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Being prepared
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Being prepared

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Posts: 955
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Hey there guys; as many of you know, I'm currently working at a boy scout camp in the middle of nowhere. It's been a blast so far, and though the stress piles high, it's definitely been a worthwhile experience.

But that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting because our camp was featured in a newspaper back at home and they posted the article online.

From the Daily Herald: Boy Scout troop fulfills motto in emergency at camp

When my son went to Camp Freeland Leslie, a Boy Scout camp near the Wisconsin Dells, he got to experience, firsthand, what it is like to camp during a tornado.

He was frightened, but he was able to make it through the ordeal.

In Illinois there were reports of bad storms in central Wisconsin, but we knew nothing of the winds that went through the area. It wasnt until we went up to the camp for closing ceremonies that we learned about the tornado. Had I known I would have been a nervous wreck.

I can only imagine how the parents of the 17 Batavia boys who were first-time campers would have felt had they know there was a fire at the camp recently.

In June, Scouts from Troop 43 in Batavia were at Camp Freeland Leslie in Oxford, Wis. During dinner preparation, the camp alarm sounded, alerting all Scouts to head to a designated safe location at the flag ground.

As Troop 43 headed up the path, they encountered smoke from a fire and their way blocked. Soon camp workers appeared and told them that they needed their help fighting the brush fire near their camp site.

The fire department had been called but the fire was spreading.

Senior patrol leader Mike Hoefler immediately ordered the Scouts to get fire buckets and 5-gallon coolers from their camp site and he organized a bucket brigade, using the camp sites water spigot.

I remembered reading somewhere that a brigade was much more effective than just running and getting water, said Mike. I was a little worried about the younger Scouts but I knew we could do it if we worked together.

Mike was assisted by fellow patrol leaders Matthew Heronemous, Adam Scott, Adam Hutchinson and Casey Smith.

Troop 43 kept the bucket brigade going for a half-hour until the fire department arrived. Members of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the fire department commended the Scouts for stopping the fire from spreading.

The camp director, Bill Curtin, praised the troop for their willingness to pitch in: It was kind of the typical Scout response to an emergency, he said, citing their calmness during the crisis and their readiness to help. As a rule, Scouts are prepared.

The staffs prompt response and the cooperation of the campers prevented thousands of dollars in damages and the interruption of summer programs at CFL, Curtin wrote in a report about the incident.

Sadly, the officials determined the fire was probably started by a Scout, perhaps trying to earn his fire badge. Wood shavings and a cigarette lighter were found at the scene.

More than 200 campers were at the camp that week but Batavia Troop 43 was the only group that was asked to help contain the fire because of the proximity of the fire to their campsite.

These kids learn all of the proper safety procedures in Scouts and you hope they will know what to do when the time comes, said Mikes father, Dan Hoefler. I think all of the Scouts realized what could be accomplished by working together.


Its great to know that our Scouts did the right thing and prevented a situation from getting out of control.

Its also good that sometimes mothers dont know what happens at camp until everyone is home safe and sound.

I know there are a lot of people who knock the boy scouts for being goody-two-shoes and nerdy kids who do well in school and whatnot. But how many other kids can actually say they helped put out a forest fire like that? 😀 I just wanted to share with you guys to let you know what actually goes on at this crazy camp I call home for two months.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

That's awesome, Sage.

*will post somthing more thoughtful eventually*

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

That is incredibly awesome. Good for the boys.

Heh, I had some crazy summer camps back in my day... 3/4 inch of hail :crazy

Posts: 917
Noble Member

My roommate used to work for the Daily Herald o_O;;

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New Member Guest

I knew a guy once who used to work for a newspaper called the Daily Planet. Nice enough guy, kind of meek and mild-mannered. Wore glasses. Can't remember his name for the life if me, though... I think it started with a C.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Chuck, his name was Chuck, Bat.

Or was it Carl? o_O

All kidding aside, though. That's pretty awesome. That's some real Boy Scouting for you!
