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A Kiloposty Question

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Posts: 1758
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What are your top talents?

I have spectacular talent in music and analytical skills. I'm very natural with art and I'm extremely good at analyzing systems for ways to make them better.

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I'm a very gifted LIAR. It doesn't win me many points. :(

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Music and listening. You'd think I'd be in a field like Psychology, not one that requires analytical skills and a bastard arrogance. Oh well at least I have one of two required skills.


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Lots and lots of writing.

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Drawing, I guess. I'm more of a jack of all trades, really, other than for the art.

Posts: 4885
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I can do 200% my target number of photographs while watching DVDs on my PC?

That's a useful talent.

Posts: 2097
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My best talent is my ability to sneak around without being seen/heard, Solid Snake ain't got nothing on me.

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I very good at literature and history.

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i am apparently good at drawing and making fun of things

Posts: 1037
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I'm good at drawing, languages and school subjects in general. Except physical education.
Science subjects like maths, biology and chemistry is what I'm best at. (I don't have physics anymore though, I was good at that, too. :( )

Posts: 1358
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All things music and hockey.

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wasting time doing nothing at all. ^^

i'm okay at art and i get on alright with small children.

Posts: 2610
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I actually can't think of anything I'm good at, aside from killing threads D:

Posts: 3468
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I'm good with kids, though I don't like them.

I'm good at depressing those around me. >>;

Posts: 609
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I'm good at art, as well as some voice-over work.

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wasting time doing nothing at all. ^^


nothing at all. ^^


nothing at all. ^^

Posts: 4607
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Stupid sexy Becca. >.>

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I'm very good at sucking up! =D

Awesome Kilopost, Vec =D

Posts: 2723
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I'm good and drawing, better at that than writing, and I also apparently seem to be very good at teaching basic computer skills to old people. o.o

Congrats on 1k, Vec.

Posts: 955
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First off, CONGRATS ON 1K VEC :D!

According to the camp staff, I'm really good with kids o.O I mean, they're fun, but I didn't think I was that good as a teacher **shrug** Ah well, who knows?

I believe my strength lies in music 😀 I like to think I'm a competent singer and a decent piano player. And as much as I dislike sharing it, I have perfect pitch (IT IS A CURSE! **flails**); I'm sure that counts for something. Besides all that, I feel I'm a decent artist with the ability to write as well.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2915
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I'm good at making others smile. I'm not so much the class clown as I am the guy who just wants to see others smile.

I also like kids. I basically have to, having 2 younger siblings.

Posts: 2016
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I can draw. Kinda.

Also I've been told I can write, on some occassions.

But one thing I CAN account for - I'm creative. :D

Posts: 2232
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I can draw I guess, and come up with a hundred bazillion ideas I will never follow through on.

And I'm good a failing to do what I'm supposed to =D

Posts: 3291
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*swats PSX and SH with really big cookies* >>;;

Posts: 841
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Like most of the people here I can draw c.c; Um kids tend to like me, as do dogs. I apparently make people laugh, as well as being highly qualified in the skill of being tactless.

My forte is proscrastination.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

insight, assumption and memory

humor, writing and imaging

running into cool images, accumulating sleepdebt and attracting unwarranted negativity

bottling everything, drifting away from friends and being unable to come up with a third entry to the more sarcastic part of this post
