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don't be shy

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i miss the days of the free beseen chats, but i don't miss the rainbow spam attacks that could go on for days. o.o; also didn't help that psycho famously lost the password to the place i frequented. noone could get banned and nothing could be edited. ^^;

Posts: 980
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Look at me - I've been here since 98 onwards, and my Postcount is a measly 1K approaching 2.


...Man, now I feel depressed! D:

{Was totally Sonic Maurice Hedgehog in Beseen PSC and TSF chats. :3}

Posts: 663
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*pops into this thread* I don't mean to lurk as much as I do, but I often end up doing so due to RL busyness and other reasons people have already mentioned^^; (Also, I do have a tendency to be sorta shy )

Been around as a member since Jan. of 2006 (and lurked around the board for a few months before that), so wasn't around for the Great EZHack, but do know about that, and have seen remnants of it from browsing through old topics. Was around for the switch from EZ to Yuku (Feb. 2008), but other than that, not sure what else I can say in terms of big events XD;

Maybe I'll think of more later, but for now: Hello and welcome to the Mobius Forum!^^@sonicsfan1991

Posts: 608
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{Was totally Sonic Maurice Hedgehog in Beseen PSC and TSF chats. :3}

I should have kept track of who RPd who... I was Jackie M. Wood, Princess Sally Alicia Acorn and King Maximilian Acorn. I've found others who used to hang around either here or at TSF by stalking them in DA I miss you guys. Sadly my imagination shrunk over the years as adult "responsibilities" came to existence... yay grown up life sucks XD

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yay grown up life sucks XD

Welcome to my world.

Posts: 1631
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Hahaha, I tried RPing on Eliteboard back in 2004. XD I was so terrible at it, and it became so difficult to keep up with like four times more schoolwork than I had been used to before. I decided at that point I would never message board RP again, because I didn't want to hold people up for weeks on end because I couldn't be bothered to make a single post advancing the plot.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

SSS, don't say that! You were great! I remember Wraith RPing alongside your Elf character (was her name Carrie?) in the Waterpark in Festival of Fun. That was one of the coolest RPs I've played, and I really enjoyed it, partly thanks to your fantastic writing skill and inspired imagination^^ You certainly weren't 'terrible', and I think it's a great shame that you've decided not to persue it any more.

Posts: 841
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I joined early 04 if I remember right, but I left late 04/early 05 and didn't come back til early 06 (with a new account). So I missed the Great EzHack despite being around before it.

I don't post too much because, to put it bluntly, not many threads interest me enough. Sometimes during the odd occasion I do decide to post I loose interest halfway through and never post it. But oh well.

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(I don't post too much because, to put it bluntly, not many threads interest me enough)

then why not start ones that interest you? there's over 6000 members, the chances your thread would interest others is high....

i'm really glad more and more members are posting, i hope your having fun. it kinda shows you got so much in common and want to talk to each other. so please get back to your usual selves. let's start posting new threads and start debates..... you must've loved arguing your opinions and miss it right?

oh and the best part we're almost all are at the same age.


ha ha too late, i already fell in love with the site

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Oh shoot. It's been so long since we had a newbie, I forgot to give my traditional welcome.

Welcome to the MoFo! Upon entering this establishment, you forfeit whatever sanity you possess to the house. That said...


*steals whatever sanity you have*

Enjoy your stay, beware of LNR, and do not irritate the local Spork Fu master.

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i've been trying to figure out who LNR is........ but don't worry i'll keep the name in mind SRD
thanks for the warning and welcome

Posts: 328
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LNR= Live Nude Robotnik. You have been warned!

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uhhh.... i'm already afraid of his name.... he better not have a picture to go with his username

Posts: 5772
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he better not have a picture to go with his username


Posts: 889
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I've only seen him once, but that was one waaaay too many.

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Posts: 132
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Ugh! And here I thought we were going to go at least a year without LNR popping up. >.<

Anyway, I've been here for almost 7 years. I have around 2000 posts across 6+ different accounts throughout the ages (20000 posts if you count Eliteboard). Back then, I was a young attention whore who happened to be a Sonic fan, had a lot of free time, and liked to say something as much as possible (mostly on EliteSPA). Now, I work, study part time, and support myself so a lot of the free time I had went out the window. Sonic is now something I don't pay attention to much anymore as the quality of the games went downhill. I also prefer to lurk these days. Mostly, it's because by the time I get to a thread, someone would've already stated something similar to what I was going to say. Or it could be a political thread. In that case, I just grab some popcorn and watch the ensuing whaargarbl. Also, old friends of mine either left or follow the same posting/lurking pattern as I do now.

The reason I haven't left yet is pretty much the same reasons as everyone else (attachment/people/etc.).

Anyway, enough nostalgia. Welcome to the forums! ...although, if you really want to see this place active, I'd recommend building a time machine.

You're on your own with generating the 1.21 gigawatts needed to power it. I'm not taking any chances getting shot at by a bunch of pissed off Libyan terrorists.

Posts: 2723
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*looks through topic*


OH MY GOD. Someone actually made an LNR account. XD

Too bad the avatar picture is out of date~.

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too late, my eyes have seen the unthinkable it's his first post .... so how did you know NLR existed? ..... da da daa daa the twilight zone!

