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For those too lazy to scroll down.

Alright, so a LOT of things have already been uncovered thanks to E3, GameCom, and BlizzCon, as well as San Diego Comic Con, yadda yadda. BUT, no one really knows much of anything except for media hands on and bloated BS from IGN, 1UP, G4, and yes, even my beloved Game Informer, and that's because as real as these outlets want to sound, they still have to hold back due to advertising, budgets, and sponsors.

But not me! I will try to keep tabs on everything as usual, and let you all know when I arrive back. I'm outski's on Sunday, and I'll be back later that week.

To those of you who don't know what I go through:

3 days of information overload; all the major publishers and developers try to force feed us a bunch of information in hopes that we remember whatever it was they just said that we forgot about one minute after they told us. to turn around and sell their product in pre-orders and sales come Christmas time, (PRO-TIP, if your name is not MODERN WARFARE this Christmas, you're not making money, but I digress...).

How big can this information be, however? Let's just say a lot of new info still gets sent to us, and that's how new info gets leaked to Kotaku and the likes. We were the first to get information that Re: Chain of Memories was hitting stateside last year.

ANYWHO, this is your time to get all your questions asked and I will try and field them as best as I humanly possibly can, all whilst trying to lie that I'm asking this all for a dead Sonic community webforum, still running from the late 90s, and at the same time denying accusations that I may probably be a furry from my colleagues, (which I'm not, but seeing as I hang around here, it's a really hard accusation to deny).

No offense to actual furries, I just don't like the label being tossed around in the real world. It's all good for shnitz and giggles... but only if it's here. 😛

I'll crosspost this in the Games forum and MoFo C so it gets all the attention it needs.

A few things:

1. I don't know who is going to be making a special appearance this year. For example, the last two years Koji Igarashi was there in all his glory, hat, whip and all, (as well as other douches like Tom McFarlene [really, he's a douche], Wee Man and some WWE wrestling guys). They are there for autographs and photo ops most of the time. Which leads me to:

2. No, I cannot ask to get you an autograph and then later send it your way. These lines are immensely long during our expo, and can and will pretty much take up all my time, (I only get 3 hours to enjoy myself).

3. I get 3 hours to play and consume as much information as I can about games, so I may not be able to get to everyone's requests about what impressions I have about game X. Keep in mind, I'm a huge geek myself, and I have my own interests to salivate ov-- , uh, I mean, try some games.

4. Photos are very, very hard to walk out of with. Sometimes, the guys at the booths and at our meetings will literally tell us to not take photos and to delete them if we did take any. Seeing as this trip is a privilege, and I can get my ass sent back home AND fired in a split second, I usually comply. So, sorry if I can't pull off the whole "pictures or it didn't happen."

5. No, I won't steal a display model PSP Go. My mind's already made up at how worthless those pieces of junk are going to be anyway, I mean, my current PSP is just showered and caked in dust as it is anyway, so...

6. No lame-o Sonic questions. Seriously, we're the only ones that care anymore. The industry has moved on, and so has the general gaming public. If there's any new Sonic game info, of course I will direct it this way, but yeah, I'm not asking anything regarding this dead mascot.

7. Unfortunately, there is no profit as profiting off of anything from conference can cost me my job.

YAY. I eagerly (don't) await my (long ass) flight to Vegas.

Posts: 2915
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Maybe throw in a Mother 3/ EB on the VC question? I bet the Ninty reps are sick of the question, but I guess that's all I have.

Posts: 2191
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The world has a better chance of switching places with Mars than THAT of ever happening. lol

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Funny you mention that V2...while not switching places in oh about...7 million years the Earth will about the distance Mars was from the Sun, about 200,000 years ago*

But Oh...oh Jin! ANY! And I mean any news on No More Heroes 2. Assuming it's there. It might not be. And about some Bayonetta playtime. I know quite a few people that have played it and I just want to hear what a fellow MoFoer has to say about it.

* Complete BS!

Posts: 899
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Can you see if you can find out if Trace Memory's Wii sequel is coming out in the states at all?

Posts: 520
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Is Final Fantasy 13 reaaaaaaaally coming out in summer of next year? Or will it get pushed back further, lol.

When is White Knight Chronicles coming out? PS3 is kind of weak in the area of RPG's, meh.

Posts: 2723
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When's Mass Effect 2 being released? I've been coming across conflicting information and would like a clear answer.

Of course, I'm also apparently terrible at internet search.

