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This new theme is.....
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This new theme is...

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Very unique. :insane :

Previous style of posting, though, please. ;_;

Posts: 131
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My thoughts exactly, sir. My thoughts exactly...
Oh well, we'll live through this.

Posts: 104
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Anyway, this is very interesting. I especially like the posting buttons.

Posts: 3756
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XD @ The buttons.

"Reply...MARIA! *angst*"
"Topic of the Burdened Soul."

Lighthead had better be fixing this, AS I TYPE, or they'll be hell to pay.

Aw, what am I saying, he's a mod! What am I gonna do?
So, please lighty, fix it.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

OMG Angst! Oh yes, this amuses me.


Shadow is such a horrible character- well his backround is anyway. *shot*

Edit: This is a reply right? XD

Posts: 4607
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Old list-style topic list = bleh.

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Posts: 1367
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plz turn it back to the other post style

Oh also this is funny.

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Remember that thing were ti showed each persons message with like the avater and a comic book word bubble?

Ya, that rocked.

Posts: 4336
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Huzzah for nostalgia.

Posts: 5035
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Well I love Shadow, so I automatically like this theme. Yays!

Posts: 349
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No sir I don't like it. :p :lol

Posts: 2016
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Rawr. Angsty hedgehogs. YES! n_n

Posts: 1134
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I am entirely indifferent to this theme.

Posts: 122
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The theme has changed and the layout is back to normal!!!


Notice: Other than for certain board-related reasons, if you don't like the tree-layout of this forum, you're out of luck. You have two relatively adamant co-webs who prefer this format. You have the table-format in all the other forums to enjoy if you don't like the tree-layout here. ;p

Oh yeah... and the Shadow theme is hilarious. ;D

Posts: 98
Estimable Member

I'm so very glad that we're back to the tree-layout of the forum, was getting annoyed with that layout for this forum. In fact I may actually start posting again. *looks around* ^^' Yeah, the "shadow mod" may be back in action. XD

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Walks into MFC with a nice warm cup of coffee* Ah another day at the Mo... no... NOOOO!!! AAAARRRRRGHHHH!!!!! *throws cup in the air and runs for the exit, screaming like a little girl*

The horror... the horror!!!

Posts: 2232
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I quite like it, it's easy on the eyes. And I was getting bored of Sonic Xyness (or SXyness)

Posts: 622
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Yeah, this theme is very nice.
And the old posting layout wasn't much of a problem for me ^^

Posts: 4336
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Wow! Welcome back to the Mobius Forum! :D

Posts: 1631
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Forum's new look Shadow theme: Awesome! Looks really cool! I likey!

Tree style posting layout: Horrible, way to confusing and offputting, and downright annoying. I'm afraid this will likely be the last post I make here until it reverts back to a more understandable and usable format.


Posts: 4336
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With this layout, we might actually use it again. :]

MF Central 2: Wow. Someone LOVES me! ;__;

Posts: 1321
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*is right at home with this theme*
I like it.

Posts: 1619
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It's so perfect for Halloween. XD

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I like this layout better.
But this theme makes my brain cry.

Posts: 349
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We already have a topic on the theme, so unless an admin decides no-no, this go lock-lock.

How dare they lock my topic? This greatly offends me. :p

Seriously though, my topic was about the layout not the actual theme itself. And you can't put me to fault, I didn't notice the other topic until just recently. In otherwards, the main focus of my topic was the way the posts were laid out, not the fact that it was a shadow theme.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

I adore this theme, though I did think my eyes had gone wrong when it first came up. I may go blind if I spend much time here...

But let's hear it for angst!


Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Seriously, how do people find this layout confusing? Like I said in Mau's locked topic: this layout is about as confusing as a lightswitch. You have the topic names, then all the posts beneath them, indented according to which reply they follow on from. Simple as.

That's not to say I see any great advantage to me personally in this layout. I don't mind the extra scrolling (anyone seriously bothered by that really needs to learn some patience - it's like a couple extra seconds maybe?), but having trees does nothing for me that having tables didn't. I can easily see when a topic's been replied to by how high it is up the board and by checking the number of replies. If a topic branches out into multiple conversations, for a start hardly anyone uses the reply buttons correctly and secondly I can usually tell which subthread a particular post is a reply to by its content and context.

Then again, the tree layout doesn't disadvantage me either and apparently it's better for moderating, so I don't really care either way. 's all good.

Posts: 955
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Wow, back to oldschoolish o_o @ seeing the hybrid return. I'm indifferent on that subject, it didn't really bother me. I do prefer tabled because I'm more used to that, but that doesn't mean I don't like the hybrid format.... oh well. **shrug**

But..... WHY SHADOW?! ;_; You hath poisoned this board! My already fried mind hurts even more!

