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Cheap DCs make me s...
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Cheap DCs make me sad

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I remember 9/9/99, the same day the MTV music awards were on the tv, Sega launched its newest gaming console: The Dreamcast! It's was so pretty and new and I wanted it badly. Sadly, I was still a pennyless 9th grade student (so many 9s). Well it wasn't until I had lost all hope that my parents bought me a console for my birthday. I must've been in the 12th grade I think. Guess what happened? They stopped making games for the DC X( ... Mind you, I still use mine and my roommate just moved in with her 360 and a Wii. I can tell my productivity at work will progressively decline.

I just found out (loved the store ) is selling new consoles at $14.99 - $99.99!

Dreaming of Dreamcast

Amazing graphics, 3D bump mapping, realistic physics... sure all wonderful stuff. However when it comes to true gaming enjoyment old skool is where it's at. ThinkGeek is here to help you capture some of that gaming nostalgia with brand spanking new Sega Dreamcast consoles in the original box. These arrived mysteriously at our warehouse... delivered by a blue hedgehog. So dig up that old copy of Soul Caliber and get cracking.

Each Dreamcast console is new in the box and comes complete with a single controler, av cable and demo disc. You of course get a built in 56K modem and phone cable... which we assume you'll make great use of You'll need to provide your own games... but we know you can handle that.

DreamCasts from 14.99-99.00 USD

PS: Been writing DC as a shorthand for dendritic cells all day and everytime I thought about the dreamcast I had a picture of the blasted cells in my head. sad

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... **!+, I bought mine on launch day... 200 bucks. Awww man...

Posts: 5772
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I've still got my black SEGA SPORTS Dreamcast hooked up to my HDTV (no VGA box... yet) and a spare white tucked away in my closet.

I'm good for another 10 years, I figure.

Posts: 464
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Wow... 14$? The USED Dreamcasts at Slackers are 40.

"Delivered by a speedy blue hedgehog" *winks at sonic action figure*

Posts: 5035
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I've still got my black SEGA SPORTS Dreamcast hooked up to my HDTV (no VGA box... yet) and a spare white tucked away in my closet.

I'm good for another 10 years, I figure.

I bow down to you, good sir. *shakes your hand* But that's funny you mention dendritic cells Hidoi...we discussed the biology of the brain today in my Psycology class and we talked about dendrites and whatnot. Fun stuff! But man I so love my was love at first sight. We're still going strong too. <3

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$14 is the price for an extra controller, not a new in the box Dreamcast.

I've actually only played one in the store kiosks 8O... that said I picked up a used one for $5 with only the AV cords and a controller... plus Disc 1 of Shenmue II

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i'm tempted, as my first dreamcast got the reset problem.. the second was starting to play up a bit as well. o.o

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But man I so love my was love at first sight. We're still going strong too. <3

Yeah man, it was love at first sight for me too when I first found out about the Dreamcast back in 98. From the FIRST moment I found out about the Dreamcast, I was like 'Man, I SO want in on this sh*t' and started saving up for it (I think its price was at least $300 when it was first released here, if not more..... if I remember correctly). That was the FIRST thing I EVER saved up for with my own pocket money and I started saving for it back in 98. And not only did I save up for it, I saved up for it HARDCORE. Pretty much EVERY time when a guest would come over and then give me some money as a gift before leaving, I'd save that money. Wouldn't spend it on anything, not even a cheap chocolate bar or anything like that. I KNEW what I wanted back then - a Sega Dreamcast and a copy of Sonic Adventure..... and towards the end of 99, I finally GOT what I wanted so very, very much. Those are the fondest memories of my life. It's hard for me to believe that almost a decade has elapsed since that day, because I remember that magical day like it was yesterday. I will NEVER sell my Dreamcast nor trade it. EVER. It will ALWAYS be MINE. It kinda disappoints me that Dreamcasts are selling so cheaply these days, but I guess that's to be expected. Still, the Dreamcast had many AWESOME games and it DESERVED more success than it received. It is the most underrated console of all time. I STILL love my Dreamcast with ALL of my heart, ALL of my mind and ALL of my soul and I ALWAYS will! <3

Posts: 1986
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Dreamcast + Phantasy Star Online = SO MANY WASTED HOURS @@

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Dreamcast + Phantasy Star Online = SO MANY AWESOME HOURS @@

Fix'd that for you.

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one day i shall master costume making, then i'm so very definately cosplaying PSO characters to conventions. *.*

Posts: 464
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Yeah, wait a sec... Hido said 99.... I though Sonic Adventure came out 98?

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Yeah, wait a sec... Hido said 99.... I though Sonic Adventure came out 98?

It was released in Japan in 98 and in Australia and the States in 99.

