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Awkward moments?
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Awkward moments?

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Since I'm trying not to fall asleep from not understanding my Biostats homework due at 530 here's a post...

What is the weirdest or most awkward thing you have done or gone through?

Even the word awkward is weird and I feel awkward spelling it. I've had many but this one makes the best story I guess. For me, one of the weirdest things I've done happened in the hospital after some idiot wrecked my car and I had to lay in bed for a good amount of time. They wouldn't let me move around, let alone get up form bed and to make things worse I had to urinate really bad! So they made me pee in a bedpan in front of this undergrad nurse in-training. Let me tell you, having someone pull down your pants so you can pee in a little tub thing while balancing your butt in it so you don't wet the bed is not easy or fun! The Dr. was there and so was the rotating med student. Figures I knew the guy, which made it worse... Later I got the bill for a pregnancy test because since I'm female they won't believe I'm not pregnant...

So, anyone else had any awkward experiences?

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

I've had a couple, some seriously awkward, some just odd.. I may be able to think of some more...

-Trying to find a way to figure out how to explain to dad how I broke a PLEXIGLASS window in our shed with a hockey puck...

-I had this one pair of jeans I now use for yardwork/general trashing that had a zipper that would not stay up at all. You would sit and it would unzip, or even just bending your leg the wrong way to get into the car. One time, I noticed it in a music store and pulled it up, only to notice a guy in the isle on the other side of the one I was at (they are about shoulder high) staring at me through the topic/heading divider

Posts: 841
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Can't think of many really awkward or wierd things really. Embarrasing? Definatly. Awkward? Harder.

The best I can think of right now is when I discovered that I had somehow managed to cut the rear right-hand seatbelt of the family car in half nearly two weeks ago. And having to tell my parents that I thought it was me. It was btw.

Should I add that this was a total accident and didn't involve any crashes?

Oh and getting mooned at by your boyfriend's dad's best mate is pretty wierd. That was probably more awkward for him though since he didn't realise I was there.

Posts: 4336
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Back when I worked at the grocery store, awkward moments included mistaking the gender of the customer I was bagging groceries for (this happened a few times too many).

Most awkward would probably be me accidentally assuming a lady was pregnant and then just blurting out "So, when are you due?"

Cue nervous reply: "I'm not pregnant."

Me: Oh. >_>;

Most awkward moment that I witnessed was when I went to Lowe's with my stepmother to get some paint, and we asked for help from an employee.

Employee: Do you and your husband need anything?

Me & Stepmother: o.o

Because at the time, I was in my late teens, but rather tall and mature-looking. And my stepmother, despite being in her late 40s, looked to be in her 30s.

Me & Stepmother: *laughs*

Employer: ?

Me: She's my stepmother.

Employer: Oh. O_O;;;

Awkward on her part and not ours, but it was funny.

Posts: 3756
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I run into Ultra's problem there occasionally, though it's usually over the phone. I answer and carry on a conversation with my grandpa or something and we can go on for 10 minutes before he realizes I'm not my father. XD

Posts: 4336
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That happens to me way too often @ TTG. I don't know why I sound like my dad over the phone. >_>

Posts: 1567
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The mistaken age thing happens to me quite a bit. Either people think I'm 25 or 26 because of how I act or they think I'm younger based on how I look.

There are other instances but that's why they're awkward and I'm too embarassed to share them.

Posts: 182
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My water broke at mcdonalds =/
I wanted to die afterwards

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Posts: 182
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umm..yeah o.o

Posts: 608
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wow at McD's. Thank God there's time after the water breaks. Where you alone or with someone?

Posts: 182
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I was by myself I had to call my cousin to come get me XP

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you were pregnant and did not tell us?

Posts: 1986
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She did. It was in an old topic somewhere. o.o

Posts: 7
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Wow. Akward. Huh? Sorry just shocked

Posts: 1201
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she did. a lot.

Posts: 608
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Wow, that must've been one hell of a shock that your water broke there.

She did tell us in a post and you can go to the photo thread to see the pictures of her handsome little man.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I had just walked in on my dad on the toilet, like mere hours ago. BOY, that was bad.

And I was trying to impress some chick by doing a cool looking pose a year ago, but ended up fumbling around with the can I was holding, and it all went tumbling everywhere.

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I had just walked in on my dad on the toilet, like mere hours ago. BOY, that was bad.

I am now morbidly curious, yet I shall not enquire further!