....okay seriously, it looks really nice and the buttons amused me ^^ But still... WHY SHADOW?! ;__;

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1583
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Seriously though, my topic was about the layout not the actual theme itself.

Layout = part of theme

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

Whoa... I backed out and re-entered this board probably six times before I understood what was going on.

I like the theme. Good timing, right when the Shadow hype is at its peak and what with the game a-comin'. Can't say as I'm all too fond of the layout, not compact enough for me, but I'll survive. It's not a brain-bender or anything.

Love the buttons.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

** Loves the Shadow theme but dislikes the fact that Craig hates the hedgehog. **


** Loves the old-style layout but dislikes the fact that Wraith won't post until the style gets a makeover. **



Posts: 1334
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Hey! I Hate the angst-cream filled doughnut too!

Posts: 1702
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The old layout's back!! I personally like this style much better than the previous one. Lovin' the theme. So much angst, so little time.

Posts: 349
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Layout = part of theme

Nuh-uh. I was talking about how the posts were laid out. :p How they're like Ken's board instead of like a normal ezboard thingy. Even Eliteboard has a better lay out than this. :p

Besides I hate my topics getting closed... I find it VERY annoying when topics get closed >.>

Posts: 2097
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Harley is going to explode. o.o

And for my opinion...



Posts: 1367
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Harley is going to explode. o.o

dear god i forgot all about that

someone save the children

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Nuh-uh. I was talking about how the posts were laid out.

Dictionary: Laid = past tense of lay
Repeated statement: Layout = part of theme

Hopefully, you understand my post now.

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

Mmmmmm! Love the color and yay tree style!!!

Dictionary: Laid = past tense of lay
Repeated statement: Layout = part of theme

Hopefully, you understand my post now.

NUU!! It's staying like this FOREVER! SO SAYS THE JIN! >XP

If you don't like it go to the other bajillion other forums we gots!!! *hugs teh current MoFo*

I could care less for Shadow, but yay theme; color is nice to the eye, and it's easy to find stuff now! YAY!

Posts: 4336
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N/M (There's actually a reason to change the subject title now. o.o)

Posts: 1583
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NUU!! It's staying like this FOREVER! SO SAYS THE JIN! >XP

My post earlier about how Vec & I love this layout is nullified. The greater power has spoken and has fortunately re-affirmed it. All is good. 😉

It amuses me so how clicking "reply" under someone's name is supposedly a difficult concept to grasp. ^_^

Oh yeah, it's staying this way, Jin. The only reason it was in the table format for so long was after the MoFo Tally I honored Dr L's request to leave it for the conclusion of the Sonic X theme. ;p

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

It amuses me so how clicking "reply" under someone's name is supposedly a difficult concept to grasp. ^_^

It's not a difficult concept, just unnecessary. Especially when people reply to multiple posts in a single topic--then when people go into page view, they're stuck seeing three or so posts by the same person in a row, which gets confusing.

I hope that made sense. <3

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


It's not a difficult concept, just unnecessary.

In a table layout it's unnecessary. It IS necessary in a tree layout. The whole point of a tree layout is that you don't have to view all the posts. You can just pick and choose what to read and what not to read.


Especially when people reply to multiple posts in a single topic--then when people go into page view, they're stuck seeing three or so posts by the same person in a row, which gets confusing.

It's the same thing as when people post in a table layout only it allows for double/triple-posting that won't get you a warning. ;p Otherwise, it's not anymore confusing than when someone responds to something someone said on page 1 on the 3rd/4th page of topic and don't use the quote feature (something that happens ALL the time).


I hope that made sense. <3

You did. 😉

Edit: Ugh, my grammar sucks today. ;p

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Otherwise, it's not anymore confusing than when someone responds to something someone said on page 1 on the 3rd/4th page of topic and don't use the quote feature (something that happens ALL the time).

I'm afraid I'm going to have to beg to differ on that one TR. I just can't get my head around this, and I always end up getting a small percent of the posts ie. the percent I didn't want anyway. I'm afraid to say that I'm considering giving up and not bothering with MF Central altogether.

Obviously it is your porogative to make these desisions, and many do seem happy with the tree style...good for you guys, but I do feel obliged to point out that it isn't really "no more confusing" for everyone. :(


Posts: 4336
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If you click on the original post (the one in bold), you should see all posts regardless. >.>

Posts: 110
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It was probably in the table form for too long... which some just got a little too used to. If you give it a chance, you shouldn't have much difficulty/problems.

Posts: 1367
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I had problems with it ever since I started posting here. ><

Posts: 4336
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With the layout back to normal, does this mean this topic heads to MF Central 2 when it reaches 50 posts?

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

If you hate it, then pure and simple, CLICK ON THE BOLD THREADS and blindly reply per usual. Problem solved, just like old times.

Quit yer yappin'. >XP

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