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Cats vs Dogs
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Cats vs Dogs

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I just finished reading this article about how stunningly evil cats are. This has increased my love for them a thousandfold. So I thought I'd pose the age old question to the Mobius Forum. Which of the two domestic pet types do you feel is best, the lazy evil and manipulative cat or the loyal dimwitted dog?

I have no quarrel with dogs, by the by, I love Tricia's pair of pups (Zelda and Epona) and have known a number of cute lil' critters in the past, but I'm all for cats. If nothing else, I grew up in city apartments where cats are a viable option. That statement alone proves why I believe they are the superior pet, they may not be able to be taught tricks and they may not eat intruders, but they are just low mantinence, for meager offerings of food and water you have an arrogant snob who will treat you like a personal possession--- but at least they're a cute and fluffy one who can let themselves in and out of the house and never leave a mess anywhere.

Now, peoples of the Mobius Forum. Ready your quills, we battle with words. BEGIN.

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Dogs. Hands down.

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Care to take the time and consideration to discuss why? Given this is MFC and therefore the discussion forum and all. I kind of wanted to get some inane debate about banal things going here.

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^ Cats are, for the most part, selfish and elitist creatures. But a dog's got your back.

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True, but I'm a sucker for cuteness and fluffiness so I gotta go with cats. I grew up with them, so I adore them :3

Gotta side with Craig on this one Rish

Posts: 841
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I have no preferance! My family have owned both so I don't really have any slant either way (for once).

Cats are superior for busy lifestyles, small homes etc, as they are quite small and independant, and as long as they have a cat flap or another cat to keep them company they are perfectly content being home alone. I also find that the stereotype of cats being selfish and elitist not particularly true, I know many cats who show concern when a human is in distress. Heck, I know cats who pine for particular humans. My particular cat is a very loyal little missy indeed and her favourite person in the world is my Dad, even though Dad doesn't even like cats! She may not go running for help if you (or my Dad) fell down the well, but research shows iirc that dogs don't tend to either. Cat breeds does make a difference just as much as dog breeds, more in temperment and build than size. British shorthairs are very cool dudes, Siamese are livewires and very loud, and my cat is a Russian Blue, which are well known for their quiet loyalty (and super soft coats).

Dogs are superior for bigger households, active individuals and families with children, provided you get the correct breed. Just never get a pitbull cause unless you're a lutenent(sic) in the Forces then you ain't gonna control the thing well enough that it won't bite your face off. Similarly smaller breeds are a rule ain't gonna take as much. But bigger dogs, especially gundogs, are very relaxed laid back creatures who will take a two year old climbing on their backs and pulling their ears much better than any cat will. They also tend to be more obedient, and are very good motivators for keeping up an active lifestyle. Again with breeds, Terriers can be snappy but have a lot of character, Collies as loyal as you get and very active, Golden Retrievers (we used to have one) exceedingly calm and good natured.

The main issues for cats are that they don't understand how someone can be a boss so tend to do what they like. They are loner creatures, not pack creatures like dogs. For dogs having a leader comes much more naturally. Also, people tend to be allergic to cats more often than dogs, which is a shame. Also if you do let them outdoors they have a tendancy to decide they want to live somewhere else.

Main issues with dogs are that they are larger (unless you have a stupid breed like a chuhaha) so take up much more space, tend to be a little more clumsy and when they howl everyone down your street can hear it (same with cat fights really!). Also, if you own one by yourself and find yourself a partner they can become intensely jealous.

So yeah. I'm Belgium today. Neutral.

Posts: 1573
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I love both. I currently own a cat and a dog.

I wouldn't trade my babies for anything.

