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Tergonaut's Log (letters from Elder Matthias Johnson)

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(Note to Admins: You may do whatever you like with this topic. Talk to me if you need anything)

Right, well, I was supposed to have done this a while ago...and I have no real excuse. Sure, I could say that I was bogged down with homework these past few weeks, or I could say that I've been really sore from working out at the gym every few days, or I could go on and on about all the thousands of little things I do each day. But, the real reason is that Tergonaut put so much into this place, I really miss him, and I didn't want to come here for fear of an emotional breakdown.

That said, you may wonder who I am. I am Tergonaut's younger brother, Hex and Vex Paradox. Some of you may know Tergonaut as Matt or Matthias. I have chosen to not disclose my real name for personal reasons.

Before he left for his two-year mission, Tergonaut charged me with posting letters he would send our family, so that he could keep you updated and informed about his mission. So, I will do my best in keeping along with that promise.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 (6 days after his arrival at the MTC(Missionary Training Center)) (This is not an exact quote, but it is in essence what he said) (He didn't send anything for the Mobius Forum, but I'll put this here anyway)
"Well, I made it here alright. There were no problems on the plane, despite it being my first time flying alone. Some of my relatives met me at the airport in Utah, and took me to the MTC. Even though I hadn't met with these people for a long, long time, we had a good visit, and got to know each other before they said goodbye and left me in front of the MTC. Here goes!"

Saturday, February 22, 2003 (first letter he sent for the purpose of posting on the Mobius Forum, a direct quote from the letter he sent, as will all later ones unless otherwise stated)
"To my friends and forumers,
I've reached the Missionary Training Center, and have been here for a week and a half now. My hasty last-minute farewells left a little to be desired, but I believe that I have managed to finish and wrap up all business that required my attention before I left, so it is well.
"This is perhaps one of the greatest opportunities I have ever taken. It is glorious to be here at the MTC, where the Spirit of the Lord can be felt so strongly. Every Elder and Sister (Elders are male missionaries, and Sisters are female missionaries) has proven that they have great spirits, and our testimonies are growing deeper with every passing day. It is hard to learn the things required of us, but it is possible and what's more, we're doing it through the inspiration and power of the Holy Ghost. I have learned so much here, and yet this is only the beginning for me.
"My companion (Missionary partner) for my stay at the MTC is Elder Niebel, from Fort Wayne, Indiana. He's a great guy, and he's been such a support for me as I get used to this new life away from home.
"Now, my friends and fellow forumers, just to remind you again, I won't actually be getting mail that's been sent to my mission home address until around March 5th, which is the day I leave the MTC for the missions field of Salt Lake City South. Remember, March 5th, and then I should be getting any mail sent to the mission home address that I gave you before I left. Please be patient with me until I can write back, at the moment I've barely had enough time to write to my family, I'm so busy.
"Please write to me! Mail means so much out here, for us missionaries. It means that you support and remember me, even if you're only writing a short paragraph or two saying hi. I would like to know how things are going, especially with the chat RPs and the new board that Vector's been putting together. If you have any questions about what I'm doing now, don't hesitate to write me and ask me about it.
"This work means so much to me, now more than ever. I will do my best so that I will be able to return with honor, and have plenty of stories to tell. Write to you soon!"
Your MoFo Missionary,
Elder Matthias J. Johnson

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Thank you for typing that all up. 🙂

Glad Terg's doing fine and now I have a date for when to write. ^_^

I didn't even realize we would be getting updates like this. ^^;;

Posts: 43
Trusted Member

This is a pleasant surprise! Like RB said, thanks for typing that up, and I had no idea we'd get updates. Glad to hear that Terg is doing well.

P.S. Post further updates in this thread so we can save them in one place.

Posts: 300
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Thanks for putting them up and I'll say again now

Thanks for letting us know how hes getting along. Means alot :)

Thank you ^^

Posts: 235
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Eep. Thanks for reminding me. I gotta write him...

