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So, tonight I was wandering around the tubes as I'm prone to do, and I bump into the Wiki article on The Last Airbender. They started filming last month. I had heard about it somewhere, so I started looking around at all the links and sources. Apparently, they are straying away from the predominantly Asian characters of the show. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just interesting. The main characters are all white, which works I guess, since know of them looked all that Asian to begin with. What really caught my attention, is that they seem to be going towards more... I dunno... brown(?) actors for the Fire Nation characters. I wonder if they are going to change they're clothing and architecture to reflect the shift. All I know is, I'm my interest is piqued. Pics should be out in a few months, I hope.

It could work. I just hope he keeps the chops...
Posts: 1982
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...I thought those Water people were mostly brown.

Posts: 1984
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The water tribe had brown skin and blue eyes. Um....there isn't much of a difference to be seen between the Earth and Fire Nation except how they dressed maybe. The monks of the Air temple were bald with blue arrow tatoos.

There are fans, plenty of them in fact, who want the majority/entire cast to be asian in some way.

Posts: 263
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I'm pretty interested in how they are differentiating between the Earth and Fire nations in this one. The only actor in an Earth Kingdom role I found was Asian.

Posts: 1984
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Heh to me only a few characters in the cartoon seemed to just ooze "THIS CHARACTER IS ASIAN" and that was Mei... Uncle Iroh definately. Maaaybe Zuko and maaaaybe Aang. Everybody else could be anything. And white is one of those things. XD

Hm now that I think about it It'd probably be easier to find an asian girl who looks like Toph than any other race. But thats about it really. I don't think every single character absolutely must be Asian just because the setting is a mish mush world influenced on Asian culture.

My quick fix if the cast absolutely must all be Asian. Make the Fire Nation all Japanese and the Earth Kingdom all.....Korean? Chinese? Take your pick...If I remember correctly a lot of the Earth Kingdom characters have more Chinese sounding names.

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The Earth Kingdom did have a more Chinese feel to it, in my opinion. What I'm noticing, looking back at the characters, is that only the older characters seem to have some sort of racial distinction. One example is the southern Water Tribe. The only main character that shows it is Hakoda, and even thats nebulous.

Posts: 5772
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I'll be honest... I was hoping for news on the Zuko/Ursula follow up.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member So far these are the only 2 pictures available apparently.

Posts: 308
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Psxphile... That post was epic in ways I never imagined possible.

Posts: 1195
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Yeah, sorry, but I'm gonna be the party pooper and play devil's advocate by declaring the lack of Asians in leading role makes me madder then a Hippo with a hernia. As a Korean myself (which I admit is part of the reason why this gets up my craw), I just feel the lack of Asians cast for the main roles loses the impact of its culture and diversity that Bryan and Mike have researched extensively for the series itself.

I know this maybe a Hollywood attempt to appeal to the general American public and my opinion on the film is a firm neutral, but I swear I feel more disapproval every time I see news of this. We'll see.

I'll be honest... I was hoping for news on the Zuko/Ursula follow up.

I had to do a double take because I didn't remember any Ursula in Avatar, then I realize you meant Ursa, his mother. I still think it was pointless to take out that subplot. 'Course, I had a lot of issues with Season Three (not that it was bad per say).

Posts: 5035
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LOL! @ Psx. Hmmm...i've always wanted to watch this show, but never got to. Looks like it would be very awesome. >_> @ Neo being Korean.

Really now...?

Posts: 1195
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LOL! @ Psx. Hmmm...i've always wanted to watch this show, but never got to. Looks like it would be very awesome. >_> @ Neo being Korean.

Really now...?

What kind of sick thoughts do you got in your head now, Hyper? Are you one of those guys who has a think for Asian chicks? Cuz' if you do, I gots a Tommy Gun with your name on it. *cigar in mouth* Bring it on.

That said, Avatar is a phenomenal series. Even though I am myopically obsessed with Danny Phantom (I have a website for it, for pete's sake - I also recommend that cartoon as well), Avatar is quite possibly one of the best, if not the best cartoon to come out in the longest time. If you like character developments, expanding stories, subtexts, and foreshadowing (seriously, there's a LOT of Chevhov's Gun in this show), then please give it a whirl. Keep in mind this is the type of series where it's mandatory to watch from start to finish (in order, mind you), otherwise, you will get confused.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I've thought about it for a while and have come to a decision that I could honestly care less if the main cast is Asian or not. As long as they can act the part its fine with me. I'd hate the movie if they got all the races right but the acting is something even my dog wouldn't eat.

