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A Very Merry Christ...
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A Very Merry Christmas? =/

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Last night we had a visit by some "Carol Singers". Now I use inverted commas because they are not really Carol Singers.

What they actually are, are teenage thugs who randomly knock on your door, "sing", wail, holler, dreerily speak Christmas Songs for all of five seconds and then demand at least 5-10 off of you.

Well, we never care much for people doing it so early in the month, nor for those who put no effort into it whatsoever. Upon my Dad telling them this though, they payed no heed, continue droning on and even reported that they were "only 5 years old". (He sounded like the oldest 5 year old I've ever known, though I suspect he had the mentality of one anyway.)

I honestly thought something was going to happen and was about ready to get up and head to the front door myself. Either way after a lot of complaining, they left empty handed - or so we thought.

I decided to go out and check the motorbike, just incase. Now whilst that and my brothers car are okay, one of the statues my parents bought a while back has decided to walk off somewhere.

This is a heavy Buddah statue (Mum really liked it a lot) - made out of solid stone and easily able to do your back in despite it's small size.

Anyones guess as to what these little thugs decided was "payment" for their troubles?

I'm going to go out and buy Mum a new one this year to replace it. I know it defeats the object but well.

Merry Christmas to all those who care.

Ours has already hit a low note.

(Ye Gods - I posted?)


Mum found the statues. It was in the back aleey way behind the house.

Smashed into pieces.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Wow man...that's lame. I'm sorry. Those "Carolers" deserve a swift kick and a slap.

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That's sweet of you to replace it. At least you got a gift idea for your mom. :crazy Have a merry remaining christmas time, Cj.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

wtf, they demand money for singing to you? lol, we don't get too many carolers here in the US I guess Oo

Posts: 2116
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You mean that carolers in the US don't do that?

Posts: 2915
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I've never seen actual carolers.

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When people around my house do carol, it's normally children lead by a religious private school. It probably has an even more adverse affect on me than if they just stole things.

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Well, I've already bought something for my Mum, but I dunno. Last time it was the thugs coming for Trick or Treat in their hoodies or just putting on a mask and expecting the giant Aero bars that made us put up a note saying that we were not doing Trick or Treat that year which led to the Garden Gnomes being stolen.

So it's happened before, but I just feel like I should do something to make Mum feel that bit better.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Like you said, they're thugs. Who, but only the stupid and desperate would do such a thing? Especially during Christmas and Halloween.
It's very thoughtful of you to buy her a new Buddha. If it's the second time this year, have you reported them to the authorities? Maybe it's a neighborhood thing and other houses are being targeted as well.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Another example of the scourge of British society.

Curse you, chavs! CURSE YOUUUUUUUUU!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If you ever answer the door to people like that, get a digital camera ready and take a photo of them, or video them without them knowing if possible.

With something like that you'll be able to get the police in with photo ID. Hard to ignore and easy to threaten them with.

Or... ya know. Just don't answer the door to the little snots.

Sorry to hear all that happened, anyway. Don't let some punks ruin your holidays. It sucks, but things can be replaced. Letting an entire holiday be destroyed by some selfish thugs is more damaging than the loss of an item which can be replaced.

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I'm going to ring up the Garden Centre nearby tomorrow to see if they can help me.

You never know, but it hurts me to see a member of my family obviously hurting inside.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Wow, never knew that happened. The only carolers I've ever seen have been older people in a group going to a house's yard, singing a song and then moving on to the next one. I really have a hard time seeing thugs from our side of the pond doing extortion schemes like that.

You guys should send us your chavs. Our non-cheeky thugs will straighten them right out. :)

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Sorry to hear that man. That must suck. I never get carolers period, so I wouldn't know what thats like.

Hope your holidays get better!

Posts: 3468
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One of very few trick-or-treater groups we got this year was two thug type 18-or-sos that didn't even say trick-or-treat, just a "'Sup?'"