Posts: 1104
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I have a dog and 3 cats

I prefer the cats, they don't demand my constant undivided attention

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Dammit, too many Switzerlands here. C'mon, more people gotta side one way or the other! lol

Posts: 1656
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i love cats, always and forever

1- Character: no animal has a more stronger character than a cat, it's the only animal that looks down on you that's why it deserves your respect
2- Eyes: i feel captured in the eyes of a cat, something like their soul is digging in yours. i can never stare too long into their wide eyes.
3- Beauty: that flawless slim gorgeous body of a cat inspires Art, it's fur is espacially beautiful gives a sense of royality (no surprise they were worshiped)
4- strength: i seen cats fight all the way, they aren't like birds or dogs that get depress and await death, they keep on going no matter what happens to them.
5- charm: they are playful, adorable and their purrs will make you melt, like the article craig posted, i too think they mimic human babies, but i'm sure they
do that for their own amusment, a cat doesn't need you, but it will enjoy you if it has you.
6- Smart: cat's are smart, they explore everything, they even have good memories.
7- super powers: cats look like fairy tale heroes, they jump high, climp far, run fast and somehow survive the most frightening falls. who never wanted to be a cat?
8- Meow: i prefer a cat's meow over a lot of other animal sounds, it's just too cute to miss out on.
9-Safe: cats are relativly safe, yeah they can scratch but never has a cat bit off someone's fingers like some animals or plocked someones eyes like some birds.
10- cleanseness: cats are very clean animals, and they bury their poop and will smell the area, if it still smells you'll notice them put more sand over the poop.

well i don't know if those are good enough reasons but that's what i love about these respectable creatures.

Posts: 841
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2- Eyes: i feel captured in the eyes of a cat, something like their soul is digging in yours. i can never stare too long into their wide eyes.

Did you know that staring into cats eyes is actually a sign of aggression? You'll find cats stare in one anothers eyes in the first stages of a fight. If you find your cat tends to look away then it means they think you're better than them. Some cats outright refuse to look at you in the eyes for that reason!

Although that said my cat stares into peoples eyes simply because she's an indoor cat so she's forgot it's an aggressive thing to do. Unless I'm completely wrong ans she's constantly questioning our authority! It's probably that.

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I love dogs, and they're great companions (especially if you've got young children to raise them alongside), but cats are just too fluffy and adorable. Even when they're being sassy for the evulz.

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cats make better internet fodder

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I have and always will be a dog girl. I love dogs. Dogs are awesome. Dogs make me feel so much better. Two days ago at work, a lady brought a puppy she just bought. I was in a depressive mood, but when I saw and played with that tiny thing, I instantly perked up. I was SO happy and stayed that way for the rest of the day. I have no qualms with cats, but as anti-social as I can be, the company of a dog, the fact that they are always with me, especially when I am blue, gives me that sense of love and loyalty I feel I don't get from cats.

One day I hope to get a dog of my own (can't now; parents won't let me). For now, I have my turtles.

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I've always had cats and dogs, however I like cats a little more because I find that they have more personality. Like my cat Alphonse, who is this big, whiny and fat orange Garfield like thing. He's awesome.

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I have and always will be a dog girl. I love dogs. Dogs are awesome. Dogs make me feel so much better. Two days ago at work, a lady brought a puppy she just bought. I was in a depressive mood, but when I saw and played with that tiny thing, I instantly perked up. I was SO happy and stayed that way for the rest of the day. I have no qualms with cats, but as anti-social as I can be, the company of a dog, the fact that they are always with me, especially when I am blue, gives me that sense of love and loyalty I feel I don't get from cats.

One day I hope to get a dog of my own (can't now; parents won't let me). For now, I have my turtles.

I've never had any pet/pets before and I certainly don't plan to have any pet/pets in the future, but I still prefer dogs to cats. *high-fives you*

Posts: 1984
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I'm a dog person. They're so friendly and eager to please...well most of the time. My dog is a black lab/malamute mix. Big ball of energy who thinks he's a lap dog. So....yeah he's potentially very destructive. But he just loves everyone!

Posts: 1656
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I'm a dog person.

oh yeah like we didn't see that coming DB

<Did you know that staring into cats eyes is actually a sign of aggression? You'll find cats stare in one anothers eyes in the first stages of a fight. If you find your cat tends to look away then it means they think you're better than them>

guess that means i surrender to cats, cause i always shy away when stared at. and don't trust your cat, it plans to take over the world..
didn't you see the movie? it's a warning for things to come................ which gives more reason to side with cats.

Posts: 1984
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Wat? Was it Parappa?

