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Things You'd Never Hear The MoForumers Say

86 Posts
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Posts: 99
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LianneKa: Eh, I think basketball is kinda boring.

TL: I'm so excited I can't sit still! @_@

Vector: You know what makes this PS2 game great? The cutscenes! It's like watching a movie! It could use a few more, though.

Samanfur: //i |33+//355 0//||z j00 @|| !!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!

Troophead: Like, gag me. I think I'll go watch something excessively politically correct, or just do whatever my friends are doing.

Mackenzie Rainelle: Anime? How do you expect me to know anything about that?

Dr. Lighthead: Aliens? Yeah, right!

The Virus AJG: Eww, rats! It had to be rats!

Coyote Calhoun: You know, I never have encountered these so-called "lamers" and "spam." I don't think they really exist.

Kompi: Eh, computers? How do you work one of those?

MistKatsune: What do you mean? It's obviously 100% true, I saw it myself! No denying it.

WB: You know... *chews* this tastes absolutely nothing like chicken.

I'll add more later. Everyone else add more too. :b

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Lianneka: Basketball, what the heck is that.

Vector: Ezboard have done some excellent stuff.

JKK: What's this thing in front of me with keys on it.

Virus AJG: Who is Sonic?

Sam: I'm not an Admin, I'm just a visitor.

MTPF: I don't like Tails..Really.

Coyote Calhoun: Game shows, I hate them.

RT: My very real name is Real Tails, it really is.

Anthony100: Hamsters, are they like TV's or something?

More later..

Posts: 0
New Member

More quotes seen on the MoFo In Bizarro World:

Samanfur: Oh YEAH?! Well that goes double for you AND your dog, you [5-mile long string of profanity and vulgarities]

WB: I dunno guys, this "evil theme week" idea of yours doesn't sound too good... I mean, wouldn't it make some people kinda angry?

Jinsoku: I wuv my Xbox!!!!! ^_^

Coyote Calhoun: Guess what guys! I was elected the new president of the Jeff Gordon fan club today!

Vector: Oh please, that "CSC" thing is SO pointless! Like a couple pop-ups ever hurt anybody...


Troophead: Joe Lieberman, I LOVE YOU!!!

JaxsonJaguar: Professional sports are so boring... now C-SPAN, *that's* where the action is really at!

Will be edited to add more as I see fit, of course.

Posts: 99
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Topic starter

Samanfur: It's ridiculous how much the games and comics focus so much on Tails. Sonic is supposed to be the star, you know!

Jinsoku: I have discovered the woman of my dreams - Janet Reno!

Vector: Convoluted web site tricks? That's SO corny!

Fexus: Err, I have a fear of heights.

Dr. Lighthead: Get rid of that chicken! This forum has way too many in-jokes!

LianneKa: I'm joining the Republican party!

MoKat: Eww... Krillin is a bald dwarf with no nose and weird eyes.

Coyote Calhoun: Yes, I'd like to order 5,000 window stickers with Calvin relieving himself on the "Dodge" logo.

Dane: Squeeze the Charmin, PLEASE!

Psxphile: I think I'll flame something.


Vector: Ah, I love conformity almost as much as tradition and grouping people.

LianneKa: It's way too hot today.

SDF Jerry P: Nah, that many LNRs is just TOO disturbing.

Cookirini: Sailor Moon? I hate that show!


WB: Weasel... Nacking? That's just... random. I don't get it.

Posts: 22
Eminent Member

....and I truly hope that the person in question will take this as a joke!! (because I know he would never do this if someone paid him to...) ^.^;;;

COYOTE CALHOUN: Mammoth Mogul!! Justin Gabrie!! Oh, thy sunny goodness shall be the light which shall guide me to salvation!!!! I have even made the official website to show all on the MoFo your enlightenment!!!

*Bows to gigantic cheese replica of Mammoth Mogul and kisses its feet...*

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Vector: Can someone tell me how to make pictures in a siq.

Lianneka: I don't like Micheal Jackson anymore.

JKK: I hate Knuckles and all the Sonic Characters.

Nick D Biped: I'm not here right now.

Cookirini: What is Sailor Moon in the first place.

Vortex: I'm seriously Insane around here.

Dane: Charmin, I love andrex.

Vector: I'm not really here, just my ghost.