<Mostly, it's because by the time I get to a thread, someone would've already stated something similar to what I was going to say. Or it could be a political thread>
i'm positive you'd have more interesting things to say than i would, besides you know the people here better, you should interact with them again, i'm sure they miss you as you miss them. it can't be fun watching rather than engaging right? you really have nothing to lose if you post. as long as you don't insult anyone you won't get kicked out, am i right? so go for it

as for the political topics, i havent seen a single one.

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

LNR was a phenomenon that existed on the Mobius Forum a long time before anyone made an account with that name- as evidenced by that being LNR's first post. How or why that phenomenon got started I don't know, but it could perhaps be considered one of the things you're lucky you missed out on by not being here back in the 'good old days'!

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

That wasn't the true LNR, Gema. This is the original LNR, and it isn't dressed like Janet Jackson.

As you can see, it's Dub's fault. Many things are.

Posts: 328
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Yes, I see that. Thank you for filling in the blanks there- I think...

Posts: 58
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I've been around much longer than it's existence but the first chat I seem to remember on this place was the ezboard's java chat. And I was like 10 so I spammed it and got banned and then whined about it and then ban jumped and got banned again!

Good, impressionable times you know.

Posts: 3291
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yeah, that version was an edit i made of the origional LNR image. c.c

Posts: 1656
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yeah, that version was an edit i made of the origional LNR image. c.c

it's you?!!!
wow you got one freaky talent

samanfur fox and gemmaJinn thanks for the explination, now i beg you no more robotnik nudity. he looks like my aunt for some reason ...... it's horrific
although i'm glad you all seem to enjoy talking about the "old days"

Posts: 2723
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No worries. That picture is nightmare fuel in itself. None of the ones I did (including that avatar pic) can ever compare to that. EVER.

... at least I can make LNR look cute. >:3

Posts: 3291
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nono, i only edited some stuff over the real image. dub drew it, there's no way i'd claim to be as good as that. ^^;

kaze pwns at the cute and eyebrows.

Posts: 1758
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LNR is humorous.

You know what is true horror, to the point of not even being funny? LN Wily.

Posts: 1986
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oh dear god no

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

LNR is humorous.

You know what is true horror, to the point of not even being funny? LN Wily.


That's a new one to me. Was this before or after LNR?

Posts: 5772
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It doesn't exist... yet.

Posts: 1986
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let's pray that it never does

Posts: 1758
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It does. It was posted by Shadow Hog, I think, and it was 1000 times more horrifying than LNR.

Posts: 874
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LNR is humorous.

You know what is true horror, to the point of not even being funny? LN Wily.

LN Wily.

LN Wily.



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~And you reaalize you're only very small and life flows on withIN you and withOut yoouuu......~

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Posts: 1573
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Oh Primus, nuke, I had just gotten that image out of my head.

Thanks a lot.

And your avatar is still creepy.

Posts: 1656
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ew ew ew ........ why did my eyes had to look THERE

let me get this straight, someone named shadow hog drew that??
i don't think i met shadow hog yet? he's around right?

Posts: 1055
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Gotta love how it says "Yosh!" on his speedo... XD

Posts: 1656
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i'm surprised you had the stomach to focus on that

Posts: 1055
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Seen the image before. By now, I'm over the mild mental scarring. Now I just find it funny. XD

Posts: 980
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It's not Yoshi, it's just 'Yosh!'...the Exclamation that Eggman makes when he rapes...uh...I mean...shakes a tree on Sonic Adventure 2. :3

Some of my friends know not of LNR - One day, I should introduce them!

Posts: 2809
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It's not Yoshi, it's just 'Yosh!'...the Exclamation that Eggman makes when he rapes...uh...I mean...shakes a tree on Sonic Adventure 2. :3

Uh, you need to look closely springheart, he did say yosh; you are mistaken the exclamation point in Shigeru's post for an i.

Posts: 0
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It's not Yoshi, it's just 'Yosh!'...the Exclamation that Eggman makes when he rapes...uh...I mean...shakes a tree on Sonic Adventure 2. :3

Uh, you need to look closely springheart, he did say yosh; you are mistaken the exclamation point in Shigeru's post for an i.

Heh, yup!

Posts: 17
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new here,hi!

Posts: 1656
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hi happy
welcome to the fourm.... <hug> thank you, now that you're here, i'm no longer the new member

have fun and please post a lot.

P.S: don't look at the naked eggman, shelter your eyes from the horror!

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

It's not Yoshi, it's just 'Yosh!'...the Exclamation that Eggman makes when he rapes...uh...I mean...shakes a tree on Sonic Adventure 2. :3

Uh, you need to look closely springheart, he did say yosh; you are mistaken the exclamation point in Shigeru's post for an i.

Heh, I say "yosh" in everyday life. Most people look at me like "WTF? o.o" when I say it. Then I have to explain myself.

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i think that's cute shigeru well, the way i imagine you saying it anyway.

do you say it like an old man? or with an humph, like you're pushing something? ... if it's the latter than i find it cute

Posts: 1573
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I say it sometimes when I'm happy with something.

I'll sometimes say "Yosh!" instead of "Yes!"

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