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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith in cinemas now

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The Star Wars saga that began 28 years ago is now finally complete with the release of Episode III, the latest and final instalment ever of the iconic movie series. It has just been released in cinemas worldwide today and being such a huge Star Wars fan, I simply cannot wait to watch the movie. I wasnt extremely impressed with the first two films of the prequel trilogy beyond the special effects, but I have a strong feeling this movie will deliverhow can it NOT? This is the movie in which Anakin Skywalker transforms into one of the most famous villains of all time, Darth Vader! Hopefully, his seduction to the dark side of the Force will be pulled off convincingly.

From the many trailers Ive seen and indeed some of the spoilers Ive read (although a great deal of the events in this movie are already known), it seems as if George Lucas is FINALLY giving the characters and story equal (if not more) importance than the visuals. Speaking of which, General Grievous seems like an incredibly badass CGI villain, and Im VERY excited to see him fight with four lightsabres.

One thing that really striked me about this movie is that therell be TWELVE worlds in it (I havent used the word planets since one of them is not) wow! I cant get over how freaking awesome thats gonna be, seriously. Coruscant, Naboo and Tatooine are of course expected, but I eagerly await to see the eight new worlds, such as Utapau (a sinkhole planet), Mygeeto (a crystalline planet covered in ash due to years of extreme fighting), Felucia (a fungus planet thats really trippy), Saleucami (this planet is encircled by an antigravity gel, so when ships come through the atmosphere a ripple in the sky is created), Kashyyyk (the forest planet where the Wookies reside), Cato Neimodia (not too sure about this planet judging by the name, maybe the home planet of the Neimodians?), Alderaan (we all know this planet was later destroyed by the Death Star, but this is the first time seeing the planets surface), Polis Massa (an asteroid colony used by the Jedi to hide after the rise of the Empire) and last but certainly not least, Mustafar (the volcanic planet where Anakin and Obi-Wan engage in their final confrontation).

Im not too surprised that this movie received an M rating over here (Australian equivalent to a PG-13 rating) because this movie will indeed contain some violent scenes. But thats something that I will definitely look forward to, since this movie is easily going to be the darkest out of all the six. Particularly exciting will be Anakin murdering a vast amount of Jedi and becoming horribly mutilated after falling into lava. Also, seeing Yoda using his lightsabre once again to battle Emperor Palpatine is undeniably going to be a highlight. Im very pleased that this movie is going to have a lot of lightsabre duels in it, obviously because of the Jedi genocide taking place.

I would really like to see this movie today, but I cant of course. This is because I have school today and I doubt my mum would let me take a day off just to watch the movie, unfortunately. However, Ill get to watch it on Saturday like I have with previous Star Wars movies so the wait isnt long now. When Ive watched it, Ill post my review of it in this thread (Ive tried to stay clear from mentioning a lot of spoilers, even though some might consider one of the disadvantages of this prequel to be the fact that we already know the major things which are going to happen in it, but I dont completely agree). Anyway, this is all I really want to say for the moment. =D

Posts: 1567
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I choose not to read that massive paragraph for my sanity...:cuckoo

I have this feeling that Ep. 3 will not be as good as 2 or 1 for that matter (Yes, Ep. 1 was good) and Anakin with black lipstick...eww...and the angst...I'm sick of this overdose of angst...

Posts: 3291
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for the love of all things cute and fluffy, please break that post up into smaller paragraphs! x.x;

i'm looking forward to the film as i just love the series.

a good freind of mine was lucky to've been able to go to the press screening of ep3 the other week, so he saw it way before anyone else in the UK.
he says that in his eyes, it's very good and touching more on how the 'first' three films were.
as he's the biggest star wars fan i know, i think i'll take his advice. :p

Posts: 1376
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I hold in my hand a pass to Ep 3 as I type.

I am by no means a Star Wars fan. I am a science fiction fan, a lightsaber fan, and most DEFINITLY A YODA FAN. but aside that, I am not a fan of star wars.

That being said, Ep 3 will {hopefully} bring back the nostalgia that the first three Star Wars had for me-in terms of storyline and execution of ideas, rather than visuals.

As I watched the first two last night, I notice that while not swiftly, each one was slightly returning to a level that was seen in the second half of this sextuplet. The third MUST be the equilizer, and then..ONLY THEN

Will I say that for once, a movie with multiple sequals had better parts than the actual beginning of teh saga :O!

