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A decade-late apolo...
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A decade-late apology.

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Posts: 133
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Well, I was playing Lumines earlier today when my mind started wandering back to how much of an idiot I used to be online when I was a juvenile.  Near-perfect grammar combined with the extreme immaturity of a 12-year-old made me sound like an ass everywhere I went on the World Wide Web.  And then I realized I inflicted a lot of this immaturity on the Mobius Forums.

From the bottom of my heart, I apologize for this.  
I'm not sure how many of you were around here in 2000-2001, but if you remember that Thundercats post I made, that's what I'm talking about.  I had just discovered Thundercats and was amazed at its (from my tween viewpoint) extreme lameness.  So I posted a very stupid and uncalled-for post, and it got deleted.  I'm surprised I wasn't banned!  There was another time in the RP forum when I joined the largest RP at the time, and eventually dropped my responsibility as a contributing writer.  And then I had the balls to get angry when the other RPers didn't include my character after a number of pages went by, and I opened my big fat mouth to rudely complain about it.  How inconsiderate of me was that??
Needless to say, I feel super awful for my behavior back then.  Now I'm 22 and missing the Mobius Forums like mad, and want to become a regular part of the community again.  My stupidity of years past has actually weighed on my shoulders for a looooong time, and in the back of my mind I'm wondering if everyone hates me here.  XD  Even though I'm almost positive you don't.
Forgive me please?  And let's be friends again!  =3
Posts: 2232
Noble Member

I'm not forgiving anything untill you are purple again!

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

I was around 2001, and I shall certainly forgive you. Of course, I'm just the advace party and generous like that. Its the folk who reply after me- and of course Crimmy who got in first- you have to worry about! Also, welcome back to the MoFo, as a few others have said before now!

Posts: 133
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But my character IS purple still, I promise!! It's just my current avatar doesn't represent this.

(Holy bejesus, I can't believe you remember. o_o)

And thanks, GemaJinn.  <3  You're sweet!
Posts: 2232
Noble Member

It's because I was watching you. And waiting. ;3

Or maybe just because I have your MSN and it was on there for ages.

Posts: 133
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Do you still have my MSN? o_O

Posts: 1008
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*Squeeeezehugs* Of course we'll welcome you back :3

*Doesn't let go* ...because you realise now there is no escape >:3

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

We were all assholes as kids. It's fine. =D

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

We forgive you and gladly welcome you back.

Silver's right though, you can't ever leave now.



We should just rename the forum to Hotel California.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

On a dark web forum, can of drink my my side

Warm smell of old socks, music coming from outside

I typed in the web url, I saw shimmering light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

the posts were just right

The members came to great me;

I heard the dinner bell

And I was thinking to myself,

'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'

So I set up a few alts and joined in the fun

There wer posts across the board,

And in every sing one;

Welcome to the MoFol California

Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the Mofo California

Any time of year (Any time of year)

You can find it here

LNR is pretty twisted, but it's as funny as heck

The Sailorness virus is something you have to check

There is skits and scromics, a good thing of the past

But if you ever bring one back, you make it last

So I called up the Lacky,

'Please bring me my wine'

He said, 'I'm retired now, boy, get it on your own time.'

And still those posters are calling from the archive,

Loose yourself in the old threads,

As they jump and jive...

Welcome to the Mofo California

Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

They livin' it up at the Mofo California

What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)

Bring your alibis

Bizzaros didn't last long,

But they come now and then

There's always the creepy dolls, and the bouncing hen'

And in the floating palace,

Evil forumers dwell

They plot and scheme and ploy,

But they just don't do so well!

Last thing I remember, I was

Shutting down my tab

I had to get into real life

Not some SCIENCE! lab

But months down the line

Only I was decieved.

You can check-out any time you like,

But you can never leave!'

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

*clap... clap... clap*

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Crims I'm totally going to record this. XD

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Hey, I bet my younger days were a lot more immature than yours (no, not an ironic contest, the truth). It happens to tweens.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

... Who are you?

Posts: 2116
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As has already been said: we all do silly things when we're twelve and we all change when we get older. But it took character to say all of that. No apology necessary, but taken and with a lot of respect.

Posts: 1702
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Crim, please allow me to bear your children. That was pure awesome.

Posts: 133
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=3  I've missed you guys and your humor.  Thank you for being so insane kind and understanding.  I'm glad I got that off my chest.  XD

Jin, I was ShooterH.  I think I called you sick in the head once, and criticized your GIGANTIC signature.  Aheheh...  12-year-old me.  I'm sorry.
Posts: 565
Honorable Member

=3  I've missed you guys and your humor.  Thank you for being so insane kind and understanding.  I'm glad I got that off my chest.  XD

Jin, I was ShooterH.  I think I called you sick in the head once, and criticized your GIGANTIC signature.  Aheheh...  12-year-old me.  I'm sorry.

XD WOW that was a long ass time ago. It's so sad that I remember that, too. (Well, only because you brought it up). Trust me when I say it never lingered in my (sick) head once after I read it. I probably chuckled.
And Gigantic? *think* ... It was just a long vertical image if I remember right.

Boy, 12 year olds sure do over-exaggerate.

No apology needed, man. In fact, you should be sorry that I'm still here. X3 I can't quit the MoFo. It's my drug.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

But Jin IS sick in the head.  I mean, look at the method he used to get his promotion.

And I think most staff here are the same way.   We don't even remember warnings from one week.  Why else you think we have to write them down. 


Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Does this mean that with a good enough eraser, one can banjump freely? =D To WHSmiths!

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Does this mean that with a good enough eraser, one can banjump freely? =D To WHSmiths!


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Beware those who edit the EVC 'Banned' thread.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

As promised, I recorded this

Coupla words of warning before you click - I did this in one take, I fouled it up here and there and in one or two places I got the lyrics wrong. But, I had fun doing it

Oh also, file is a 192kbps Stereo MP3, and it's roughly 8 megs in size.

It can be found here. Right click and save as or left click to stream it if your browser will let you. (Would prefer it if you did the first option. XD) I refuse to refund any time you spend listening to it :3

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Very nice, I didn't expect you to play the guitar. Rockin' accent, too. I mean it, we need to revive Voice Exchange.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

<3 @ Brian

Actually tall, fuzzy and scottish, catch me in chat, I have had a few plans since you mentioned recording it. They may come to nothing, but we shall see =3
