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Dadadadaum Dadadadum Dadadadum OoooWeeeOooooo... [Doctor Who returns!]

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Posts: 1437
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Anyone else excited for the triumphant return of Doctor Who?
For those who haven't watched it in the past, this new season has an all new production team and cast, so it'll be the perfect jumping-on point for new viewers. 
And it looks like it's gonna be incredible, too. The head writer, Steven Moffat, is one of Britain's best TV writers, and the new star Matt Smith looks like he's going to bring something really fresh to the role. He's quite different from the previous Doctor, David Tennant. Not that Tennant wasn't great, but changing it up every few years is a big part of what the show's about and Smith really seems to be making the role his own.
So, I personally can't wait. It premieres in the UK this Saturday and in the US two weeks later. Who else is watching?
Posts: 3756
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I'm gonna miss David real bad, but Matt Smith seemed like he had potential from his first interview. I've followed New Who pretty religiously since Syfy (ugh) started airing the Echelson Who back in '06 or so. It's fun.

Posts: 1191
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I have the sudden urge to go and start up "Doctor Who From the Beginning" again....

Posts: 679
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I'll be watching. He's still not Sylvester McCoy, though...


Posts: 257
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I'll be watching beacause I'm a Who fan, and I'm looking forward to Steven Moffat's writing (WWII Darleks - Effin' yeah!), but I'll be scowling throughout as I'll have to watch Matt "I-should-be-in-Transformers-Animated-with-this-stupid-chin" Smith.
Seriously, I loath Matt Smith to the highest order, and not in an immature "Waah! He's not David Tennent!" way. TTG, you say you liked him from his first interview, well I personally couldn't be further away from such sentiments. Maybe I'll warm to him, who knows (no pun intended) - but it's not looking very likely from what I've seen in the trailers.

Posts: 1191
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Honestly, we're due for a bad Doctor at this point, the last one (depending on who you talk to) was the 6th, so that's quite a good record.

Posts: 679
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Matt Smith was OK in the Ruby in the Smoke, but playing someone slightly younger than the Doctor (although goodness knows how old he's claiming to be at the moment). Still, Moffat apparently was looking for an older actor, yet he thought Smith was great as soon as he auditioned. I wouldn't mind being wrong - I was wrong about Catherine Tate.


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Honestly, we're due for a bad Doctor at this point, the last one (depending on who you talk to) was the 6th, so that's quite a good record.

There was never a bad Doctor.

I really mean that. 
I know I sound like I'm being an irrational fanboy, but I really think it's true. The Doctors that usually get criticized are the Sixth Doctor, the Seventh Doctor, and the Eighth Doctor.
Colin Baker (The Seventh Doctor) had some really crappy material to work with, and the production team stuck him in a terrible costume, but Colin performed admirably and if he'd not been fired after two years he had big plans for giving his Doctor a definitive arc, softening him and making him more personable (you can sort of see this starting to play out in his second season as the Doctor). In the audio plays that Big Finish has put out over the last ten years, he's finally gotten the chance to shine as the Doctor.
Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor) is probably my least favorite, but he's still excellent. He wasn't the strongest actor of the bunch, nor was he well-served by most of the material he was given, but he had a sort of spark of mystery, that indefinable magic, and he really made the role his own. Sometimes his voice grates on my nerves but overall he's quite good as well.
And Paul McGann (The Eighth Doctor) had the misfortune of being only in one story, the mediocre 1996 TV movie, but he was quite good in it, and he's the only thing that really makes it watchable. Like Colin Baker, he's been given a second chance in the Big Finish audio plays and has really proven himself.
I can understand that there's a lot of people who remember "their" Doctor, and sometimes resent the other Doctors, but there's never been a downright bad Doctor. Which is kind of remarkable, because you'd expect there would be. 
And that's not to say there won't ever be a Bad Doctor, because there easily could, and maybe it's Matt Smith. But based on the trailers, I have really high hopes for him. Like David Tennant, he seems to have taken on the influence of past Doctors, but with different emphases. I see a lot of Patrick Troughton in him (and that's fine with me).
Posts: 119
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I'm excited as all hell for this despite not being the biggest Who fan in the world.

Here's hoping it's not a complete clunker. ^_^

Posts: 679
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One of my friends has warned me to expect a phone call as soon as the show finishes to discuss The BBC red button has been showing the first minute of the episode on a constant loop for the last 3 days or so, but I've managed to resist it. The trailers are fairly heavily present as well - I see the Weeping Angels look like they'll make a return. Not so sure about that - I thought they were scariest as a one-shot thing, but we'll see.