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  • Mother 3 - That probably won't be answered, as usually we have main PR speakers coming over and talking to us. A few probably have any idea about wtf the real nerds are talking about, unless they are talking about the current products they are showcasing. [*]Trust me, anything new on NMH2 I will devour. I never even finished the game and I love the damn thing. (Stupid money mini games though, augh). I'm not hopeful that I'll see anything at the convention seeing as the game has not been getting any press or relevance at all, so no high hopes. [*]I will let you know if I hear or see anything about Trace Memory and if/when they will release it. [*]FFXIII - HAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You're funny. At this point, I treat Square and Final Fantasy like Blizzard treats their games; when it's done. TO sound a little nicer, our systems currently say summer, and last I heard Square promised a next year release, for PS3 first, anyway. So who knows. [*]ME2 was JUST pushed to a 2010 release, as it was Q4 of '09. [/list:u:d6408adbaa]A quick question I will answer about all these delays: it's a good thing. No, you won't be able to get your hands on that game you're salivating over, but consider this: more development time equals a much better and well rounded game that you can enjoy, and a bigger gap between big releases equals an easier time on your wallet, and a lighter Christmas. Take the word of a 6 year GameStop veteran and TAKE IT. Having multiple things to play and no time is absolutely no fun at all, even worse when your pocket's full of lint and moths.
Posts: 2809
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Okay, I know this is probably a stretch, but if you can at all, please see if you can find anything out about Beyond Good and Evil 2. I'm not asking to see if it's coming out soon, which would be nice, but more or less, if it's still even being worked on or how far along it is-anything, even a small, dinky bone would be nice over nothing. Also, keep an ear out for anything about other colors for the Go other than black and white like you know blue. Thanks!

Also, can you find out anything about the 250GB PS3 Slim I've been hearing about on the net.

Posts: 565
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Welp, I'm back, and unfortunately, with about as much information with as I left.

Let's go through this. Let's see:

Full Metal Rayzor - Ubisoft said nothing about Beyond Good & Evil 2, unfortunately. It was all about Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed, as well as some more Imagine line games for the DS, (I'm going to kill someone), and some other girly-like DS games, though I will say one is especially neat: it's a game where a little girl can play dress up with jewels she can create herself; on top of that, she can connect her DS online and order what she just created and get it in the mail, with prices ranging from $5 to $50 depending on the complexity of the jewelry built. If any of ya'll have any nieces or younger cousins out there that would love this crap, this one for sure I can recommend this holiday season. It's called Style Lab: Jewelry Design.

Sorry, didn't mean to run off in a tangent, but seeing as we were on the discussion of Ubisoft... eh *shrug*

Kaze - Unfortunately, they didn't give a solid release date on Mass Effect 2, but good god, it's gorgeous and probably runs 300% better than the first one, (barely any frame rate issues or anything). The game is seriously drop dead gorgeous, and with the quick weapon swap wheel completely revamped, switching out all your different doohickeys is 5 gajillion times faster. No more stopping and going into your inventory to resort +%#@ out. So, with that said, I have to go by what our own company has slated for ME2, and that's either early 2010, or spring 2010.

Tigger - FFXIII is yes, really coming out next summer. I even made the Square Enix rep cross his heart and hope to die, (but he wouldn't stick a needle in his eye, he said that'd be overkill since he'd already be dead). The game looks gorgeous and they gave us a pretty awesome first look boss scene, (which surprisingly isn't on YouTube yet), and the English voice acting is still, to this day, very very terrible. Like, gouge my ears off terrible. Oh, and I must reiterate; it's PS3 FIRST, then later on we'll see it on the 360.

NelStone - Absolutely nothing was said about Trace Memory, and was met with a "No clue" answer when I approached Nintendo about it, seeing as they didn't directly develop the game. Sorry.

HS - Dudeski, while I have no major news on NoMoHos 2, and I sure as hell didn't see it on the game expo floor, I know it exists, and it's coming out Q1 2010, and looks as good as ever, with good ol' Touch Down dual wielding like the nerdy badass that he is.

