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Goodbye, guys!
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Goodbye, guys!

23 Posts
18 Users
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Posts: 464
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Well, um... I guess there's not much more to say other than that I'm leaving Sonic HQ. I won't be coming back this time, either. Bye!

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Posts: 5772
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Have a good one. Enjoy your 'time off'.

Posts: 5035
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Hey's been nice having ya'. Hope you have safe internet travels.

Posts: 2915
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Didn't this happen before?

Posts: 565
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Deja Vu? Or Twilight Zone.


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I'll go with déjà vu.

Posts: 899
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The Deja Zone. O_O

Bye, LWSrocks. Thanks for telling us you were leaving during your ban only to tell us again after your ban. Maybe try again in two/three years or so?

Posts: 981
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Since when do kids know the meaning of commitment, anyways? =P

Posts: 3291
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See you in a few years then, Socks. Take care. ^^

Posts: 257
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Well I don't know about you, but I think this calls for a sexy party!

Posts: 1191
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It's not a sexy party until Rico get's in here.

Posts: 1986
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Quiet you..........

Posts: 1191
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Just sayin'

Posts: 2191
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I'll give him a week

KnucklesV2: I give him 11 minutes

Posts: 2723
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Like it's already been established, hopefully if he returns he'll be a little wiser, if not, maybe he'll find friends elsewhere, blah blah blah. Just don't start picking on him when he's not here.

Aside from that, carry on. Not that there's any point to this topic anymore, though.

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

This topic is not over until Rico get's in here for the sexy party!

Posts: 2398
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. . .

Can we lock the topic now?

No, seriously. Lock it or I post the FULL picture.


Posts: 980
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...Almost tempted to Double dare you to post it, but I know how things are around here.

But at least it's not LNR! 8D

Posts: 1984
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wait why is he leaviiiing?

Posts: 5772
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It's a secret to everybody.

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. . .

Can we lock the topic now?

No, seriously. Lock it or I post the FULL picture.

Post the full pic. I'm a homofur!

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

*sighs and locks topic* Full or not full pics aside, I think this topic has served its purpose.

Good luck and take care@socks; if you do end up returning in the future, see you then!
