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*sparkles her ring at you all~*

I GOT ENGAGED! my will proposed on friday. ^--^ mwahaaaa!!

another MoFo wedding approaches~
(well, sometime in the next year... no date set yet for the canadian wedding and i'm going to have to have a second one in the UK for my family and freinds to be able to attend! my sisters are all '!!' at being future bridesmaids) talk about a great way to celebrate 6 months in canada. :3 *sparklesparkle*

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Man, I haven't talked to you in a while but I remember you used to talk about this fellow quite a bit. I hope the best for you both!

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*sparkles MORE!* thankyou!

i still do talk about him a lot, but things are easier now that i'm actually in canada and living with him~ please send happy thoughts towards the canadian immigration officials, they still haven't contacted me about if i can stay over the 6 month tourist limit. (and i can't find anywhere that tells me how long i'd have to stay in the UK before i can return to canada, if the application somehow fails)

Posts: 96
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If anything I can wish, try to remember it in my prayers, and somehow do what I can that involves hitting things with a baseball bat so the immigration peoples are a-ok.

Is that satisfactory?

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perfectly satisfactory.. ^-^

Posts: 1396
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Oh wow! Congratulations!

Instead of confetti will they throw the laces you've saved up over the years? 😛

Posts: 2116
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As I said on LJ: it's not a shock, but well done and best wishes to the both of you.

Posts: 980
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'Grats, Becca - always good to hear a forumer getting something good! ~Pops champagne, and grins~ Hope the pair of you have an awesome wedding and a good life together! Wish you All the best! :3

Posts: 663
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Wow, congrats!^^ All the best to both of you!

Posts: 328
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WOW!!! Congratulations ChibiBecca & all the best to the two of you for your upcoming wedding- whenever it happens!

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throw my showlaces..? o-o but.. i would have to take them out of hiding first!

Posts: 1008
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I have one thing only to say about this:


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Posts: 1241
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Dammit! ...Err, I mean, congrats Becca. ^_^;

Posts: 163
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Many congratulations to you, Becca, and I hope you both have a long and prosperous marriage!

Posts: 1573
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Congratulations and good luck with the wedding and subsequent marriage!!

Of course, you know the public demands pics of the occasion, correct?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Already congratulated off board, but how many times can you say it and not feel awesome. I'm really really happy for you both and hope to see as many pics of the ceremony, when it happens, as I shared for mine

Hugs and congrats to My Will, too.

Posts: 1982
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Congratulations on taking this monumentous and joyous step in life!

By the way, is the guy you're marrying the same guy who posted in the SPA for a short period of time a while back?

...I remember that guy as being the bouncy sort.

Posts: 2915
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Congrats Becca!

Posts: 5035
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Awww...that's wonder Chibi. I'm so happy for you! But another mofo wedding...who's Will? Like, on here that is.

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who's Will? Like, on here that is.

I was wondering that too.

Posts: 1044
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I believe Craig's Will has posted maybe a handful of times ages agp on the mofo (thus saving his soul from utter damnation... only to now be destroyed by Becca with those sporks 😛 ). Also Becca you do know that once married you'll have to split the shoelaces 50-50?! Is marriage really worth such a sacrifice? :O

Posts: 2723
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Congrats, Becca! It's great that you're going to be fitted with the ol' ball and chain tying the knot. I hope you and Will have a happy life together! =>
I would also dump some confetti, but the last time I did that I think someone got buried alive. <.<;

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whee~ ^--^

will posted here a few times as wedge prower, thusly making him a vauge MoFoer. he's not a forum kind of guy, he's the lurker type when it comes to busy communities like this one. ^^

(btw, craig refers to him as 'My Will' after several occasions when i said 'no, not any other Will, MY Will!' due to people getting confused due to them knowing several other people also called Will. the term 'My Will' stuck ever since then. 😛 his name is Guillaume anyway, will is an english nickname for simplicty's sake.)

and for love.. yes.. i may even let him touch the shoelaces. ;--; for I LOVE HIM SO~

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And you better be one of 33% of marriages who haven't ended in divorce

Posts: 1104
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Pics or it didn't happen

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Pics or it didn't happen

Yeah, pix pl0x.

