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Decision 08
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Decision 08

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For the Americans out there...

Just who are you supporting this year for president? No harm in saying you're undecided or don't plan to vote.

Posts: 2915
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Undecided... although it will probably be republican, again.

I'm not doing the stupid SUPER TUESDAY voting... primaries suck

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No republicans...noooooo...

Actually none of the leading candidates from both parties pleases me so no vote for me this year.

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Both of my original choices - Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson - have since dropped out. Mitt Romney is iffy, but I could vote for him.

John McCain is a definite no-go.

I'm compelled to vote for Ron Paul, if solely because of how much government cutbacks his administration would create.

As for the Democrats...well, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama seem to have no problem competing to see who can be the bigger socialist of the two. They just keep giving me more reasons NOT to vote for them.

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Siding with Obama and McCain right now. I'll look more into it after the primaries, honestly.

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What about everybody's opinion on video games?

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I'm willing to say "agree to disagree" on a lot of things. Most things. But please....pleeeeeese don't decide on your candidate based on their opinion on video games. I don't even care if said decision helps my favored candidate.

That said, I'm all about McCain. My T-shirt from the '00 primary race still fits, just had to draw a line down the middle of the 0 so it looks like an 8.

Posts: 235
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I personally vowed that I'm going to ignore and past misdoings of any candidate, and ignore all parties, and look into the issues of each candidate and choose accordingly.

That said, Obama currently has my vote.

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I'll admit that their position on video games IS a factor into my choice (and as of such I don't want Mitt Romney, seeing as he's out to clean up "an ocean of filth" in our entertainment industry - screams First Amendment violation), but I am looking at the more pressing issues right now - economy, war in Iraq, environment, and so on.

Although if anyone has one of those "compare all the candidates and see where they stand" sites, that'd be a lovely and quite helpful reminder.

Posts: 235
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The local Fox channel in my area has a survey you can fill out on your opinions of the issues, ending with a direct comparison of your views and the candidates (with the options of Clinton, Gravel, Huckabee, McCain, Obama, Paul, and Romney.), pointing out the ones that agrees with you the most.

That said, I've now reviewed every potential candidate still in the running, and I am down to Obama, Gravel, and Paul, leaning toward Obama. We'll see how this year goes.

Posts: 4607
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And according to that website... Obama's still the candidate for me. I think Gravel followed him but I've never heard of Gravel, so.

Although we disagree on Immigration - I think we need to tighten up security, but still find a way to make the process of becoming a citizen here easier, so we don't have these people trying to illegally get in. He apparently thinks otherwise on that latter note. Oh well, it was the only one of three issues that didn't match up, and the other two I wasn't really sure about to begin with (notably the mortgage thing - damned if I know what flies in this economy!).

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For comparisons and comprehensive tallies of candidate positions based on campaign statements and voting records (the latter of which I find more reliable than posturing during an election).

Posts: 2809
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I and my family just got back from voting, we all voted for Huckabee though I really was having kind of a hard time choosing between Rominey and Huck.

I definitely don't like McCain but if he and Hillary get nominated, I will vote for him, holding my nose that is, as I definitely, and I mean definitely, DO NOT want Hillary to win, or want Bill back in the White House for that matter.

If Obama were to get nominated, I still would more than likely vote for McCain though I wouldn't mind to much getting a President Obama which is far better than a President Hillary! *shudders*

You know this is the first time I really talked about my political leanings around here other than my Super Rayzor profile.

Posts: 216
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I'm with Obama at the moment, though that could change depending on how things go later. Too bad I can't vote just yet, though I'll be able to during the presidential election.

Posts: 2915
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Cinder, I think you CAN vote in the primaries if you will be 18 before the actual election.

I think I agree more with Rayzor... Huck is probably my first choice... McCain if no one else... and Obama > Clinton.

Posts: 4336
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A President McCain, in my opinion, is more dangerous than a President Hillary.

Becuase, as seen with George Bush, liberal and fiscally-horrendous policies that Republicans normally fight get uneasily pushed through. McCain and Hillary agree on most issues save for the war. Not good enough.

President Hillary = Republicans in Congress (among other Americans) uniting together to block and halt the policy initiatives of Her Heinous.

