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Bow down to your new lord and MASTER!!!

32 Posts
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Posts: 620
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<-- That's me laughing right there.

That's right, maggots. I'm your brand new admin. Thus giving me POWA!!! BEAUTIFUL, UNADULTERATED POWA!!!

And things are going to start changing around here! Much stricter. Much tougher. More censors. Less crap. More... ... not crap!

New rules!

1. No arguing. Will result in an immediate ban.
2. No making fun of people. Will result in an immediate ban.
3. No making people fun. Will result in an immediate ban.
4. No smoking. Will result in an immediate ban.
5. No memes. Will result in an immediate ban.
6. No 4chan. Will result in an immediate ban.
7. No spam. Will result in an immediate ban.
8. No potty humor. Will result in an immediate ban.
9. No crude humor. Will result in an immediate ban.
10. No humor. Will result in an immediate ban.
11. No racism. Will result in an immediate ban.
12. No single race allowed. Will result in an immediate ban if one is caught.
13. No racing. Will result in an immediate ban.
14. No polling about how much you hate the new rules. Will result in a warning.
15. No polling. Will result in an immediate ban.
16. No diving. Will result in an immediate ban.
17. No parking. Will result in an immediate ban.
18. No Rishi. Will result in me laughing to your face. Then a ban.
19. No lack of sentence or formatting structure. Will result in an immediate ban. (Also see #18).
20. No bunnies. Will result in an immediate ban.
21. No W's. Will result in an immediate ban.
22. No B's. Will result in an immediate ban.
23. No differentiating in mainstream sexual preference. Will result in an immediate ban.
24. No complaining about people's differentiating mainstream sexual preferences. Will result in an immediate ban.
25. No religion. Will result in an immediate ban.
26. No Saviour. Will result in an immediate ban and a call to your father.
27. No Jedi's. Will result in an immediate ban and a call to your father.
28. No smileys. Will result in an immediate ban with a smile on our face.
29. Frownies okay.
30. No cell phones. Will result in an immediate ban.
31. No SMG's. Will result in an immediate ban.
32. No long distance calling. Will result in an immediate ban.
33. No chatting. Will result in an immediate ban.
34. No rule 34ing. Will result in an immediate ban.
35. Rule 35 okay.
36. No porn unless approved by myself, in which after will result in an immediate ban.
37. Thirty Seven!?
38. No roles. Will result in an immediate ban.
39. No playing. Will result in an immediate ban.
40. No role playing. Will result in an immediate ban.
41. RPing allowed.
42. ?
43. Profit.
44. No going against whatever I tell you at that instant that is against the rule even though it's not. Will result in a warning.

And that's it! Easy peasie! If we follow these rules, I'm sure the MoFo will get back on track to being loved and respected and full of fun loving people!

If not, it will result in an immediate ban.

The end.

Through hard, vigorous work, and a long time running as a mod, I am now an admin. Huzzah! The MoFo Center now has an active admin on a daily basis!

Just kidding about the rules, though, obviously. ^^

Posts: 713
Prominent Member

... I am still trembling in fear from rule 36....

Posts: 1058
Noble Member

DUDE are those real rules?--OH wait it says no at the bottom...

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

<-- Me


Posts: 917
Noble Member

I, for one, welcome our new DBZ-Hedgehogish overlords. In celebration, I've gotten the new rules tattooed on my solar plexus.


Posts: 620
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Posts: 899
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*Comes running from over the hills*

Guys, guys, the alts; they're dead! All they left behind were their smoldering, alt-y boots! We must flee before-- oh, God, he's already he-- *Kamehameha'ed into obliteration*

But seriously, Jin, congrats. I'm sure you've earned it and that you're not really insane with power... now.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member
Topic starter

But seriously, Jin, congrats. I'm sure you've earned it and that you're not really insane with power... now.

You shall be spared for your kind words. Your banning will be quick and unnoticeable should your time come.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

*races* So what's up guys? But yea...I saw this topic title and I was like..."wasn't the Street Fighter IV topic in gaming academy?" Anywho...this is awesome man. Super congrats. I feel safer now. *underbreath* How weird is that...why would I feel safer...this is Jin we're talking about.

User was banned for this post.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Silly HyperSonic. Thinking this topic was about the most awesome fighting game in the history of forever that I totally haven't played in years.

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

<-- Me


I just felt like it. Sue me. ;> - Kaze


You too, Kaze. You too. ;P

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

You know what this means?

Evil Jin is now an Evil Admin.

Cry havoc. o.o

(Seriously though, huzzah and stuff on the promotion.)

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

D'awe. Ya noticed.

I like that. Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-omotion.

Posts: 713
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*Holds HyperSonic's lifeless corpse in his arms.*


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

*thinks of what memes to post in this thread* =D

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Jin, I said it once and I said it again, I hope you the best with your adventures in adminland. May your pastures be green and your cattle fat.

Posts: 620
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Topic starter

I swear Rish, if you even try that in this thread...

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

You'll end up between us. ;3


Posts: 620
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Topic starter


I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.



Yep. Yep, there's the pepperoni from earlier. Ugh.


HAHA. Looks like Rish already has his hands full.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

You'll end up between us. ;3


*vomits profusely*

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

LOL. I'm banned. Yosh! I'm so hardcore.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

A new authority figure to rebel against?! LET US DUEL, GOOD SIR! MY PISTOLS AGAINST... YOUR STUFF.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Jin. I can't let you do as you please!

You believe your rules will bring about peace. A better tomorrow? YOU ARE MISTAKEN.

*Korean pop song starts and image of a bird is superimposed over my face*


Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I've admin powers now too...

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

And with those two actions. I leave this board to a fate worse than Toby's backside.


Posts: 2723
Famed Member

... because, see, people 'round these parts ain't gonna back down without a fight. You dig?

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

*whimpers @ the fact that Jin is now an Admin*

*hides behind Kaze and her big pointy bat*

I'm scared...


Posts: 1986
Noble Member

*Simply walks by and says nothing*

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD! Just like Hukos. Being all nonchalant. =P

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

*pops in to the topic to say congrats to both Jin and SA*^^

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

XD! Just like Hukos. Being all nonchalant. =P

Shh! Its supposed to be a secret >_>

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

This music sums this topic up appropriately. *builds pillow fort from Jin*
