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don't be shy

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Posts: 1656
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hey what's the deal, i see more views than replys in the whole MF. "the last movie you saw" thread has over 13000 views and only 1300 replys.

i hoped this site would be more active, i can reply to every thread.... but the lack of activity is making me worry if i do it'll be thought spamming. so hurry up and speak your mind people.
or is it just a season thing and the paste will pick up??

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Welcome! That is a very good question.

Go ahead and reply as long as it's relevant to the topic.

The deal is that this board has been around more than 10 years, and at its prime would get 400 posts on a slow day. However:

1. The site is now an archive, not really updated any more. That may change soon depending on how fast we can get new scripts set up.

2. A lot of the people here are over 20 and often busy (since it has been around 10 years).

3. Since many of us have been here a long time, we've already covered a lot of our opinions. I have a good idea what most of the forumers would say to any given topic, which is awesome. There are people here who I admire greatly. But it's hard not to repeat yourself. 😛 Because of the long history, this place has always had way more views than posts, even when it was over 400 per day.

So if you did make a ton of replies, personally I would like that a lot since you might start some new tangents and we could see where they might lead.

Posts: 1656
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thanks for the explination veckums.... it kinda sounds like all the members are married to the site and lost the flare after 10 years

i'm 23 and my life is a roller coaster ride, but still i enjoy chatting with folks online. and this site has loads of interesting topics and people here.
i'll do my part to keep things alive and noisy, everyone else you do too okay? i want to know what everyone's thinking, so please reply everytime you view a topic

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

we're not shy, but many of us lurk for the reasons vec said, another other reasons too. ^^ i only reply to a topic if i have something to add, so a meaningless reply to every topic i view wouldn't do too much. quality, not quantity!

welcome to the forum~! *pounces and removes your shoelaces, fill your left sock with tic tacs, AWAAAY!*

Posts: 1656
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thanks for the unexpected welcome chibi.
i agree meaningless random posts aren't fun to read, but i'm sure everyone has something interesting to say. the idea of fourms are to disscuss things not just read them from the shadows.

it's like ants building an ant hill, if we dont all join in we can never make an ant hill......that makes sense right?

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I've pissed away 11 years of my life on Sonic HQ/the Mobius Forum. LOL, joking. It was worth it! I was 10 back then, I'm 21 now. More than half of my whole life so far. That's tripped out. Anyway, what's your Sun sign Sonicsfan1991?

Posts: 1656
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my sun sign? aquarius
you'll have to forgive me for not fixing my profile, i'm traveling and using the hotel's lap top i'll add my pic and info soon as i settle down somewhere.

btw rishi you been here 10 years and all you done is 4000 posts?!

Posts: 0
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btw rishi you been here 10 years and all you done is 4000 posts?!

I only joined the MoFo as a guest in September 2000 and then as a registered member in April 2001. However, that was with another account. I made this account in July last year. Also, you're an Aquarian? Nice, nice!

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Well, for me at least, I used to post a whole bunch but as I matured I realized I never had anything interesting to say. =P

I'm pretty sure Rishins isn't using his original account from way back when. Change your image and all. You might even try that someday, you kind of have a generic screen name, if you don't mind my saying.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Personally, I don't judge by post count. It not how many post you make - that can just involve staking out the SPA - it's what they say when you make them.

There're people here who've hardly broken four figures in the eleven years I've been here, but I pay attention to everything they say.

Posts: 0
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Personally, I don't judge by post count. It not how many post you make - that can just involve staking out the SPA - it's what they say when you make them.

There're people here who've hardly broken four figures in the eleven years I've been here, but I pay attention to everything they say.

I completely agree with everything you've said. Quality pwnz quantity - each and every time.

Posts: 1656
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(you kind of have a generic screen name, if you don't mind my saying. )
ha ha ... so right, it's just everything i tried was taking i got upset and wrote whatever...... i really didn't think it'd be accepted

(Also, you're an Aquarian? Nice, nice!)
well i hope the stars shined better luck on you then they did for me

uh about the quality pawns the quantity philisophy.... well i'm a chatter box, when i get too far let me know
anyway just don't let this interesting site go dormant.

Posts: 0
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anyway just don't let this interesting site go dormant.

Believe me, I won't.

Posts: 1104
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you could go to Sonic Retro instead

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^ Nah, dude's gotta hit up Future Hi. I'm an admin there.

Posts: 1191
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Imagine the sick and twisted things that go on in a forum where Rishi is an admin. Speaking of forums to check out. *Points to signature.*

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Darn board erased my reply after I hit post

Yeah, so I've been here since I was around 13 (I'm old now) ... oh back in the day (so nostalgic). However, I almost never post because I either have nothing to add, a point has already been made or I have no time (stupid real life).