President McCain = Republicans in Congress allowing him to get a lot of what he wants, while Democrats gleefully work with him (the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform legislation? The McCain-Kennedy immigration bill that was so full of loopholes that it tantemounted to an immediate amnesty?).

At least I know Republicans will fight Hillary. But I wouldn't vote for either of them.

Posts: 2610
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Well, since I won't be old enough to vote for 3 more years, I don't really care. Also, even when I am old enough to vote I probably won't, as politics are the one thing I'll try to stay as far away from as possible. =)

Posts: 1694
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Bleh. I'm trying to ignore politics for now.

I don't know what each candidate's stance on things is, but I refuse to wade through all the mudslinging to find out. I'll vote for whoever'll screw this country over the least.

Posts: 2809
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Ya know Ultra that's why Rush Limbaugh is against McCain too, and because he's pretty much a RINO (Republican In Name Only), that's why I'm gonna have to hold my nose to vote for him as I still think he would be better than President Evil (Clinton).

Incidently, Kay, Rush also said that the elections would come down to people voting for the ones they hate the least.

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Says quite a bit about the state of the Grand Ole Party...

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Says quite a bit about the state of the Grand Ole Party...

Indeed, Torn, indeed, but to be honest, I don't think the Democrats were too happy about their canidates in '04 either so I guess it's the Reppies turn this time.

Posts: 980
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Pah...Vote Damon Gant....:thumbsup

{ Phoenix Wright fans'll know what I mean! XDD }

Posts: 874
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I want Ron Paul to take the Pubbie primary. I know he doesn't have a chance in hell, but he's the only guy worth listening to in the debates. It's hilarious watching how uncomfortable the neocon idiots get whenever he uses logic and reason and the constitution to make them look like idiots.

Posts: 534
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I'm still a Hillary supporter, but Texas doesn't have a primary.

All I can say is that I would bet dollars to donuts that Huckabee is going to be the vice presidental candidate on ANY Republican's ticket. Especially McCains.

What a horrible thought.

Posts: 2809
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Texas doesn't have a primary.

What do you all have a caucus instead and was it yesterday or is it at a later date?

Posts: 1758
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The answers are too specific so I agreed with few of them, and Barack Obama still won. AND when I read the listing of statements I agreed with EVERY Obama quote. His statement on marriage is spectacular.

Obama is an incredible candidate, the first major candidate I actually like instead of preferring over a bigger evil.

I got Kucinich at the top, unsurprisingly, with liberal Democrats like Obama and Gravel high, followed by centrist Democrats, then Ron Paul, then fascists (republicans). On their political philosophy chart both of us are hardcore left-libertarians, believing in a government that serves but does not interfere. Kucinich I prefer to Obama, but Obama wins among those who are considered "electable."


I want Ron Paul to take the Pubbie primary. I know he doesn't have a chance in hell, but he's the only guy worth listening to in the debates. It's hilarious watching how uncomfortable the neocon idiots get whenever he uses logic and reason and the constitution to make them look like idiots.



All I can say is that I would bet dollars to donuts that Huckabee is going to be the vice presidental candidate on ANY Republican's ticket. Especially McCains.

What a horrible thought.

Eww. Huckabee is evil. I heard he was supposedly a supporter of the middle class and then I looked on his site and he's just a republican as usual with even more obvious theocracy.

Posts: 2398
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I was researching a lot on this the last month or two. My opinion has changed.

Things like Clinton speaking out and mirroring Obama on net neutrality. The fact that she voted against giving the military the ability to confiscate legally obtained firearms while Obama voted for it. Obama's ridiculous stance on education and less the realistic stance on several other issues.

I finally couldn't maintain the anti-hillary stance any longer, even for my own egotistical needs. I mirrored the majority of us Oklahoma Democrats and voted Clinton.

Don't get me wrong, if Obama could actually DO what he's proposing? Awesome. I concur with Vec that Obama is an awesome candidate and 90% of his intentions are fantastic. But there-in lies the problem. I think he may do things too fast. Not think about the reaction of people and solely about the end result. Do I wish there were no guns in the US? Of course. But it's not something you can do overnight. You can take the legal guns away overnight, but what about the ones that cause most of the crimes? His stances on Taxes, Gay rights, and Education all suffer the same drawback. His end result is DEAD ON, but his quick fixes? Sorry, they'll fail if you think about it. I like his overall stance more than Hillary's. But I'm not sure he can do what he thinks he can do.

