Scroll down if you are willing to take this risk.
Scientists are afraid that they have opened the gates to hell. A
geological group who drilled a hole about 14.4 kilometers deep (about 9
miles) in the crust of the earth, are saying that they heard human
screams. Screams have been heard from the condemned souls from earth's
deepest hole. Terrified scientists are afraid they have let loose the
evil powers of hell up to the earth's surface.
"The information we are gathering is so surprising, that we are
sincerely afraid of what we might find down there," stated Mr. Azzacov,
the manager of the project to drill a 14.4 kilometer hole in remote
The geologists were dumbfounded. After they had drilled several
kilometers through the earth's crust, the drill bit suddenly began to
rotate wildly. "There is only one explanation - that the deep center
of the earth is hollow," the surprised Azzacov explained. The second
surprise was the high temperature they discovered in the earth's
center. "The calculations indicate the given temperature was about
1,100 degrees Celsius, or over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit," Dr. Azzacov
points out. "This is far more than we expected. It seems almost like
an inferno of fire is brutally going on in the center of the earth."
"The last discovery was nevertheless the most shocking to our ears,
so much so that the scientists are afraid to continue the project. We
tried to listen to the earth's movements at certain intervals with
supersensitive microphones, which were let down through the hole. What
we heard, turned those logically thinking scientists into trembling
ruins. It was sometimes a weak, but high pitched sound which we
thought to be coming from our own equipment," explained Dr. Azzacov.
"But after some adjustments we comprehended that indeed the sound came
from the earth's interior. We could hardly believe our own ears. We
heard a human voice, screaming in pain. Even though one voice was
discernible, we could hear thousands, perhaps millions, in the
background, of suffering souls screaming. After this ghastly
discovery, about half of the scientists quit because of fear.
Hopefully, that which is down there will stay there," Dr. Azzacov
Translated from AMMENUSASTIA, a newspaper published in Finland.
You can read more about it here.
This fullfills a prophecy in the Bible:
". . . they dig into hell . . ." Amos 9:2
Somebody grab the shotgun and wait for the Pinkies.
"This is far more than we expected. It seems almost like an inferno of fire is brutally going on in the center of the earth."
Does the phrase "LIQUID HOT MAGMA" mean anything?
The "screaming" is probably the pressure being released from them digging...there's drilling that goes deeper than that. Besides. Hell is a spiritual realm, like Heaven, but I digress. Yeah, this is bull.
Yeesh, this sound slike something out of the Weekly World News.
Oh, and I noticed this guy has a confederate flag for an avatar.
Can you say "BANNED FOR RACISM"? I sure can.
Why not just have a Swastika?
The COnfederate Flag is not a symbol of racism, I'll get to the topic in a few momments. The flag is about pride in ones state. As is the south, I find people who think its of racism should be shot.
Now on to the screams of hell, well- uh you never know.
The flag is about pride in ones state.
So was the Swastika at first.
A flag is just a flag, nazi - confedration - american flag - or what not. It's just pride, hell even though I particually don't get why nazi-ism is still followed today, it is pride wether or not their leaders or actions were of stupidity or villiany.
It could be argued that the fact that the Yanks were just as bad as the Confederates where racism is concerned; they may have won the Civil War, but that still didn't save blacks from more than a century of persecution and discrimination.
"As a communist I dont believe in heaven or the Bible..."
I heard about this a while ago. Nothing interesting. Though, to be on the safe-side, I better practice my head-shots.
Let's also consider that the URl for this story is
Yes, a <i>totally</i> authentic, reliable and objective source. :/
This is pretty trippy to me. I'll be a good boy and try not to think too much into it and enjoy life.
However, perhaps I should be more...'humble' Though it IS obvious that it's supposed to be hot in the center of the earth. XD
EDIT: And I think if hell does exist and there are demons and stuff, they'd attack with their large knowlege if they would win or lose, and most likely win. Heck, maybe bullets can't kill what is already dead. o_0
Heck, maybe bullets can't kill what is already dead. o_0
Heh, tell that to semi-clad, gun totin' Resident Evil girls...
It's foreign intelligence. Who in their right mind will believe it? For all we know, someone's ears could've been ringing. I agree that the real Hell is spiritual.
An interesting fact...did you know that the Greek word translated "Hell" in most bibles: Sheol, simply refares to a hole in the ground, like a grave.
Also, in the Bible, in Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 5 it reads:
For the living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they have wages, because the rememberance of them has been forgotten.
~From the New World translation of the Holy Scriptures. Itallics added.
So my view on the matter is that Hell does not actually exist, and death is simply like falling asleep without dreams. I believe that God, who created us and cares for us, would never condem anyone to eternal firey's just not in keeping with his character.
Anyway, we're headed for the Marble Garden here, so I'll leave it there.
