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Bloody Gir
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Bloody Gir

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"Bloody Gir" is an easter egg hidden is some of the Invader Zim episodes. One day, at Nickelodeon studios, Jhonen Vasquez drew an image of Gir covered in blood, with the desire to make an episode in which that happens. Nickelodeon refused, and so Mr.Vasquez inserted the image into a few episodes without Nick's knowledge. You're likely to only ever see it if you have a DVD player that advance frame by frame. These are the episodes in which "Bloody Gir" is said to appear: 1st- "Mortos Der Soul Stealer", during the opening theme. When the pipes are coming out of Zim's house, one of the pipes covers the screen and makes it black for a split second and it is in that instant that you will find Bloody Gir. This one's pretty easy to spot, as he's in 2 full frames and he takes up most of the screen. 2nd-"Plague Of Babies", during the opening sceen. I haven't found this one yet, but Bloody Gir is said to appear in the corner of the Voot ship's window several times. 3rd-"Bad, Bad, Rubber Piggy". I haven't found this one yet either, but he's said to appear as the last piggy that goes into the time machine. Happy Hunting, all, and please let me know of any episodes I've missed or tips on how to spot the ones I couldn't find! ^_^

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ha! That's cool. Easter Eggs like that are always cool and somewhat disturbing to find. I'm still listening out for that Aladdin one. 😛
