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Now that I have your attention, I'd like to proclaim that this is the most extravagant kilopost ever written.

I'd like to. But, frankly, it isn't. I don't have anything amazing to say, really.

Yeah, that's right. Nothing.

No skits.

No gimmicks.

No really long rants (well, at the time I wrote this line, yeah, that was the case).

No "! PRAISE ME DAMNIT!!11!1!"s, I should hope.

But anyway, I'm now officially the sixth person to hit 10K on one single account. Others to have broken the barrier include:

  • Sam
  • Cooki
  • Ultra
  • Rico
  • Another guy who'd probably prefer to remain unknown
  • So, yes, if you can count, that'd probably ammount to six. Yeah.


    I'm not kidding you. I really don't anything to say. Why I'm dragging this on is beyond me, but I suppose if I add up all my nothingness, it'll amount to something. Disregard that 0+0+0+0+...+(0*n)=0 still. This place never really was one for logic.

    Warning, big-ass rant ahead. Ignore what I said about having nothing to say, I said that before I said this. Skip to the call-outs at your own leisure.

    So... Jesus, how long has it been? It definitely was before Wind Waker came out - I think the game I'd been devoting myself to at the time was Super Mario Sunshine (fun game, BTW, even if it doesn't feel like a bona fide Mario game). Sooo... I've been here since Summer 2002, when I came here for reasons now beyond my comprehension. That's nearly four years... and somehow within that four years I managed to fit right in. Fit in so well, I actually became a mod. Funny how that worked out, I still have a hard time believing it...

    Man, am I the only one who remembers the Unregistered Users block? God, I hated that. No, not the "you must register to post" thing - that's rather standard, I'd expect that - more the "you must register to even view the forum in the first place". Now, I dunno about you, but I don't really like launching face-first into a forum when I don't have the faintest clue what its situation is. I mean, sure, other forums have it worse (why, over at Something Awful, you'd have to PAY to remove that block!), but still.

    Regardless, you guys have a way of latching on to somebody really well, even if they don't post - because when that block went up, man did it feel like going cold turkey. Not a good feeling by any stretch of the imagination - I suppose the only things remotely close to it that I've felt would be, say, having my Uncle die several years back (something I intentionally didn't bring up - if I can't care enough to truly express regret for other peoples' personal losses, why would I expect everyone else to do the same?), or the utter obliteration of the Western Gems Collection (which pretty much made it obvious that Sega cares more for sales than integrity of their product, something that Heroes had been hinting at, and that Shadow further proved).

    Anyway, got an account on ezBoard - I'd wanted "Shadowwing", but that was taken, so, after a whole day of thinking, I came up with what I have now - "Shadow Hog". Kinda catchy, though I probably should've added an apostrophe to it (you know, "Shadow 'Hog", so it's more obvious that it's an abbreviation), but I didn't. I've used that name in pretty much everything since - ezBread, EliteBoard, Wikipedia, HRWiki, GameSpot/FAQs, SRB2's forums... much, you'd say, but still.

    So, rest assured, I had the account. But, well... you'd probably not believe it, but I'm damned shy. So, naturally, I procrastinated. A lot. I didn't just want to barge in here with the standard "Hi, I'm new!". No, no, it had to be something huge. I'd actually come up with this elaborate plot for Forte (of Rockman fame) to come and take the MoFo by storm. Well, as you can see, that never happened. Might still happen some day. Heck, maybe Forte'd be lucky enough to be the guy to obliterate the ezMoFo when we all move over to the EliteBoard. The way I'd planned it, he's pretty much obsessed with destroying me, so I don't think one message board would be of concern to him.

    Still, while I debated on what to use, I went over to EspioKaos' place. He's a cool guy, so naturally, I've stuck around to this day. Amazing that I've spent so much there, too, I must admit... The appearance of Evil Vec (at the time not obsessed with computer rooms - yeah, I'm still doin' it) kinda piqued my interest for a while, but nothing that really relates to here happened.

    So anyway, January 2003, I finally posted. It's been lost in the ezHack... NOT! I actually saved it, believe it or not, from what I'd thought was going to result in a hacking earlier, but didn't really amount to anything major. Since I can't be bothered to change around URLs right now, I'm just going to give you this zip file containing all the relevant stuff. Disregard broken images - again, can't be bothered to fix URLs, especially since most of the broken images aren't on my end to begin with.

    Ah, just reading this thing brings back memories. Man, I'd actually wanted to use "Fear" as a catchphrase. Heck, I'd wanted to kinda act like some sort of cool ninja robot hedgehog guy (who looked like Shadow - this was before Heroes and Shadow came and ripped his credibility to shreds, mind). Who I have a picture of, even.