Posts: 464
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Ahh.... so when did it's run end?

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Ahh.... so when did it's run end?

When did the run of what end?

Posts: 3291
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Ahh.... so when did it's run end?

When did the run of what end?

Sonic went off for a run one day after Sonic adventure 2 and never returned. The sonics in the recent games are just CGI imposters. :<

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Ahh.... so when did it's run end?

When did the run of what end?

Sonic went off for a run one day after Sonic adventure 2 and never returned. The sonics in the recent games are just CGI imposters. :<

This, pretty much.

Posts: 464
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I meant the dreamcast, lol.

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^ Sometime in 02, if I remember correctly.

Posts: 464
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Ahh... they have 40 dollar used DCs at Slackers, as I mentioned before...

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DAMN, I haven't played my Dreamcast in frickin' AGES. *goes to set it up*

Posts: 5035
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Rishi...your testimony was great. I'm glad to see other DCs being treated with the love, respect and kindness they so much deserve. Favorite console ever...and I don't EVER see that changing.

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I want a black one! It will look great with the black and silver furniture we have at the condo.

Noteworthy, hocked up my DC yesterday... didn't go so well... for my work-related stuff I mean. I sat playing SA1 until my eyes couldn't focus anymore. 3 cups of coffee have barely helped.

You know the one game I could never get myself to play? Sonic Shuffle. I still don't get it.

Posts: 520
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I wish some of the rarer colors would have made it here. They were so cool.

Wish I could find a copy of Sonic Adventure 2, that's about the only other DC game I'd want (Okay maybe MOTW too).

Posts: 464
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Please... tell me... ThinkGeek is in online store? PLZ gawd I need a Dreamcast after reading this.

Posts: 5035
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ThinkGeek...yes it's an online store. But I agree I so wish America had gotten some of those other colors. Oh well. =/ *applauds Hido* Eyes not being able to focus is great!

Posts: 464
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Who thinks I should get it? I know where to find DC games...

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Rishi...your testimony was great.

Thanks, man! Your testimony was equally great!

I'm glad to see other DCs being treated with the love, respect and kindness they so much deserve.

So am I!

Favorite console ever...and I don't EVER see that changing.

The Sega Dreamcast is my favourite console ever too. Always has been, always will be.

Posts: 464
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Well, I must say the Wii is pretty cool, too.

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If it were me in the situation where I'd missed out on the DC and it was going so cheaply I wouldn't pass it up.

I too have some very fond memories of the Dreamcast. Oh man, I remember Sonic Adventure 2's release day. My mum let me stay up til midnight to order it from SEGA's online store... I was unable to though. The site just DIED under the sheer weight of connections being made XD I'd wanted to place my order so I'd get the 10th Anniversary gift set.

Sadly it wasn't to be (although I own one these days, mweeheehee).

The Dreamcast is also directly responsible for making me an RPG nut, because of Skies of Arcadia. Any self-respecting DC owner should not be without a copy of this game - even though it got re-released on the GC with some enhancements. The main reason I say this is the music in Skies - on the original DC release, the music tracks are nice high quality sound. Sadly in the GC release they had to compress things a bit more, because those mini DVDs don't hold much more than two Dreamcast GD-ROMs, and yet they not only squeezed the original game onto one, but some extra content as well. It's no wonder the music quality suffered. =(

Also YES @ the PSO love. I have extremely fond memories of that on both GC and DC <3 If I were ever to learn how to do some decent needlework I'd totally make a PSO costume for going to conventions in :3 (That or the SPF Set from Universe >>)

Posts: 3291
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i'm so buying skies of arcadia and making My Will play it. o-o (when we're done with a star ocean game and grandia 2)

we'll have to kidnap craig and sagey and absorb their cosplay knowledge from 'em. then make nifty PSO costumes!

Posts: 608
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The Dreamcast is also directly responsible for making me an RPG nut, because of Skies of Arcadia. Any self-respecting DC owner should not be without a copy of this game - even though it got re-released on the GC with some enhancements.

i'm so buying skies of arcadia and making My Will play it.

I am now intrigued... I might end up buying a copy of SOA as well.

Posts: 464
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*goes to look up SOA* Dammit.

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I'd wanted to place my order so I'd get the 10th Anniversary gift set.

That was a great eBay purchase. Love the CD!

A more obscure game I got my brother for his Dreamcast was Looney Tunes: Space Race. Lots of fun to be had racing against the usual characters, dropping anvils on them, using Acme black holes, shooting them - and attempting to avoid the same fate, plus the occasional safe or elephant falling from the skies. I was happy to find out this year that it had been ported to PS2.


Posts: 464
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Haha, that sounds cool. I just read about SA2 and even though I know everything about Sonic, I was interested in the history book... and the gold coin.