Posts: 0
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^_^ I'll be sure to write to Terg. He was the only mod here who acually liked me I think. ^_^;

I'll have to include that i got bapitised today. :^^ First time ever!

by the way, has anyone else noticed i havent posted here in a bit? >.>'

Posts: 216
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Congrats on your baptisim! Are you a member of the LDS Church too?

Posts: 36
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Well, yes your absence was noticed, Mouse Chao. 🙂

Posts: 2116
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^_^ I'll be sure to write to Terg. He was the only mod here who acually liked me I think. ^_^;

*looks at Blue, CJ and the other Mods and Admins*

What makes you say that, Mouse?


I wondered where you'd gone. 🙂

Congratulations, as well. 🙂

Posts: 300
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but yeah....

That comment did make me feel a little bit down MouseChao....

I do try and be nice to any one who comes here, even those who have made me feel bad or insulted me.... :/

Posts: 12
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MouseChao? o.

Why do people think I hate them? If I dislike someone I let them know it. I will say I had your account flagged when you were a newbie for a week or two. But you proved you weren't a llama.

In fact I really don't think you've done anything to warrant me smacking you. Not stop acting angsty before I... I mean I make Cj hug you.

Posts: 216
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Does that mean you don't hate me now, Kevin?:p

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I dunno why, I just had an odd feeling of a hostle enviornment here for no reason. I think its my paranoia that everyone is out to get me. <.<;

and... <.<; i didnt say you guys hated me, just maybe didnt take a liking to me. *hides*

i do remember talking to CJ at the AIM emerald chat thingy, then one time just IMed to say "hello", but i was kinda afraid i was bothering him because he never replied, so i decided it was best not to talk to him >.>' maybe thats what triggered my paranoia....

i dont mean to act angsty, im just overly paranoid, sorry bout that....

im over it now though o.o; just dont hurt me... or make Cj hug me.... ><; I'm all for droping this subject... If i got anyone angry i didnt mean to >.>'

Posts: 300
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I was just a little bit down, since I try my hardest to be nice to all people here, even those that end up bugging me or hurting me in the proecess.

I didnt reply in AIM chat 0_0

Hmm, that may have bee after i was imed so many times by lamer idiots that i said no to all I didnt know, if so, my sincerest apologies.

We're not going to hurt you, we were just curious.

and most people would be honoured to hug me. Look at my custom title, "the most huggable furry of them all"

nothing wrong with being hugged by a tubby fox is there?

Posts: 0
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no, but being one of the smallest people here you may squish me. :^^;

I guess i was kinda overreacting anyway. Now i acually feel more welcome here than I ever have been. ^^ Its a warm and fuzzy feeling.

I guess I'll be posting at the forum often. :) Besides, I'll soon have updates on my soon to be born neice/nephew. (well... "soon" as in about 6 months or so)

Posts: 300
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Knowing my size, i probably would squash you, I've done it before to some people ^^;;;

Glad to hear your feeling better :)

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Chew toy! *GNAW*

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Hmm...My pleasure, Admins. I thought he had mentioned it to one of you...but oh well.

Our family recieved another letter today, but from what he said, he's been so busy he's had to make a choice between cleaning his laundry and writing a letter to you guys!

I'll put the next letter he sends for you guys in this post, just as soon as he is able to send it. Expect it by next Wednesday, I hope, maybe sooner.

Edit: As promised, I have included the next letter:

Saturday, March 1, 2003 (Wednesday, the 5th of March is the day he left the MTC and was transported to his mission field)
"Friends and Forumers,

"Well, it's been an amazing three weeks since I got here at the Missionary Training Center. We've been given a ton of different learning experiences here, and I have grown a lot. Mind you, I still don't feel ready to teach in the mission field yet, but neither does anybody else here, so I'm doing okay, this is normal.

