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Comic expo Bristol

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Posts: 679
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Anyone planning on going this year? Alas I shall be buried deep in study for tax exams, so I won't be going and can't fling open my flat to guests this year But if people are coming down, it would be cool to meet up in the evenings when I've had more than enough of tax!


Posts: 2116
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I was actually just about to e-mail you about that - at least I now have advance notice of needing to chip in for a hotel room.

I'll be going, and I'll be bringing Alan along again.

Posts: 679
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That reminds me, there's a new hotel just the other side of the river. It's the Hotel Ibis and the chain is supposed to be relatively budget. Might be worth checking them out - they might have offers available for that weekend. It's never seemed very busy, although how do you tell when you just walk past it during rush hour?


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Can I come too?

Posts: 2116
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I was just looking at the event rates for the Ramada itself - and they're not as bad as I thought. I'll have a chat with Alan and see what we can put together.

Although it looks like an interesting change of format this year in terms of hotels...

Posts: 565
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Man, I can't wait for Comic Con to come to Chicago next year so I can be all like, "HEY GUYS WANNA MEET UP?" I envy every mofo-er that's done a meetup so far. XP

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We should have a global MoFo meet-up. Our meeting place could be Ibiza. Good music, good herb, good vibe, what more could you possibly want?

Posts: 2116
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Man, I can't wait for Comic Con to come to Chicago next year so I can be all like, "HEY GUYS WANNA MEET UP?" I envy every mofo-er that's done a meetup so far. XP

Depending on the time of year and my employment situation, I'd like to be able to hop from Manchester to Chicago again myself. The one problem I always had with staffing Dragon*Con was watching the air fares to and from the US double that week because of Labour Day.

Posts: 565
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Ew, yeah. I can only imagine what travel expenses are for that. I keep hearing airfare is cheap, lately, but I've yet to see that proof.

Posts: 4885
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I'd always anticipated that I'd be missing this year, and I'm glad I didn't hold out hope, as it stands I cannot legally leave USA and I've been unemployed for 9 months so couldn't afford it anyway.

Next year. For sure. >8[

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i can't go either, for reasons very similar to craig's.. ^^;

i expect to see funky photos of you guys sitting around and doing very little like the usual!

Posts: 1008
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It's in May, right? Assuming nothing changes with my employment I'll be there...


I'll need to look into booking accommodation and the like of course.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

You'd better actually turn up this time Silv *Shakes fist*

Yeah I'll be there. *Also needs to look at accomodation. Train hopping dosn't seem feasible this year*

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

If you want to chip in for 1/3 or 1/4 of a room (something around £15-25), Crims and Bryan, drop me a PM and let me know - Alan and I're definitely interested in splitting costs at the Ramada whilst the event rates still seem to be available..

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

As always I have work on the Saturday and trains are far too expensive / awkwardly timed to go down just for Sunday so... not going again this year =/

Posts: 931
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I'll almost certainly be there. You know me.
Might be interested in splitting room costs too if that's still a possible, but I'll have to check with the girlfriend first

Posts: 2116
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I was wondering how that might factor into your own plans - might we be meeting your young lady?

Posts: 931
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Indeed you would, especially if we wind up all sharing a room ^^
Expect to see us in costume at least part of the time, too, if she gets her way.

Posts: 2116
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I was thinking about cosplaying myself, but it's a matter of finding the right kit - although again, the change of venue throws me as far as cosplay's concerned.

What're you thinking of coming as?

Posts: 931
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I am likely to be pressed into a revamped version of Rorschach since I'm dating a fan of the character, and to be accompanied by a Silk Spectre 2.
How about you? Any ideas? : )

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Alan thought that you two might be going for Silk Spectre II and Night Owl, but since you already have your original costume, it doesn't surprise me.

Alan and I were contemplating either something Doctor Horrible or Flight of Dragons related (I'd only really need a wig to play either of the girls from that, since I could probably find the other bits of costume relatively easily).