Sam: I'm never going to talk to myself again.

RT: Look at me, I'm flying through the air.

LianneKa: Where's the staff room around here?

Posts: 0
New Member

Just to proove yeu wrong ^^


Samanfur: Merf

WB: Merf

Vec: Merf

Vortex: Merf

Troophead: Merf

TL: Merf

LianneKa: Merf

Mackenzie: Merf

Lighthead: Merf

Virus: Merf

Coyote: Merf

Kompi: Merf

JKK: Merf

Anthony: Merf

Jinsokabuterrimon: Merf

Fexus: Merf

Mokat: Merf

Crimson Kitty: Merf

SDF Jerry P: Merf

Cookirini: Merf

Dane: Merf

PSXphile: Merf

Sonimax: Merf

Squishie: Merf

Warp the Cat: Merf

Supersonicshoes: Merf

SSS: Merf

Darkest light: Merf

Nick: Merf

Craig: Merf

Everyone else: Merf

MistKatsune: You, Hi, Hello, Bye, I'm not evil, Tails is ugly, Sonic's cooler than Tails, I hate chocolate, etc. ^^

Okai, I'm done now! Bai!


Posts: 0
New Member

I take it the "Ever Notice The Cute Ones Always Have Issues" thread spawned the quote I would never say, ne?

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Hmmm... let's see now...

1)WB: Chicken? What the hell is a 'chicken'?!
2)WB: What are we going to try to do tonight, Vec?
Vector: The same thing we try to do every night... TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
3)Mackenzie Rainelle: I hate anime.
4)TL: Bored? Hey! I'm NEVER bored!
5)Squishie: The Paranormal? When did I ever say that I'm interested in the paranormal?
6)Everybody on the forum: We all love and adore EZBoard!
8) Jinsoku: Screw Sega and Nintendo, I think the Xbox is the best!
9)Coyote Calhoun: I can't wait to watch Battlefield Earth 2! I just can't wait! It's going to be the greatest film of all time! *faints of excitement just like a little girl*
10) HEY!! This Charmin has my face on it!

I'll update and add more later. :b

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Actually, I don't have anything against Joe Lieberman.

Tim Berntsen: I'd just like to tell you all that today I'm coming out of the closet once and for all! PRIDE!!!

Jinsoku (*with a straight face*): Tentacles.

Vector: I love corn dogs. Except for the breaded part.

Samanfur: Svan, would you like to lace up my frilly corset tonight?



Vortex: "If we don't shape up and stop putting ourselves first, we're a) never going to get off this planet, and b) destroy ourselves entirely. Greed is an animal notion, an unthinking instinct ultimately useful for propagating the species - in circumstances where it's every creature for itself and nobody really thinks about the situation. We can think (call it a gift if you like) and thus must stop leading our lives based on animal instincts. Substance abuse is the least of it, merely a peripheral symptom; the worst aspects are revealed in the imperialist capitalist model and the militant religious institution."

Zifei: That's enough. This science stuff is going over my head.

Mistkatsune: Wot John said.

JohnT33: Wot Mist said.

Someone: For God's sake, they're just stupid animals!

BlackFox: I quit.

Virus: 1000 posts isn't a big deal.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Kathy Lu: Fuu-chan? Who is that? Is she on Barney or something?

WB: I am your average guy.

Jinsoku: Gamecube is yesterday's news.

Evil Jinsoku: I am NOT a hentai freak!

Cyber Echidna: I think I'll try something different in this RP...

Samanfur: I'll admit, I do appreciate post counts.

TL: My post is not a Mochrie!

Vortex: Maybe I should quit the SPA and join the Spam Prevention Association.

Vector: Is this PC slot for inserting cheese in it?

Forumers: Welcome to the Mobius Forum. This is a dull place with lots of sanity.

Posts: 0
New Member

WB: Cartoons?! I hate them! Especially those ones by Warner Bros.! If I never watch another one it'll be too soon!

Coyote Calhoun: Did you ever realise how much I can't stand cars? And how much I respect Dan Drazen?

Samanfur: Whazzup, homes? Damn, y'all listen to Eminem's phat CD recently?! It's da bomb!

Vector: Mega Man? Is he a new comic book superhero or something?

MistKatsune: I don't need to make a long response here. One or two lines will suffice.

