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(Crossposted on The Mobius Forum, DeviantArt, and MySpace.

I define myself as an anime fan.

Put down your weapons. That doesn't mean I'm an otaku, fanboy, pervert, japanophile, or terrorist. That means I have no problem admitting I don't think I'm too grown up to enjoy the occasional cartoon. Unfortunately, american animation lacks (IMO) in character development, art design, color usage, soundtrack, and plot. So, unless I'm looking for comedy, I've turned to Japan for my toons.

Unfortunately, my college anime group has, to say, "failed to deliver" on a good anime in at least the past year. I don't know if 2006/2007 were just bad years, but between new DVDs and new fansubs, I just haven't found anything new to dig. So I turn to you, respected Internet. Help me find a new show or two to look into and really give a chance.

To help define my taste, here's a pair of lists:

Anime I have enjoyed in the past: Ai Yori Aoshi, Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball Z, Excel Saga, Gravitation, Gundam Seed, Gundam Wing, King of Bandit Jing, Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun

Anime I've never understood the popularity of, despite seeing more than once: Bleach, Deathnote, FLCL, Inuyasha, Naruto

Anything with a plot revolving around the new girl in school, breast jokes, any anime where at least three characters can be defined as "moe" or "lolicon", any anime with sexual situations used as a comedic device more than once every ten minutes, and any combat anime where you can begin it's description with "It's kinda like..." and name at least three anime without mentioning Bleach, Buso Renkin, Gurren Laggen, or Naruto, NEED NOT APPLY. This is the kind of garbage I'm fed up with. I don't care if she's busty, or cute, or it's allegedly funny, I don't need to see the first episode summary of "Well, [New girl] is revealed to be an [angel/demon/robot/american/sex icon/generally out of town or school district] and is shown around school by [generic guy with short brown hair, school clothes, three to four male friends, some angst complex, and a common Japanese name], where 5-30 men take an immediate liking/lust for raping her that she doesn't realize. By the episode's end, she has moved into his house [or vice versa][or maybe mansion where all financial situations are solved for no good reason], he has awkwardly seen at least 75% of her bodily skin, and they have stumbled into some sexual position by accident." for the sixth time.

Maybe you think I'm picky. I, personally, think I just want to see some new toon from Japan that isn't crap.

Posts: 60
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You got pretty good taste in anime.

You know if you really liked Cowboy Bebop you might try Samurai Champloo or, Wolf's Rain.

You seem to like Gundam, you might try one of the others like 0083 or, 0080. Also if you like the whole giant robot/mech thing I can always recommend Escaflowne.

Oh, and I have to add Record of Lodoss War to this because it is awsome.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Outlaw Star seems to be up your alley, so go for that. I doubt you'll regret it. Otherwise, obligatory Haruhi mention. Azumanga and Lucky Star if you like Peanuts/Snoopy style humor. Slayers if you enjoy fantasy D&D style adventure.

I'm a huge Gundam SEED fan and I enjoyed Wing, but didn't get into Gundam 00, but you deserve to give it a try if you enjoyed the others.

If you're only talking about recent shows, Lucky Star and Haruhi are the major breakout hits, besides of course Death Note which you said you didn't enjoy.

Posts: 5772
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I don't see Fullmetal Alchemist on your list.

Posts: 1567
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You might like Shakugan no Shana...

Posts: 235
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Rather than address posters, I'll address anime:

Samurai Champloo - I caught this a couple of times on Adult Swim and thought it was interesting, but never really got a chance to get into it. I'll look into it.
Wolf's Rain - I have a good friend who shall remain anonymo-*coughSrolcough*-us who seemed to really like this show when it came out, but I never got a chance to see it myself.
Mobile Suit Gundam's 0080, 0083, and 00 - Despite liking The 08th MS Team, I'm not very big on the UC Gundam storyline. But I'd definately look into them. Gundam 00, however, is exactly what I'm looking for. Fresh anime, close to what I already know.
Escaflowne - I've always wanted to see this.
Outlaw Star - Despite looking so much like other things I like, I can't stand to watch this show o_O
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - I got to watch a little of this anime on Friday, actually. It looks promising.
Azumanga Diaoh - Good anime. Don't know why I didn't list it before XD
Lucky Star - I can easily get access to this anime. I'll definately try it.
Slayers - I'm kinda "eh" on Slayers. I like the concept, but find the characters themselves lacking.
Fullmetal Alchemist - I'm "eh" on FMA, too. The characters are fine, I just don't like the magic system.
Shakugan no Shana - Besides Gundam 00, this is the only series named I've never heard of. It sounds familiar, though.