Posts: 1619
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...Working at a movie theatre has it advantages. However, depending on when it starts, I have work at 8, so I will be unable to see the whole thing tonight. ^^;;

Plus, I'll be working the midnight showing, so I get to see all the freaky fans that are here to see it!! 😀

Posts: 2928
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Yes, we all know what they SHOULD have done is have sunshine and rainbows turn Anakin to the darkside. We all know angst is a hoax, right Harley? ;)

Seriously though, I don't know what people expected. I've heard legions of people crying about..

[whiney gilbert godfried voice] "Oh GAWD theres too much angst. It sucks because of the angst."[/end mocking]

Serious, I have to ask them, what the *edit* did you expect? Anakin has a happy go lucky life with a hot chic and suddenly his pet bunny fufflewufflepoo dies so he flies into a yellow eyed rage, screams "KHAAAAAAAN!", and starts hacking up padawans?

To get someone to the breaking point have to make them mad, to make someone mad you have to do something they don't like, generally when someone is confronted with a hurdle they don't like they have a certain amount of angst. To have no conflict/angst and then just have a character fly into a rage makes about as much sense as the chatbot did.

[/rant off]


Posts: 2928
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I loathe you. Get me a bootleg copy or something to make me stop loathing you. :p


Posts: 874
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It's not that Anakin isn't allowed to have some boiling rage or sadism simmering just under the surface, it's just that the actor paying Anakin sucks at acting too much to actually CONVEY simmering anger or sadism. Even after he's slaughtered the Tusken Raider colony, he still sounds like more like a petulant brat than an actual person with severe issues.

Anywho, I'm going to the midnight show tonight. Best time to go, since the gangsta teens, cell-phone yuppies and screaming babies don't go to those shows.

Posts: 2928
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See, now THATS a reason. The actor sucks. :p


Posts: 25
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Its had bad reviews but i'll still try and see if i can go.

Posts: 1437
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I am a science fiction fan, a lightsaber fan, and most DEFINITLY A YODA FAN.

Star Wars is not science fiction. It is fantasy that just happens to be set in space.

Dune is science fiction. Star Trek is science fiction. 2001: A Space Odyssey is science fiction. Star Wars is not.

Posts: 1376
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::Is a gansta teen:: . Castor, I wish I was in your state, I'd make your experience miserable lol.

Posts: 2928
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Galaxies has bad reviews too, and I like it. World of Warcraft had rave reviews and I cancelled it before the free month ended.

I can't go by reviews... o.o;


Posts: 2928
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Hey DL! Did you know its cool to jump in and swim around in septic tanks now? All the famous rap stars are doing it. :D

~Rico *is shot so full of lead he looks as big as CJ*

Posts: 859
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It is Science Fiction, more accurately Science Fiction but it falls under that category.

And I will defend it's position in a fight to the death with any nit picker who tries to demand that it deserves it's own niche genre, because they are just being moronic prats showing off their intellect and wasting time and attention to a smalll insignificant fanc of their own...
A waste of space, just like that entire paragraph :cuckoo

Will go and see it soon...

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I totally missed that post.

I'm with Swift on this one. You may correlate this to fantasy, and you would be correct, it does show alot of fantasyelements. But no matter what, Star Wars is also Science fiction. It deals with teh evolution of humans and that m thing that makes people in tune with teh force.

It deals with the properties to create lightsabers.

It deals with interstellar travel, as well as the machines that are consistently being built to aid the Republic in all endeavors, how other races interact with those in the Republic, and most otehr day to day thngs.

Is is science fiction, but people get caught up in the fantasy elements that are seen more. That or the romance, which should be nullified by this Episode.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Let's not even mention the fact, George should kill any romance because he surely can't write a good romance...

What will I be doing at midnight? Laughing at the idiots who have been standing in line for weeks before falling asleep after work..I'll go see it sometime soon...but I too have heard bad reviews for it...

Posts: 2928
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I already played the game. Plus my *edit* of a cousin got tickets and didn't bother to ask if I wanted one.


Posts: 428
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It deals with the properties to create lightsabers.

It deals with interstellar travel, as well as the machines that are consistently being built to aid the Republic in all endeavors, how other races interact with those in the Republic, and most otehr day to day thngs.

Is is science fiction, but people get caught up in the fantasy elements that are seen more. That or the romance, which should be nullified by this Episode.

The Star Wars property can be science fiction, but the movies aren't. It never talks about how the lightsabres are made in the films, or how any of the fantastic technology is created, it's just there. George Lucas has said this himself, and he based all this stuff on Flash Gordon serials we watched as a kid. Does anyone think Flash Gordon is true 'science fiction'?