Posts: 931
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I've been tempted by Dr Horrible once or twice myself- it would be fairly easy to do, and the goggles are nice.
Flight of Dragons would certainly be original, though

Posts: 2116
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I've never seen anyone do that, either - Alan reckons he could pull off Peter and again, Danielle or Melisande's outfits aren't difficult.

The original plan was to go as Captain Hammer and groupie - but the stockist hasn't restocked the relevant shirts after the Christmas rush yet.

To update people on the situation: Xag and I've been chatting, and since we now have him and his girlfriend definitely wanting to share the room, we have three options so far.

1. All four of us chip in £20 and have a room for Saturday night.

2. We pay £40 each and have a room for Saturday and Sunday nights.

3. Coax a few more people to contribute, bring the costs down and maybe even get rooms for both Saturday and Sunday at something cheaper than £40 if people're generous enough.

Does anyone else want to join the accommodation collective, if they don't mind maybe sleeping on a floor? Who wants space for when?

Posts: 3291
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*requests photos of people cosplaying!* ^^

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Thanks for the offer to chip in for accomadation, but atm me an Chris might be sharing a room.

As for Cosplay, I prolly can't be bothered again =P I may attempt to find and repair my gas mask for Sandman, but I highly doubt it.

Posts: 679
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Thanks for the offer to chip in for accomadation, but atm me an Chris might be sharing a room.

As for Cosplay, I prolly can't be bothered again =P I may attempt to find and repair my gas mask for Sandman, but I highly doubt it.

Sandman nothing. There are four little words that need to be said. "Are you my mummy?"

Hotel Ibis appeared to be doing rooms for £38.50 on the Saturday and Sunday nights. Assuming I picked the right date, of course... That's the one that some of you will have seen going up last year, just the other side of the river from Temple Meads.


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Interesting... Thanks for letting me know.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Thanks for the offer to chip in for accomadation, but atm me an Chris might be sharing a room.

As for Cosplay, I prolly can't be bothered again =P I may attempt to find and repair my gas mask for Sandman, but I highly doubt it.

Sandman nothing. There are four little words that need to be said. "Are you my mummy?"

Hotel Ibis appeared to be doing rooms for £38.50 on the Saturday and Sunday nights. Assuming I picked the right date, of course... That's the one that some of you will have seen going up last year, just the other side of the river from Temple Meads.


Do you want everybody to be traumatised?

Posts: 679
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Sandman nothing. There are four little words that need to be said. "Are you my mummy?"

Hotel Ibis appeared to be doing rooms for £38.50 on the Saturday and Sunday nights. Assuming I picked the right date, of course... That's the one that some of you will have seen going up last year, just the other side of the river from Temple Meads.


Do you want everybody to be traumatised?

In a word, yes! *evil grin*

Cybermen? Pah. Daleks? Pah. Ice Warriors? Pah. The Master? Pah. It's creepy little kids in gas masks that are where it's at...


Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Just been looking over prices and doing some calculations. I reckon I can get there and back and accommodate myself for somewhere around £150, not including getting into the Expo and feeding myself whilst I'm there. If I sort out booking stuff soon, then I reckon I could manage this.

That's assuming I were to book a room for myself - I'm not averse to crashing on a room floor either, although with that said I don't own anything upon which to crash, and I sleep better on something soft, so I'm considering booking accommodation for myself. This time around for me at least, money isn't such a large worry.

I'll keep folks posted. Assuming I do book a room, that would open up more floor space for others to crash on.

UPDATE: I've got my ticket for the event booked. I'm now working out travel arrangements, and I'm also going to be contacting the hotel tomorrow to check bookings and so forth.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Bedding can be provided if you let the LARPer know in advance.

Posts: 931
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Was a shame not having you last year, so that'll be an improvement.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

One room at the Ramada now booked for all three nights of the weekend. Occupants so far: me, Alan, Xag and Xag's girlfriend.