This is just my view on the subject
For the living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they have wages, because the rememberance of them has been forgotten.
That's referring to the physical body of the person. And the reason why it's referred to as a grave or hole in the ground is because it's referred to as "the second death". Hell does exist and many will be going there.
Oh, and I noticed this guy has a confederate flag for an avatar.
The founding fathers would be on the Confederate side, just so you know. The south had the constitutional right to secede and look at what the north did! Even the constitution supports what the south wanted. The war was not about slavery but about states rights. Yes I believe slavery is wrong but I know that it's not the Federal Government's business to do anything about it. Besides, with all the junk that's going on in this world such as abortion, corruption of the government (like the US has), divorce, rape, murder, and other things, slavery is the least of our problems. Slavery was just about to die anyway.
Just because slavery was legal in the south doesn't mean that the war had anything to do with it.
Why not just have a Swastika?
The Swastika is for you.
Let's also consider that the URl for this story is
Yes, a <i>totally</i> authentic, reliable and objective source. :/
Thou shalt not bear false witness againsty thy neighbor
If they are lying, that would make them hypocrites. Besides, it was in a newspaper in Finland.
Alright, everyone just drop the Confederate side chat. This is not what the topic was about, and it seems to be heading out of control rather quickly (note: "The Swastika is for you." is pretty obvious flamebait). If you want to talk about it, take it to a new topic (probably in Marble Garden). Understand? Good.
I just find it funny that the .ram link is a 404.
And the URL actually made me laugh out loud. Some neutral news source... ><
Also, if Hell is for condemned souls, SOULS, how would a microphone pick them up? One last thing, Who here has seen the movie White Noise?
And 2,000F is not that high compared to the phrase LIQUID METAL. MAGMA.
Also, escaping gases can make high pitched sounds.
I could almost swear I've seen that same headline with the same photo before. Looks like a crop from a Weekly World News cover. In which case it can be taken about as seriously as a 3-dollar bill.
This is seriously the dumbest thing ever. It's a poorly-written article from a poorly-made website about something that's clearly not true. The "Sounds of HELL" realmedia file is a broken link. When I first posted in here I thought you'd made the thread with the purpose of making fun of it. I had hoped that by now people had figured out that 99% of the information on the Internet is bullsh-t. Obviously I was wrong.
If they are lying, that would make them hypocrites.
The phrase "lying hypocrites" pretty much sums up everything you'll ever need to know about organized religion.
So my view on the matter is that Hell does not actually exist, and death is simply like falling asleep without dreams. I believe that God, who created us and cares for us, would never condem anyone to eternal firey's just not in keeping with his character.
I was about to quote something from Revelation, which says something along the same lines, but you beat me to it ^^
Are you sure it just wasn't the guy screaming because it was so hot?
You know, usually when you see something hot, screaming is the LAST thing you'd want to do... because, you know, it's sexy and stuff.
LOL, I'm more of a believer of the big bang and evolution myself. since you know there's scientific evidence to back it up.
as for the "Flamebait" maybe someone should've never said the swastika comment.
This topic's going downhill. No point requesting it, since there is a proper topic here.
I think hell can't be on Earth, maybe an alt dimension or something like that...
Oh hypershadow77, you walking flamebaiter.
My point was that if you're going to use for your picture that most people are going to associate, deserving or not, with slavery and racism, then why not just go all-out and use a symbol that EVERYONE is going to associate with the holocaust?
oh hypershadow77, you walking flamebaiter.
call me what you want, your opinion means nothing to me.
not everyone associates the confederate flag with slavery and racism. do you know what i get from looking at the confederate flag?
i see the flag of an army that was defeated by the north. that's all i ever see when i look at it.
just because he has it does it mean he supports slavery and racism? no. he already said he didn't. so stop making it seem like he does.
Please note that in this post I am not attempting to convert anyone, nor am I forcing my beliefs upon others. I am mearly explaining my point of view.
That's referring to the physical body of the person. And the reason why it's referred to as a grave or hole in the ground is because it's referred to as "the second death". Hell does exist and many will be going there.
Did you know that the Bible actually teaches that Humans do not have an immortal soul? Genisis 2:7 states:
And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of the dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.
(itallics added)
Note it doesn't say "Was given" but "Came to be".
And on topic, with regard to wether Hell exists...Job14:13:
O that in Sheol you would conceal me, that you would keep me secret until your anger turns back, that you would set a time limit for me and remember me.
Job was going through a terrible time in his life, and he prayed to God that he could be taken to Sheol until the time had passed, but if Sheol was really Hell, surely that would mean even more suffering than he was already going through! Why would he pray for that?