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Well it can. Flash Gordon was ...gawd what would you callit. I'm not toosure. But they do explain {to a apoint} how certain elements in the Star Wars Universe are constructed. The Death << >> for one, that was partially explained. They do have planets where mining goes on for materials to make their devices.

Heck Ep 2 showed the sequence how they cloned..Jengo Fett? They didnt use words, but you saw the labs, the technicians the process of cloning being done. There's your science fiction there. [Well..that's damn near a reality nowadays] {I'm sorry if I botch names, I'm not a true fan so names elude me x_X}

But you're right, as for in-depth explanation that you get with most science fiction films-Star Wars lacks highly. I still call it SF though. {My teacher would kill me if he ever heard me call Science FIction SciFi.}

I would have used the example of the Pod race in EP 1, and how Anakin fixed that while in mid-race in order to win, but ... yeah that was explained in a haste so it made it quite hard to understand unless you already had a grasp of Star War Pod race machine knowledge... I have an issue or two with that little twerp After I watch this movie, I'll see what was actually explained, to aid in this argument a bit :O.

Posts: 2928
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I swear to all that is holy that if this turns into a SW vs ST flamewar. I'll sell your first borns to Sakaki. o.o


Posts: 1195
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Yea, I'm no Star Wars fan, but I'll be planning to watch Episode

Posts: 1376
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Just for you...

Posts: 2928
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hehehe, nice, but the cookie monster one was better. ;)


Posts: 1376
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I just needed one ST related. Cookie Monster one pwns all though.

Posts: 1567
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Hopefully I can go see it tomorrow but you heard it here first...Sidous=Palpatine...of course I could be waaay wrong but it wouldn't surprise me if they are the same, considering Palpatine long had Sith powers but he hid them...(Yeah I got all that from scanning a SW book in a library/bookstore)

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I've just seen it at the midnight showing at the time of this post, and I couldn't stop crying at the end. Its just so sad. the r2 action was hilarious though. rots is one of the funnier star war movies.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Rockford, about 20 minutes till the movie ends, right before a CRUCIAL MOMENT between Obi-Wan and Anakin. RIGHT BEFORE one finds out WHY Anakin turns into what he will turn into, from Obi-Wan's doing... the screen goes BLACK, 2 seconds, a SIGN that says "THANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING" appears, lights go on, 4 seconds, mayhem in the theater, everyone screaming. Suddenly, the scene comes back, right where it left off, the lights are still on, people still @#%$, anger ensues, and finally gets back in order, however, when you look back on screen, Anakin is on the ground, Obi-Wan is saying his line, and the lava is catching up.



Needless to say, we saw the rest of the movie, and we were NOT pleased. I couldn't focus on the rest. One gets SO emersed into the experience that having some STUPID @#$! like that happening just ruins it all. We got up to the service desk and got a free showing of anything (but ROTS for 4 weeks, which is an every theater policy, but that stub will be used for SW, I can guarantee that), and proceeded to walk out, @#%$. Figures, the theater I went into was the ONLY ONE to happen to.

It just seemed planned out, too. I can see some geek hating jack ass in the booth, giggling and flipping all the switches. It's such a crucial part, one had to know that it was happening at THAT moment. I hope his ass gets FIRED. Mean, I know, but you do NOT do that crap, not with something so huge, not with something so historic, so special, and NOT on openning NIGHT, MIDNIGHT SHOWING.

Last chance to catch that movie on a midnight showing, and it's screwed all to hell. Everytime I think back now I'm going to remember a loud "AWWWWWWE" in the crowd with a huge NO SMOKING sign slapped in my face. :(

Movie wise though, it ROCKED. BEST. MOVIE. EVAR! And yes, ending was very, very, sad. And holy crap, Vader has total anger management issues.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Jin, holy crap that would piss me off, I feel your pain.

Antipode, you are right. This isin't science fiction. Its comedy. From R2D2 in the beginning up until Darth Vader screams {Hums? Sings?} Nooooo, I was laughing,

Of course the midgit master Yoda did his thing, Mace did his thing for a good bit.. Im all for it.

It was a good movie nonetheless, It did bring the series back up to par, and well, ok the ending sucked but then again #4 is called a New Hope.

Question: Qui-gon in #4? Umm cause that scene with Yoda and Obi-wan confused me. Dont wanna spoil it , but yeah Im lost :O Will post more tomorrow when Im more awake.