Easter weekend viewing isn't bad this year, although typically the BBC and ITV have scheduled the only things I want to watch on Sunday against each other (to wit, the final Touch of Frost and the latest Jonathan Creek). Thank goodness the analogue signal hasn't been turned off entirely yet so I can watch one and record the other!


Posts: 1437
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So what did people think? I loved it to bits. I thought the episode was fantastic and Matt Smith did brilliantly. Can't wait to see more!

Posts: 980
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I'm pretty much on board as well...Matt did a surprisingly stellar job. He has a unique energy to him, too!

"Just...Run, Basically." Good stuff!

Posts: 1008
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I quite liked it.

Though they've been somewhat obvious this time with their foreshadowing of the major over-arcing menace for this series (unless whatever Prisoner Zero was on about before its capture is just gonna be something small before a bigger plot, but I doubt it). Not that that means I won't look forward to seeing what happens

Also I like how he seems a tad bonkers as well. That is, somewhat moreso than Tennant was. Fish custard anyone?

Posts: 257
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Apparently, he was only that bonkers because he was still regenerating (hence fish custard). According to DW Confidential his regenerationwasn't complete until he phased though D.T.'s face.

But I wasn't pleasantly surprised that Matt Smith turned out okay. Having seen some clips of the later eps though, I don't think I'm going to love him, and he might annoy me at times. But apart from that, boy done good. I'm relieved by that, as I was worried that my initial dislike of him would spoil my enjoyment of the show.

My biggest issue is this: Amy Pond. Now, I really liked her, but when she sayed she was a "kiss-o-gram"... Yeah. Right. I'm sure that's what the original script said. Of couse that's why she dresses up as Nurses and Police women (and police women in a mini-skirts and stockings no less - which my brother pointed out hasn't been official uniform since the 70s or something). That's why she's so secretive about her profession.

Posts: 980
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Well, that's what the UK Tabloids and Television guides were all revealing before the show even aired. 

So it must be true! 😛

Posts: 679
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Of couse that's why she dresses up as Nurses and Police women (and police women in a mini-skirts and stockings no less - which my brother pointed out hasn't been official uniform since the 70s or something). That's why she's so secretive about her profession.

The police in the 70s had an official uniform of mini-skirts?  Sounds a bit impractical and I don't recall it in Life on Mars

Matt Smith was annoying to begin with (particularly spitting food across the kitchen), but he got better.  Hope we're not getting another "weedy boyfriend makes good as TARDIS crew" plot, though.  Kudos to Bristol Blue Glass Company (literally round the corner from me) for making the time rotor


Posts: 1437
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Kudos to Bristol Blue Glass Company (literally round the corner from me) for making the time rotor

Um. Am I the only one who thought the time rotor looked.... well.... a bit.... inappropriate?
Posts: 257
Reputable Member
Um. Am I the only one who thought the time rotor looked.... well.... a bit.... inappropriate?

How do you mean? I could not possibly comprehend what conclusion you are arriving at. XD

The police in the 70s had an official uniform of mini-skirts?  Sounds a bit impractical and I don't recall it in Life on Mars


Life on Mars you say? The show that was set in the 70s but somehow managed to have CCTV cameras and satellite dishes as street fixtures?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

So, The Beast Below was brilliant.

"There's an escaped fish. *taps nose*"

"Basically, I rule."

Posts: 1702
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I'm planning on at least watching the first episode to see how the new Doctor does.

I jumped onto the Doctor Who bandwagon with David Tennent (he's my Doctor), so how does Matt Smith compare?

Posts: 980
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He's won me over - I'd say that's a start. XD

Posts: 257
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He is okay. The new companion, Amy Pond is brilliant. Its definately worth watching.

Has any one else seen the promo images of the new-look Daleks? They're so colourful and shiney! Aparently they're bigger now too (and I don't mean round the waist - except they are actually XD).

EDIT: These are the ones I mean.

"The red, blue and yellow Daleks were revealed in the Radio Times and the colours were used to symbolise the different colours of the British Parliment parties, Labour (red), Conservative (blue) and Liberal Democrats (yellow). " - from

But also... what the hell is this?

HOLY CRAP!! THAT'S HARDCORE!! The page this comes from refers to is as a "Future Darlek?"