    I really don't use him much. He's something of a godmoder - you can hurt him, but he'll always heal. Always. It just takes freakin' forever. That's really his weakness. His regenerator is completely invincible. If it falls in lava, it won't melt. If the Earth blows up for some reason (God forbid), it'll just kinda float around unscathed. If it goes into a black hole, it'll maintain integrity. If the "Big Crunch" happens, it'll stick around. The problem is, though, that it's kinda faulty. It always works, it just tends to not work when it's needed most. I thought it was kinda amusing. Shame I never use it. Also, I'm weak against Top Spin, but nobody's used it me in forever, so no matter.

    Anyway, the immediately proceeding time is A) a blur and B) really, really unimportant anyway. I mean, I went on to EliteBoard after further hesitation, and had some great times there early on. Anti-Spam Men FTW! Oh, and the original "Whoever Posts Last Wins" topic, the third incarnation of which somehow toppled Cooki's topic and became the most-replied-to topic in ezMoFo history. Why will forever remain a mystery - it's just some topic I yanked from a social board on GameFAQs, really. At least there you have the 500-post limit to worry about...

    So, I'm skipping the next year or so, right up to my being made a mod. Pretty simple, really. Earlier, Vec asked for my AIM address (and aside from Vec, Cooki, Acrio, and whoever else was in that chatroom with me this past New Year's Day (like Jin), I don't think anyone really knows it), so we could get into talks about me resuming MMHQ. And it worked well... for a very brief time. After which it stagnated and has been in limbo - again - ever since. Sucks, dunnit?

    Regardless, one day I'm busy replaying Day of the Tentacle, and then Vec pops the question.

    Vec: "Hey, do you want to mod Robot Museum?"
    SH: "Uh, sure. o.o"

    And that's more or less how it went. Boom, mod. I should probably futz with the stickies after I make this topic - it's been a while since I did that, and so much has happened since then. Like, Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X came out, and it's supposed to be AWESOME. Shame I don't have nor want a PSP to play it.

    Aaaaaaand... well, I guess that's all that really mattered. Other than that, I guess I can do some kind of shout out, for convenience.

    So, here's nods to, in the order I just happen to remember you in:

  • Cooki!
  • Sam!
  • Vec!
  • TR!
  • Rico!
  • Psx!
  • Craig!
  • Acrio!
  • HSW!
  • Nega!
  • GT!
  • THS!
  • SX!
  • ZoneZ!
  • Ultra!
  • TheCycle!
  • Not bobcow!
  • Acid!
  • Jman!
  • SilverSword! (Who's been missing since forever!)
  • Virus! (Same!)
  • ChibiBecca!
  • DoN!
  • EspioKaos, even though you rarely post here and hence I only really know you from your own board!
  • Dub!
  • Vortex, though we've never really talked to each other!
  • OTB!
  • MoKat!
  • Uh, JC?
  • Maybe Lonely Gray Kitsune.
  • VCP!
  • Gotenks/Wesu/whatever!
  • Lighthead!
  • And all you other awesome people who I can't think of right now because I really need to drag this topic to a close so I can finish my Science Fair backboard/speech and SLEEP! Seriously, I really want to mention every single person, but my mind can't really remember everyone. Trust me, though, if I forgot you, I'll see if I can't toss you up later.
  • Anyway, if you read all this topic, I am truly amazed you're willing to put up with all of it, and as of such, deserve something truly awesome. Like a brownie. Brownies are awesome. Here, take one. Heck, take it even if you didn't read that, I don't care, you had the effort to scroll down to the bottom and read this paragraph, so that works too. * out the brownies*



    ...Fear. 😉

    EDIT: More!

  • Hiro (by request!)
  • Srol!
  • Tails2K!
  • Kayla (you haven't stolen newbies' sanities in AGES, man! What happened?)
  • Swift!
  • BuzzBomber!
  • Xagarath!
  • Lokki! Who called me a bastard!
  • Harley!
  • Project Blue Gale!
  • Jin!
  • Neo!
  • And I'll tack on others if I can think of them.

    Posts: 4336
    Famed Member

    Better than mine, I'll admit.


    Another guy who'd probably prefer to remain unknown

    Craig. *shot*

    Glad to see you stick around so long Shadow Hog. May you continue to post! And, coincidentally, you made it before the big board move.

    In any case, the first major thing I took note of you for was when I went AWOL and came back in the summer of 2004 (briefly) to find that you'd become a mod, and I was like 'weird'.

    In any case, don't seduce the forum with your topic title! :O

    (takes a brownie and flees)

    Posts: 4885
    Illustrious Member

    As much as I hate kilo-posts, as a rule, you deserve something for this... I dunno *gives you a long, sweet hug*

    Well played, SH. You're great. We love you and never want you to change, unless it makes you better. Keep providing the forum with in-jokes, corrections and the occasional long-rant about things and make sure that the world is safe. Because you've got the touch. You've got the power. Yeah. After all is said and done, you never walked you never run you're a winner. You've got the moves, you know the streets. Break the rules, take the heat you're nobodies fool.

