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The Craziness of the MoFo: A Somber Recollection

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Anyone remember Vortex's most recent post pertaining to the Mofo's craziness? You know, the one where Sailor Evil got beheaded and thought it was awesome? Yeah, that one.

It made me realize something.

One, it made me realize that laughing while drinking soda results in carbonation up the nose. Not pleasant.

Also, I've come to the realization that today's Mobius boring.

Yes, boring. Boredy bored bored.


I'm not referring to the Mobius Forum as a whole; the zaniness of the SPA alone fills an entire forum. But even so, the craziness is...not random. Not Mofo-ey. It just doesn't have that 'unique' flavor. And by unique, I don't mean 'Limburger Liverwurst' flavor.

But despite all that, none of the hilarity matches that of the Mobius Forum of lore...particularly, the MF Central (the one you're in right now, ya silly doodyheads).

Most of the topics refer to events in the real world. Look down the first page, and you see Star Wars, Harry Potter, New Jersey, addictive substances, copyright infringement, etcetera. Sure, there's regular humor (giving a pill to a cat), and there's the somewhat classic kind of humor (Domo-kun, which I personally didn't find that funny...yes, you may kill me now Cookie, but let me finish). But even so, it just doesn't have IT.

No, not that kind of IT. I'm talking about IT it. The humorous kind. Sure, the previous examples of humor I listed may have hints of MoFo-flavor, but flavor is not the same as the real thing. I mean, take this quote from the Jinsoku of yesteryear.

Jinsoku:Now that I got your attention (the freaks don't count. :X), let me explain my over-retardednessessess self as of current.

What the hell was I talking about?


Look! See what I see? He said 'freaks'. POLITICALLY INCORRECT! He used too many 'ness's. GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT! He sang about CONSTIPATION. ANATOMICALLY INCORRECT (what? Do YOU like being constipated? Is the inability to poop somehow 'correct'? If not, then shut up.)!

And he posted this in the MF Central. Not MF Central 2. Not the SPA. Not in CJ's Stomach (course, neither of them existed back then, save for the first option, but that's beside the point). But in the MF Central. The original Mobius Forum. The randomness...the absurdity...the minty freshness of its crapulence...


And what of the Sailor alter egos? The Evil Forumers? I remember days where one person could post back and forth between himself, using two or three different accounts to tell a skit or a story. Such insanity has been absent lately; I mean, when's the last time an Evil Forumer tried to take over the MoFo (and I'm referring to outside of canon RPs, Silly McNinnypants...or if you're Terg, Omega McOmnipants)? Where's the evil forumers calling for the downfall of the HQ Tower? Where's the crazy schemes and the ridiculousness!

I mean, seriously; when's the last time ANY of you saw the infamous six dollar bill? Last time I recall it being used, Evil WB got a lap dance. I mean, when's the last time a lap dance was used in good humor?


A long time ago, that's when. If you oldbies somehow remember, then:

1) You get 20 brownie points.

2) You've got a good memory.

And 3) You've been here too long.

But that's beside the point. (stabs you)

In any case, the randomness (and not always random; just every once in a while) is sorely missed. VERY MISSED. I mean, there was a time where someone could puke harmlessly (if you know who this is, you REALLY need a life) because they were being paired with a jackass (and if you're reading this Jinsoku, replace 'jackass' with 'lovable, funny, and huggable mod who wouldn't maul me to death with a rusty metal rake'). A time where you could make fun of French, Texan, Southern, British, Australian, and Brookyln accents in one stroke! A time where a post could only consist of someone yelling 'FAT RABBIT!', scratching, and a smiley face! A time where a certain Mr. Wigglebottom devoured souls with its fuzzy cuteness! A time where hamsters were ninjas! A time where you could post about eating cereal with emoticons!

You get the point.

The Mobius Forum has lost its luster. WE MUST REBUILD. WE MUST REJUVENATE! Bring out the Evil Forumers! Turn everyone into Monkey alter egos (thinks of a Monkey Craig and shudders out of fear)! Unleash a new plague of Sailorness if that's what it takes! JUST FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BRING BACK THE MOFO OF YE GOLDEN AGE!

I shall leave off with an example of the very randomness that must be revived, courtesy of Jonathon H. Gray, the Dubba Dubba Dubba Dubba DUBBA-U-BEE!



Cappucino The Coffee Monster: Blargh!



Nude Ryoko Clone: Do be a dear and shut up ! ^__^

Now wouldn't the MoFo be a better place with posts like these?

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Your post sucks. >:D

And I think your 'Monkey' alt idea didn't go over so well...