Of course like some other people here, this is the first primary that doesn't have me cringing. Either Obama or Clinton will do a much better job than Bush did.

McCain is a typical bigoted Republican, but less disgusting than some I've seen.

Huckabee is... Blech. What, did Jerry Falwell become retroactively re-incarnated into this half-wit?


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Do I wish there were no guns in the US? Of course. But it's not something you can do overnight. You can take the legal guns away overnight, but what about the ones that cause most of the crimes?


It's somewhat scary that you actually want that to happen.

/Off-topic tangent off

Huckabee, as governor of Arkansas, was a tax-raising nanny-stater socialist who was overtly friendly with illegal aliens. Course, he says he's different now.

This being the first major presidential election I've watched for a while, I'm quite disgusted at how many candidates - Republican and Democrat - lie without batting an eye.

But hey, they're politicians.

Posts: 2398
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I don't, if you read that correctly.


Posts: 917
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Frankly, nothing makes me more comfortable in my support of McCain than the fact that Rush Limbaugh doesn't like him. I'm tired of the ultra-right talk radio being the voice of my party, and based on the fact that McCain is leading in the nominations right now, I'm not the only Republican who feels this way.

I was a die-hard McCain supporter back in '00. I remember going to a campaign rally and partying all night when he won New Hampshire. It's funny looking back that for a while we thought he had a chance. That's when we lost our party. This is the year we take it back.

Ann Coulter says that if McCain is nominated, she'll vote for Hilary.

Again, I've never seen a better sign that I was backing the right horse.

Posts: 2398
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Thats bad news for us Donkey's. McCain is probably the least despicable of the Republican hopefuls.


Posts: 917
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And it's semi-official. Romney's dropped out, so unless a miracle happens for Huckabee, McCain is one step closer the White House.

I feel sorry for Romney. I didn't agree with a lot of his policies, but the reason he wasn't able to get enough support from the far-right to be elected (the way George Bush was in '00) was because of his religion, which is really a shame in this day and age. The religious whackos didn't trust him because he was a Mormon, and so they backed Huckabee (I think they would've been pretty disappointed had Huckabee been elected though. Former Baptist minister or not, Huckabee is a populist at heart, kinda like another Arkansas governor I recall). As a result, the far-right was split enough to let us moderates pick the candidate.

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I don't get that...I mean we aren't a theocracy here so who cares if he's Mormon? Theological issues aside, the conservatives seemed far too unreasonable there.

Posts: 2398
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You're implying they're ever reasonable.




Posts: 874
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I feel sorry for Romney. I didn't agree with a lot of his policies, but the reason he wasn't able to get enough support from the far-right to be elected (the way George Bush was in '00) was because of his religion,

What about the fact that he is a first-to-attack mudslinging douchebag? What about 'double-Gitmo'? What about flip-flopping almost as much as Kerry did? What about his 'Ocean of Filth' stance? I'd say his being Mormon was the least of his many faults.

Romney's gone? Good riddance. Maybe now Paul can take his seat in the debates. It'll be less funny because there's fewer people to humiliate with logic and constitutional reason, but I'd still like to see him there.

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Don't get me wrong, if Obama could actually DO what he's proposing? Awesome. I concur with Vec that Obama is an awesome candidate and 90% of his intentions are fantastic. But there-in lies the problem. I think he may do things too fast. Not think about the reaction of people and solely about the end result.

That is one of Obama's advantages. Clinton is too manicured for the public. She's about what sounds good and absurd attempts to placate the right that only piss off everybody.

Obama CAN get it done. His net neutrality stance only proves that he can get Democrats to go with him, and he'd have and easier job with republicans than her. Ultimately these are the right things to do and when such issues win society deals with it. Should we have waited on dcesegregation in order to placate them?

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

After talking to some colleagues and reading stuff here in addition to researching the candidates, I decided to go for Obama. This will be my first year voting in the US. My grandma is extremely involved with the Democrats in Hartford, CT. I already knew I'd ally with them here. Back in Puerto Rico is a tad different as I was never affiliated with PPD, PIP nor PNP. I always tend to vote mixed (insert word from actual English language) as choosing the best candidates from whatever party.