    You're at the best when the going gets rough! You've been put to the test, but it's never enough!

    You've got the touch! You've got the power! When all hell's breaking lose, you'll be riding the eye of the storm! You've got the heart, you've got the motion! You know when things get to rough, you've got the touch!


    PS: The secret message is: you have too much time on your hands.

    Posts: 333
    Reputable Member

    Well that was quite the fun kilopost. o_o Though I saw something about a kilopost below the clever topic name of sex. So I knew what it was originaly. =)


    ...and Congratskies.


    Posts: 336
    Reputable Member

    I'm just happy I got a mention. Here's to you, Hogface.

    Posts: 0
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    Posts: 2915
    Famed Member

    FU man...I wasn't important enough to be mentioned...

    Okay, seriously, Happy 10kilopost man...congrats!

    Posts: 3291
    Famed Member

    i was wondering when you'd get around to posting your kilo, you've been avoiding it for a few weeks now. ^^ congrats! *snags a brownie, chompchomp*

    Posts: 2915
    Famed Member

    Brownies! ...oops, I missed that...I'm taking two since you didn't mention me =P... I think that makes up for being left out...

    Posts: 2723
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    *snags a brownie*

    Congrats, SH!!

    Posts: 1134
    Noble Member

    I liked my cameo th- HEY WAIT A MINUTE YOU FORGOT ME! C'mon, man, we even tried to make a game together and this is what I get? Nothing? Just dropped from your memory like... like the memory of a hot potato?

    Well, screw you. YOU BASTARD, SHADOW HOG!
    Just kidding, I love you really. 😛 Congrats.

    Posts: 4607
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    And Hiro, I DID mention you. As you might have noticed. >>;

    Posts: 3666
    Famed Member

    Yay I got mentioned twelfth! (I'm guessing in relative to the whole SRB2 saga. Man that kicked ass. Too bad it's never had a major second coming. =( u bastard nb)

    Congrats on the 10k, dude. Keep up the good work. 😯

    Posts: 2097
    Noble Member

    Yay! Cameo!

    Congrats on the 10k SH as well, and may we see many more posts from that brilliant mind of yours. 😀

    EDIT: Woah, 3k! didn't notice that. :DDD

    Posts: 75
    Trusted Member

    So cool a 10k,
    We certainly enjoyed it.
    Congrats to the Hog.

    A little haiku for the celebration there. 10000 That's so big as to be incomprehendable. I can't comprehend it. Well, actually, I guess I can.
    Gotta ask though SH, what's with all the strikeouts? Is there a reason for them, or are they just for show? Just seems kinda weird. I dunno, maybe I'm missing out on some hilarious injoke involving strikeouts. Wouldn't be the first time.
    Anyways, many combobulations Shadow Hog. 'Fear' indeed.

    Edit-Ok, it's become obvious I can't read. And I definately would fail as a detective. Ah well.

    Posts: 3666
    Famed Member

    The strikeouts come together to form the sentence "You have too much time on your hands."

    And I worked that out before I saw Craig posted it. :x

    Posts: 1195
    Noble Member

    The 10K people. The few, the proud, the geeky...

    Posts: 2610
    Famed Member

    I am to be wishing you many happy fun time with 10kilos.

    Posts: 3468
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    Posts: 931
    Prominent Member

    Whoa, I got mentioned?
    But yeah, SH. I remember when you arrived, and it's been great having you around the forum since then. Not a lot more to say, really...
    (Returns to the singing pandas. They call me....)

    Posts: 2354
    Noble Member

    I was mentioned.

    For that, you deserve this!

    ** gives you Top Spin, installs it on you **


    ** watches Shadow Hog spin without stop **

    Ooops! ^_^;

    I better flee....

    ** leaves repair parts, takes brownie and flees **

    PS: Spoilers (Select To Read): Craig's right: YOU have Too much time on your hands .

    Posts: 1367
    Noble Member

    Oh well, at least my name was on the list.

    Congratulations, good sir.

    Posts: 859
    Prominent Member

    Congratsm SH

    Posts: 2915
    Famed Member

    Wow...I could have sworn you missed me!

    Come here Shadow Hog!

    *gives SH a big, uncomfortably long hug*

    "I don't believe it. I've missed you so
    much." audio...

    Laughs at OTB...