Posts: 520
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I'll have to go with...dogs. I love cats a lot as well but they often mess with my sinuses and they kind of ignore me when I want to pet and love them. Dogs...well are just more loving, though to be honest, I'm not sure I'd be a good dog owner because I can't give them the love they always want...*mutt wanders in and lies down*...ahhh never mind.

Posts: 2398
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2 Dogs
2 Ferrets
1 Rabbit (RIP)
1 Cat (Why won't it DIE)

Cats are narcissistic lumps of fat. Dogs eat everything in sight. Rabbits seem to suffer the "low life expectancy" of all rodents, and ferrets... i like those but they stiiiiink.

Ah but you want to force me to pick between A and B.

Cats then. Because Miles hasn't destroyed anything yet.. Ein and Corky caused around 600 bucks worth of damage before they finally got banned to the backyard.


Posts: 2417
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What about rats?

Rats are cool. Eh squeak around and not afraid of anything.

Posts: 1656
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about rats... well there's also birds and fish (i'm more of a fish lover though) but the topic is about the 2 famous rivial animals. so gotta stick to one of them

<Cats then. Because Miles hasn't destroyed anything yet.. Ein and Corky caused around 600 bucks worth of damage before they finally got banned to the backyard>

um ... you seem hard on animals, do you perhaps not like them? are you stuck with pets cause someone else in your family owns them?
well, if so i can understand you being angery about the dogs causing damage to the house but it's not their fault animals are like babies but with teeth, they don't know any better.
so i hope you still give your Ein and Corky hugs no matter what bad things they did okay?
btw you're lucky, i can't have pets cause i can't provide for them. but you have so many, so good for you.

Posts: 1702
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Rats are cool. Eh squeak around and not afraid of anything.

Agreed, but hedgehogs are cuter. You haven't experienced pet ownership until you've owned a hedgehog. Sonic? Pshaw! Real hedgehogs are so much more adorable. Fits in the palm of your hand, has a face like a ferret, feels like a wire hairbrush, and has oh-so-adorable black eyes. They'll also curl up on your shoulder and fall asleep.

One of these days, I will own another hedgehog.

Posts: 1656
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oh don't talk about hedgehogs, they make me melt.
they are adorable, you can put them on your shoulder? i know they're tiny but i thought you're supposed to raise them like rabbits.
what did you name your hedgehog? and can you describe her/him?

i also know some people are starting to raise sugar gliders, they look like bush babies, but they're so small and cute. they require a pouch though.

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AXOLOTLS 4EVA!!!!!!!!!


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oh that's so cute too rishi <hug>

Posts: 2116
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Agreed, but hedgehogs are cuter. You haven't experienced pet ownership until you've owned a hedgehog. Sonic? Pshaw! Real hedgehogs are so much more adorable. Fits in the palm of your hand, has a face like a ferret, feels like a wire hairbrush, and has oh-so-adorable black eyes. They'll also curl up on your shoulder and fall asleep.

One of these days, I will own another hedgehog.

What you're describing is a desert hedgehog. I'd like to see you try and fit a European hedgehog in your palm or on your shoulder... Although they do like curling up on laps and watching TV.

Posts: 3756
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"Expression is my forte, as I'm also a stand-up comic! On the side, that is... Humour can be so healing and is often overlooked by the medical community. Yes, try this one on for size! A three-legged dog walked into a saloon, hopped up to the counter, and said, 'I'm looking for the guy who shot my paw. ...Hmm... Very interesting. Your face is expressionless, perhaps even slack-jawed. Is it because you haven't heard of me, or is it a more serious problem?"

Posts: 981
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AXOLOTLS 4EVA!!!!!!!!!

<3 lolz

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sonicsfan1991, you sound like my mother. Which is funny as she only cries around until I tell her that if SHE wishes to she can keep them in her house overnight. I figure she'd punt them outside right around the time my English Pointer throws her four thousand dollar TV off it's stand and the Corgi EATS it.

When some that's had a rowdy canine tells me I'm too harsh, I might give it weight. But from the mouth of someone that's never had a pet? *insert analogy*


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So I herd u liek axolotlz.

