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Dragon Ball Z Kai
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Dragon Ball Z Kai

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Posts: 4885
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So, Nick Toons started airing the latest re-re-re-release of DBZ as of yesterday, and after waiting a year I finally got to start watching it (I prefer the dub. Sue me), and I am mightily impressed. Firstly the retool of the show does it's best to give a more round experience with it's foreshadowing and flashbacks, Gohan has a far more tolerable voice and it just looks pretty.

Of course, I would be out of bounds not to mention Nick Toons is editing the show, Bardock did not have his signiture scars or any blood on him, but the "Farmer with Shotgun" (best DBZ character ever, by the way. Should be playable in all games) still got blasted by his own bullet and all talk of death is still very much intact. So--- yeah.

It's airing on Nick Toons at 8pm and is worth at the very least a bemused little look.

Or you could buy the DVDs, I hear those are available, also.

--- Fine. That's what you wanted to see, isn't it. They finally got the actors to pronounce Kaioken correctly, by the by.

Posts: 1986
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... for the first time in a long time I'm actually interested in watching Nick Toons o.o

Posts: 1008
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I torrented the JP sub myself. Have to say I'm pretty impressed - it looks very pretty, and it's been cut together nicely. A good-sized chunk of the extra (i.e. stuff that wasn't in the manga) material that was in there originally has gone from what I can see - comparing it with DBZ Abridged, I noticed Goku never encounters anyone else during his travels along the Snake Road, and never falls into Hell either.
Perhaps the best way of throwing it into perspective is this: I don't know offhand how many episodes it took originally to get through the Saiyajin Saga and the Freeza Saga, but now both are done with in about 54 episodes. Also it's well worth noting that the events on Namek have been cut together far better, so it's a good deal more believable that, when it's cutting between Goku and Freeza's battle and what's going on with everyone else, it's a lot easier to get the idea all of this is going on at once.

All in all? Seems like pretty slick work, to me.

Posts: 488
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I've been watching fan subs of the series and have seen every episode between Vegeta and Nappa showing up to Namek exploding. I really like that the story is faster paced and a hell of a lot more focused. But sometimes it seems to move a little too fast. The fights between Vegeta and Zarbon are seemingly over in a flash for example. Not only cut short but the animation is also sped up. It almost seems like the editors are willing to cut out as much action as possible so long as it's not a "major" fight. Granted, I haven't seen the original Z in several years so I'm only making comparisons to a memory.

Still, I probably would choose Kai over the original. I'd rather watch a series that moves too fast than one that moves painstakingly slowly. Overall the pace is quite nice.

Also, judging by the clips I saw, I also like that Vegeta's dub voice isn't as deep and growly as it used to be.

Posts: 565
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They cleaned up a lot. They shortened the series down from 200+ episodes down to I think it was 130 some. All the main key scenes were completely retooled in HD, all through the eyes of Toriyama.

Also, no more stupid "special beam cannons" and other retarded substituted lines or ad lib lines, (ie; hey, back is turned to the camera, let's add a quirky line!) Yes, we will hear Piccolo yell "Makankosanpoa". Woop!

I'm so torn on the Blurays. For one, I just recently collected the entire season box sets, the first ones, not that dragon box bullcrap, so I really can't fathom myself rebuying all this crap. For two, wahhh, hi-def, totally 100% redone DBZ.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

**basic cable plan lacks Toon Disney**

**realize i has internet**

Of course, I would be out of bounds not to mention Nick Toons is editing the show, Bardock did not have his signiture scars or any blood on him, but the "Farmer with Shotgun" (best DBZ character ever, by the way. Should be playable in all games) still got blasted by his own bullet and all talk of death is still very much intact. So--- yeah.

Well, I've seen more young Goku/Gohan wang than I care to admit, so I'm okay with them editing those out.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Well, I've seen more young Goku/Gohan wang than I care to admit, so I'm okay with them editing those out.

Ohnoes, what would happen if we'd be seeing essentially a little "u" in between two slightly bigger "u"s, ohnoes!!!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Ohnoes, what would happen if we'd be seeing essentially a little "u" in between two slightly bigger "u"s, ohnoes!!!