Still possible room for more.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Apologies for the double post, but there's no other way to bump the thread.

Tickets for the expo itself are now sold out and none will be available on the door this year, so I'm afraid that anyone who hasn't already prebooked has missed the boat.

And with the publication of an events schedule, we now have confirmation that only the Ramada was mentioned for a reason, because it's going to be the sole venue for what seems like a very much downsized convention.

No mention of cosplay or cosplay provision whatsoever. It's no skin off my nose either way, but this makes me slightly concerned.

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Not even in the old warehouse next door to the Commonwealth Museum? End of an era! I guess the economic woes have hit everyone. Except maybe SciFi London, who appear to be going strong again this year.


Posts: 2116
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The expo tends to attract quite a lot of people and quite a lot of goodwill amongst its attendees from its welcoming attitude to cosplayers. If they're foregoing that this year, not only could anyone making assumptions get a nasty shock, but I really do think that - especially with the much smaller size and tighter layout for the exhibits - there's going to be a change in the atmosphere.

I doubt that the Ramada'll have the mingling room of the usual main venue, either (we've lost our traditional loitering spot!) - although at least I'm going to be able to practically roll out of bed and land in the main hall.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

sure, there was never tons of things to do in the usual convention.. but what will they do with such reduced numbers and space?

i noticed even last year they'd been less generous. no freebies for people who paid at the door, no free entry for cosplaying, the food prices seemed to have gone up too, etcetc. o.o;

ah well, make sure you all get the most you can out of it! *nodnod* ^^

Posts: 2232
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No corner T____T

Posts: 931
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I imagine it'll be more the size of the London con, on the couple of occasions that ran.
I don't see Hypotheticals on the events schedule yet, either.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I noticed both those points, too - and the Hypotheticals panel is always one of the larger draws.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Looks like I may not make it after all.

Basically, neither Ian or Gareth have tickets booked. That being the case, Ian likely won't go - meaning I have no transport to the airport, unless I fancy getting up at about midnight and waiting in Perth for about 4 hours (which I don't). Hence, I won't be there unless they email me back to say they'll let Ian in - I've sent them an email telling them I might have to cancel due to someone not getting a ticket, so we'll see what's said.

Granted it means I've lost out on the cost of the flight, but the hotel was the weightier cost and that can be cancelled right up on the day, so that's not a worry - and the £92 I'll get back from it if I get both expenses back will be very helpful for my planned trip over the ocean this summer.

Ah well. Watch this space guys, we'll see what happens.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Keep us posted, Bryan. Again, I'm wondering how many other people this year's changes'll affect in the same ways.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Yeah. I'm gonna wait and see what happens.

On the plus side though, I did find something relevant to mine, Ian and Gareth's interests... (and those of any other UK Transformers fans here 8D)

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

You'd better turn up, *Shakes fist*

How was I ignorant of this?! @ Birmingham transformers thingy. I shall have to look into that.
In a related tangent, I finally got some Alternators today. I think I have a new favourite toy =3

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Just got an email. My expo ticket's been refunded.

Not gonna be there.

With that said, it's likely I'll go to AA instead later in the year - entrance fee may be higher but accommodation will probably be less - plus it's only a 6-hour train ride from Dundee. Win!

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Damn. Would've been nice to see the three of you.

On an unrelated note, Cleo and I were thinking of going to see Coraline in one of the evenings, given it comes out that weekend. Anyone else want to come along if we do?

Posts: 679
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That's a good thought; I had vague ideas of seeing it at some point. You could try out our new Cinema de Luxe - or, if you don't fancy spending a fortune, try the fleapit down the street which has just dropped its prices...


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'd go, and Alan probably would if I did.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Good, good ^^
I'll have to look up some film times.

Posts: 300
Reputable Member

Logging in to let people know I'll be around. No cos-playing or anything this year by me.

I hope everything goes well. I am going to be studying up on IronClaw, I hope for some participation on it.