"I've been writing in a little notebook recently, putting down all of my ideas and stories as they come to my mind. I've really got some great ideas for when I come back to the board, and it's not anywhere time for me to come back yet. Imagine what I'll have by the time I do return! My current idea is to somehow toss out the Omni-suit and get a different set of powered armor, but who knows, maybe I'll just drop the armor completely when I get back.

"But I digress. There's no way I'm coming back and sooner than February 12, 2005, which is about when my mission is going to end. I hope that there will not be any false Tergonauts running around and causing problems. But you know I'll be on my mission 'til 2005, so I think it'll be pretty easy to discern whether it is the real me or not. If the question ever comes up, then my two brothers, whose SNs are Gideon Kalve Jarvis and Hex and Vex Paradox, can verify it for you.

"The Adversary, that is, Satan, has been working hard to created disruptions in my district. There seems to be more complicated problems popping out of nowhere in an attempt to dishearten us. But despite this, my testimony is actually becoming the stronger for it. After all, why would he press so hard against me and my fellow missionaries if what we were doing was not right, was not a threat to his power? I know I'm in the right place, friends. I am where the Lord wants me to be.

"This will most likely be my last letter to the Mobius Forum until I reach the mission field next Wednesday, the fifth of March. I extend my greetings and best wishes to you all, and maybe, the Lord willing, I'll have access to email in the field so I can more easily correspond with you for the most part.

"Keep it going, folks, and keep me informed on what's going on boardside. Your MoFo Missionary, Elder Matthias Johnson 'Tergonaut'"

(Admins, I think you should either make this a sticky topic or move it to a different forum. I had to dig it up from the eighth+ page!)

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I apologize for not posting this earlier. If you pay attention to the date the letter has, and the date it is when I post this, you may notice that I have either been very busy or have been avoiding the forum. It's your best guess, since I'm not saying. I would suggest to all who read this to have a look at the previous letters, so that you can have a recap. And don't be afraid to reply to this topic for comments and questions. I'll try to answer as best as I can, providing that I get on sometime within the next year ;) (you may have noticed I'm not familiar with this forum format. Please forgive the odd positioning of the letters in the list.)

Here's the letter:

Third letter (dated March 11th, 2003)
"Friends and Forumers,
well, this is it! I am now in the mission field, got out of the Missionary Training Center last Wednesday. They finally got tired of me at the MTC, so theyve booted me out. :p Naw, just kidding. I did have a great time there and Ill treasure that time I spent there, but it is good to get out here into the actual field.
"Elder Niebel has now gone off to a different area, since we are now with our trainers (missionary companions who finalize the training we received at the MTC). My trainer is Elder Hill, hes from Texas and is a nice laid-back kind of guy. Hes helped to ease me into the mission field, and we get along just fine.
"Its been nearly a week now since I got here to the field. Time definitely is going by fast! It seems like only yesterday when I left home for the MTC. Of course, the reality is that Ive been out here for nearly a whole month! Its not going to be much longer before Im coming back at this rate, although its still going to be a while till then.
"Id like to take this opportunity to mention an option for those of you who would like to write me, but dont live in the U.S. and so it would be expensive to send even a small letter (or you live in that U.S. but live in a state far, far away from Utah and want your letters to get to me more quickly). That option is You should check it out for yourselves, but the way it works is that you send an e-mail according to the instructions given on the site, then theyll print it out and put it in an envelope, address and stamp and then send it from Utah to the field, where I am right now. You have to pay for the stamps by credit card, buying them ten dollars at a time for the account, so its a better deal for many people who want to write me but cant do so otherwise, or for those who it would take a long time for. Im not sure but I believe it doesnt work in reverse, so youll have to wait for snail mail from me. Check out the site itself for the actual details.
"I am currently living in a basement apartment in Murray, Utah, serving as a missionary in the Murray Little Cottonwood Stake. Ive adjusted well, and have overcome the feelings of constant anxiety that I was having my first few days. The situation is a lot different in Utah than in Illinois; there are people here who claim to be members of the church who really arent, or at least arent active. Also, the members are a lot more closely-knit here than in Illinois, what with most of them living a few blocks from each other. Needless to say, its taking some getting used to, especially since missionaries here are so widely known that people will wave from their cars as they see us walk by, and on more than one occasion there have been people who pay for our meals or other services that we need. That isnt to say that we dont get negative attention out here, its just a lot less than in other missions.
"Well, one last thing: Ive been working in my spare time on the story of what happens to my character Tergonaut during the 2-year period, and how hell return. Part of my plan right now includes the loss of the omni-suit, which will be replaced with a different set of powered armor perhaps. It promises to be very interesting, including the origins of supertech and the team of cyborgs that hell be working with near the end of the two years.
"Thats about it for now. Remember to check out if youd like to write me. Also know that I know that this is where the Lord wants me to be. I send my regards to you all, and hope for the best.
Your MoFo Missionary,
Elder Matthias Justin Johnson"