Four replies in, and so far eight (Champloo, all three Gundams, Escaplowne, Haruhi, Lucky Star, and Shana) new anime to try. This thread is working better than I thought. Thanks XD

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Though I constantly make fun of anime, I do enjoy the occasional one--namely Trigun, Ghost in the Shell and Dragon Ball Z (which was an awesome show, I don't care what anyone says). However, I usually really, really hate the shows that are popular. Not because they're popular, but because they're garbage. More specifically, that Haruhi thing. I sat through five episodes of it and I cannot begin to fathom why it's popular. The story is uncreative, the characters are generic anime stereotypes, and the humor is really painfully unfunny. I realize I'm in the minority in my hatred for this show, but that doesn't affect my opinion on it in any way.

I would love to see a newer anime that I can actually stand to watch for more than the first few episodes. Specifically, one that doesn't try to be funny and completely fall flat.

Oh, and Neon Genesis Evangelion does suck. I'm sick of people telling me to watch it more to change my mind.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

As mentioned, Outlaw Star and Ghost in the Shell seasons 1 and 2 are well worth watching. I wouldn't really recommend Escaflowne on the other hand, as things happen solely because they want to happen. The whole series felt like one duex ex machina after another. Ew.

Anyway, I'd also recommend Monster. I've only seen up to the third episode, but considering how closely it follows the manga, and thus how much I've read from the manga, I ensure you you'll love it. It masterfully weaves a thriller and suspense into one with superb characterization, decent enough animation and plot twists that will be guaranteed to make you go 8O. As far as I know it hasn't been dubbed so you'll have to find some subs. But I really recommend it.

Posts: 3756
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*shot to death*

Posts: 1396
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I don't have anything to recommend that hasn't already been suggested, well, except Studio Ghibli stuff but those are movies....but I have a question.

Does anyone know if Samurai 7 is worth looking into? I love the original movie so I'm quite interested.

Posts: 3756
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Seriously, I found Silent Mobius, which played on Tech-TV YEARS ago, very interesting.

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Try Claymore, I heard its pretty good.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Mahoujin Guruguru.
It's not well known since it's never been released in the US, but I assure you it's very funny and actually makes fun of anime and RPG stereotypes. You'd have to download episodes to see any of it though.. I think that besides Japan, it was released only in China, Mexico and Italy..

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

Read or Die? Either the movie or the series; though the movie has better production value, the series has more or a character-based story behind -- if you can, get both, since the plots eventually overlap. I've thoroughly enjoyed them both enough to rapidly consume, and I seem to have most of the criteria in series (if maybe not the same favorites) as you listed above.

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Neon Genesis Evangelion. End of topic. (Boo, Wesu!)

A trippy, post-apocalyptic view into the teenager psyche chock full of giant robots, religious undertones, political conspiracies, and mental instability! Whee! But, seriously, not only my favorite anime of all time, but my favorite continuity of all time. This includes books, movies, video games, whatever, this blows it all out of the water. I simply cannot say enough good things about it. I literally watched the entire thing twice within a week, and went into a kind of animation withdrawal the two weeks after it. It was like being on drugs, which makes sense since the thing is almost like an acid trip in animated form. Plus they're making an epic retelling of the series in four-movie form updated with all the niceties of our current animation technology. IF YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR YOURSELF YOU WILL TRY IT. O_

-Nytloc Regallus Lightkeeper

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Yeah, Evangelion's really good. I'd recommend that too.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Well, I'll offer my limited knowledge in anime...

Haruhi is a series that just needs to be watched. Previously, my last new anime series was... Dragon Ball Z in 01. Needless to say, I was pretty doubtful about the whole series. Tried one episode... and ended up wasting the entire weekend watching the series. I now own all four volumes of the series =)

Another suggestion would be to give RoboTech a try. That was my first anime series. If you liked Gundam Wing, you might like it.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

I'm going to have to second on 'Monster'.� 70 episodes that just fly by.

For the action, I'd recommend Black Lagoon and Baccano.

Black Lagoon is basically what would happen if John Woo made an anime (grounded in real locations and weaponry, over-the-top balletic gunfights, wild and memorable characters and some decent dialog).� The dub's good too (and it even makes sense, considering the characters), even if it's only half-released over here and nobody knows when the other half is coming.

Black Lagoon OP

Baccano is one I recommend because it's a joy to watch and it does so many things right.� I love the setting (gangster warfare in 1930s Chicago and New York), I love the characters, I love the Pulp Fiction-styled storytelling and I love the action (despite an underlying subplot involving alchemy and immortality, it's all guns, fists, knives and bombs).� And yeah, and I love the soundtrack.