(torches Ultra Sonic, cackles madly, and flees)

Posts: 300
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Random enough for you?

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*Jams his finger in his ear resulting in a sound similar to a deflating tire*

Erf? o.o


Posts: 0
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You weren't here in February the days where the SPA was nearly overthrown by Sailors in their attempt to destroy Earth, saving it from the perils of President Bush and the Post Flood Safety Check.

Posts: 1619
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He wasn't here for @#%$ either.

That was.....UUURH. xx;

Posts: 4885
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That was the best night ever, Acrio. I don't think I was ever forgiven for that night *puppy eyes @ Rico*

Posts: 4607
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Please remember a certain sailor with a meat name in their name is STILL censored, Cooki. You were far from the only one to think "ugh".

Posts: 1694
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Random enough for ya?

Posts: 1321
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Oh god, that sailor-fest...I remember that all too well. That was awesome. Posts were coming in faster than you can hit refresh, and by the time you made a new post, there's like a whole page of new posts of insanity. Damn, that was fun.

Except for that sailor who must not be named. That was just....UGH! *vomits at the mere thought of it*

Anyway, Ultra has a point. This place is starting to become more sane by the day, and that's kind of bad, considering how this used to be the home for insanity. =/

We need to rebuild the MoFo and bring her back into her former glory! We need a new golden age! A new opportunity for everybody to respect and fear her glory! Now, who's with me?

*tumbleweed passes by* -.-;;

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I have an assistant! I'M NOT ALONE!

Get me some fries, foo'! (blasts Nega)

Posts: 3291
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alas, i've only the time for small controlled outbursts of wierdness.

but i support to call for more zany. bring on the silly!

Posts: 39
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Come ON! Is that all you pathetic ninnies can think of? It's this exact stupidity that makes me hate you all!

I remember...a time...when I toppled the HQ Tower with my beloved Piggy Armada! For a time, I was head honcho of the MoFo! Then some idiot Dragon Slave'd me to oblivion (CJ, back when he was *GASP* thin)! I haven't had the time to make a second attempt...but NOW IS THE TIME!



And I hereby make the notion that all female Sailorness Scouts strip down and become the naked cheerleaders for the Evil Forumers. >=D

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Sanity is the enemy. At least in the Mobius Forum.

(cooks some bacon, whistling all the while)

Posts: 39
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MY PIGGIES! (steals the bacon) Oh my poor babies...he struck you down in your prime! (gasps) A birthmark featuring the face of Sailor Mini-Dubs...YOU KILLED YANCY!!! (cries and strokes the bacon)

(burns his hand) OWWWWW!!!

That does it! This shall be the rallying call for the Evil Forumers! RISE AND CONQUER!

Posts: 8
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*Strips down, picks up pom-poms*

Evil Forumers, Evil Forumers, rah rah rah!
Overthrow the regular staff and be our stars!
Evil Forumers, Evil Forumers, go go go!
Take Dubble's Cosmic Icky Stick and make him choke!
Evil Forumers, Evil Forumers, yay yay yay!
We'll take sanity from this Forum and make it pay!



Posts: 39
Eminent Member

You mean, someone actually LISTENED? And followed my advice? A new sailor has been created?!

And she became a naked cheerleader?!


Step 1 to Evil Forumer Takeover: Complete! >=D

Posts: 1694
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I'm a Sailor as well, but I ain't gonna strip and cheer. The planet devourer does not strip for any mortal.

Posts: 11
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It had to be done, didn't it?

Now we just need a few more.

In the meantime, channel the energy of the Sultan of Oompowbombowbow. *starts to dance to the SA2 theme...?*

Theeeeeere's a race to oooovvveeerthrow the Mofo Staff!
Theeeeeere's a mace that I swing just for laughs!
Hold on to Icky Stick! HOLD ON TO IC-KY-STICK!

Post and Poll! Hanging on the edge of the Cheez-its!
Post and Poll! Around the works of my left ea-r!
Post and Poll! If you spam or if you quarrel!
Post and Poll! You may never return to sa-a-a-ane.

Posts: 1694
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Posts: 4885
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Just. No!

Posts: 11
Active Member

Thank you, thank you. But... it's almost time! We have to make...

The plan.

We're going to need... ice cream. *channels some ice cream into the topic*

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Ooh, ice cream.

*grabs a big bowl*

Posts: 4607
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I suppose the last truly bizarre thing I saw was Bizzarro Bayfield. Still surprised that didn't spark a fad a la Sailor alts or LN alts, but nevertheless, that was amusing.