And lastly Hell is supposed to be a place where sinners go because they have done wrong, but did you know that the Bible says Jesus went there? Jesus was a perfect man who had commited no sin, so why is it that he want to Hell? The referance is in Acts 2:31,32:
he saw beforehand and spoke concerning the ressurection of the Christ, that neither was he forsaken in Hadies (another word for Sheol, or Hell), nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God ressurected, of which fact we are all witnesses.
Since Jesus was sinless, he could not possibly have gone to hell, therefore the term Sheol or Hadies must simply refare to a grave.
I suggest that a seperate discussion on this be set up in the Marble Garden, which is where this topic seems to be headed lol.
Nobody panic-- We've got Dwayne. Er, I mean, the Rock.
i don't personally want to get into a bible topic, but here it goes.
Are you sure? are you sure that book is 100% right? if so then do prove it.
has it ever occured to you that Jesus could've preached that to gain religious importance? If you had religious importance back then, you had power. alot of it.
do i believe in god? i have faith, but i need to see it for myself first.
do i believe in god? i have faith, but i need to see it for myself first.
That statement contradicts itself.
Faith: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence
~Taken from here, definiton #2.
So if you need proof that something exists, you don't have faith.
Wow, this physical evidence of hell thing is like...
Really old.
And really fake.
Let's also consider that the URl for this story is
Yes, a <i>totally</i> authentic, reliable and objective source. :/
You think ANYTHING that's remotely a biblical source to be a biased, unreliable piece of evidence Cooki. That's just being biased yourself.
On another note, I don't exactly believe hell is at the center of the earth, although it could be possible. I think it's in another dimention like heaven. In fact, a friend and I believe that it's right below heaven. o.o
Of course something remotely biblical is biased. =O It'll be using the biblical stand point, which is a bias. It works the same way with everything.
are you sure that book is 100% right? if so then do prove it.
I am sure, because I myself and friends of mine all around the world have reaserched almost every aspect of it and have proven to ourselves that it is accurate. Many prophesies that it contains have been fulfilled, and scientific and historical facts that it presents are completely accurate.
For example, there is a scripture (which escapes me for the moment) that speaks of Jehovah God dwelling above "The circle of the Earth", and also stating he is "Hanging the Earth upon nothing." Back when this scripture was written the philosiphers of the time were preaching about a flat Earth on the backs of turtles etc...this was the great scientific belief of the time, and the Bible's teaching went completely against it.
Modern day...we look at the Earth through our satelites and find out that the Earth is a sphere, and the turtles don't exist.
This is just one of the many many examples that have convinced me of the Bible's authenticity, and there are plenty more, though this is not the place and there is not enough time to discuss all of them. If anyone is interested about this please feel free to PM me and I can point you in the direction of learning more^^
turtles don't exist.
Anyhoo, Mau, yes it IS a biased source. All sources are, unless they're written by robots with no bias, which would have to be programmed by an unbiased person, which of course don't exist.
And there is a hell, and you're going there, Mau, for cheating on Ultra.
That's not my point Acrio. It's biased to say hell doesn't exist because there is no physical evidence. But that's like saying guilty until proven innocent. Just because there's no hard evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The same goes for God and Heaven and everything else.
Cooki, she's my dear friend and all, but she thinks that anything christian is biased, when people forget that your science text books, who don't even explore the theory of creationism or the theory of intelligent design and make rash assumptions that evolution is the origin of our existance is also biased. I love animal planet, but that channel does the same thing. I really wouldn't be bothered so much by it if both theories are explored. Sure, religious people do tend to poisen the well...but are you athiests/scientists any different? Not really.
You think ANYTHING that's remotely a biblical source to be a biased, unreliable piece of evidence Cooki. :p That's just being biased yourself. :p
No, it's being reasonable. If posts an article titled "Condoms cause your penis to rot off", you can pretty much bet on it that condoms do not in fact cause anything to rot, and it's just a bunch of right-wing nutcases trying to scare people into not using condoms.
It's biased to say hell doesn't exist because there is no physical evidence.
And it's retarded to say Hell does exist when there is no evidence whatsoever.
Cooki, she's my dear friend and all, but she thinks that anything christian is biased, when people forget that your science text books, who don't even explore the theory of creationism or the theory of intelligent design and make rash assumptions that evolution is the origin of our existance is also biased.
Right, I agree with everything that Cycle said right there.
Cooki, she's my dear friend and all, but she thinks that anything christian is biased, when people forget that your science text books, who don't even explore the theory of creationism or the theory of intelligent design and make rash assumptions that evolution is the origin of our existance is also biased. see, you cannot mix Science and Religion and theres no better explanation then Evolution in the spectrum of science - Yeah. What happened to seperation of church and state. >>
You think ANYTHING that's remotely a biblical source to be a biased, unreliable piece of evidence Cooki. :p That's just being biased yourself. :p
A bibical site posting the existance; or there lack of among heaven, hell, demons, angels, or what not is biased - theyr'e biased by their belief of GASP the bible.
but are you athiests/scientists any different? Not really.
