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Exam Results Thread
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Exam Results Thread

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Posts: 1134
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This is thread for people to post the results of their end of year exams if they feel so inclined. Normally this doesn't get posted until mid-August when the British MoFoers get their GCSE/A-Level results, but I'm posting it now because I got my uni results today and I know we have a sizeable contingent of posters currently at uni who presumably will receive their results around this time.

British secondary school/college students: feel free to bump this topic once August rolls around to celebrate/commiserate your exam results.

Now, on to my own personal achievements.

For those that don't know, I'm studying Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. I've just completed my first year of three.

Before I post my results, here's a brief explanation of how Cambridge exams are marked. They use the same classing system as most British universities (from highest to lowest: 1st class honours, 2nd class division one (2.i), 2nd class division two (2.ii), 3rd class, Pass* and Fail) and are competitively marked, i.e. your final result depends mostly on how you did compared to everyone else. There's also a super special starred 1st class for the very best (something like top 5% of students on a given course). At the end of every year of your course you sit an exam in which you receive one of the above classes, with each year counting equally towards your final degree class.

That said, on to my result itself: I got a first. 😀

*Actually I'm not entirely sure what comes between 3rd and Fail as as far as I understand it's rare for a Cambridge student to get less than a 3rd and not fail. But whatever.