Posts: 1656
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sonicsfan1991, you sound like my mother. Which is funny as she only cries around until I tell her that if SHE wishes to she can keep them in her house overnight. I figure she'd punt them outside right around the time my English Pointer throws her four thousand dollar TV off it's stand and the Corgi EATS it.

When some that's had a rowdy canine tells me I'm too harsh, I might give it weight. But from the mouth of someone that's never had a pet? *insert analogy*


I can understand that. don't get angery with my comment tobe, i gotta be honset.
you make yourself sound uncaring, i just thought you werent the owner and was inquiring. guess you wont have so many if you didn't love animals.
but keeping them outside all the time ... still sounds cold. I'm sorry if it stings when i say that, but unless you explain better that's my opinion right now.

<What you're describing is a desert hedgehog. I'd like to see you try and fit a European hedgehog in your palm or on your shoulder... Although they do like curling up on laps and watching TV. >

i never seen big hedgehogs being sold in pet shops before.

Posts: 565
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...they may not be able to be taught tricks...

Bullsnot they can't learn tricks! I taught Hershey how to sit and stand, and fetch, and I'll be damned if Bruce isn't learning to do so, either, (which he is).

As much as I love new kitty Bruce, god damn is he misbehaven. I miss Hershey Most well behaved cat ever.

Posts: 841
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They are very good at tricks! They just only want to know on their terms


Posts: 1986
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Axolotls are overrated tbqh

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I can understand that. don't get angery with my comment tobe, i gotta be honset.
you make yourself sound uncaring, i just thought you werent the owner and was inquiring. guess you wont have so many if you didn't love animals.
but keeping them outside all the time ... still sounds cold. I'm sorry if it stings when i say that, but unless you explain better that's my opinion right now.

Making them live in the backyard isn't going to kill them, ya know. My pup lived in the backyard from the little I had of him because he would do no good inside and he turned out just fine. His father, mother, and siblings lived in the yard and they did fine. Hell, most of the species he came from that I met throughout the years (and I've seen a LOT of them) lived outside (with dog houses and whatnot) and they turned out fine.

Posts: 1702
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What you're describing is a desert hedgehog. I'd like to see you try and fit a European hedgehog in your palm or on your shoulder... Although they do like curling up on laps and watching TV.

Yep, an African pygmy hedgehog to be exact. Cute as a button, but she had very sharp teeth.

they are adorable, you can put them on your shoulder? i know they're tiny but i thought you're supposed to raise them like rabbits.
what did you name your hedgehog? and can you describe her/him?

Her name was Kystew, but we called her Stewie for short. She was an adult when I got her, so she had already been named. Both me and my sister wanted one, and the adults were less expensive than the babies.

I don't have any readily available pictures, but this little guy is a fairly close approximation to what she looked like.

i never seen big hedgehogs being sold in pet shops before.

I've never gotten any pet from a pet store, aside from fish. I either adopt pets from an animal shelter or buy them from a reputable breeder. More often than not, animals from pet stores come from farms.

but keeping them outside all the time ... still sounds cold. I'm sorry if it stings when i say that, but unless you explain better that's my opinion right now.

We keep our dogs outside because they're far too big to stay inside. My dog, when he's standing up on his hind legs, is nearly as tall as me.

Now I do keep my cats inside, because they're smaller and really don't like the outside. It's funny because my cat keeps trying to get outside, but when she finally manages to, she freezes and looks around like 'What am I doing out here?'.

Bullsnot they can't learn tricks! I taught Hershey how to sit and stand, and fetch, and I'll be damned if Bruce isn't learning to do so, either, (which he is).

I once had a cat that learned how to say 'milk' clear as day. I don't know where she learned it, but my current cat is very adept at both pole dancing and table dancing. She's also lactose-intolerant. Yes, I own a cat that can't drink milk.

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What Tobe and Kayla said.

Sometimes, as much as you like animals, you have to think about the practicalities as well as anthropomorphising them and spoiling them. If you actually kept some, you might understand.