Nebraska is republican and my choice in presidential candidate is not influenced by the current president.

Posts: 2398
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Lets just hope a majority of the electoral college wants gay rights, net neutrality, no IRS, etc. 😉


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Posts: 2398
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Riiiiight, because McCain is the only republican to vote against ndn's.


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Ooooh and now Dobson has endorsed comes his rally as millions were awaiting this decesion.

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Nebraska is republican

Although it IS nice to see us get a Democratic caucus finally.

At this point, I'm willing to vote for anyone who LOOKS and SOUNDS presidential. 8 years of the stuttering chimp have lowered my standards that much.

Posts: 1758
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Lets just hope a majority of the country electoral college wants gay rights, net neutrality, no IRS, etc. ;)

Obama is by FAR much more electable than Clinton. Who's winning in states like Idaho and Iowa?

Posts: 608
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Although it IS nice to see us get a Democratic caucus finally.

At this point, I'm willing to vote for anyone who LOOKS and SOUNDS presidential. 8 years of the stuttering chimp have lowered my standards that much.

I agree! My colleagues were really exited. The lines this morning were crazy. This years candidates have good platforms at least.


Nebraska Democrats gave Sen. Barack Obama a definitive win on Saturday in Douglas and Sarpy Counties.
With 14,119 people at Douglas County caucuses, Obama took 77 percent of the tally to Sen. Hillary Clinton's 23 percent.

Posts: 4336
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Political positions aside, Obama wouldn't get my vote because of his choice of political slogan.


He's for CHANGE! He'll change things! And did I mention he's for C-H-A-N-G-E?

Most overused political cliche ever.

Posts: 2809
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To be fair, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out, all candidates, from Hillary to Edwards, from McCain to Romney have all been using the word "change" tons of time; so, it isn't really fair to pin it just to Obama. BTW, I'm not to partial to Obama, but I'm getting a kick outta seeing him stick it to Hillary, who I bet is madder than a wet hen at Obama winning all the primaries as of late.

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It's more prominent with Obama, at least with regards to all the posters I'm seeing around campus ('change' is a political cliche, no matter who uses it; if you're standing for 'change', be polite to tell us WHAT kind of change you're standing for! A change for freer markets? A change for socialism? A change for bigger government? A change for less taxes? Come on, be specific).

Obama knows how to work a room, I'll give him that. But he's a heck of a lot more liberal than Hillary Clinton (which, in today's terms, means he's more socialist than classical liberal, a la Thomas Jefferson).

And there's this air of naivete about him that just weirds me out. I shudder to think of how he plans to implement those things he never talks about in detail, particularly such comments as, "Not only will I end this war, I will remove the basis for war."

Posts: 2809
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Ah, you know that the liberals never have any ideas for change, they just yell we'll bring change, we'll be better than Bush, Bush is stupid we're better, etc. without ever explaining how they'll be better, etc. (Note: I'm not talking about your liberal on the street, just the politicians, but we all know how long-winded politicans, on any side, can be.)

Also, I'm not so sure Obama is more liberal than Hillary, but either way, I still rather have him than Hill and Bill any day of the week.

Posts: 1758
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if you're standing for 'change', be polite to tell us WHAT kind of change you're standing for!


Ah, you know that the liberals never have any ideas for change, they just yell we'll bring change, we'll be better than Bush, Bush is stupid we're better, etc. without ever explaining how they'll be better, etc.

You could actually look up his positions and voting record instead of making generalizing comments on 1-sentence soundbytes. Are any candidates offering specifics in such soundbytes? How could they?

Yawn, it's like every republican and Clinton supporter has suddenly decided to use this argument at the same time.

Who is using platitudes and who is speaking about specifics? It is a rousing speech until you realize he's criticizing platitudes with blah blah blah blah war hero blah hard lessons blah war hero blah blah blah blah.


Obama knows how to work a room, I'll give him that. But he's a heck of a lot more liberal than Hillary Clinton (which, in today's terms, means he's more socialist than classical liberal, a la Thomas Jefferson).

Actually in their voting records the main differences between Clinton and Obama is that Obama has been stronger in supporting liberty and individual rights, so he is the more classically liberal.

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