And then there was Craig Beyfeild. Respect his authortiy [sic].

But yeah, you're right, things haven't been TRULY random for a good while... heck, Fexusfan hasn't shown his head around here since, like, Kerush. You'd think that if he were president (or at least a candidate), he'd speak to the public more. Gotta abide by the precedents of prior presidents and everything.

That said, you are not wearing any pants.

Posts: 980
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{ watching the Mofo on Network sane-TV }

Awww, This show ain't no good. 😛

{Blasts at with a shotgun made entirely of Bubblegum}

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THIS is randomness! This is truly Mofo essence!

And that's true Shadow Hog; Bizzaro Bayfield was a stroke of genius that oddly didn't spark anything. But Craig Beyfield wasn't as funny. And no, I don't respect his 'authortiy'.

And Craig...too bad. IT HAS BEGUN.

(sits back and lets his evil half go nuts)

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

That takes care of stairmaster.

(puts Sailor Impossible to the list) That's two...WE NEED MORE NAKED CHEERLEADERS!

(takes picture of Sailor Unicron's face and tapes it to the face of a Playboy Rent-a-BunnyGirl) That's three. >=}

Bizarro people are too weird. I mean, what's the point of being evil if it's the bizarro version of evil! And Craig Beyfield is a cheater. He talks funny and gets away with it. >:O

And Fexusfan...well, he hasn't been looking out for the evil guy. And last I checked, he was having an affair with Sailor Nudity. SUCH RACINESS GREATLY OFFENDS ME! And that's why I like him as well as hate, something...what the heck was I talking about...?

Oh well. (steps on stairmaster the escalator) START MOVING, BOYO! I've got a forum to conquer! >=D

P.S: Craig's a sissy and a big, fat, doodyhead. >:P

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

I am tired of current leaders! We need to let evil reign once more! Why? Because...uh...evil's cool and...

*gives up with pep speech, strips down and start's copying Sailor Goku's chant while waving the Falchion around*

Evil Forumers, Evil Forumers, rah rah rah!
Overthrow the regular staff and be our stars!
Evil Forumers, Evil Forumers, go go go!
Take Dubble's Cosmic Icky Stick and make him choke!
Evil Forumers, Evil Forumers, yay yay yay!
We'll take sanity from this Forum and make it pay!

*puts a doll verson of Kyoji Nakamoto on a pike, pours gasoline on it, and lights it on fire* WOOOO!

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Now we just need to get some maple syrup, then we can go for an I Dream of Jeannie spoof that Dub tried to do, but COULDN'T! Once again, it shows that evil is better than good, because good is dumb. >=P

(watches the naked cheerleaders for a moment)

Okay, moment's over. (continues his evil plans...OF EVIL!)

Posts: 3
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Pathetic mortals...

*Turns everyone who's posted in this thread into alien toads, with a fetish for golden jewelery*

Posts: 39
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Welcome fellow evildoer! I'd say hi, but unfortunately, you ticked me off. I'd be even more ticked off if I weren't evil, but since I'm evil, your toady powers had no affect. Unfortunately. my NFSSCS (Naked Female Sailorness Scout Cheerleader Squad) are now toads. And eye candy just isn't as tasty when it's toad-flavor and not regular babes. Change em' back if you will...but not my other half. I like him this way. >:D

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Posts: 18
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Oh it's such a delicious reunion! All us sisters gathered here to kill Ultra. #^_^#

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Ribby-rib-ribbit...ribbit. O_O

(croaks as the naked cheerleaders gather around him) oo;

(yelps and hops away)

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

What we have here is a case of naked women utterly killing my rifle in a gory fashion likely to result in carpet stains and icky scenes inappropriate for children.

Sweet. (momentarily pauses his plan for forum domination to watch his rival get destroyed by naked women...or scantily-clad women) }=D

Posts: 2
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*Stomps through the city causing un-told amounts of distruction and chaos, which upon closer inspection is actually little more than a few over turned rubbish bins and the occasional nasty glare at some elderly folk*

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Listen Blackie, you've got the look, but no substance. Let me show you a little something here.

(runs through SEGA City and the rest of the MoFo butt-naked, mooning old folks and flashing the female forumers. And he TPs Rico's house for good measure)

That's how it's done. >:D

Posts: 75
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I swear, this place can't go five minutes without being invaded.

Posts: 800
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o? this is a city? where's the local "dealer"?

Posts: 1355
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...I look over this topic, how it's developed, and it actually makes me glad the board has gotten saner. sad...