What people define as cold is subjective, anyway - when I kept rabbits, they were hutch rabbits outside rather than house rabbits. That didn't mean I cared any less. Neither would not letting my dog on my bed, in my bedroom, on the sofa, indoors or wherever.

Too much spoiling of an animal can be cruel in itself - that's why feeding dogs and cats human food, carrying them around everywhere and shoving them into clothes is bad for them.

Posts: 5772
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She's also lactose-intolerant. Yes, I own a cat that can't drink milk.

There's nothing odd about that. Most adult cats are lactose-intolerant. Of course, they won't rebuff you if you present them with a bowl of milk, but they'll surely regret it in the morning.

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Axolotls are overrated tbqh

Nonsense. If anything, the exact OPPOSITE is true - axolotls are underrated. I mean, c'mon..... y'all hear about cats and dogs all the frickin' time..... how often do you HONESTLY hear about axolotls? Hardly ever, no doubt. MAD LOVE to all the axolotls out there!

Posts: 1656
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NeoRemington373 wrote:
Making them live in the backyard isn't going to kill them, ya know.

Neither is letting them live in a cage but it's cold all the same.
i know it could be okay to raise a dog outdoors, that's assuming you have a big enough yard, and you don't give them less of your affection.
dogs are smart animals, my grandma had a dog that was raised outside but it was free to go around the neighborhood and even play on the beach. putting an animal in a small area is wrong in my view. not that i know how tobe raises his dogs, i'm just saying.

<What people define as cold is subjective, anyway - when I kept rabbits, they were hutch rabbits outside rather than house rabbits. That didn't mean I cared any less. Neither would not letting my dog on my bed, in my bedroom, on the sofa, indoors or wherever.
Too much spoiling of an animal can be cruel in itself - that's why feeding dogs and cats human food, carrying them around everywhere and shoving them into clothes is bad for them>

it doesn't have to be exaggerated attention , even letting a dog sleep outside in the yard is okay.. just not totally abondoning him. cats are strong, dogs go crazy easy. you can't just throw them in the yard, feed them and leave them thinking they'd be okay. they'd go wild again without attention.
and for me not having pet dogs and cats in the past was mostly for this reason, what's the point of getting a pet if your not gonna give him a better home than a cage.

<I've never gotten any pet from a pet store, aside from fish. I either adopt pets from an animal shelter or buy them from a reputable breeder. More often than not, animals from pet stores come from farms>

i was a fish breeder. i like playing with animals at the pet shop. in my hometown our vet wasn't good with fish, so i mostly took care of the pet shop fishies and bred them
there was this big talk a few years back on how it would do better if we took in animals from shelters rather than support pet shops... so i respect the idea of animal adoption.
oh and that hedgehog pic kayla was adorable, he's so pretty. i'm sure stewie was just as wonderful.

<Nonsense. If anything, the exact OPPOSITE is true - axolotls are underrated. I mean, c'mon..... y'all hear about cats and dogs all the frickin' time..... how often do you HONESTLY hear about axolotls? Hardly ever, no doubt. MAD LOVEto all the axolotls out there! >

i love those axolotls things, but some animals can't be tamed and it is too cruel to subject them to human contact when they're not comfortable with it.
so leaving them be is the real love giving to them, right?

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Neither is letting them live in a cage but it's cold all the same.
i know it could be okay to raise a dog outdoors, that's assuming you have a big enough yard, and you don't give them less of your affection.
dogs are smart animals, my grandma had a dog that was raised outside but it was free to go around the neighborhood and even play on the beach. putting an animal in a small area is wrong in my view. not that i know how tobe raises his dogs, i'm just saying.

it doesn't have to be exaggerated attention , even letting a dog sleep outside in the yard is okay.. just not totally abondoning him. cats are strong, dogs go crazy easy. you can't just throw them in the yard, feed them and leave them thinking they'd be okay. they'd go wild again without attention.
and for me not having pet dogs and cats in the past was mostly for this reason, what's the point of getting a pet if your not gonna give him a better home than a cage.

Where on Earth would you get the idea that me, Toby, or anyone here abandon our pets? How does "put them in backyard" equals to abandon? I clearly do not think you are giving us enough credits and unless both Toby and I are evil warlords bent on world domination that we go around kicking dogs, please do not be so hasty to assume.