LianneKa: The Sonic comic would be so much better without that idiot Knuckles in it.

TL Kindoyle: Who in their right mind would watch junk like Whose Line is it Anyway? I mean, really!

Jinsoku: You want a good experience? Listen to rap, while playing the X-Box. It can't be beat.

LoneWolf: You know, the Democrats know what's right for the U.S., unlike the moron Republicans.

Rico Underwood: RPs here! RPs there! Enough already! RPing sucks big time!

Darkest Light: Take your R&B and rap and shove it!

John Knuxs Kent: Bleh, I really detest responding to topics!

That's all for now. ^^

Edit: But here's some more! ^^

ChibiBecca: A...spork? What the heck's that? Why would I be interested in one of those?

CJTails: LARPing sounds like it's a complete waste of time to me.

Nick D Biped: You know, I hate crappy rock bands like U2. Give me teen pop any day!

Calypso: The Sonic comic just keeps getting better and better.

Bumper: Cartoons don't interest me in the slightest.

Paulo J. Macintosh: George W. Bush knows where it's at, and we should follow his every word, and those of the Republican party.

Posts: 0
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One or two lines will suffice.




Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Things you WILL hear the MoFoers say

Svan: Sam, would you like to lace up my frilly corset tonight?

Posts: 99
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Topic starter

Mackenzie: Actually, that quote's just based on general posts, not just that one.

Troop: How in the world did you know I don't like the hot dog part of corn dogs? o.0

SamandSvan: *chuckles* I knew that one was coming. :]

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Vector: HTML? What is this strange and foreign language!?!?
WB: Web comic's suck.
Superior Sam: I agree 100% guys.
Sonikita: I don't feal like posting, maybe I'll reply to 1 thread every month.
Me: StC's dead? Oh well, whats on T.V?
Cookirini: I can't roleplay to save my life
US007: I can't write to save my life.
MTPF: I've decded to change my nickname to: Worlds First Eggman Fan.
All Forumers: Sonic Shuffle is the best game EVER!

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

WB: God I hate chicken....its got to be the foulest food on the planet....How the hell can people EAT THIS CRAP???

TL: JustlookatmeI'mabundleofenergyInevergetboredIalwayshavethingstodo

Vector: **while looking at his computer** this thing that pops out the computer right here...That's a cupholder, right? And I assume you slide cassette tapes into this small "driver" thingy here, right? Neato!


Coyote Calhoun: **while under the hood of a car** So let me think again....If I plug this little thingummybob here...and this little doodad thats not right...what if I plug this little whatchamadiddle here and this little frizzlemawhatziz thats not right either. **frustrated** Geez I dont know CRAP about cars, I HATE THIS!!!....

Mackenzie Rainelle: Xelloss is quite possibly the stupidest anime character I have ever seen. I dont see why people watch this crap?

Sam: **walks out onto the stage in baggy jeans that droop below her butt, a hooded sweater with the words FUBU across it, and a du rag in her hair** WHATS UP BROOKLYN !!!!!!! LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED !!!!!!! **begins rapping** I say my name is Peaches and I'm the best, all the DJ's want to feel my breasts! Uh huh uh huh uh huh! **begins breakdancing wildly across the stage**

Katrice: Gawd I hate Knuckles...Gawd I hate basketball...Gawd I hate my life.... **dives oiff a cliff**

Troophead: **on the phone twirling hair and chewing gum** So like, I was, like, talking to this HOT HOT GUY the other day on the phone, and like, he was, like, so totally totally totally totally awesome!!!!! Like, we have, like, got to go to, like, the mall and shop for some new clothes, cause like, thier having this bonzo sale at Macy's and I have like GOT to like have this new, like DRESS !!!! **squeals with glee**

Frederik: Life is but a fragile existance and man is but a colloquial anuerism on the path that is nirvana, for true enlightenment is but the knowledge that we seek from others. **sits down in his fuzzy chair, picks up some Chaucer, and begins smoking a bubble pipe**

Jinsoku - **holding an X-box** Oh my sweet darling...I will never part from you, you are my all, my everything, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU

**Stacy walks up to Jinsoku** You havent talked to me in over a week....

**Jin flashes an evil look at Stacy** STAY AWAY FROM ME WOMAN !!!!!!!!! THE X-BOX AND I ARE CUDDLING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why dont you be a good girl and fetch me one of my gangsta rap CD's? Away with you!!