Posts: 874
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Wasn't the end-all be-all, but it was good. Easily the best of the prequels.

And let it be known that Hayden was FAR FAR better as Vader than he ever was as Anakin. It was especially apparent in the final duel. Obi-Wan's got a confused look of someone who knows he has to do something and regrets having to do it while Vader's got an utterly business-like "I will kill you and not feel bad about it" look on his face. Not quite up to the emotion of the ROTJ final duel, but a good fight nonetheless.

Posts: 6
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Yeah, I just saw the midnight showing too. It was good, but like the other Star Wars movies, it's peppered with crappy dialogue.

Posts: 428
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hehehe, nice, but the cookie monster one was better.

Wewt. ^__^

Glad you liked it, Rico.

Posts: 620
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I thought it was an outSTANDING movie. The dialogue, I think, was the best yet out of the prequels. And Hayden did get better as Anakin this time out, but I agree, he played one hella Vader.

I just love how the Emperor pulled his name out of a hat. "From now on you'll be known as Darth.... .... ... Vader." It's like he had all these names running through his mind, "Fluffy? No. Vladamier? Nah. Disasterous! Ew... VADER!"

Oh, and about the whole thing with Quiggy at the end.


What Yoda meant about Qui-Gon mastering the ability to co-exist between the next world and the physical, is the whole "Ghosting" thing that you see through episode 4, 5, and 6 of Obi-Wan as he comes back and forth in voice and in vision, and then at the end of ROTJ, you see Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan standing by for Luke. It's how Obi-Wan is capable of bugging Luke throughout the rest of his journey even after death.

All in all though, one HELL of a final battle. Obi-Wan vs Vader, Yoda vs Emperor, back and forth. It was great! AND RUINED FOR ME!!! *force chokes projectionists!* ARRGH! >XP

Posts: 1376
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I THOUGHT that was what they were alluding to, but I wasnt sure. Now I'm at ease

Teeheehee Anakin is THe crappiest quadrapelegic actor ever xD. They could have done a better job with that scene.

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

I saw the midnight showing, and I *loved* it. The dialogue was phenomenal- yeah, there were a few cringe-worthy lines, but there were so many incredibly extraordinary lines that they made up for it.

I liked the end actually, with the beautiful parallel scenes between Vader and Padme. The characters are also really well done. They act human for once. And all the parallels between this movie and the old trilogy was really great. I have to say that the writing, cinematography and editing really stepped up a notch.

Posts: 76
Trusted Member

just got back from the theature, personally the best of the 3, actually the opposite of matrix, *great, mediocre, not hitting their standard*, this one went *not living up to its name, mediocre and odd, and a great way to finish it*

unfortunately, the scene i had been waiting patiently for *sidious vs. Windu* i had to miss as nature was calling and i couldnt hold it anymore :(, came back just in time to see ------------------ is it even spoilers? Btw, most predictable ending ever *i jest*.

Unfortunately i had already known ending by now, in fact, i learned about it when i saw episode 1 for the first time. Oh, and for anyone who didnt know who sidius was, and still doesnt, you are now dubbed jedi master Dim. I viddie over your use of existance in the presence of Bog.

Posts: 1402
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as soon as i saw him in Episode I i knew it was him.

so great that i had to use Red coloring and X-large font to describe how good it was.
Attack of the clones used to be my favorite but it's been quickly replaced.

Oh and Execute Order 66!

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I watched the premiere last night at SilverCity, and had the distinct pleasure of seeing it in a DLP cinema. I'm one of the first consumers ever to see a 100% digital film presented in a 100% digital theatre. Razor-sharp picture, blindingly-bright colours, and not a spot or cigarette burn in sight. Basically a DVD on a 60' screen with 12,000 watts of Dolby Digital. Suddenly movies are worth $10.95 again.

I found it to be pretty damn good overall, with a few dark spots here and there (the film that is, not the projection). Beautifully photographed, and the effects were as good as ever. Ewan McGregor gave a great performance especially near the end of the film, and the script was good enough that I actually cared about what happened to the characters. The lack of Jar Jar was much appreciated. Even Hayden Christensen showed faint glimmers of talent. As good, if not better, than Return of the Jedi.

And as with all big geeky premieres, half the fun was simply waiting in line. As it happened, they were showing it on twelve of nineteen screens simultaneously and the line went all the way round the giant multiplex and then some. Much hacky-sack, DS multiplay, and costume browsing was to be had. Once in the theatre, my fellow audience members made the film all the more entertaining, cheering loudly at the appropriate moments and wailing "NOOOOOOOO!" at the death of Mace Windu. The insane cheering and yelling and hollering that began with the Fox Logo went all the way through to the end of the opening text crawl.