Baccano OP:

Posts: 917
Noble Member

Alright, truth time.

I've never seen beyond the 7th or 8th episode of Wolf's Rain, and I'm told I'm better off for it. I just haven't changed my LJ icons in a really, really, REALLY long time.

It's interesting Sakak, what you're describing is something I started going through a few years back during my last year of college. I just got to the point where everything coming out of Japan looked like the same old crap. To be honest, I don't even describe myself as an "anime fan" any more. There are a few series I enjoy, but for the most part it's not an active part of my life any more.

If I can recommend a show that is seriously neglected (probably because the DVD box art is atrocious), you should check out Now and Then, Here and There. A young boy is accidentally sent into a post-apocalyptic future where is un-willingly drafted into the army of a wild-eyed and crazy dictator. And no, he does not become the only one able to pilot a giant robot. No giant robots. No technology at all other than guns and a large floating fortress that hasn't worked for decades because it needs water for power.

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

I'll offer something a little more obscure. Like, Cooking Master Boy. Or Bokurano.
And please stay away from Evangelion. Even though I haven't see it, I back Srol's recommendation over that.

Posts: 235
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Ghost in the Shell - I own the first movie and seen the first season. Better left as a movie :/
Monster - Sounds confusing, and really not up my alley. But I'll look into a few episodes.

Silent Mobius - I think I saw an episode, and wasn't impressed.
Claymore - I think I may have actually seen an episode of Claymore. It sounds interesting, at least
Mahojin Guru Guru - That. Sounds. Perfect XD
Read or Die - Doesn't sound to my taste, sorry. I'll give it a shot if I can find it.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Eva I've seen, and I don't mind it. It's okay.
Robotech - I can get easy access to any part of Robotech. And I did like Battlecry...
Black Lagoon - I think I caught a bit of this. Don't remember what I thought of it...
Baccano - I've heard of this, and do want to give it a shot.
Now and Then, Here and There - This sounds... weird, to say the least.
Cooking Master Boy - Seen, no thanks.
Bokurano - That doesn't sound like something I could get into, really...

Thanks for all the ideas, everyone. Big help on bored days.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Definitely Full Metal Alchemist. That show will have you in tears... over, and over, and over again, that's how good the writing is.

As for your Naruto hate, how much did you watch? I was a hater until I finally caught the entirety of the first season and then... well, I got hooked.

On top of that, once the actual US run hit those last fillers, I turned to the internet and am now keeping up with Shipuuden, which is far better writing in contrast to the original series. *shrug*

Fruits Basket is awesome. Don't expect no Shonen stuff in it, though. Haruhi is... ... different. Shinobuden is funny, makes fun of Shonen mangas/anime, and has crude and boob humor, so you may not like it, but it's well done when putting the jokes together. .Hack//Sign is an overlooked series. The Dub is mediocre at best, but the plot is a bit of a thinker.

Then an awesomeness of Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Outlaw Star, and, many may HATE me for this, but the first run of Big O... what can I say, I watched the Big O and it caught my interest ONLY because it was done by the Batman series animation studio and director, so 😛

Posts: 981
Noble Member

I'm not much into animes, and a lot has been mentioned, so I might as well just point out a favorite of mine.

Eureka 7 is a good show, at least I enjoy watching it. It has does have humor, and a somewhat complex story; something to get involved with, as it can sometimes not make much sense until you watch later episodes.

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Ok, im more of a manga person, buuuut....

Negima! -Worlds best, hands down
Hyper Police -ditto^
Elfin Lied
Not sure if its an anime, but Gantz is good anyway
Gunsmith Cats
Love Hina
and many many more than i can post.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

YES @ BIG O. That's one worth watching. Great music, a somewhat film noir-ish setting, a suitably confounding mystery surrounding the entire series backstory...and giant mecha. The dub's quite excellent, in all honesty.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Oh god, how did I forget to mention Hellsing Ultimate (the OVA series, NOT the TV series. Trust me on this, the OVA is FAR superior.)? Shame on me.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

GantZ is an anime but it ended with filler before it could even begin to adapt the really awesome parts of the manga. I'd still say to check out the GantZ manga though, for supreme WTFery.

Posts: 5772
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Another gem. The only thing I could knock it for was the GAINAX mindhump ending it got. However, they say the journey is its own reward. Also seconding Fruits Basket, despite the show ending at the half way point in the manga it managed to hook me in like few other shows can.

Posts: 0
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Even thought you already mentioned it in a negative light I have to recommend the subbed version of bleach. It really gets good around the soul society arc.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

I am surprised, to say the least, that no one's mentioned One Piece.
On that note!