Besides no one in Avatar looked Asian save two or three characters and a lot of the older/minor characters. Just like anything anime or anime influenced. Which in turn was influenced by western animation.... sooo everybody looks white anyway.

Posts: 2809
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Are you one of those guys who has a think for Asian chicks?

Er, what straight, non-racist guy doesn't? *flees* And ditto on the awesomeness of the Avatar; I mean the grand finale was majorly, MAJORLY epic. Also, as far as watching it, like most of life problems, you can watch it on YouTube!

Posts: 5035
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Hhahaha! You're so silly Neo. *straps on bullet proof vest* **covers bullet proof vest with a bullet proof covering lol**

But oh my gosh! Yes Danny Phantom owns! Used to watch that show all the time! Not sure if it still comes on Nick here though.

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Are you one of those guys who has a think for Asian chicks?

Er, what straight, non-racist guy doesn't?

Amen. AMEN!!!!!

Posts: 1984
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you can not prefer Asian women physically and not be racist. At the same time.

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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

you can not prefer Asian women physically and not be racist. At the same time.

True, but personally, I gotz t3h yellow fever!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! Ok guys...let's get back on topic. Surely Neo is feeling abit...awkward right about now. How many seasons of Avatar are there exactly? And any idea when they're going to have a marathon or start over the series for me to watch from beginning to end?

Posts: 2809
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The series had three seasons called books: Book 1 Water, Book 2 Earth, and Book 3 Fire; and I don't think they're going to show it again at least not any time soon. I'm sure you can watch it on YouTube; also, I know Xbox Live has the entire series for dl I'm just not sure about PSN. There's also box sets for the show.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

The series had three seasons called books: Book 1 Water, Book 2 Earth, and Book 3 Fire; and I don't think they're going to show it again at least not any time soon. I'm sure you can watch it on YouTube; also, I know Xbox Live has the entire series for dl I'm just not sure about PSN. There's also box sets for the show.

Awesome man! Thanks! Youtube...such a good friend. lol

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Why are you guys hitting on my wife?

I had to do a double take because I didn't remember any Ursula in Avatar, then I realize you meant Ursa, his mother.

That's what I'm talking about! There was so very little of her in Book 3 I can't even get her name straight!

'Course, I had a lot of issues with Season Three (not that it was bad per say).

No, no... it wasn't... bad. Just not as good as we were led to believe. They really dropped the ball on a lot of subplots, which either wasn't handled well (Aang/Katara) or simply non-existant (what... no Koh follow-up?). Yeah, after the phenomenal Book 2 it was kind of a let down in some ways.

Posts: 5035
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Because you wife is Korean. Duh! >_>

What studio was responsible for Avatar? The animation of that show is awesome! Didn't seem lame enough to be on Nick, you know? lol

Posts: 1195
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I've thought about it for a while and have come to a decision that I could honestly care less if the main cast is Asian or not. As long as they can act the part its fine with me. I'd hate the movie if they got all the races right but the acting is something even my dog wouldn't eat.

Besides no one in Avatar looked Asian save two or three characters and a lot of the older/minor characters. Just like anything anime or anime influenced. Which in turn was influenced by western animation.... sooo everybody looks white anyway.

That's not the point I was making. Animation is already an ambiguous take on the subject of who looks like who. It's just as simple as slapping wide eyes on a character, add black hair, and go viola, instant Asian, but you also have to keep in mind Avatar is world beyond our own. While this could give certain leeways when it comes to casting, I think it belittles the vast amount of well-researched Asian cultures the creators have put their time and effort on. The show IS blatantly Asian. Why isn't the cast?

XDXD! Ok guys...let's get back on topic. Surely Neo is feeling abit...awkward right about now.

True, but personally, I gotz t3h yellow fever!

I gotta confess. For the life of me, I have absolutely no clue why the Non-Asian guys have a thing for Asian chicks. Absolutely no clue.

Why are you guys hitting on my wife?

Psxy, make 'em stop!

That's what I'm talking about! There was so very little of her in Book 3 I can't even get her name straight!