Darkest Light - I think that I shall go listen to a lovely bit of Vivaldi. Maybe some Mozart while I'm at it.

Dr. Lighthead - I see no reason to believe in the existance of aliens, paranormal crap, or anything type of lame brained conspiracies you can throw to me. That stuff is for losers....

Coyote Calhoun: **already high as a kite and dancing up a storm** LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVIN' YOOOUUUUUUUU! IS EASY CAUSE, YOURE BEAU-TI-FUL !!!!!!!!

Mist Katsune - name is Kat...I'm...really shy and I dont like to talk much or put my opinion in about how I feel about things...**giggles prematurely, blushes and quietly retreats to a corner, never ONCE letting her opinion be known**

Zifei: Science bites....

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

RT: Fanfics? Naa I'm sorry,I don't like to write

Fexus: Flying? Me? You crazy, give me a bus ride anytime.

Kompi: HEY! Let's all go smell flowers and help little children who fell and skinned their knees!

SDFJerry: Japanese? I'm having a hard enough time with English...

Posts: 0
New Member

You're right, I'd never be able to insult Xelloss-sama and live with myself. ::glomps the grape-soda-haired fruitcake::

Posts: 22
Eminent Member

WARP: I am quesophobic.
ACRIO: Those who think they know more than me are probably correctly assuming that I do not know as much as I claim.
INQUISITOR EASTWOOD: Coffee?!? That's just dog poopie that them Brazilians chop up and ship off!!
VEC: What am I doing here?
KIDNOYLE: "Word Association"? Ha! Do I look that dumb to you?!
SHEMAR: Fan games suck. All people who make them should be arrested for copyright infringement!!
MIST: Merf
ANTHONY: You're killing the hamsters? That's okay with me. 🙂

SAM: I hate &%%$#%$ British people.
SVAN: Me too.
ED: Me three.
CRAIG: Me four.
EON: Me five.
GATOMON: Yup. Let's kill those stinky British forumers.

EVIL ADMINS: We are going to donate all of our money to the improvement of this beautiful forum....
RICO: Artail sucks! And no, I don't have a gun.....
TERG: Bring in those immortal, all-powerful Gundams into the RP Guild, everyone!!!
MACKENZIE: The state of Kentucky and anime have one thing in common - they do not amuse me.


Posts: 142
Estimable Member

MTPF:You know, tails is stupid, what's so great about him anyway?
MTPF:Marquees Stink!
MTPF:Maybe I won't delete Sonicmax's posticons anymore
Sonicmax:I'll trade in my gamecube for an Xbox
Sonikita:I'm not going to post anymore. Maybe be I can do something Else,like maybe eat and sleep!
All the Forumers:Insanity sucks butt!
Craig:*gets asked a Simpsons Question* Ummmm......Bannanna?
JKK:*Someone flames* You.... O what the hell? *flames*
Vec:HTML is piontless
Sam:I don't want to do anything on the MoFo exept Admin.

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

You told me about the corndog thing, Vec, that's why. A long long time ago.

Vortex: You know, now that I'm a famous accountant, I feel that I have a responsibility to tell people it's not just all about the girls and the glamor.

LoneWolf: I love Joe Lieberman.

Sam: I do fencing. Picket and chain-link.

Zifei: My art sucks.

Jinsoku: I spent seven days straight painting this recreation of the Mona Lisa.

Lienne: No, you can have Knuckles.

Rich: Sally's only a fictional character. I mean, no offense or anything, but I'm into, you know.. 3D women.

Posts: 39
Trusted Member

"Vortex: You know, now that I'm a famous accountant, I feel that I have a responsibility to tell people it's not just all about the girls and the glamor."

i just confuzed now...

Posts: 0
New Member

Looks like no one will ever find out my likes and dislikes:] HAHA! I am totally immune! You will never find out, NEVER!
UH OH!*tries to hide personal pic*

sonic1316:The Spam Protection Agency? That is SUCH a lame forum.

UTH:Me? Draw? I don't think so.