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - strange, hilarious series. Only into the second's surrealistically funny. Take every anime where the teacher tries to inspire confidence into downtrodden students and flip it backwards.

Agreeing with CT here. Hellsing Ultimate FTW.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Why has Full Metal Panic! not been mentioned? I'll admit I've watched very little of it myself, but my good friend Sparky who's a mechaholic assures me it is most satisfactory.

Also, if you found Excel Saga amusing for the craziness aspect, watch Jungle wa Itsumo Hale nochi Guu. It'll completely destroy any sanity you may still have by now, but you'll love it if Excel Saga was your thing.

Also I second Lucky Star.

Not sure if you'd enjoy Elfen Lied, it's EXTREMELY gory. But if you can look past that the story's pretty good. And pretty tragic too, not in a bad way.

Also on the mech-ness list: I can recommend Space Runaway Ideon and Macross, both Plus and SDF.

For action - you might enjoy JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It's a little DBZ-ish in some respects, but more gritty. Oh and also, if you have not watched the original Tenchi Muyo OVAs, you need to rectify this. Also, I've only ever seen little bits of it, But Street Fighter Victory looked pretty good, all things considered. Plus it was Street Fighter. ;p

Nothing else comes to mind, but it looks like you're already getting plenty to keep you going.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Was gonna make a comment about the lack of Full Metal Panic, but Silvershadow beat me to it. Story, characters, action, comedy, it's got it all. Although I recommend the first season and Second Raid.

As for others, a nice short series I picked up a while back was Samurai Gun.

And I'd offer Desert Punk as an alternative, but half the series is breast jokes.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'd back Castor up on Hellsing Ultimate. Such a fantastic series. Visually astonishing and just plain awesome all around.

Though, there's a heavy amount of blood (the recent OVA 4 has a scene which involves an elongated death scene of a villain which made me feel ill) and a light amount of perversion (the first 15 minutes of the show do not accurately depict what is to later come).

One episode every 6 months, though. So not hard to keep up with.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Love Hina

Anything with a plot revolving around the new girl in school, breast jokes, any anime where at least three characters can be defined as "moe" or "lolicon", any anime with sexual situations used as a comedic device more than once every ten minutes ... NEED NOT APPLY.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

My guess would be that entire list of sma's would fall into that category, judging on his tastes @ Wesu

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Love Hina

Anything with a plot revolving around the new girl in school, breast jokes, any anime where at least three characters can be defined as "moe" or "lolicon", any anime with sexual situations used as a comedic device more than once every ten minutes ... NEED NOT APPLY.

That means I can't recommend Seto No Hanayome, which is a shame because it's friggin' hilarious and contains the Terminator.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I generally hate all of this stuff for the mentioned reasons in your original post, but Boogiepop Phantom is an amazing series. It's incredibly hard to follow because it isn't linear, but it scared the hell out of me.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

while i really don't recommend the bleach or naruto animes, the mangas are more than worth your time. but don't give up on deathnote. the show isn't half bad from what i've seen, it's hard to read the manga sometimes though. i haven't seen any of the tsubasa resovior chronicle, but you might want to give it a shot.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Never really understood Lucky Star myself. Found myself bored to tears watching the first episode. On a side note, I remembered another few titles:

Dai Guard: Possibly the most realistic giant robot show out there.
Zombie Loan: One of the most original series I've seen in awhile. Undead fighitng undead, withOUT being another Hellsing copy.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Lucky Star doesn't get going until at least the third episode, Cyk.

Posts: 13
Active Member

SO my tastes prefer breasts over gigantic fighting robots, no biggy, but if you like breasts AND robots check out saikano.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Anything with a plot revolving around the new girl in school, breast jokes, any anime where at least three characters can be defined as "moe" or "lolicon", any anime with sexual situations used as a comedic device more than once every ten minutes. . . . . NEED NOT APPLY.

@ sma

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Yu Yu Hakusho? I don't know if anyone has reccomended it yet or not, but try it anyway. And if you've seen it already, watch it again. >_>

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

i haven't seen any of the tsubasa resovior chronicle, but you might want to give it a shot.

-excellent music (Yuki Kajiura)
-nicely animated fight scenes
-some truly funny stuff
-nifty story basis and lots of Clamp cameos

-has an odd habit of making the camera pan reaaaaally slowly over a character's face
-story butchering: weird choices for filler and story changes that sometimes create plotholes or contradictions to rules set in the manga *
-due to above, pacing can get wonky
*I'm not trying to pull a "zomg manga version is SOO much BETTAR" thing here, but when it's fairly important to the story that the dead cannot come back to life no matter what, you don't have an episode revolving around reviving a bunch of dead people.