    Posts: 1334
    Noble Member

    Heh. I passed 1k a good while back and if you combine this accounts post count with Mike Speed Hedgehog I think I have about 2.3k roughly, I dunno. XD

    But yeah. =P

    I see how you are. *cries*

    Posts: 880
    Member Admin

    Ah.. this takes me back. Back to when kiloposts used to be cool. Back when they weren't so dang common as now every other day someone gets one. Back when people would become creative and actually DO SOMETHING for it.


    BTW.. the unregistered users block was for when we were pressed with people viewing the board and were cheap to get CSC for the board. 😛

    Posts: 663
    Honorable Member

    ...Well...After I finished reading the post, the first thing I wanted to do was shout out that I had solved the mystery of those strike-outs...Then I read the rest of the posts, and found out other people had already mentioned it.^^;


    Posts: 1241
    Noble Member

    *Starts a slow clap*

    *Realises no one else is joining in*

    *Stops slow clap*

    Well done. Now go outside and get some tan on that pasty skin.

    Posts: 4607
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    Topic starter


    BTW.. the unregistered users block was for when we were pressed with people viewing the board and were cheap to get CSC for the board. 😛

    Yeah, I know. You didn't mention it to anyone who wasn't a registered user, though, and that kinda sucked. Made me rather clueless until I came on.

    Posts: 800
    Prominent Member

    -kisses hog-meisters shoes-
    well done, d00d

    Posts: 151
    Estimable Member


    Now then you goin to disney world or something?

    Usually someone says that...

    Posts: 158
    Estimable Member

    (why, over at Something Awful, you'd have to PAY to remove that block!)

    Not really. You can view the General Bull---- board without an account. And that's what sucks you in. But trust me, the $10 thing is TOTALLY freakin' worth it. One of the best communities EVAR! That, and it's the butthole of the internet when it comes to net'culture.

    Anyway, grats on the bajillionth post, etc etc etc. You forgot to throw my name in there, etc etc etc. And you're a nut, both here and in EspioKaos' board. (No, I don't have an account there, but I do sit with Zing sometimes to read stuff on inna'net with her) so there you go.

    You know I still have my Jin account at 1999 (or was it 2999? I forget). I have no idea what to do with mine. I thought I had something cooked up, but in reality... well... I don't. So grats to you.

    Posts: 202
    Estimable Member

    Hey, congratulations and such. Now, I challenge you to achieve a post count of 9999, retroactively.


    ...Oh, that was quick. Well done!

    Posts: 1321
    Noble Member

    you've got my attention... oh and good job

    Posts: 1355
    Noble Member

    I'm glad the UU block was put in place. If it wasn't, I would never have registered.

    And screw you Craig, if I wasn't absent I would have posted the message before you >:F

    Nice kilo.

    Posts: 216
    Reputable Member

    Happy kilo, Shadowhog.:]

    Posts: 4607
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    Oh, crap. I forgot you.

    See, this is what happens when you disappear so much, Gale! >:P

    Posts: 2928
    Famed Member

    I got mentioned that high up?

    I feel faint. *Falls into random users arms*

    Posts: 4885
    Illustrious Member


    I stormed out, because I think all forummers should be equal, unless they're Elitehugging hippies!

    Posts: 2928
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    Posts: 4607
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    WHY? WHY did I forget what's practically the very meaning of my kiloposts? It would have been PERFECT! Jeez, all that whining of how I had nothing to put in my post, yet I forget such an important staple of it all! WHY did I forget to throw...

    ...yeah, you know what.


    ...well, let me jog your memory.


    Better, but man, is it ever so late. :

    Posts: 4336
    Famed Member

    It's like the surprise party that's thrown for someone who likes surprises but pretends he doesn't. It's PERFECT.

    Posts: 4885
    Illustrious Member

    It's NEVER too late for an I LOVE AMERICAN PARTY!

    *Joins in with screaming guy!*

    Posts: 1789
    Noble Member

    Yeah, I know I'm late to the party but at first I thought this was going to be an elaborate and serious discussion on sex. Man, was I way off. XD

    Anyway, congrats for posting a little too much than everyone else! =D

    Posts: 403
    Reputable Member

    :( @ not being mentioned.

    *crawls under a rock*

    Posts: 1195
    Noble Member

    *whacks SH* Bout time you mentioned me! :spin

    Posts: 5035
    Illustrious Member

    Whoa. 10,000. Awesome. You officially have no life worth living. <_< *bakes a cake for all to enjoy*

    Posts: 2915
    Famed Member

    *Takes a slice*

    *Nearly gags on the slice*

    Dude, HyperSonic2003, there's a big difference between Baking Soda and Baking Powder!

    Posts: 2417
    Famed Member

    Yay I get remembered 11thly ^__^

    *brownies away*


    What about posting American Party's "sequel" pic SH?

    Posts: 4607
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    Oh, and bump. I wonder if this can make it into MFC2? Probably not, considering how much steam it's lost.

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