X number of animals. Healthy animal populations breed up to X animals, and then some. Normally the excess is killed off due to predation, disease or old age. The more killed by predation the more likely it is that the animal group can avoid death by disease or starvation as they exhaust their food supply.

Since humans are an apex predator, in the form of hunters, we fulfill an important role in habitat maintenance and animal population control. Keeping the population properly maintained prevents overgrazing which leads to habitat destruction causing overpopulation. Last year people in New Jersey lobbied for longer hunting seasons to take care of the deer and black bear overpopulation problem.

If you think hunting is "cruel" then you need to seriously study some biology. No animal has ever gone extinct from sport hunters.

And sport hunter organizations like Ducks Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, work hard with government agencies to protect wildlife habitat. The fees paid for hunting and fishing licenses, along with an EXTRA TAX on sporting goods for hunting and fishing, pay for habitat maintanence and restoration.

Sport hunters turn in specimens every season to combat the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease. CWD is a prion disease just like CJD.

There are a lot of scientific, ethical, and cultural reasons why sport hunting is necessary. The idea that "it is cruel" may pull the heartstrings, but it is not smart.


Posts: 2928
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I feel like Geogwe. :3

Posts: 2928
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Hey now, if ultra can go psycho about fetus's I can do it about dumb animals. At least my non-sentient creatures can see. Well... most of them. :3

Posts: 0
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Yay for Jimro having a basic knowledge of biology in the face of "OMG HUNTING IS BAD STOP IT".

Posts: 2928
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In the ever immortal words of Aeris:

". . ."

Posts: 85
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Topic starter

Wolf haters like to portray wolves as bloodthirsty killers. But I, and the majority of Americans, see them as majestic animals. Wolf haters like to portray killing them as saving mankind. But I, and the majority of Americans, see it as savage slaughter. Wolf haters like to portray themselves as saviors. But I, and the majority of Americans, see them as cowards.

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Wolf-hugging hippies like to portray themselves as knowing what the f they're on about. But I, and the majority of people with the capacity to think logically, see them as not knowing what the f they're on about.

In other words, see Jimro's post concerning overcrowding in ecosystems.

Posts: 2928
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I think you're all looney. :crazy

Posts: 2928
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See Rico's previous post about you all being messed up in the head.

Posts: 456
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Hunters don't give much of a flying @#%$ about the environment, the eco-system, the natural balance, etc, they hunt because they enjoy it (going as far to call it a "sport"). Personally I think it's pretty @#%$ up that members of a civilisation as advanced as ours can get pleasure out of killing creatures.

If it's really a necessity for the mighty humans to govern the populations of all other species then it should at least be done with a damn bit of respect. I wonder how much time these selfless and caring hunters have spent discussing and developing alternative methods to population control that don't involve killing? Not much I'd imagine, because then it wouldn't be as much fun for them. They kill for pleasure and don't treat their victims with a shred of dignity, often turning their corpses into trophies.

Jimro, you care about the animal population and the environment? Wouldnt that make you a bleeding-heart girly liberal tree-hugging lefty Canadian cross-dressing pinko communist hippy gayboy fag?

Ultra, god youre full of crap. 11 effing pages on how a human sperm/egg combo is a sacred life from the moment the two components meet, and should not be harmed, but as soon as someone expresses concern about the lives of fully developed mammals youre one of the first to jump on them.

And LOLOLOMG you put a monocle on Ricos fox picture!!!!!11 Arent you TEH FUNNY?


Spoilers (Select To Read): No, youre really not.

Wonderbat, you were just being an antagonistic prick.

MarauderOSU, sorry this thread had to go like this. Every time someone tries to do something good, something positive, every time someone wants to spread a little bit of peace or at least remove some of the cruelty from this all too chaotic world theres always going to be cynical bastards scoffing, telling you that compassion is a sign of weakness. Dont let those guys get to you, your spirit and integrity are worth more than that.

Seriously guys, in-@#%$-credible. What thread should we destroy next?

Poster A: My sister died of cancer. I am very sad right now. Here is a link to a web site if you would like to donate to cancer research.

Poster B: LOL! NO THX. Why the @#%$ should I donate to that @#%$? OHNOZ CANCER.

Poster C: Everyone dies. Are you sure your sister didnt deserve to die?


Sorry people, no room for compassion, optimism, hope, caring, respect or any positive and constructive thoughts here.

But hey, we can all be complete asswipes! In fact why not start a "let's be complete @#%$ wankers" thread, most of you have been practicing.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I had no idea about this. It doesn't seem like the U.S. would let this happen. Usually animals are protected more than humans.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member


EDIT: Wasn't this at one time locked? o.o

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Yes it was locked. I don't know why it was opened either. ;p

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

whether it was open or not, i signed the petition anyway.

i like wolves. i think they are cool and whatever some negative people say about them should be disregarded as complete stupidity spewing from their mouths.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Usually animals are protected more than humans.

If I recall, my uncle didn't get a multiple homicide charge for shooting three deer.

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