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Posts: 1055
Noble Member

OH SNAP. This is actually freaking me out. And I've seen a lotta evil themes. o___o

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

I'm scared... O_O;;;

Funny how most of these pics have ben made into a YTMND atleast once.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

o.o @ how there is virtually no difference between the "new messages" BK button and the "closed topic" BK button.

Except there's two of them over a closed topic.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

This is just wrong. Wait till Dubs sees this. He'll flip. O_O


Posts: 2723
Famed Member

o.o This is like the creepiest theme EVAR. I mean so-disturbing-it's-really-funny creepy.

*runs away*

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

I think one word can adequately describe this theme: Random.

Actually, I think the same word can adequately describe the flash Cookirini linked to as well.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

The BK theme is like a sequel to the mannequin theme we had last year. It's even the same exact color scheme. 😛

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


The BK theme is like a sequel to the mannequin theme we had last year. It's even the same exact color scheme. 😛

Okay, well that explains why I thought it was the return of the mannequins when I first saw the background color.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

That, and alt accounts made beforehand correspond to both themes. I had Japanese Mannequins, Creo has BK.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

You are some sick, twisted individuals. The Burger King is nothing to joke about.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest


The only evil part about it was the deception that it was going to be a Barney theme.

That, If I'm not terribly mistaken, is a reference to one of the first (If not THE first) evil theme on the ezboard mofo, although I'll have to check to be sure.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

At least there was no kidding around when it was said that there would be a return to a more evil theme. I just didn't think this would be it... or happen this soon. It was really unexpected!

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

My only comment on the theme:

This is the first time I've ended up using the quick-link to get into the forum. My computer didn't like the flash animation...

Otherwise, meh...

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Oh, various gods...


Posts: 1321
Noble Member


That, If I'm not terribly mistaken, is a reference to one of the first (If not THE first) evil theme on the ezboard mofo, although I'll have to check to be sure.

Yeah, I had a feeling that it was a bit too familiar at first. I thought they might've it since this'll be the last evil theme on EZ, and they want to go out by going to their roots.

Anyway, in my 3 years of being in the MoFo, this is the best theme that I've ever seen. I wish that the final MFC would be ditched and that we keep this theme until we move to Eliteboard (even though that won't happen =/ )

Posts: 955
Noble Member

.....oh dear lord o_o

This is just plain wrong, and there are some truly evil people on this board who allowed this to happen. Now see, it wouldn't be -that- bad, but the fact you added the Halloween theme makes this the most evil theme I've seen, ever.

And Harley, we had Shadow awhile ago. And he's not evil, he's just angst. :p

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

by the way, who drew the background image? oo

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

I've seen this image on the net before...I just can't pinpoint where. XD


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

.... why is bk sleeping with the oatmeal dude in the reply button? THIS GREATLY OFFENDS ME.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

What a cop-out. Couldn't even wait until 70 before this got moved, mmm?

Posts: 21
Eminent Member


... wtf.

This is totally awesome in a very evil-creepy-holy-crap kind of way. XD

But really, who drew the background image? :O

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I've seen it before in someone's deviantart gallery a month or so ago. Now, if I could only recall the name...

Posts: 4607
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Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Ah, I see now... the King's face is still creepy, even in hand-drawn and computer colored art, though... *cringe*

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

OH GAWD, this is EBULNESS beyond compare...whoever did this needs SERIOUS mental help, right away. :crazy

Then that I think about it, so Do I now for gazing upon it's horrifying image. Oo;;;

By the way - love the halloween theme music...been looking for that forever for mah Emmpehfwee player, lol.

A masterpiece of horror - I applaud you for the weirdness that was the intro...:thumbsup

{ Next theme, I vote the Music needs to Be 'Star Trekkin'. :spin }

Posts: 3468
Famed Member


I know a WORSE theme.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

Thanks for making the flash optional now o.o

I feel better not having to see Barney.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

thank you from me as well, it was a bit annoying to have to go into another forum and use the drop-down list every time i wanted to go into MFC. ^^;

and yes, barney is better off hidden. *shiver* >>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Adding to the thanks, it was annoying having to search the Active User page to get into MFC, I'm still doing that as the music/triple GIF is slowing my laptop down into non-use, but at least I don't have to deal with the flash intro.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Neither do I. The computer I'm using doesn't even have Flash. o.o

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

This is a short story, based on the picture of the Burger King peeking around the corner on the top of some skyscraper. Just something funky I thought of as I was considering what kind of ad it might have been from, and how that could be like in an action flick where the BK as the villain is cornering the heroine on top of a skyscraper or something.