Just because theyr'e being logical and ignoring the fact of a religion you cast them as a atheist. Meh, whatever. And I'm not a atheist or a scientist, Im a logical person. You can't- like I said mix science with religion. >>
Since Hell's existence cannot be proved to the secular world, this topic is pointless and will only continue to lead to pointless arguing and going off-topic. Especially since not even the religion guys agree on whether it exists or not, judging by what's been said.
Not all organized religion is composed of "lying hypocrites." Many people of all denominations of all faiths live good lives and follow the tenets of their religion, because they believe in something more than what the world sees. To marginalize all organized religion in one sweeping gesture is unfair and clearly just as biased (in the negative sense) as any religion might be against secularism. "Holier-than-thou" attitudes make secularism suck too. Secularism is not automatically bad or evil because of this, I'm just making it clear that I don't appreciate being branded as a liar and a hypocrite. Whether I personally am or not, should also not affect whether my religion is true or not, or whether other religions are true or not. But as far as the statement about organized religion being composed of lying hypocrites is concerned, that's flamebait.
"Science" is merely the limited, though growing, viewpoint of humanity on the universe. We can test things, we can prove things, but only within our realm of experience. Science is good in its own right, I'm not putting it down in that respect for a second, and should continue to grow and expand, but it's not omniscient. To claim that science automatically has the answer for everything, however, is flawed and incorrect. And while religion doesn't automatically answer every question either, it has answers that science cannot provide and vice versa.
Time will tell if the Bible does contain truth or not. In the meantime, those with faith will take what they can from it. After all, if you don't believe it'll do you any good, it won't.
This entire topic has gone barrelling out of control. It's clear that the initial post was referring to a hoax, so it's pointless to try to base any arguments on it or against it because it was fake and stupid.
As many have cried before, "Please let this not devolve into an argument over religion." I agree; I believe in my religion, but I also recognize that I cannot prove it to be true merely by the world's standards, which are of "seeing to believe." It's up to the individual to decide for themselves whether to believe in a Christian God or any other God, and no amount of arguing is going to change that, at least for any good.
Okay, now that we've established that, can we just stop this? If you must rant about religion, either good or bad, it should really go to Marble Garden where it belongs and not in forums that I actually go to. 😛 I know it doesn't say, quoteunquote "religion" in the description for Marble Garden, but that's certainly more appropriate a place than here, generally speaking.
This entire discussion is flawed.
Besides, with all the junk that's going on in this world such as abortion, corruption of the government (like the US has), divorce, rape, murder, and other things, slavery is the least of our problems.
Yes, because choosing not to have a child, or ending your marriage because you don't love the person is a far, FAR worse thing than treating another person as property.
Not all organized religion is composed of "lying hypocrites."
I really only said that to piss him off. I didn't actually mean it.
Besides, with all the junk that's going on in this world such as abortion, corruption of the government (like the US has), divorce, rape, murder, and other things, slavery is the least of our problems.
Well, Im actually going to talk about the Hole(Way) To Hell. Seems such a long time ago now. Whilst I dont follow a religon I do believe that if there is a Hell its spiritual and you wont be able to find it on Earth.
Also about the Swastika(spelling probably wrong) that was a symbol of peace for Buddists (I think).
Besides, with all the junk that's going on in this world such as abortion, corruption of the government (like the US has), divorce, rape, murder, and other things, slavery is the least of our problems.
Rape and Murder I can understand. Corrupt Governments, Divorce and Abortion are way, way, way, below Slavery on the scale of badness.
This is why I don't like religon. Things like this break out... If we had no religon, we'd have no war =(
You know what the funny thing is though? People are fighting over things that NOBODY has hardcore evidence to...
Also about the Swastika(spelling probably wrong) that was a symbol of peace for Buddists (I think).
The swastika, or variations of it, are used by a lot of cultures. Ancient Romans, Buddhists, Hebrews, Hindus, Japanese. It's not an original symbol for the Nazis, but the things is, everyone knows what it has come to represent - which makes its usage a little distasteful, to put it mildly.
Also about the Swastika(spelling probably wrong) that was a symbol of peace for Buddists (I think).
There's a symbol used by certain flavours of Buddhism that looks like a backwards Swastika, but the similarity is purely coincidential.
Dont get me wrong I know that the main use of the Swastika (today) is to represent Nazism. I was just saying that the symbol wasnt alway representing evil.
Thanks, that was my point about the Confederate flag.
It was originally just a flag like any other, but now people associate it with racism and the enslavement of blacks.
Depending on the orientation of the "swastika" its also the native american symbol for good luck.
And you get the shotgun, I'll grab the BFG9000.