Jinsokku:I love the XBOX controler!It's buttons layout is SO easy to use!
Suitcase:I agree! It's just so perfect!
Dash:The XBOX is the best system ever!
Jinsokku:We must make a shrine to Bill Gates! post-haste!
Dash and Suitcase:Here Here!

Evil Jin:"PIE"? I know not of this..."PIE"!

Posts: 0
New Member

You have all failed to mention me! You know not what I
don't like! None of you! Bwahahahahahahahaaa!

Posts: 0
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Star Encidna:Cream pie? No thanks.

Posts: 99
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Topic starter

Actually, CjTails, I thought of one for you when I was planning my 2nd post, but forgot to add it in. ;)

Sam, Svan, and CjTails: LARPing? Of course I'd never do something like that!

Zifei: Ugh, I'm so sick of game companies focusing on graphics! It's always about graphics! Give me an 8-bit game any day.

Brian Sapinski: I've lost interest in Press Your Luck. I've decided to make a Survivor and The Chair home page and then I'm going to construct a life-size statue of Regis Philbin out of paper mache!

Crimson Kitty: Okay people, you owe me back payments on all that lemonade. Your tabs are a collective $1,324,597. NOW PAY UP!

Vector: Hey, today I heard a really funny pun... Somebody said "Microsoft" but pronounced it like "Microstinks." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! What sharp wit! This brilliant satire makes me want to join a Linux fan group/club/cult.


Zifei: Just look at this screenshot. It's OBVIOUSLY fake. It doesn't look realistic at all.

Evil Chainspike: *Points at something at random* Eww, that's disgustingly cute. I hate it.

War Troophead: *Dressed as a hippie* Hey, don't hate, man. Give peace a chance. Relax before you're totally out of harmony with nature. *Starts singing "We are the world"*

Punchasaurus: Yeah, violence and fisticuffs never solve anything.

Evil Vec: *Strokes a copy of Netscape* My lovely... my ooooown... my PRECIOUSSSSS. *Wide eyes*

Evil WB: *Looks at Evil Vec* Did you just say sorceress? Have you seen EWB's Sorceress around here?

Evil Vec: Err, sorry, I'd help you look, but I'm busy editing this graphic of you to make it look classier.

Crimson Kitty: Ahem! Do you think lemons grow on trees? I don't just give this stuff away for free, you know!

Tergonaut: You know, what I really love about this thread is how out of character everyone is, along with the fact that it goes all over the place at random.

Vector: *Flexes muscles while wearing a football uniform and talks in an overly-deep voice* Yeah, coach was tellin' me I'm the MVP of the team. *Stares vainly in a mirror*

Mackenzie Rainelle: Ah, I just love dubbing companies. They do such a great job.

LianneKa: *Spits out drink and gasps* You LIKE dubbing companies? Ugh! They ruin everything! To be any good, anime has to be subtitled, or even better, RAW!

Coyote Calhoun: *Underneath a car, fixing it* Why on earth do people drive cars? Walking is much better. Now I just have to fix this... umm... what was it called? Oh yeah, engine!

Fexus: Hey, at least they're better than airplanes.

TL: *Dances around a gigantic sugar sculpture eating disturbing quantities of sugar* ALL HAIL THE SUPREME RULER OF FOODS, SUGAR! HYPERHYPERHYPERHYPERHYPER!

Vector: *Sits at a table, still in football uniform, across from a random female forumer* They decided to make me team captain, you know. I'm sure you've heard already. *Grins* Hey, I didn't catch your name. They call me Vector. I have a magnitude AND a direction! *Smug look, flexes muscles* So, when should we go out? *Gets slapped*

Evil Jin: *Sighs* I really don't understand such terrible behavior.


Evil WB: *Talking to his shoulders* Hey, have you guys seen EWB's Sorceress? I need her help to redecorate the forum in a tasteful theme that everyone will love!

Dubba Puppet A: Try looking around Bozo!

Dubba Puppet B: Find her yourself loser! *Sticks tongue out*

WB: *Whaps EWB with a clue by four, knocking him unconscious* I hate running gags!

Evil WB: *Drowsy* What's a running gag?

Crimson Kitty: *Tackles WB* I WANT MY MONEY!

Tuxedo Sam: *Hosting a show* Watch in amazement as I pull a rabbit out of my hat! *Pulls one out as audience claps* Thank you, thank you. *Talks to someone offstage* Hey, get up here. That's your cue.