Three and a half stars for the movie, four and a half for the audience, and five stars for the digital projection, which was literally the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

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I am really excited since there isn't that long to wait now.

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It deals with the properties to create lightsabers.

It deals with interstellar travel, as well as the machines that are consistently being built to aid the Republic in all endeavors, how other races interact with those in the Republic, and most otehr day to day thngs.

Oh, it definitely has Scince Fiction elements to it. I won't deny that. But the story deals more with the mysticism of the Force. It has spaceships and lightsabers but it's not about those things. ST is SF because it's about space exploration. Dune is SciFi because it's about the ecology of a fictitious planet.

Star Wars, however, is not. Wikipedia says that SF is "a form of speculative fiction principally dealing with the impact of imagined science and technology upon society and persons as individuals." It says that Fantasy is "a form of speculative fiction in which physical laws differ from our own through a reason for which no scientific explanation is offered, or which take place a world wholly different from our own." Those are good definitions, and Star Wars is closer to the Fantasy definition.

Although most people will disagree because in their minds, "Space=Science Fiction".

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Star Was is Space Opera. 🙂

Vast, sweeping, mythic elements of fantasy, except in space.

BTW, Anyone else LOVE the character cameos? Heh.. no spoilers.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I agree. It's space opera. But I place that under Fantasy rather than SF.

I am seeing it tonight. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Can't it just be called Science Fantasy since it has eliments from both?

Anyway, I should be seeing it tomorrow with a bit of luck, so I'll have my verdict then :) .

Posts: 1567
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I consider in science fiction though parts of it aren't iffy as science (The Force? Science...nah...) but that is my opinion...(Hyperspace? Nope)

Posts: 1818
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I forgot to ask, did anyone else notice the two gigantic lumps on Ewan McGregor's forehead? Maybe it's just me, but they were the most distracting thing ever.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I. Love. This. Movie.

JarJar's only line was great. George Lucas was speaking to the fans there.

Spoilers (Select To Read)
"Excuse me." Souds like an apology to me.

This film makes TPM and AotC worth it.

EDIT: And Cyc, I agree.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

Sooo... I'm guessing that the answer to the question "is the film bad" is this?

'Kay. I'll be seeing it Sunday. Can't wait.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member


...did anyone else notice the two gigantic lumps on Ewan McGregor's forehead?

:.raises hand.: I did.

Heh, just came back from the theatre, and this looks like as good a place as any to post my thoughts:

Best. Star Wars. Ever. And that's coming from an Original Trilogy purist who's been ticked off at High Grand Master George Lucas ever since Special Edition. While I definitely do not agree with him going back and screwing with his creations time and time again, this is the episode that had THE most hype surrounding it, THE most riding on it for the entire fandom, and GL managed to get it together in masterful form. True, the dialogue and character development took a back seat to off-the-wall action sequences, but they where there, and they weren't grating or distracting (okay, maybe a little during the 'romance' scenes; George still can't write those). 4/5

Posts: 620
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did anyone else notice the two gigantic lumps on Ewan McGregor's forehead?

Yeah, I did. They had their own role, too. Check out the cast credits. 😛

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I went to the cinemas today with my mum in the afternoon so that I could finally watch Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith and I have to say... the movie was freaking AWESOME! =D
In my opinion, this movie was easily the best of the prequel trilogy and it also redeemed the previous episodes of the prequel trilogy. Also, it was able to excellently connect with the original trilogy.
I was pleased with all the cameos and references to the original trilogy... alright, time for the spoilers.

Spoilers (Select To Read)
I particularly enjoyed the cameo appearances of George Lucas, Chewbacca, and Grand Moff Tarkin. Another thing I liked was the scene that was nearly at the end of the movie where Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine walked towards the window and the Death Star could be seen, even though it wasn't complete. Padme's funeral definitely was very sad, but her death was made all the more special with her final words "there is still good in him". The movie's ending was awesome. I thought it was great when Bail Organa was given baby Leia and how Antilles became the master of R2-D2 and C-3P0 once their memories got wiped. I loved seeing Obi Wan on Tatooine giving Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen the baby Luke Sykwalker. I want to mention some more stuff, but I'm quite tired right now so I'll do it later.

I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and in my opinion, I think that it ranks up there with the classic original trilogy. I had a very good time watching it and a lot of fun!

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