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For the Haruhi fans out there...

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Posts: 1008
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Just read something interesting over on ANN.

The Gigazine website has updated its article about the ongoing "renewed" airing of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya television anime series to corroborate reports that the airing in Japan will be 28 episodes long. The original 2006 Japanese airing of the anime was only 14 episodes long. Gigazine contacted the Teletama broadcasting station, and a representative reportedly told Gigazine that "we hear from the client that it is 28 episodes long." The Teletama representative also told Gigazine that the station does not know the details of the episodes' content - just that "it is 28 episodes long."

The J-Cast news website also contacted Teletama, and a representative said that the station heard that the "renewed" airing will include new material because of the planned 28-episode allotment. The 2009 airing began on Friday with the episode "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I" ("Suzumiya Haruhi no YÅ«utsu I"). This is the first episode chronologically in the science-fiction comedy storyline, but the second episode to air during the original 2006 broadcast.

Just in case you missed that there.

"...the airing in Japan will be 28 episodes long. The original 2006 Japanese airing of the anime was only 14 episodes long."


Delicious sauce.

I'll be keeping an eye on this.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

It sure is annoying that they won't officially announce anything. I'm gonna be gone from the internet from May to September (going on very long vacation) so it looks like I'll miss it if there is anything new. I'll have to wait patiently... very patiently.
I also read that the new episodes will be smooshed together with the old ones, so it sounds kind of interesting.

Posts: 9
Active Member

Dark Steve loves The anime, but is getting seriously tired of the lack of a material date. Seriously. If thats unreasonable, Dark Steve would settle for a general guesstimate. But, Alas, it seems Dark Steve's just going to have to keep waiting. On a lighter note, Dark steve finds the mixing idea to be interesting, and wonders how that'll turn out.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I wont hold out hope until I see the episodes.

On one hand, I finally get to see Disappearance of Haruhi, the most badass of the novels, fully adapted.

On the other, I recall seeing promo pictures which featured Sasaki and the anti-group. I was hoping for a 26/52 episode season if they're dealing with volumes 8, 9 and 10.

Speaking of which. #10. COME OUT SOON!

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Keeping up with Haruhi is so confusing. @_@

I bought the first three single dvds, was thinking about selling them and getting the "series" box set. Now with this news I'll wait because I don't understand if they'll be showing 28 new episodes or the first ones along with new ones.

Posts: 1008
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It seems to be the latter, as stated in that article: "a representative said that the station heard that the "renewed" airing will include new material because of the planned 28-episode allotment." That would also make sense due to the whole thing with how the original eps are being streamed on YouTube to coincide with their airing in Japan. We'd known for some time that they were re-airing the original series, but what's being said here is that the run this time is going to be 28 episodes - twice the number as before, thus suggesting new material - an entire series one's length's worth of it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

There is also a possibility they may be screening the show back-to-back in play order and then chronological.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

^ Definately what I'm most worried about. It doesn't really matter though, we'll get the new season soon enough. They wouldn't be re airing season 1 for nothing.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

^^ that's going to tick people off. I say thee nay.

Put me in the camp that thinks they're going to air new animation along with the old, in chronological order. People will be able to watch the story unfold as it was meant to, not piecemeal and all over the map.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

At least they aren't trolling like they did last time, lol. Hopefully not.

Posts: 874
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Bah, who cares about Haruhi? I'd much rather PUT YA GUNS ON!

Posts: 1058
Noble Member

Last time I heard "new Haruhi" it was this strange chibi-styled cartoonish thingy... hopefully this is different! ^-^

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

New episode aired in Japan!
Hopefully we'll get a subbed version soon. I've heard of some groups that churn out episodes in an hour, so they should be working there butts right now.
Dang, I'm pretty excited right now!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Subs are out, btw. Looks like Dattebayo and Live-eviL teamed up and are first out the gate.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Watched, watched and watched.

Would watch again.

The first episode is basically Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, or a condensed version of it. Felt a tad Mikuru heavy, given the importance of the John Smith portion and the Negato encounter. Given that the Mikuru development is cosmetic and the John Smith/Negato stuff is essential to the oncoming "Disappearance of Haruhi" plot. Music is a lot more varied in the season, which is really nice. Art is well, art. I like art.

PS: Negato <3<3<3 seeing her switch from Past Negato to Present Negato was done well.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member
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I have but one thing to say.


I'm gonna wait til the lot's been aired and can be snatched :3

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I'll just leave this here.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Awesome ... although that said, I'll wait till the US release.

Posts: 889
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I finally found the time to watch the episode all the way through, and I have to say that it was one of my favorites so far.

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This is awesome, it's about time a new Haruhi episode came out.

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

They already renewed DBZ, and FMA Shonen Jump sure is bringing back alot of it's favorites.