But the story itself is far more sinister...

Mercy be on us all.

* * *

Georgia Stahlmansche stood on top of the Effective Cybertronics Unlimited building, the wind tugging at the black business suit she wore. Her eyes, though hidden by the slim shades on her face, glittered with malignant glee as she smirked over Sega City.

It won't be long now...until all of the Mobius Forum is under my booted heel! Everything is going smoothly...

There was the sound of shuffling behind her, and she turned around, the sun shining down through the scattered cloud cover. There, coming out from behind one of the grinding gunmetal ventilation units, was...HIM.

The Burger King.

"Ah, so you have," ordered Stahlmansche, that self-satisfied smirk still in place on her freckled face as she saw the bizarrely-dressed man.

"All is going as predicted, my master," said the man, his fake smiling plaster mask staring eerily back at her, his voice deep and mellow. "The forumers are scattered by the ads I have placed. Even the hardiest forumers cringe when they see me walking freely on the streets."

"Excellent. Continue with the plan. If we can get them all to evacuate, then Sega City will be mine!"

"But, one problem has arisen...the forumers will soon move to the New Place. A Place far away from the evil you have concocted."

"By then, it will be too late...continue with the plan, and step up your efforts."

"Yes, my master."

And just as quickly as he had arrived, the Burger King was gone.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Awww, can't Stahlmansche live on the moon with her hair in two cones and throw her staff down onto Sega City shouting "MAKE MY MONSTER GROW... THEN KONG MY WHOPPER!"

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

:clap Magnificent, Terg, that is wonderful! The commercial that part came from was advertising for our BK Joe coffee more specifically the Turbo version of the BK Joe.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

XD Nice story, Terg! I couldn't even come up with anything like that! Classic!

Posts: 2417
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Posts: 1413
Noble Member

*looks around the forum*

The Burger KIng's king :evil !!!!! No wonder my computer didn't let me into forum all this time.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I'd never seen this "Burger King" mascot save on this board until I think yesterday. I know I finally caught a glimpse of a commercial with it.

Posts: 263
Reputable Member

*blinks* *posts his pic*

*psst* Just so this makes sense.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

This layout is absolutely horrible!

You should all be ashamed.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

The city was in chaos now, after the full-out assault by the Burger King. Amidst the confusion, even clearer heads could not prevail against the rioters who now proclaimed the Burger King as their leader. Quoth they, "We have no king but the Burger King!"

But what some people wondered was, where was Tergonaut? Why hadn't he swept down with great justice to stop the Burger King's rampage?

Little did they know the horror that had already occurred only a half-hour before...


Tergonaut fell to the ground, the orange and blue armor so badly beaten up that sections of it laid on the grass nearby. He struggled to look up at the Burger King who stood at the top of the hill, that maniacal ever-present grin stuck on the false face of that masked man.

"Where is your God now, Tergonaut?" taunted the Burger King in a deep and fiendish voice.

"J-just who are you?" gasped Tergonaut, tasting blood in his mouth, the helmet hiding his bloodied and bruised face. "There's no way that you could be that strong..."

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the Burger King. And soon all of Sega City will pay, as you have, for underestimating the power of the Dark Fries!"

The Burger King walked down the hill, sweeping past Tergonaut's battered body, leaving him to crawl away and hope that he could heal in time to stop the madness that was about to occur.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

XD *burst into tears laughing at that* Beautiful Terg, simply beautiful.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Yay! More storyline! Makes me wonder if anybody else would appear in there.

It's nice to dream. ^-^

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

o.o ... ^_^ @ Whopperettes

Posts: 91
Estimable Member

Am I the only one freaked out about the dude waking up and finding the Burger King in his bed? .____.

Perfect quote, dude!

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

You revived a dead topic! Bastard!

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Revived a dead topic by posting on topic o.o If I recall, that's completely legal. **steals the gun in the GIF and blasts Shadow with it** 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

It's not only legal, it's encouraged unless it's spam--and TGS definitely didn't post spam. ;p

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Wow, Thunder, you must've spent a lot of time watching this topic so you could find an excuse to use that pic. XP

Been a while, TigerGirl! And no you're not alone, BK is just freakishness inna bottle. Or inna plaster facemask. Though if all he did was offer me free food, I might get over my initial shock and eat it. But then it could be drugged and then I'd wake up pregnant.

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