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(Dated March 25, 2003)
"Friends and Forumers,
whoa! Take a look at that calendar, folks, Ive been out on my mission for about a month and a half already! Only twenty-three and a half to go. Oh, waitjust did my math again, thats twenty-two and a half months. Ah well, thats why Im a writer and not a mathematician.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "I hope you guys have been enjoying my letters, and that there havent been and problems because of it. I can understand that it might be a little awkward, and I thank the Admins for letting my brother post these up. This is the only way for some of you to get an idea of whats going on with my mission, so Ill try to write as often as is prudent and keep you in the know.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "I taught my first time last Wednesday! In the MTC, we learned the six discussions that we use to teach the basic gospel principles to investigators, and we also were taught how to teach, but I wasnt feeling ready to do it when I hit the field. But after teaching this child who had been baptized recently (hes eight years old in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we baptize people into the church when they reach the age of eight, or an older convert who is ready and worthy for the ordinance. Baptism is then done by immersion into water), and then after I taught another childs discussion to two kids that we were asked to teach, I realized that it wasnt as scary or hard a thing to do to teach the gospel. I am constantly learning out here, and its great!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Its nice living out here with such mild weather. We had snow at the MTC, but its only rained out here a couple of times, and it might turn out to be a drought this summer. Im pretty sure well still have drinking water. People just need to stop watering their lawns. But well see if it gets bad or whatnot.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Lessee so far, Ive gotten mail from Cookirini and from Cait Sith of the DMC, and Ive sent them both mail. If any others have written but havent gotten a reply, its either because it hasnt gotten here yet, or you accidentally misprinted the address on the envelope. If you havent written because you were waiting for me to write first, then sorry, but I forgot to bring your addresses out with me, so write away and Ill reply as soon as I can. And if you dont know where to write to, my bro Hex and Vex can get you the info, or Vectors got it up on the SHQ site, I hope. Well, thats all for now. Til next time!
Your MoFo Missionary,
Elder Matthias Justin Johnson"

Just a little note...: In the Third Letter, Elder Johnson (Tergonaut) wrote Murraydale, and in the Fourth Letter, he corrected that to Murray. I have already edited the Third Letter to match the proper information and edited out the correction in the Fourth, to make it simple.

There are no more letters for me to add on today, but in the next week or so, there will probably be another letter added. If you're wondering why it takes him so long to write to the MoFo, here's an explanation: He is allowed one day a week to write letters, and do all the other things he and his companion need to do to prepare for the coming week. He writes a letter to his family each week, and writes a letter to the MoFo whenever he has the time, and has enough to say. That works out to about every other week or so, I guess.

Also, I want to apologize for any typos there may be in the letters. His grammar and spelling is virtually flawless, but I occaisionaly make a mistake that I don't catch. I would scan his letters, but I'm not sure everyone will be able to read his writing. If you want me to try to scan them, let me know and I'll give it a try.

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Hey, it's cool, Hex. 🙂 Everyone knows typing something by hand is killer. ^^

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