As for Bayonetta... OH HOHOHOHO, Bayonetta is going to be bad friggin' ass. Hard as balls, too! The BEST way I can describe it is that it's Devil May Cry 5 with boobs. I felt it was a little harder than DMC4 with the 15 minute demo they gave me to tinker with. You can get to learn how to play this game pretty fast, since the inbetween loading screens actually allow you to control her and try out some moves while the game loads. On the 360, X is just the gun button, where she whips out her gun and starts bustin' caps. Y is punch and upper body attacks, B is kicks and lower body attacks. RT is a dodge move, and when you dodge at the last possible minute, you get Witch Mode, (it slows down time for about 5 seconds for you to get an advantage). Certain button combinations will allow for different attacks, some powerful, some faster but weaker, to flow into your combos, and just like DMC, there's a rating system at the end of your fight by awarding you with medals, (bronze, silver, gold). One neat attack function I enjoyed, (but albeit, seemed worthless), is that when you mash on Y or B and start moving the left stick around, she'll go into this 360 degree guns-a-blazing mode. The BEST thing is, she does it with style, arching over her back, under her shoulder, over her leg, crazy animations! If you do it with B, she'll go into a handstand and shoot with her guns attached to her boots. Very awesome.

And of course, let's not forget about the nakeds. If you haven't read up on it, how this works is really... weird. She's a witch, and her entire outfit is made out of her flowing hair, and she produces magical... stuff with her hair, too. As your combo gets larger and deadlier, she'll start using her hair to attack, thus leaving her body and exposing more of her body, to the point where it looks like she's walking around in her undies. At the end of boss battles, if you do it right, she'll make her hair into this demon dog thing and eat the hell out of the boss you're fighting, and as this takes up pretty much all of her hair, she is practically naked, with a slight bit of her hair surrounding her chest and crotch area, acting as a very clever censor bar.

Which leads me to, no, there will not be a PC version of this game due to the modding community practically stripping her naked because they're a bunch of pervs. =3

Hiro - My questions about VC and Earthbound went pretty much unheard, and once being answered with a simple shrug. Sorry, I don't think we'll ever get Mother back over here because of all the crazy copyright references that game ALWAYS makes.

Annnnd, tha's it for questions answered. As for anything else I caught:

Borderlands is amazing, and practically is just Fallout with multiplayer. Art style naysayers can kiss my ass, as the game looks beautiful, regardless.

Tatsunoko v Capcom is typical fighting madness, though the buttons were changed completely. A game I definitely need to devote time to for me to understand.

Mario Wii is, of course, fun as hell with 4 people. And if you want to be a dick, hohoho, you can most definitely be a dick... and be satisfied by it.

Muramasa is awesome, and you should buy it. Right the hell now.

God of War 3 is violence for the sake of violence. Definite day one purchase. You'd be stupid not to.

Uncharted 2 and Ratchet & Clank Future: Crack in Time, both awesome games by Sony's Naughty Dog and Insomniac games, as usual.

Motorstorm and Gran Turismo PSP, as much as I don't care for them, played surprisingly well and looked good doing it. Recommend them if you care. No, I did not get any time with LBP PSP, though from the trailers shown at the Sony vendor meeting, looked good, physics and all.

Gran Turismo 5 is a joke. Scrape the car against the wall for a mile, and you don't get a damn scratch or scuff on the paint. OH, but your door comes loose! The game still has crappy elevator music and still runs as slow as ever. (Get Forza 3).

Brutal Legend is... oh man. Just buy it. Buy this damn game. Don't let Brutal Legend turn into Psychonauts; a great and severely overlooked game. BUY BRUTAL LEGEND. It's funny, well written, and on top of that, the game play is phenomenal! Hack and slash and RTS and some driving action, all seamless.

DJ Hero is neat if you care. I didn't understand it at all. I'll stick with Rock Band, thanks.

Band Hero is trying to be Lego Rock Band, minus the Lego. Hint: buy Lego Rock Band, and you can even import the songs into your RB2 library. S'what I'm doing.

Harmonizing in Beatles: Rock Band is hard, yet satisfying.

Splinter Cell: Conviction totally, TOTALLY sold me. Like, holy +%#@, it came out of the corner and slapped me in the face for even second guessing the game.

Assassins Creed 2 is looking good, and the double hand blades are killer. The game is beautiful during the night sequences, (like woah, gorgeous). They keep promising mission structure will be a gajillion times better than the first one, but we'll have to see.

And one major surprise was for the PS3, a game called Mod Nation Racing. Take Mario Kart, take Little Big Planet, get them drunk in the same room and have nasty, sloppy sex, and out comes Mod Nation Racing. Item pick ups and power-ups, ramps, and all sorts of cool stuff, per usual. The creme of the crop though, comes with the track editor, and it is by far the easiest track editor with so much power that I've ever seen.