Sailor Svanuri: *Dressed in an illusionist's assistant costume and blushing profusely* I refuse to go out there in this skirt!

Tuxedo Sam: *Pulls cape aside and a trunk appears* And now, my beautiful assistant, Sailor Svan, will open the treasure chest of mystery!

Sailor Svanuri: Yeah, right! I know better than to open suspicious magical items.

Sailor Boredom(e): *In the audience* This show is incredible! I'm on the edge of my seat!

Sailor Orange: *In the audience, turns to Bordom(e)* Don't you love green?


Sailor Evil: *In the audience* Orange is by far the best color. Now purple, that's just disgusting.

Sailor Orange: But green is so great! Much better than orange!

Vortex's Luigi: I feel I have to disagree with you.

Sailor Evil: I hope this show doesn't have a villain. Villains are so lame! They always ruin the story because lazy writers use them as convenient plot devices. *Spots EWB's Sorceress in the next seat being mauled by Sailor Evil's Wrath* Hey, you aren't a sailor.

EWB's Sorceress: *Pushes Sailor Evil's Wrath off* Shh! Keep it down! I'm hiding here. Some weirdo I don't recognize keeps pestering me.

Evil WB: *Bursts past security and onto the stage in front of Tuxedo Sam and waves his arms like a madman* Have any of you seen EWB's Sorceress!?

EWB's Sorceress: *Stands up and grumbles*

Everyone Else: *Staring quietly at EWB'S Sorceress*

EWB's Sorceress: WHO ... ARE ... YOU!?

Posts: 419
Honorable Member


I gotta do the forum Rangers tomorrow. I just GOTTA !!!!!! XD XD XD

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Yeah, that was sweet. ^^

Posts: 300
Reputable Member

Those were brilliant, sheer briliant.

Great thing to keep me happy before college.


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Vec, you worry me sometimes. 🙂

Must go and find Svan... 😉

Posts: 122
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Posts: 565
Honorable Member

LMAO. Sweet. Kick ass ending, with the silent dramatic pause. XD

Posts: 99
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Topic starter

Thanks all. ^^

Posts: 0
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No one has any for me!!! XD

Looks like I did pretty well at hiding stoof. :p

Uh, gotta run, Canadian Yosheh's still chasing me for a joke I pulled at BOTVGH Chat.

Posts: 1619
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Doesn't anybody remember me?

Posts: 0
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... ><

Good oen Cook. 😛

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Cookirini: Mom always cooks stuff perfectly!
I. Eastwood: Monty python sucks!
The Spontaneous One: I hate randomness.

And now, some things I, CyKairus would never say: I hate custard. I despise Ranma 1/2, especially Mousse, he sucks. PS2 is the best system ever, dreamcast sucks! I hate anime, punk/alternative/heavy metal rock, PM5K, Lit, BNL and They Might Be Giants! But I looove existentialism!

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

As for EggRobo....

ER: My posts do not spontaneously combust when Chaos Emeralds are not given to me.
TERG: Darn! That could have been great to watch....
VEC: Yeah....Watch the whole MoFo go.....BOOM! Now that would have been cool!
SAM: Burn, baby, buurn! >:D
WB: That would be awesome.
SAM:......But since your posts don't combust......

*glares all around*

SAM: What should we do to him? >:)
VEC: Throw him out with the HTML! >:D
SVAN: Kill him!!! >:D
DL: Don't eat him!!!!!

*Everyone looks at DL*

DL: So do I.



Posts: 1241
Noble Member

There is nothing that i wouldn't say!!

...Well there probably is, it's just that no-one has thought of it yet...

Posts: 0
New Member

Metal sonic is a POS and the guy who thought up chao should DIE!

<noone can say 1 about me>hahaha

Posts: 2
New Member

Evil Vec: What do we do tonight Dub?
Evil Dub: The same thing we do every night Vector... Break it down
*Both start break dancing to MC-Hammer*
Dubba Puppets: Yu suck.
Superior Sam: What clever people my bosses are.
Evil Chainspike: Peace man, make love not war...
Terrornagt: how does this damn Bio-suit work
Inirikooc: Bwhahaha I will use my Happy Manga powers to watch people dance around while looking cute.

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