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Official GM and MFW Discussion Thread

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Posts: 859
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As much as I'm in favour of having a Sega City jail, it'd just be used as a plot device "ooh, shoot the jail gates and let the hooligans run free."

That's very poor and contrived, but for looking at the psycological aspects of people in there, going in there or coming out of there it'd be interesting.

Posts: 106
Estimable Member

Well, we just have to have faith in the fact that the ppl who write MFW RPs dont handle a jail that way. ^__^

But yeah, since natives can't be banned, a jail obviously exists. I would assume more than one might exist - and most SCPD prencicts have holding cells.

Of course, those are for ordinary folks with no powers. I haven't had a specific concept in mind for the super-powered ppl - but I indeed had in my mind that even they would be imprisoned using high tech of some kind. In fact, there are probably a few ppl from GMI that might end up there.

Terg's idea sounds good. I'll have to add it to my notes for the next update. ^__^

Posts: 106
Estimable Member

Funny how an Update agenda can go competely the OPPOSITE way of what you plan, ey?

I was planing for a major Update on the GM History page (basicaly all summaries completed besides GMS) and a few edits and additions here and there.

This is ALMOST done! The funny thing is - that the thing that's keeping me back, is the fact that I have to research GMR some more as I dont remember some stuff... ridiculous considering the fact that I actualy remember GMA by hard which is 2 to 3 years older than GMR! :p

So, you'll have to be bit more patient as I am finishing up some things on that front. ^__^

But I DO have something you can feast your eyes on. I just emailed Red the new Updates for the MFW Guide page. In all likilyhood, it wont be up by the time you read this, but I've asked Red to inform us on this thread when she uploads it.

So, what updates have I done there? Here's the lowdown on what to expect from this rather massive and on some parts, significant update:

-Revamped "Mobius Forum World" intro.

-Several minor edits and corrections.
-Written a brand new, expanded "Sega City" entry. The old one was about a sentence long. The new one is an entire paragraph.
-Corrected the error about "Secrethole" being called "Darkhole"
-Annuled SPA Entry. Replaced it with SPA Division and a new description.
-Added Hinoke Island.

-Edited The Cosmic Icky Stick entry with clarifications.
-Edited the Figment Keys entry with clarifications and their connection to the Icky Stick. Also added a paragraph there.
-Slight edit of the Teplar Technology entry.

-Renamed it to "People & Organizations".
-Added the following Entries: "Forumers", "Admins", "Mods", and "NPCs(OOC)" and "NPCs(IC)". Most of them actualy point to "Admins & Mods" and "The Forumers" sections.
-Edited Sailorness Scouts entry with some new stuff (including a reference to the recent SPA Sailorness upheaval :p )
-Slightly Edited Templar Knights Entry.
-Added "Shadow Knights" Entry.
-Added FPA entry.
-Edited HEAT entry to now mention the 2nd Generation of HEAT from GMI.
-Edited SONIC Entry.
-Added "SPA" Entry.

Admin/Mod Duties and Powers
-Renamed it to "Admins & Mods". The entire section has been remade and the changes are:
*MAJOR Revamp: Mod and Admin entries re-written from scratch.
*Admin Powers tweaked. Specificaly the Ban power has been re-tooled and now reads:
"Ban: An Admin has the power to exile a forumer from the MFW by concentrating for about 20 to 30 minutes. The target of the Ban has to be subdued and the Admin must have a constant eye-contact with him/her (which means that individuals that are to be banned, will have to first be arrested in order for the power to be used properly). After the completion of the power, the target of the ban is hurled to the Astral Plane and cannot, theoreticaly, return to the MFW unless the Ban is removed. The target is otherwise unharmed. It has to be noted that baning is not the De Facto punishment for all crimes. Some crimes are not serious enough to warant a Ban. Furthermore, some criminals might be too evil or dagerous to just Ban them (since that way they would be free to continue their evil ways on other worlds - something not moraly accepted since it's not a good thing to burden other people with YOUR problems) so they are imprisoned instead."
This change is rather drastic since it means that practicaly EVERYONE can be banned now (MFW natives used to be immune to banning in the past - more on that later).
*Added sone misc notes about the Admin/Mod powers, and elaborated exceptions like the Cosmic Icky Sticks, the Guardian of Worlds' immunities to banning, and the infinite extradimentional space inside Cj's Stomach. ^__^

Forumer Abilities:
-Renamed to "The Forumers"
-Rewritten ALL of this chapter which now has pretty much NOTHING to do with the old version.


OK, a few words about this update...
As you can see, for the most part these updates are mostly additions and corrections, but some of the clarifications as well as the changes in the Admin/Mods and Forumers sections have actualy been paramount in bringing forth some rather drastic changes which might not be aparent at first glance... It's mostly fine lettering, but I'll brief you on it anyway :p

Previously Forumers were defined as "any non-mod/non-admin characters" and were divided in two categories: Visitors, and NPCs/Natives. Visitors where basicaly the Player Characters and were immune to certain Admin/Mod powers while susceptible to Baning. On the other hand, Natives (the NPCs) were immune to Baning, but susceptible to other Admin powers, and were additionaly described as ppl created solely for the purpose of populating an area and/or individuals born and raised in the MFW. This was done to allow us to have some characters immune to banning and because it seemed reasonable at the time. However that was a living breathing plot-hole when one considers the history of Sega City. Plus, it was unessesirily complicated and at points it was just plainly dumb (I must have been drunk when I created some elements of the NPCs/Natives entry :p ). So I scrapped it all. ^__^

The new entries describe things in a different way, and for those of you that might wonder, the following are basicaly the changes that have occured:

1) First of all, the only Admin powers that affect living beings are Greater Teleportation and Banning, and now they affect EVERY living being without exception (there are only a couple of exceptions mentioned in the Info Page). No Mod power affects living beings.

2) Secondly, every creature that lives in the MFW is now called a Forumer (including Admins and NPCs). It's like calling someone who lives in the US an American - or more acurately, calling a person who lives on the planet Terra, a Terran (since 'Forumer' is not meant to be a designation of Nationality).

3) No one above the age of 8 is a native (that is born and bred) creature of the MFW (Sega City was created in 1997 and the MFW had no living creatures before that).

4) ALL Inhabitants of the MFW are actualy visitors from other worlds who now live here. They are the Forumers.

5) As you may have guessed, no creature is simply 'created' to 'populate an area'. Everyone is a fully functional living being who has migrated to the MoFo.

And that's it. ^__^ I assume Red will upload this within the next days.

I will also try to finish the updates on the GM History page as well.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

No, no, not days. Around 2 weeks at the earliest, and probably more like 3 weeks because I have other things to do. That's why I told you not to worry about it. ;p

Posts: 106
Estimable Member

I thought you were just being polite :p

I worked my ass of this weekend in vain then. :p

Oh well, at least I took advantage of that surge of creativity and destroyed the moronic "Natives" theorems of old. ^__^

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

**prepares a book titled "This is How You Make TBlood Do Work"**

When its ready, I'll sell it to some overworked friends of yours. 😉

Posts: 106
Estimable Member



I shall have my vengeance!! :cuckoo

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