You start with your little dude in the cart, and for you to lay out your track, you just... drive. You drive and it draws out the track for you. Don't want to do ALL of it, or just get bored, hit a button and it'll auto finish it for you. Then you get all types of brushes for you to lay over the track. Do you want pavement? Dirt? Gravel? Just paint over it. Want some hills and whatnot? There's terrain deformation. Trees? Brushes? Mountains? Buildings? It's easy. And will easily be this years sleeper hit on the PS3, since no one will buy it, just like no one bought LBP.

And that's it. S'alls I gots. =3

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

NelStone - Absolutely nothing was said about Trace Memory, and was met with a "No clue" answer when I approached Nintendo about it, seeing as they didn't directly develop the game. Sorry.

A bit of a bummer. Point is that you went out of your way and got me the info I was looking for. Thank you very much, Jin.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Kaze - Unfortunately, they didn't give a solid release date on Mass Effect 2, but good god, it's gorgeous and probably runs 300% better than the first one, (barely any frame rate issues or anything). The game is seriously drop dead gorgeous, and with the quick weapon swap wheel completely revamped, switching out all your different doohickeys is 5 gajillion times faster. No more stopping and going into your inventory to resort +%#@ out. So, with that said, I have to go by what our own company has slated for ME2, and that's either early 2010, or spring 2010.

Well, it's just as I thought. Someone I know will definitely be looking forward to playing this game (I tried to play the first one, but I really stink at shooters. )

Posts: 2809
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Eh, no suprise about BG&E2, and a dang shame too, love the original and wish they would get the move on releasing the second. Anything about different colors for the Go?

Posts: 565
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Eh, no suprise about BG&E2, and a dang shame too, love the original and wish they would get the move on releasing the second. Anything about different colors for the Go?

As far as I'm concerned, we've had two different SKUs for the GO. Black and White. (They have fancy pants names to them, like "JET BLACK" and "PEARL WHITE" -- note, those aren't it -- I just can't remember them).

They're still not worth it. Don't buy it.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Actually, I believe your right that the white go is indeed Pearl White, but I believe black remains "Piano Black." I know people have misgivings about the Go, but I'm still gonna get one, thanks for the advice though.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Thanks for mentioning Mother @ Jin. I know there is less than no chance of them ever coming over (kinda evident by them doing absolutely nothing about the M3 fan translation), but I at least wanted them to hear someone mention it again... for like the billionth time

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea considering NMH2 was at PAX...I guess that makes sense it wasn't anywhere else. Thanks for looking for it though. And you got to play Bayo? Awesome! I've seen lots of previews and impressions from both professional reviewers and gamers a-like and they've praised the game. Glad to hear your impression. I'm really looking forward to that game alot.

And dare you talk bad about it! *slaps your wrist*

Posts: 565
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And dare you talk bad about it! *slaps your wrist*

I'm sorry, GT5 was a joke and just about everyone raised an eyebrow when they showcased it to us, and just about died laughing at their "collision" tech. The game still plays like GT2, still has the lame presentation, (feels like you're walking around a boring car museum with constant elevator music playing in the background), there's no speed to the game, (did not feel like I was driving 80 mph, yet other games with the same low class caliber cars start giving a sense of speed at around this area, as it should since I drive on the highway at 90 mph on a daily basis, and good god this game was putting me to sleep). I know GT enthusiasts who were pretty much denouncing the game and trying to figure out if they should go Forza or Shift. Gran Turismo is a mess and Polyphony totally dropped the ball on this.

Unless they revamp the crash tech they have for that game and add some speed and lose that "perfect spick and span" shine, that game will never be the "real driving simulator". That title is definitely deserved to Forza or, surprisingly, NFS Shift.

In other words, Prologue is pretty much the final game you're playing. *shrug*

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

That's sad to hear. Have you played A-Spec? Many say A-Spec felt the best out of any GT so far[including Prologue] and I was wondering how you'd compare the sense of speed to 3's. NFS Shift does look very nice though...that's for sure. And I played a Forza demo once before and loved it. Great series indeed. But considering the amount of money Polyphony is putting into the game...I doubt it'll be anything short of amazing. Not saying Forza and NFS won't fans are going to have their pick this holiday season.

Posts: 2809
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Say, Jin, did you see anything of Metroid: Other M; it's one game I'm really looking forward to next year.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

That saddens me

I played GT4 on the PS2 and really, really enjoyed it. Oh well..... *Sigh*