Also features on the page is this:

It looks like its just a 3D model, but the design is the same that we've seen since the revival of DW, but this is a new colour scheme.

I personally can't wait to see what they do with the Cybermen.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Life on Mars you say? The show that was set in the 70s but somehow managed to have CCTV cameras and satellite dishes as street fixtures?

To be fair, wasn't it set in the 70s of Sam Tyler's head?  Let's not even start on Ashes to Ashes' Audi which didn't exist in right-hand drive form

Metro (hyperlink there, honest, you just can't see it very well) had an article yesterday on BBC viewers' reactions to new Doctors over the years, complete with photos of Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker, Tom Baker & Matt Smith.  I particularly liked the quote about their reactions to "Paradise Towers" (Sylvester McCoy & Bonnie Langford), saying they wished companion Mel had been eaten   She was alright, though - got a healthy set of lungs on her, that's for sure!  I think "Time & the Rani" is out on DVD shortly (if not already) - I have it on video and my God there's some awful scripting going on.  Mind you, I did have a soft spot for a) the scene in the TARDIS wardrobe & b) the Doctor's malapropisms while he recovered from regeneration.

I'm awaiting "Dragonfire" (I don't care how bad the story might be, it's Ace's arrival, gotta watch!) and "The Greatest Show in the Galaxy" (cue BBC production SFX guys nearly blowing up Sylvester McCoy).  I suspect "The Happiness Patrol" won't be out any time soon, given Bertie Bassett's presence.  I suppose they might release "Silver Nemesis" (Cybermen can be killed by gold coins fired from a catapult), but at least I've seen that one on video.


Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Was I the only one who practically bricked it when they saw Terence Hardiman and heard him speaking in that exact same sinister tone he used when he played the Demon Headmaster? *Shudder* Damn, that brought back memories.

Awesome ep!

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Oh yeah! I knew I recognised him, but it was my brother that managed to recall where from. That was pretty epic. They should totally bring back The Demon Headmaster - it'd be better than that M.I.High crap they have nowadays...

...did I just say "nowadays"?

Oh my god! I'm and old man! I'm 22, and I'm an old man!! =O

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

It looks like its just a 3D model, but the design is the same that we've seen since the revival of DW, but this is a new colour scheme.

If anything, you can use that picture to compare the "old" and the new Daleks. They certainly are wider and bulkier all around, and the eyestalks are different.

CRAP!! THAT'S HARDCORE!! The page this comes from refers to is as a "Future

That almost looks like it's fan-made, like it's the
front of some kickass scooter or something.

The whole "updating the design" gives me some bad vibes as a nerd.
Aren't Daleks supposed to see themselves as perfect, the ultimate being,
and everything different from them is worthless? And to think outside
of this box, like the Cult of Skaro did, is heresy? Updating the design
seemed OOC.

EDIT: What do you know, the Heavy Weapons Guy Dalek IS fan-made, although based on a rejected Dalek design from the 80's. It's fully automated, too. Here he is in action.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

The whole "updating the design" gives me some bad vibes as a nerd. Aren't Daleks supposed to see themselves as perfect, the ultimate being, and everything different from them is worthless? And to think outside of this box, like the Cult of Skaro did, is heresy? Updating the design seemed OOC.

If this were true and daleks NEVER updated themselves...then they STILL wouldn't be able to climb stairs! 😛

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

EDIT: What do you know, the Heavy Weapons Guy Dalek IS fan-made, although based on a rejected Dalek design from the 80's. It's fully automated, too. Here he is in action.

Bring back the old Special Weapons Dalek!

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

EDIT: What do you know, the Heavy Weapons Guy Dalek IS fan-made, although based on a rejected Dalek design from the 80's. It's fully automated, too. Here he is in action.

Bring back the old Special Weapons Dalek!

Looks like that one got in the way of a can of nitro-nine...

Someone pointed out to me last night that this week's Radio Times cover is almost an exact copy of an RT cover in 2005 when the Daleks were first back.  Somewhere on photobucket there's a comparison of the two, but this was over IM so I don't have the links.



Posts: 257
Reputable Member

EDIT: What do you know, the Heavy Weapons Guy Dalek IS fan-made, although based on a rejected Dalek design from the 80's. It's fully automated, too. Here he is in action.

Bring back the old Special Weapons Dalek!

You can see the dude inside driving it! XD

Any one know the relationship between Daleks and R2 Units?