Not sure where you're going with this...

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Ohnoes, what would happen if we'd be seeing essentially a little "u" in between two slightly bigger "u"s, ohnoes!!!

Not sure where you're going with this...

That's a pretty accurate verbal description of how Toriyama draws manly bits. And it's not particularly shocking/disgusting, IMO.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
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Just watched today's episodes. Picollo did yell Special Beam Cannon when he used the Makenkosapo, twice. I think they're going to keep using some of the English names.

I hope Keizen gets to go back to it's original name. It's far more cool a name than Destructo-Disc. That just sounds like a robot on Robot Wars.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Of course, I would be out of bounds not to mention Nick Toons is editing the show, Bardock did not have his signiture scars or any blood on him, but the "Farmer with Shotgun" (best DBZ character ever, by the way. Should be playable in all games) still got blasted by his own bullet and all talk of death is still very much intact. So--- yeah.

Apparently, 4kids, of all things, also got right to Kai and will be showing these sometime in the fall. It seems that NTs is airing and editing the episodes to fit 4kids's censors as well. Don't know why either Funi or NTs were too lazy to just edit again for 4kids, but thems the breaks of showbiz. There's always the DVD's, which will be unedited.

I've not seen the show though, despite being one of the people who has the channel. As only the downstairs living room TV only gets it and my parents hog it so I have to resolve to reairngs.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Just watched today's episodes. Picollo did yell Special Beam Cannon when he used the Makenkosapo, twice. I think they're going to keep using some of the English names.

That's strange. A little while back, Funi previewed a few episodes of the show's dub at some con and Piccolo said Makenkosappo in an off-camera video clip someone posted on YouTube. They might just be using the English names for the televised version while the DVD/Bluray versions will use the original names. Supposedly they're even going to use the "over 9000" line for the televised version too.

Posts: 4885
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That would explain why Raditz kept talking about "the other world" in regards to killing Goku. I suppose he'll say "afterlife" in the DVD. Though the words "hell" and "devil" are acceptable.

Kind of reminds me of when I first saw Gundam Wing. I'd watch some episodes and then buy the DVD volumes as they came out. So hearing the minor differences between censored and uncensored was amusing. *Giggles* "I'll destroy you"

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

That's a pretty accurate verbal description of how Toriyama draws manly bits. And it's not particularly shocking/disgusting, IMO.

Well, yeah. But it sounded (read?) like he was pissed because I didn't want to see little boy penises in my Dragon Ball. "What, how dare you!"

They might just be using the English names for the televised version while the DVD/Bluray versions will use the original names. Supposedly they're even going to use the "over 9000" line for the televised version too.

It's Funi and One Piece again (Zolo/Zorro). Unedited home releases and edited TV airings. I saw the episode in question (don't ask me how, you should know this already) and Piccolo let out two Makenkosappos, clear as day.

Hmm... originally Goku was shot through the chest and left a gaping wound you could actually see through, right? And when the show was first localized years ago they edited it to look like he hadn't (though I seem to recall a splotch of red for a wound at some point). This new version shows the shot boring right through him, but the wound left was just blackened skin. TV/Localization edit or was this change also present in the Japan raw? I ask because I haven't been watching the Japan airings, and a little birdie told me that Japan has actually been toning down some of the violence themselves.

Also, it's "8000" on the version I watched. no wait that was Craig's link, i'm not up to there yet...

stealth edit: he says "the other world" on this version too

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Hmm... originally Goku was shot through the chest and left a gaping wound you could actually see through, right? And when the show was first localized years ago they edited it to look like he hadn't (though I seem to recall a splotch of red for a wound at some point). This new version shows the shot boring right through him, but the wound left was just blackened skin. TV/Localization edit or was this change also present in the Japan raw? I ask because I haven't been watching the Japan airings, and a little birdie told me that Japan has actually been toning down some of the violence themselves.

It was like that in the Japanese version too. The edit actually makes it
look closer to the manga version. Here's a
comparison pic
between the manga version, the original Z version,
and the new Kai version of the scene.

But yeah, the gore
was toned down a good bit in Kai. They did the same thing with the scene
on Namek when Krillin
blasts a hole through Vegeta
(do spoilers even matter at this point?).