Posts: 4336
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*flings rice everywhere*

*rice falls on ChibiBecca*

*rice smothers her*


*curses Becca's diminutive size*

(Seriously though, congrats.)

Posts: 1195
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Wait, hang on, let me get my cynical exterior out of the way. *pushes it aside*


Okay, back to cynical.*brings it back*

Seriously though, congrats to your upcoming nuptials. I wish you and your future hubby all the best.

Posts: 5772
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(must remember... to not think of it as losing a precious MoForummer... but of gaining a meat shield...)



Posts: 1376
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x_X Freaked me out ...cause My name is Will. I'm like "Uhh no... Not marrying you Becca...bad April Fools Joke?"

Congrats though

Posts: 608
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Yay Congratulations Becca! Many blessing upon you both and good luck with the Canadian law. I hope *takes out mallet and sword* they don't give you any trouble!

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see, this is why he's MY will. 😮 not any of you wills, MY WILL! (my way, my liiife~ *gets chased and tickled by will irl for making fun of his name* ;-;!! )

*swims frantically through piles of cynical rice and confetti!* o-o;;

photos you say? 😮


i don't even remember if i made that one. o-o

anyway.. behold the blurry and slightly dark photo of my riing~!

it's sparkly and has a gem of some type that's green. :3 i've barely taken it off since friday! eeeee~!

Posts: 565
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CONGRATS!!! ^____^

Hopefully it won't take forever like mine. It'll be 3 years engaged in October... we didn't intend for it to take this long but money is really not on our side. We're close to just driving to Vegas or something...

Posts: 955
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Dude, all you need is like $100 for the license and someone to perform the ceremony (either a county judge or a minister is up to you) and you're good as gold. All the rest is fluff that, in the long run, doesn't matter.

(But if you really want to make things pretty on a tight budget, ASK ME OR KITTY! We totally had a Dollar Store/Ebay-sponsored wedding.)

As for Becca, I already told you like five hundred times but it won't hurt to tell you again CONGRATUMALATIONS!! **UBER HUGS!** ^___^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1195
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CONGRATS!!! ^____^

Hopefully it won't take forever like mine. It'll be 3 years engaged in October... we didn't intend for it to take this long but money is really not on our side. We're close to just driving to Vegas or something...

I'm not engaged, but I have a feeling this is how I'm gonna feel if that happens to me. I want both an American AND a traditional Korean wedding. It's been my dream to wear a Korean wedding gown.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Dude, all you need is like $100 for the license and someone to perform the ceremony (either a county judge or a minister is up to you) and you're good as gold. All the rest is fluff that, in the long run, doesn't matter.

(But if you really want to make things pretty on a tight budget, ASK ME OR KITTY! We totally had a Dollar Store/Ebay-sponsored wedding.)

As for Becca, I already told you like five hundred times but it won't hurt to tell you again CONGRATUMALATIONS!! **UBER HUGS!** ^___^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Eh, no offense to anyone, at all, but we were hoping for something a little more intricate. Nothing WEDDING CHAPEL CRAZY SPECIAL, but not just walking into a courthouse, either. My biggest issue is getting my parents to be present. 99% of my family is in Miami. I'm in IL. I also only get one weeks worth of vacation to take... at a time. Period, so not a lot of planning time to go down there, etc. Also, no money for flight/driving for that, either.

SOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOooooooooo. What to do.

Money sucks.

Sorry, Beccster, didn't mean to steal your thunder. GRATS TO YOU SUMMORE!! ^___^

Posts: 1984
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lol have the wedding online. Have it HERE!

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Hopefully it won't take forever like mine. It'll be 3 years engaged in October... we didn't intend for it to take this long but money is really not on our side. We're close to just driving to Vegas or something...

Hey man, if it's the worldwide economic recession that's prolonging your eventual wedding, then chill. I'm so badass that I'll ELECTROCUTE this recession into BECOMING a boom.

You just take it easy, alright? RISH GOT YO BACK, DIZZAWG.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahha! This palce is crazy! =P Wow...nice ring Chibi! That's so awesome! I'm so so happy for you! Wedge Prower...hmmm, might've seen him around here before. There's a possibility. I'm for what D.B. said though. Have the wedding through a webcam!

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but it won't sound the same if it's "with this USB keyring, i thee wed". ;-;

we're going to end up having to have to have two weddings anyway, as i doubt my freinds and family have the money to fly all the way to canada for this. so the plan so far is to have a small registry sort of wedding here in canada, then at some later date go to the UK and have a more traditional church ceremony. (my sisters and best freind are bridesmaids, they'll never forgive me if i didn't have one in england! )

awww, no worries jin! good luck with your own wedding plaans~

Posts: 665
Honorable Member

O.o I leave for a few weeks, and someone decides to get engaged? DAAAANG IT!! I could've made wedding jokes, but now its to late. Anyhow gratz to- hmm.... who's getting engaged again? (jk, good fer joo tho becca!)

Posts: 1573
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That's a gorgeous ring ya got there, Becca. I love the design.

Posts: 96
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That's a gorgeous ring ya got there, Becca. I love the design.

I agree. o_0 It's nice as heck. I hope if I ever get lucky enough to get married that I can pull off something with a sparkly gem. Green is also like...the best color. It's the new black, son!

Posts: 1986
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I leave for a bit, come back and to see you get engaged? Well, congratulations, now... if you don't mind...

*While Becca is destracted from the engagement glee decides to steal her laces ninja-style, unnoticed =O*

Congratulations anyway... and this only makes me realise how I'm going to die alone as a virgin considering nobody here fits my tastes... x_x

Oh well, this is your topic anyway, so congratulations!

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*fortunately her shoelaces are guarded by rabid bunnies holding giant axes! hukos escapes with only minor scarring and loving nibbles*

picking the ring took ages. none of the local jewelry places could grasp the concept that two unempolyed students couldn't afford a ring over $100.. plus they kept offering the most ugly designed rings at me. ><; (one lady all but forced a ugly ring with a dead-looking emerald onto my finger, talking over will when he tried to speak and was all 'ahh, lovely! lovely! perfect for you!' at me while i was just all inwardly 'ick!' at it. the price tag? over $1000. HECK NO!! that's more then a month's rent and food/travel costs!) i don't care about the price.. it's how it looks and that it's my will who gave it to me is all that counts.

eventually we found a small place staffed by a guy with the most impressive mustache. after he understood that i didn't want some big clunky ring, and that diamonds were out of the question.. i spotted a nice ring hidden in a tray of rather dull ones. he changed the 'gem' to a green one and adjusted the size to fit me while we waited in a romantic lunch in burger king.. then bwahahaa! it was mine in a box that will then claimed until he could propose properly. ;-; which he later did~ ^.^

Posts: 1044
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while we waited in a romantic lunch in burger king.. then bwahahaa! it was mine in a box that will then claimed until he could propose properly. ;-; which he later did~ ^.^

The perfect man would've proposed in Burger King dressed as The King (or wear one of those BK paper crowns if the full costume is unavailable)... I'm now somewhat disappointed with your Will for missing this golden opportunity!

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i'd have killed him if he'd proposed there.. even if there was the vauge chance of a free meal!

Posts: 955
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Well it could always be worse.

He could have just come home one day after work like any other day and after unpacking the groceries, and thrown a ring box at you saying "I picked this up on the way home". That's what my dad did, the king of romance that he is. :3

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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