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1st Annual Giant Shoulder Contest!

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Okay, here's the deal: everyone posts pics of characters from anime, movies, cartoons, and video games (or anywhere else you can think of). The contest is to see who has the best shoulders of them all! This includes giant shoulderpads as well as real shoulders - as long as we can see the character clearly, especially their shoulders, and as long as the pic is clean and abides by board rules. Try to post the name of the character and where they are found (I'll include examples below). It is okay to post pics of characters already featured, as long as it is a different (and hopefully better) pic.

Here's a few pics to get us started:

Here's Samus Aran, our first contender! Featured in the Metroid series of Nintendo games, her Power Suit is very impressive when it comes to shoulder power! She also has the advantage of being able to use them when she Speed Boosts, smashing through enemies with sheer shoulder might!

Here's Legato Bluesummers, the psychic nemesis of Vash the Stampede from Trigun! Though only a servant to Vash's Brother Knives, Legato completely outstyles both of them in the big shoulders department - and he can control people with his mind! How cool is that?!

And here's Deedlit, the elf shamanist from Record of Lodoss War! Being immortal and graceful is as easy as handling these massive shoulderguards for her. She can support the weight of these shoulderguards and still tip-toe through the air from tree branch to branch, lighter than air.

So there you have it folks, our first contestants in the first ever Giant Shoulder Contest!

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The Iron Giant
A monster from Final Fantasy X.
For size reference, not that you - a human characracter - are about as tall as his foot.

Posts: 917
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Hail Il Palazzo!

Yes, Il Palazzo, leader of ACROSS - the Organization for the Promotion of the Institutionalization of the Supreme Ideological Ideal on Earth clearly has the most superior shoulders.

Posts: 2232
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Onslaught pities both your continuity and your small shoulders.

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Wow... the best I could think of was Zero of MMX, but looking at those huge shoulders there I kinda changed my mind about posting a pic.

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The Incredible Hulk. Yes, that's an entire planet. Do I win?

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Why the hell is the Hulk so huge in that picture? We all know he isn't much larger than, well, a tank, so unless planet-sized tanks have been introduced at some point...

Posts: 216
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Apparently it's part of a crossover storyline.

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It's metamophorical.

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C'mon Erika, sheer size is certainly nothing to sneeze at, but style is an important factor here too! Zero pics would be awesome, he has two different styles of shoulders too so he could win an award for versatility!

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Looking for proportion, not direct size. 😛

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And here's Rezo from Slayers!

Although evidence from a recent tabloid newspaper snooping operation suggests that his increased prowess may be due to (*gasp*) performance enhancers in the ring!

The rest of his team deny possessing anything suspicious:

But it's down to the judges to decide!

Posts: 2610
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I just found this on google. Yeah.

Posts: 383
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Since Bat's gone, I guess that makes me head Wahammer referencer.

I nominate the Ultramarines. n.N

Posts: 439
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Qubeley from Zeta Gundam.

He wont spare a single one, not even the BIDOOFS!

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*not sure how to make pics appear in posts, or whether or not websites mind or whatnot, so for now I'll just post a link*

For the fun of it, Earthworm Jim (from the Earthworm Jim series), for having shoulders in the first place :p

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Posts: 2232
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Shoulders that are not only deadly, but made more badass by not really having arms to speak of.