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Personally, I don't judge by post count. It not how many post you make - that can just involve staking out the SPA - it's what they say when you make them.

There're people here who've hardly broken four figures in the eleven years I've been here, but I pay attention to everything they say.

And just who might that be? lol

But back on topic, post count doesn't really matter. I'm a numbers person so I keep track of mine out of OCD but its useless other than something to keep track of. I've been here a while and this is my 2nd account (My last one had a name I didn't care for so I made a new one). Lately I haven't been keeping that much with the MoFo but that's mostly due to its relative inactivity. I've been around here since I was like 15 years old (Lurked a bit first) and I'm 20 now.

Hopefully I make relevant posts despite my secret love of the SPA >_>

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

I've been a member here since 2002, and I have nearly 10000 posts spread across three different accounts.

Most of those were in forum games, such as Word Uno, the Last Letter Game, and the Fortunately/Unfortunately Game. That was when the SPA was fun.

Nowadays, I tend to lurk and only reply to threads to which I have something to say.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Go home and play with your Wii and GET OFF MY LAWN!!! I'm busy. *rocks in his rocking chair, stroking his shotgun*

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I've been here for about four years now, but a fair portion of my posts are in the SPA. Nowadays I lurk more than post.

Also... *tosses a ball onto Jin's lawn and watches patiently*

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

I love how this became a tread of posting excuses for why we don't post as often

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

*shoots the ball dead on and watches it deflate, all while peering into Kaze's eyes* S'whatche get. But seriously, pretty much what Vec said. Add to the fact that the real Sonic fandom is dead and has made most of us oldbies, (who are in our twenties) just jaded and grumpy at the new fans that come in and are all like SHADOW X SILVER OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ <3<3<3<3<3 and how god ridden it's all become... And then, there's Rishi... So yeah. We have our definite reasons. The only reason we all come back is because of the family. We've been here forever, and we're almost like brothers and sisters here. Actually, more like we're all terribly, ugly, monstrous red headed step brothers and sisters... that we wouldn't touch eachother with a 40 foot pole... But you get the idea!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The only reason we all come back is because of the family. We've been here forever, and we're almost like brothers and sisters here. Actually, more like we're all terribly, ugly, monstrous red headed step brothers and sisters... that we wouldn't touch eachother with a 40 foot pole... But you get the idea!

Oh! How wonderfully incestuous of you to say, when you consider the myriads of delectable forumers who've paired up through this board over the years! Hm, yes... quite decadent, if I do say so myself.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

The MoFo is an addiction I just can't quit 8D I managed to move it from my homepage to a tab on Firefox, so that's a start.

But yeah, I been here since 2002 and did the vast majority of my posting back then when I had internet time after school and my Kitty was on the other side of the ocean and we were both at school/work and couldn't type on AIM. Usually, if I have anything to say to a topic, Craig gets there first and says it for me, to the point where if I were to reply, it'd just be "what he said".

But hey, I like seeing newbies stick around ^^ Welcome to the boards!

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

I'm such an oldbie, I was here when we were still on EzBarf. How many remember the Great EzHack of 05?

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

who could forget it? it still feels like it happened recently. o.o;

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

DiscServers all the way. Hell, I remember that stupid broken ass chat... thing. I forget the name of it. The logo had an eye in it or something. Gar-bauge.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

What he said. I still visit the old DiscServer forum for nostalgia purposes.

Posts: 0
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How many remember the Great EzHack of 05?

(This post is missing and can not be restored)

I still visit the old DiscServer forum for nostalgia purposes.

Me toooooooooooooooo!

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

I'm such an oldbie, I was here when we were still on EzBarf. How many remember the Great EzHack of 05?

I remember this as well! I had just signed up really by the time it happened but I remember it well!

Posts: 1656
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the lurking members have come to the light!

i'm glad to hear from you and thanks for the welcome, btw it's funny how you all say the same thing.... you don't post cause you think the others already know it all.

which is getting us nowhere, forget that and begin a new, i havent heard it all, so please share your opinions: the wise, the silly and the goofy .. they're all fun and good to share.

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*kisses Sonicsfan1991* ^_^

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

DiscServers all the way. Hell, I remember that stupid broken ass chat... thing. I forget the name of it. The logo had an eye in it or something. Gar-bauge.

Was that the first ever server when Zifei first started this place?

Posts: 1656
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your too cute rishi i'll swallow you whole

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Well, I suppose I can emerge from that strange dream-land I spend most of my time in long enough to greet a newcomer. I suspect that, if you check my post count, it is lower the count of just about any long-term forummer who has posted yet. I'm not going to make any excuse for that, beyond that I only visit reality occassionally, and this place (which is kind of between reality & where I spend most of my time) somewhat more often. But since I'm now done rambling: Welcome to the Mobius Forum Sonicsfan 1991!

