Yep, starting Thursday evening, I'll be spending the weekend in Lafayette, LA for MechaCon. Anyone else planning to attend?
Holy freak! There's a mech-mech-MECHACON!? I've got to go to this one year. It's in Louisana, you say? That's actually fairly close[when compared to other conventions]. I can't go this year, but one year hopefully. Put out a good word for Virtual On, fellow pilot.
you lucky son of bastich! ive been wanting to go to any type of convention for years, but there never near me! Why i otta Frag ya! (so how these lobo puns working for ya)
Seriously though, have fun & take pictures of all the mechs for us man!
I suppose you don't want me to mention who's gonna be there, right? Might upset some people.
Why not...go ahead.
I know that Garry "Optimus Primal" Chalk, David "Megatron / Sesshomaru / Enzyte commercial VO" Kaye, Vic "Edward Elric" Mignogna, and Wendy "Envy" Powell are gonna be there. Wendy's the only reason I was able to talk my sister in going. She's a huge Envy fan.
Plus both Garry and Vic will be putting on concerts Friday night and Saturday night respectively. Speaking of events, on Friday there's a semi-formal dinner where Garry will perform, with a Formal Cosplay-Optional Ball later on. And on Saturday, there's gonna be a house party.
I cannot wait!
Wow. :O David Kaye is the Enzyte VO. Madness! Megatron uses Enzyte. *snickers* But wow man...that does sound like "a ball".
Yep. I was shocked when I found that out as well.
Needs more Steve Blum.
Just got back this evening. I'll try to have pictures up on my Facebook in a couple of days. I'm beat.