Posts: 1984
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I'm actually so busy with school work that I haven't had time to play with my dog or take him for walks like I try to do on a regular basis. But I don't think he's going insane because of this.

Posts: 1656
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Where on Earth would you get the idea that me, Toby, or anyone here abandon our pets? How does "put them in backyard" equals to abandon? I clearly do not think you are giving us enough credits and unless both Toby and I are evil warlords bent on world domination that we go around kicking dogs, please do not be so hasty to assume.

i thought i was clear in my post... pay attention to what i said, not raising them outside is wrong but how you do it.
some people just put a dog in the yard feed it and let it poop on the lawn and call that having a pet. that's not how you own a pet, that's exactly the same as putting him in a cage. animals who are tamed by humans need human love care and attention.

as for your dog DB it could get depressed. you shouldn't keep away from it for too long.

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i thought i was clear in my post... pay attention to what i said, not raising them outside is wrong but how you do it.
some people just put a dog in the yard feed it and let it poop on the lawn and call that having a pet. that's not how you own a pet, that's exactly the same as putting him in a cage. animals who are tamed by humans need human love care and attention.

No, I understood what you said, it's just the way you wrote made it imply that you're lecturing us on something we, as experienced pet owners, already knew what to do. Like Sam said, what is "cold" to you may be a subjective reply to us. I can see you're compassionate about animals, but just because we do things on a different level doesn't mean we don't love our pets anymore then you would yours. Hence the "you're not giving us enough credit" comment.

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so your saying i came out offesnsive..... i thought i was polite the whole time, i guess i can't see it from my prespective.
i apologize if i was implying anything about anyone i wasnt.... i even bribed tobe with kudos to show my good will i don't think he's buying it though.... should've sent a hug.

but this is an intersting point don't you think?
i belive that simply feeding an animal, giving him a home a place to run around is still no better than a cage, cause what tamed animals need is human company. espacially dogs.
and i believe with less human contact they will return to the natural wild nature they were born with.

Posts: 2116
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That's your privilege. But please don't talk to people here as though the only way for them to be good people is to agree with you.

Nobody here was calling you wrong or otherwise until you came in heavy-handed on people you've never met about a subject you freely admit that you have zero experience of, because that means - and really I don't like being this blunt - that you don't know what you're talking about. You can't.

Again, you've completely missed the point about subjectivity. For example, I didn't feel the need to carry my dog everywhere like Paris Hilton and let it eat dinner at the table, but because that's "less" human contact, does this mean that my dog was going to turn feral? No.

I know plenty of people who don't let a dog upstairs or want it to sleep outside at night, but does just spending a few hours asleep outside make a dog want to tear someone's arm off when it's allowed to sit in the kitchen, play with the baby etc. during the day? No.

You're entitled to your beliefs, but please accept that the people who have actually kept these animals - including in the ways that you describe - know what they're saying.

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That's your privilege. But please don't talk to people here as though the only way for them to be good people is to agree with you.

Nobody here was calling you wrong or otherwise until you came in heavy-handed on people you've never met about a subject you freely admit that you have zero experience of, because that means - and really I don't like being this blunt - that you don't know what you're talking about. You can't.

Again, you've completely missed the point about subjectivity. For example, I didn't feel the need to carry my dog everywhere like Paris Hilton and let it eat dinner at the table, but because that's "less" human contact, does this mean that my dog was going to turn feral? No.

I know plenty of people who don't let a dog upstairs or want it to sleep outside at night, but does just spending a few hours asleep outside make a dog want to tear someone's arm off when it's allowed to sit in the kitchen, play with the baby etc. during the day? No.

You're entitled to your beliefs, but please accept that the people who have actually kept these animals - including in the ways that you describe - know what they're saying.

Amen to ALL of that!

Posts: 1656
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That's your privilege. But please don't talk to people here as though the only way for them to be good people is to agree with you.

uh.... i said something now i'm thinking what's the point. you know what, you win, you're right i'm wrong.

i apologize forever starting this converstaion i was being rude and mean.

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