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

It's Funi and One Piece again (Zolo/Zorro). Unedited home releases and edited TV airings. I saw the episode in question (don't ask me how, you should know this already) and Piccolo let out two Makenkosappos, clear as day.

I've watched what Nicktoons has aired so far, but I did noticed something odd. In the episode where the Piccolo's attack first appeared, I heard him say 'Special Beam Cannon', but they when they showed the recaps before the next episode they used the Japanese name for the attack. Unless I misheard one or the other.

(do spoilers even matter at this point?).

Considering that Dragonball Z is well over ten years old, plus the fact that the intro spoils like crazy, I don't think it should be a problem. Heck, during the adverts, they were showing scenes from the Frieza saga.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

I knew I was joined to one more forum.....HEY GUYS WHAZ UP!! Its legion..rember me...i'm that guy with the thing!!!

but yea, BOT: I bought the part 1 of DBZKAI on DVD the show is a VAST improvment over the origional in pacing, and the Dub has improved as well, I must admit, it took me awhile to get used to kid gohans new voice.

but yea, its a great show, to bad i don't get nicktoons.

but Thankfully FUNIMATION decided to put it on the CW in the fall as well..on 4KIDS new SATAM block TOONZAI (& yes 4kids will be getting the same version as NICKTOONS did!)

but yea..Great show!

Retro Anime FOR THE WORLD!!!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

HEY GUYS WHAZ UP!! Its legion..rember me...

Um, no... 🙁

i'm that guy with the thing!!!


on 4KIDS new SATAM block TOONZAI!

I think I see where they're going with this...

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Just watched today's episodes. Picollo did yell Special Beam Cannon when he used the Makenkosapo, twice. I think they're going to keep using some of the English names.

I hope Keizen gets to go back to it's original name. It's far more cool a name than Destructo-Disc. That just sounds like a robot on Robot Wars.

Yeah, figured it'd be edited out of the Nick run. I was at C2E2 (Chicago's big comic convention, practically), and was at the Funi panel. The guy said the dvd/bluray would be completely unedited and as accurate as possible, Japanese sound track, et al.

The Nick run, probably not so much. Especially since Makankosanpo translates to devil light or some such thing, (can never remember).

And yes, even Kuririn's and everyone else's "destructo disc" will, in fact, be Keizan. If not, I will find that Funi PR guy and punch him in the face.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Yes, this is real.

If you haven't heard, 4kids is airing DBZ Kai.

Here is a c/p of the list of other changes:

- Gokû's halo was painted out. Seriously.
- All references to
death were removed from the script and title cards. Kinda weird when
instead of saying he "doesn't know how fit he is since he's dead now",
Gokû says he "doesn't know how fit he is since he's 'uhh...'".
- Farmer with Shotgun became Farmer with Lasergun. Or maybe Farmer with Radioactive-gun, the edit was pretty bad.
- Raditz moaned after his death, and his eyes were painted closed to make it appear that he was simply unconscious.
- Vegeta eating a dead alien was changed to Vegeta eating a weird blue mushroom.

I may not know a lot about DBZ as I should, but I have seen enough to know important scenes, characters, story and such.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

So we get a blue Mr. Popo on CW? What is the reasoning behind this?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Here's a video.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

They probably recolored him so he wouldn't look so much like one of those old black Mammy-style characters. It's the same reason why Jynx is purple instead of black.

You know, the whole black skin, huge lips thing that was popular back in the early 1900's.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! Mr. Popo. But yea DBZ Kai is pretty awesome. I caught the Goku versus Vegeta fight[before I had to drive down to my apt w/no cable and certainly no Nick Toons]. The lack of filler is nice. Almost wonder why they didn't do that in the first place. >

Posts: 620
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Sad Jin is sad.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

4Kids, oh you! They could have at least made Popo a darker shade of blue. It's not
even a vaguely awesome edit like "HFIL" in the old dub. That's just bad, along with the other asinine edits talked about already.

Seriously, if you are able to watch this on Nick Toons(or internet, or whatever), while still edited, it's way better than this... D:
