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FlashChat VS YukuCh...
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FlashChat VS YukuChat

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For a while we've had 2 different chats. I think there should only be one, being flashchat, so that activity can be higher. Here, I've outlined the pros and cons of each.

FlashChat Benefits

Tons of more functionality

- Custom themes (dark backgrounds!)

- Better controls for mods/admins

- Custom commands

- Visually more appealing

FlashChat Cons

- Separate registration (this may not be the case for most members as most already have an account)

- List of who is in the chat can only be seen on the chat page

YukuChat Benefits

- No additional registration required

- Userlist can be seen on the main page

YukuChat Cons

- Only white bg

- Userlist cuts off on the edge

I recommend experiencing both before voting.



Posts: 1866
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Thank you for listening. And Doc... It's been far to long since we spoke.

Posts: 481
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I didn't even know there WAS a YukuChat until a couple days ago...have been using the FlashChat all along.

Posts: 1055
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I haven't used it in a LONG time, but I voted Flash Chat. It's just so much better than Yuku's poorly designed and glitched chat.

Posts: 1334
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I am perfectly content with the vanilla yukuchat.

I haven't used flashchat since 2007.

Posts: 565
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I'm cool with Yukes chat. I'm lazy. Click and I'm there. Yaaay.

I gotta say, I know you're trying to bring attention to Flash Chat, but that snap-shot image of Flash chat on the main page is euuugh.

Posts: 3666
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You missed out the flashchat con of it being a bloated sluggish IRC ripoff liable to crashing your browser

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Browsers have gotten better since then. It doesn't even crash my phone.

Posts: 1656
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ummmmm i dont know which is which.... what's the one i'm always using called?  and to be honest i'd like it better if it had dark backgrounds the white thing hurst my eyes since i come late at night and all my windows are dark screen.

Posts: 1055
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Yuku chat is what you've been using.

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Flashchat does allow for dark backgrounds.

Posts: 1866
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Yes, but now someone has cheated by changing the rules. Now the Yuku chat doesn't work at all. I wonder how that happened.

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Ok that was actually a yuku glitch. It is fixed now.

Posts: 1396
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Voted for Flashchat, mainly because I used to use it a lot and only yesterday did I use Yukuchat while there were people in it.

Posts: 2438
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You also forgot the con that any staff members can read your PMs made within the Flashchat.  I guess that's a pro, too, if we ever have anyone try to spam or attack someone in PM, but what's more important is making sure people know about this so that they can know not to share any truly private information while in the Flashchat.

Posts: 899
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Go with the flash chat, I say. Though I guess everyone has to be a bit more careful what they type in there now, considering we can all see it.

Posts: 2398
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Addition con is whereas yuku staff have to sign confidentiality wavers and the board staffs are bound by the TOS.   None of us have to on lighthead's thing.  That is even if the shq staff is staff on the flashchat.  Either way it looks like it's not going to be an option so I'm making DAMN sure my password is specifically for flashchat since it's staff has no legal reason not to use your info for whatever.

EDIT:  Strike that.  Password is md5 not cleartext or some other snafubait. 


Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Go with the flash chat, I say. Though I guess everyone has to be a bit more careful what they type in there now, considering we can all see it.

And there's NO fun in that. At least not with me. =3

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Always liked the yukuchat better.

I'm sticking with it till i can't anymore.

Edit: And i still would like to be able to get to the yukuchat... somehow! Even if the flashchat is on the front page!

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

click on light's link of yukuchat you can still go in there

Posts: 1334
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Forcing us to use one or the other is pretty frickin' dumb and kind of makes me want to avoid the forum; I rarely do much on these forums as is.

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For those who prefer YukuChat, what would you like FlashChat to have to suit your needs? Why do you not like FlashChat?

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

We can have both of them.

The question is if the yukuchat is at the front of the board or just a link.

Posts: 1986
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Well bookmarks do exist

just sayin'

Posts: 1982
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I vote for FlashChat because customization.

Posts: 565
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I just want to be able to click and log in and not remember a separate nick/password. I'm very very lazy and have way too much crap to remember as it is.

Posts: 119
Estimable Member

Apparently I'm the only person who thinks have two chat systems is foolish to the point of being retarded.

I can't comment further because I haven't used YukuChat since it was ezChat, but if they haven't improved it then FlashChat hands down.

I'd be surprised if YukuChat is just a rebranded ezChat though.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Flashchat appears to be broken.    again.

EDIT:  And now it's back up....  again.  D:


Posts: 1656
Noble Member

We can have both of them.

The question is if the yukuchat is at the front of the board or just a link.

i dont get it?? why take it out in the first place? -_________- i really dont know how these things work so i'm not gonna ask about it more.

but for me this is the reason why i like yukuchat:
1- i see who's on before i log in 
2- i dont use a password
3- its private, i really dont have secerts but i dont want weirdos reading what i say since it'll be on the main page. mofoers are okay i'm just worried of someone else when using the flashchat.
4- if someone leaves or enters i hear that noise thing so if i'm lurking i can come back
5- the frequent users, i like how in the flashchat i get to talk to more members but i dont see the ones from yukuchat 0__0 ... do you guyes use the flashchat?
6- i dont have my text eatting with yuku... but in the flashchat my text gets eatting a lot 0__0 and i get slowdowns. when my net is really bad the yukuchat doesnt get that bad.
7- the yukuchat window is smaller, i can put it on the side while surfing the net


Posts: 1044
Noble Member

I agree with Mada on pretty much everything.

Posts: 980
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Just link to both and leave it like that - forcing a choice doesn't help anything, ever. Why overthink it?

Posts: 880
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Allow me to address these concerns

- To login effortlessly without needing to put in your usename/password can be done with this: FlashChat Client. Extract the zip, no installation required. You simply put in your usename/password after running "User" Everything else is preconfigured for you. Then run "client." You will not need to put in your username/password again afterwords. Only works on Windows.

- You can see who's in the chat on the main page

- You can enable sounds on FlashChat under options and customize which sounds you want

- Staff will no longer read PMs unless it is absolutely necessary

- You can resize the window

More to come...

Posts: 328
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There still needs to be a Yukuchat link up somewhere again. I'm not planning on doing Flashchat anytime soon.

Posts: 880
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Have you at least tried it?

Posts: 663
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Short version:  basically I agree with what mobius said


Long version:

In terms of just Yuku chat vs. FlashChat as chats themselves (in terms of design/functionality, etc.) I've always really preferred FlashChat myself.  In terms of the logging of messages, there's generally not much that I'd chat about where I'd mind it being logged, but there are sometimes things of a more personal nature that I'd prefer to not have sitting somewhere where those who have/potentially have access to it aren't actually bound by some sort of legal "privacy policy" or whatever, so I do like Yuku chat in that sense as well.

In terms of having one chat or the other, I agree with the thought that having just one chat would be ideal...but I'd say have (or rather, continue having*) both and see how it goes, so that way people who prefer one over the other (particularly if it's due to something like computer performance) at least have the option of using what they prefer.

As for whether or not Yuku chat should actually be on the front page or just a link...hmm...there probably should at least be some way to see who's on it, so if there is some way to have both chats display that info without taking up too much space on the front page, then that would be nice.  I also feel a bit awkward about having posts on public display on the main page, even though it's just a temporary thing...*kinda going back and forth on feelings for that, so dunno*  (In the old days (with FlashChat), it was actually just the number of users that displayed on the main page; not even the user list itself, and that seemed to work well enough.  Going to the log in page of the chat would reveal just which users, as well as chat activity status.  I dunno if "number of users, on main page then going elsewhere to see who is actually on prior to logging in" is possible with Yuku chat though, hence why I mentioned displaying the actual userlist for both earlier on in this paragraph.)

*We've actually had both types of chats available (with the Yuku chat on the front page until now) for a long time now.  The main difference (though I suppose it is a factor in things) is that the FlashChat is on Lighty's server once again instead of TR's, and (because of that?) Lighty and Acrio have been more active in terms of "advertising"/doing stuff with it (like getting the userlist to display on the main forum page, for example).  

(And just to note it somewhere:  Unfortunately, my feelings about this particular "version" of FlashChat are actually rather mixed and complicated right now (sorry, since it looks like Lighty and Acrio have been working hard on the FlashChat, but so far I just haven't been able to feel the same level of comfort that I did with the past "versions" of it due to various factors/events that led up to this =).  Not too much that can really be done about this, aside from possibly time/seeing how things go/etc.)

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Tried flashchat. I just sorta like YC better, sentimentality and whatnot

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Ooooh, is there a new flashchat client out?

Anyway, I like flashchat, far far better than yukuanything.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

Woop woop! Crimon's back!!

Er... I didn't read the rest of this conversation. Sorry for my pest-like appearance *vanishes*

Posts: 328
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Ey, the heck just happened to the YC link? it poofed.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Both chats are currently operational and there are links to both of them at the top of the "Chats" directory.

Flashchat is functionally better than Yukuchat, but as was proved last Saturday, Acrio can make people say whatever he wants in there at any time.  To be fair, that isn't strictly limited to him, since there's been a command that staff can use to put words in anyone's mouth or take control of their accounts temporarily, but Acrio's proven that he'd actually abuse that.  I hope that's been fixed for the Flashchat or, if not yet, soon.

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

Just to note: (assuming you're talking about the possession command) -- whatever Acrio did on Saturday wasn't an abuse of that specific command (unless it's been adjusted since whenever I saw it being used last). IIRC, that command doesn't prevent people (including the person affected by it) from still talking, whereas whatever Acrio did made is so that no one (except for Acrio himself) could say anything other than the line about providing services. (This included via mod/admin commands -- I actually tried sending a chat alert with "test" and that ended up having the "services" line in it as well.) So the chat was completely unusable. *not that abuse of any command would be okay, but just wanted to make a note to clarify that there was more to it than abusing a mod/admin command (at least, any mod/admin command that I'm currently aware of).*

...Saturday night really wasn't fun x.x  *really hopes nothing like that will ever happen again*