No, no... it wasn't... bad. Just not as good as we were led to believe. They really dropped the ball on a lot of subplots, which either wasn't handled well (Aang/Katara) or simply non-existant (what... no Koh follow-up?). Yeah, after the phenomenal Book 2 it was kind of a let down in some ways.

Indeed. I don't buy the reasoning the creators gave to take out Zuko's mommy plot. They claim it to be important enough to hold its own merits. I cry bull donkey. How is Zuko's quest more relevant then Aang's quest to save the friggin' world? Season Three was a victim of bad pacing. The fillers for the first seven or so episodes were merely average in quality (with a couple of exceptions) and it had my least favorite episode EVER: "The Beach". What a terrible, TERRIBLE episode.

It's a running gag in my life: I happen to like Season Two series much more then Season Three.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

If the director could find some Asians who could act then fine. But its not a deal breaker. It's almost borderline racist to hate the movie, before you even see it, just because Asians aren't the main characters. I want good actors and a good story that's all.

Posts: 1195
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

If the director could find some Asians who could act then fine. But its not a deal breaker. It's almost borderline racist to hate the movie, before you even see it, just because Asians aren't the main characters. I want good actors that's all.

And where did I give any signs that I wouldn't see the movie because it didn't have Asians? No really, seriously, where? Where did I even stated I hated the movie? Now you're making assumptions.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

[quote:75bc2434fa=" B Vulpix"]If the director could find some Asians who could act then fine. But its not a deal breaker. It's almost borderline racist to hate the movie, before you even see it, just because Asians aren't the main characters. I want good actors that's all.

And where did I give any signs that I wouldn't see the movie because it didn't have Asians? No really, seriously, where? Where did I even stated I hated the movie? Now you're making assumptions.

I was being general about that last statement. There are people boycotting this movie because of the lack of asians issue.

Posts: 1195
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

No I was being general about that last statement. There are people boycotting this movie because of the lack of asians issue.

Kinda hard to tell, what with the "you" comment, ya know. Gotta specify, bro.

Just to let you know, I do plan to see the movie. If it's good enough, I can forgive enough to enjoy it. But yes, the whole lack of Asian thing, sorry. Ain't gonna ever change. That's how I roll. Represent.

Posts: 1984
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I noticed a striking lack of scar in that screen shot of Zuko. Or maybe thats an image of him before he gets burned. Oh well. The costume looks pretty cool.

Posts: 1195
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I'm not too sure on that particular pic, but this one is a bit clearer (though you still have to squint your eyes):

He has the scar, but it's not as emphasized as his cartoon counterpart. Kind of a downer, really. The scar is an important piece of Zuko.

Posts: 1984
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Thats a scar? more like a birth mark! In the theatrical teaser trailer images the scar looks more pronounced though.

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But yes, the whole lack of Asian thing, sorry. Ain't gonna ever change. That's how I roll. Represent.

AZN PR1D3!!!!!


Man, I'm SO proud to be an Asian!!!!!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

No I was being general about that last statement. There are people boycotting this movie because of the lack of asians issue.

Kinda hard to tell, what with the "you" comment, ya know. Gotta specify, bro.

Just to let you know, I do plan to see the movie. If it's good enough, I can forgive enough to enjoy it. But yes, the whole lack of Asian thing, sorry. Ain't gonna ever change. That's how I roll. Represent.

Hahaha! Classic. And good lord are proud, huh? XD!

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I have a question. When it comes to adaptions and such. Do the original creators have little to no right to any influence of ideas made in the movie making process? I mean If I could just hear their opinion of the casting then my or anyone else's opinions wouldn't matter to me as much anymore. Since their opinion would basically be "word of God" in this scenario. It really really urkes me that they never came out to either support or oppose the casting options.

They probably wanted to keep their hands out of the piranha pool that is fan warfare. But anyway, Neo. Please accept my apology if I said anything to upset you ealier.

And on a random note, where there any black people in Avatar? I can't remember. May have been some dotting the background.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

As far as I can remember, there was no black characters and the most Asian looking characters in the show, imo, was the bounty hunter with the giant mole, Jin, the one shot love interest of Zuko, and Jeong-Jeong the Fire Master.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

So I totally just checked out the imdb Avatar board and geez...people are like freaking out all over that place. Had no idea Sigourney Weaver got casted in it. Oh yes! And Michelle Rodriguez! *jumps for joy* Movie is slated for end of the year too...somehow I missed that. Definitely going to check it out.

Posts: 1195
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I have a question. When it comes to adaptions and such. Do the original creators have little to no right to any influence of ideas made in the movie making process? I mean If I could just hear their opinion of the casting then my or anyone else's opinions wouldn't matter to me as much anymore. Since their opinion would basically be "word of God" in this scenario. It really really urkes me that they never came out to either support or oppose the casting options.

They probably wanted to keep their hands out of the piranha pool that is fan warfare. But anyway, Neo. Please accept my apology if I said anything to upset you ealier.

And on a random note, where there any black people in Avatar? I can't remember. May have been some dotting the background.

Last I checked, Bryan and Mike were on board for the movie, playing a close role with it (which eased the minds of some fans - not me though) but how much input they have or how much they approve is unknown.

And no need to apologize. I figured that comment was headed my way when it wasn't. Just a bad case of wording and failure of miscommunication from both our ends - Hey, what can you expect from the internet?

Posts: 2809
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Er, wrong Avatar there buddy; the movie adaption of the Avatar is called The Last Airbender.

Posts: 5035
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Er, wrong Avatar there buddy; the movie adaption of the Avatar is called The Last Airbender.

Ha! That's hilraous! Lame! Well i'm seeing Avatar later this year. xD!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Speaking about lack of black characters...okay let's not. Last thing I want to see is some tribe of proud warrior magical negroes, no thanks I'll pass...

Hopefully the trailer for this gets leaked (most likely) but if it's true they have a budget of a quarter billion for the trilogy, that seems insane.

lol at the lack of asian characters. This is America! Let me know when Asians get top billing (Like on Will Smith/Keanu Reeves levels) and gets a love interest who isn't Asian. Bonus points if it isn't a martial arts film!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Speaking about lack of black characters...okay let's not. Last thing I want to see is some tribe of proud warrior magical negroes, no thanks I'll pass...

Hopefully the trailer for this gets leaked (most likely) but if it's true they have a budget of a quarter billion for the trilogy, that seems insane.

lol at the lack of asian characters. This is America! Let me know when Asians get top billing (Like on Will Smith/Keanu Reeves levels) and gets a love interest who isn't Asian. Bonus points if it isn't a martial arts film!

XD! An asian falling in love with a nonasian. That's great. If only the real world were like that...i'd have a chance. *weeps* Quarter Billion for the budget!

Posts: 1195
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HyperSonic2003 wrote:
XD! An asian falling in love with a nonasian. That's great. If only the real world were like that...i'd have a chance. *weeps* Quarter Billion for the budget!

...Are you subconsciously directing that towards me? I'm sharpening my knife, kupo. *grin*

Posts: 1567
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Disturbing amount of yellow fevah (I got a fever and the only solution is more asians!) and minority rage going on here.

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Disturbing amount of yellow fevah (I got a fever and the only solution is more asians!) and minority rage going on here.

Any amount of yellow fever is awesome. Furthermore, there are about 3 BILLION Asians out there. We ain't the minority, we da MAJORITY baby!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD! The minority rage was probably directed at me. Possibly. And you catch on well Neo.

*puts on protective armor*

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Any amount of yellow fever is awesome. Furthermore, there are about 3 BILLION Asians out there. We ain't the minority, we da MAJORITY baby!

Shush, Rishi! We must not let the Non-Asians be aware of our secret plan to overprocreate and take over the world. I mean...crap! *puts on sunglasses and takes out MiB memory erasing stick* Say cheese. *FLASH*

Posts: 0
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Any amount of yellow fever is awesome. Furthermore, there are about 3 BILLION Asians out there. We ain't the minority, we da MAJORITY baby!

Shush, Rishi! We must not let the Non-Asians be aware of our secret plan to overprocreate and take over the world.

They're already aware. But that won't stop our plan though, babe.

Posts: 1567
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Asians aren't a majority in America Rishi, Mexicans are.

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Asians aren't a majority in America Rishi, Mexicans are.

I'm not talkin' about America alone. I'm talkin' about the goddamn planet Earth.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

The planet Earth. 😛 But're so diabolical. Had no idea you had this in you.

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