I was so amused I gave them plenty. XD

I haven't heard of the type that demand money. That's just wrong. oO

Posts: 3291
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i was at a freind's house at halloween, so had to man the door for them. it was mostly just kids in really bad costumes, but there were a few older ones who would try to make off with the entire bowl. ^x; was very slightly scary.

sorry to hear this happened to you and your family, cj! ox; bloody kids and their mindless destruction.

lots of people in my town got their houses egged the other year, and now the local shops won't sell flour, eggs or anything like that to anyone under the age of 18 at that time of year.

most carol singers i see do it for free, or get given mince pies or something.^^

Posts: 955
Noble Member

o.O @ people thinking people going door to door asking for stuff is wrong

What about Halloween? Going door to door begging for candy? Just because caroling isn't exactly mainstream anymore doesn't make it any different :3 It's like asking for money for the moment of entertainment they provide. I personally wouldn't ask for money if I were to go caroling (I want to one of these days, but alas, my schedule kinda sucks this time of year)

But on the topic of not-so-nice people, I agree. They deserve a swift kick where it counts. **hug** But on the bright side, that's very sweet of you to think of replacing it ^^ I hope it goes well!

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I hope you can cheer your Mom up.

Generally I don't answer the door to Trick or Treaters or Carolers, a few too many people around here who are more likely to rob you and later run you over in a quad bike going 50 mph.

My advise would be to keep all garden decorations in the back garden.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


You mean that carolers in the US don't do that?

Not that I'm aware of. They just sing you nice songs for free. I'm more surprised to learn that your carolers do do that...

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

What SH said, carolers here are all church groups or something, they just want to spread cheer and talk to you and your family about Christ or something.

While trick-or-treating is an established day of the year where it's acceptable to just go and ask for candy, at least you can have a choice of getting people not to come to your house by turning off your porchlight, etc. Going door to door and asking for stuff is just fine, people do that for anything, from political votes to religious converts to candy and donation, but I'd be quite annoyed if someone came to my house and did any kind of service (such as entertainment by singing) without my asking and then demanded payment in return. It's like if someone mowed your lawn, then asked you for $50. Technically you don't have to pay, but usually, you kinda unofficially do.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Sorry to hear that buddy.


I've never seen actual carolers.

I thinks carolers have gone the way of Frosty the Snowman.


Not that I'm aware of. They just sing you nice songs for free. I'm more surprised to learn that your carolers do do that...

I'm shocked as well here.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

"@ people thinking people going door to door asking for stuff is wrong"

I think it *is* wrong. Hallowe'en Trick or Treating is wrong, it's just something people put up with. If a bunch of folk want to go sing at people, fantastic, that's great. But they should *not* go knocking on the door afterwards demanding money. That's no better than extortion. If people like the singing, they'll open the door and offer to give something - preferably mince pies and / or mulled wine, not money.

If the local church group is going around soliciting donations for the church roof fund or something, OK fair enough. But again, they want to carol, they can do it outside the window and wait for the door to be opened.

And as CJ's tale shows, quite often a once "harmless" occupation has been taken up as an excuse for people to cause trouble and see if they can make a quick buck that they didn't earn. And if they don't extort the money out of you, they wreck your stuff.

Merry Christmas, indeed.


Posts: 300
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I just came back from the local garden shop after buying Mum a new Buddha statue.

I'm glad I could at least repair some of the hurt that those kids caused to her.

It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Merry Christmas to all and to all who replied with caring, a thank you.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

I agree, Darkwing. Completely.

Also I'm sorry about that Cj =/ But offering to get a new one was really nice. Hope you have a great christmas otherwise.

Stuff like this makes me wish I had telekenisis so i could beat them up without going near them :D

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Carolers asking for money after they sing reminds me of those hobos in movies that mess up your window and then clean it poorly. But that is probably because I hate what carolers do =o

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

That's really a shame, Cj. I've never had carolers come to my house, and even stranger, I didn't get any trick or treaters this year. I hope things brighten up for you guys =/

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Darn :/ That is really annoying :( Good thing you were able to get one to replace it (^^)
I've never heard of carolers asking for money afterwards but then again it doesn;t really happen here in Australia