Posts: 1656
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oh my 150 posts...........gemajinn (puts glue on the fourm) stick! stick!

and thanks for the welcome, hope to see you around more you must have the most to say from how i see it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

This is a really bright and upbeat intro post, I like that you're seeming to create more activity on a mostly dying board. Keep the smiles a'smilin' and the good times a'rollin'.

Stick around, keep on chatting and become one of us forever.

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

That seems, on the surface, to be a strange way of looking at it...but then, I'm a strange person, so you could be right! On a slightly different note, I'll join with a few others in this thread & admit to remembering the Great EzHack of '05.

Posts: 1656
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thanks craig
and you keep writing, today's bit had a lot of comedy and unexpected events, it brightened my day.

oh and please everyone tell me if i go too far, i have no self control, i always speak my mind .... so i end up making way too many posts

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

Let see, I've only been here for about a year, so I've missed most of the funny/awesome/crazy things that make up the MoFo experience. Although the forum has gotten less crazy and more lazy (ZING!) IMO, we still get the occasional crazy from Dark Jin or FexusFan.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Stick around, keep on chatting and become one of us forever.

become one of us forever.

one of us forever.




Posts: 955
Noble Member

**starts making posters for Dr. Fexusfan's inevitable campaign for presidency in 2012**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I was pretty much a newbie, joining just before the Great ezHack of '05. Some of my earliest posts were in the South Island forum, before I started frequenting the SPA when it was actually fun.

I've gotten a bit lazier now, what with real life and all. I am ocassionally evil, too. The key word is "ocassionally." I would elaborate, but that would just ruin the whole thing.

*resits urge to edit people's avatars with large, bushy graying eyebrows, canes, and overgrown graying beards |:3*

Posts: 1008
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*Crawls out of the woodwork*

I've been here since '02 or thereabouts. Don't let the post count fool you. I know this man is a diabetic...

No wait, that's something else.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I'm such an oldbie, I was here when we were still on EzBarf. How many remember the Great EzHack of 05?

Hukos wrote:
I remember this as well! I had just signed up really by the time it happened but I remember it well!

I was pretty much a newbie, joining just before the Great ezHack of '05.

Yeesh, you know you're getting old when you see posts like this from forumers who you've always thought of as 'oldbies', 'regulars' and 'part of the scenery'! Particularly when I think back and realise I joined the place almost a year before that event...

So yeah, this must be my first post in the MFC in...years? Ignore the post count, 99.9% of that was made up in the RP Forum - I was kinda an RP hermit. I still pop in here from time to time to see what's new, but I'm only a lurker, I rarely bother to even log in while browsing the place, let alone actually post anything.

Welcome to the forum though.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

I've always wanted to make use of the RP forum but there aren't any rps going on there that I can sink my teeth into.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Hahaha, I tried RPing on Eliteboard back in 2004. XD I was so terrible at it, and it became so difficult to keep up with like four times more schoolwork than I had been used to before. I decided at that point I would never message board RP again, because I didn't want to hold people up for weeks on end because I couldn't be bothered to make a single post advancing the plot.

Which is why I stick to AIM and other instant forms of RP. 8D

Speaking of which, I remember the old AIM chat, "Sonic HQ Emerald Chat". That was, what? 2002, 2003? And every once in awhile, "The True Sonic" would come in and be a lamer (when that was still an acceptable internet term), inviting six thousand people into the chat, all of which would flood things like "wtf" "who invited me here" "what is this" "who are you" "what the heck are you doing".... those were good times. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

DiscServers all the way. Hell, I remember that stupid broken ass chat... thing. I forget the name of it. The logo had an eye in it or something. Gar-bauge.

Was that the first ever server when Zifei first started this place?

It was called BeSeen I think
Pretty sure those chats were awesome at some point. I did the majority of my RPing at the TSF chat. Back when topics were Sonic-related.

I remember the old board, the topics had bullets and sub-bullets, Wow!

I'm going to dig through my stack of paper junk I keep and try to find old posts I printed ages ago

Yeah and the '05 Hack. That was tragic.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Oh, BeSeen... I miss that broken lagging, steaming piece of a chat system. I'm still amazed that thing functioned as well as it did... I used to RP a lot in Sonic Foundation's chat, sadly, most people I knew left. Kids wandering in later on were just whiny teenagers. They were no fun to RP with, as they just complained. Oh yeah, SHQ's chat was called the Council of Higher Level Thinking.

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