...Maybe it's just Ultra.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Totally in agreement HSW, no offense to Ultra, but he's NEVER got the joke, ever. It was mostly thanks to him that Dubs told people to stop making Evil Admin skits, and the less said about the "newbie welcoming" skit the better >.>

He forces insanity, and it comes off pathetic and stupid and not funny.

There have been plenty of funny moments since he got back, some even involving him. Just because Dubs, Jin and Texy don't post big fat skits and random posts all the time doesn't make this place less fun or funny.

Plus there's something which most people never got the hang of moderation. Whoring a joke out and forcing it will kill it, like LNR, HSP, EWB'sS, sailors and all the other good jokes which just aren't funny anymore.

Just let things happen, no one "forced" the Sailor SPA war to happen, it's just something spontaneous which grew to the best night ever despite a few people who didn't get the joke and just tried to be off the wall for the sake of being off the wall.

Insanity isn't what you want. It's a sense of humour. Insanity is just stupidity. Writing something hilarious is genius. Look at Vortex. Do you think he writes things off the top of his head? The guy is a damned genius, he's out of the box, but he's smart about it.

Again, no offense Ultra, but you're just not smart when it comes to this. You just find something stupid or mildly funny and bleed the life from it.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I don't think the board has gotten "saner" by any stretch of the imagination. This forum has, but that's fine. Most of the silly threads are in the SPA partially as a product of the fact that things were getting so ridiculous in this forum that it was driving posters crazy here.

The differences in the "insanity" has to do with who is/isn't posting. Those who prefer a certain style from those that don't post often will be disappointed, but that doesn't make the place any more "sane." It would be like making an argument that since we no longer allow most Sonic discussion in this forum that Sonic is not talked about here. It happens, just not as often. Before South Island, etc. were created, guess where the topics in those forums were discussed? You get three guesses and the first two won't count. ;p

The board is mainly structured based on interests, so people can choose what they want to deal with and what they don't. This forum is a mixture of all the others, but mostly dominates what the other forums don't allow. As there is one forum that is basically dedicated to "insanity," you won't find as much of it here as prior to its existence--and the SPA didn't always exist & has been shutdown even after being created at one point (which caused stuff now posted in it back in here at the time).

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


o? this is a city? where's the local "dealer"?

Heh, yes, the role-playing aspect of this forum has this place as part of Sega City, the capital of the Mobius Forum World. I can't help you with finding the local "dealer" though. ;p

Posts: 800
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Heh, yes, the role-playing aspect of this forum has this place as part of Sega City, the capital of the Mobius Forum World. I can't help you with finding the local "dealer" though. ;p

mmmmm. this forum seems to have everything. apart from a roffle waffle company.


Just let things happen, no one "forced" the Sailor SPA war to happen, it's just something spontaneous which grew to the best night ever despite a few people who didn't get the joke and just tried to be off the wall for the sake of being off the wall.

something may happen soon, ya never know 😉

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It was mostly thanks to him that Dubs told people to stop making Evil Admin skits, and the less said about the "newbie welcoming" skit the better >.>

Hey, in hindsight, those skits were bad and awful. But hey, back then, NO ONE told me to stop making the Evil Admin skits until it was too late. As for the 'newbie welcoming skit'...although bad, I honestly thought people overreacted (if I recall correctly, I was chewed out because I singled people out and classified them as newbies, thus making them feel bad. I didn't mean anything by it, but it was a bit of an overreaction IMHO).


Just because Dubs, Jin and Texy don't post big fat skits and random posts all the time doesn't make this place less fun or funny.

That's just my point, I'm not calling for this place to go nutsy-cuckoo 24/7. I'm calling for this place to at least have SOME remnant of goofiness, for nostalgic purposes.


As there is one forum that is basically dedicated to "insanity," you won't find as much of it here as prior to its existence--and the SPA didn't always exist & has been shutdown even after being created at one point (which caused stuff now posted in it back in here at the time).

Eh, that's true. Oh well. Perhaps some other time.

(blows and whistle) All right Ultra Shadow, pack it up. Move to the SPA.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member plans!

Bah. This is a load of crap. Come on NFSSCS, to the SPA. I've got groaning to do. (stomps off)

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

Yes... perfect.

None the wiser... *unlurks from the shadows and jumps up from building to building until he's no longer in sight...*

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

whats the point of watching naked people take over the forum if they're just a bunch of text? Pointless i say rarw. It is fultile.

Posts: 0
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Aw, ultra, you encouraged me to write my skit even faster. And give you a part in it, too!

A slow... slow, painful part.

Posts: 18
Active Member

Are we still killing Ultra?

I like... brought the butter.

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