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Graduate School

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Posts: 534
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Because I wasn't well enough qualified for my future in data entry with a Bachelors!

Seriously, has anyone else here applied for this monstrocity? Any tips, ideas about how much my life will suck while I'm working on this degree? Don't do it Astrid?

Posts: 419
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**raises hands, yawns from lack of sleep, passes out on desk**

i'll type more here when i actually have time to freaking breathe.

Posts: 2915
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I keep telling myself that I'm only getting a Bachelors in Engineering... ONLY 1.5-2.5 YEARS LEFT WOOOOOOOT!!!

(That's just to give me hope though... the reality is I probably will be back for Grad school = )

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

is university the same as graduate school?
if so, FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE! ;-;

i'm still not fully sure why i'm sticking through 5 years of illustration when it shan't give me a job at the end of it, help my job prospects or even increase my salery.

still, i'll get to pose for photos in a silly hat and gown at the end of it. ^^

Posts: 1694
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Ah, but once you don that hat and gown, Becca, the university owns you no more. You is FREEE!!!

Posts: 91
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I'm currently procrastinating on taking my GRE to get into Library School. I want to get my MLS, 'cause that's what all the higher-paying library jobs require, but I'm not sure I actually want to go through with it.

Posts: 1376
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You know. I've been thinking about it. Depending on what you want to go in for, Grad School may or may not be necessary at all. What, are you going for a PhD, or just a Masters?

For some fields-like Paleontology (go me )I'll get nowhere without a Ph.D. So I have no choice but to surf on back through exam and placement tests and admission fees and all that crap.

But currently, I have a cushy cushy job as a diamond grader with only a bachelors in Geology (the two are nowhere related -.-)..and I mean, it makes me wonder if College was even freaking necessary.

What I'm blabbering about Astrid, is if you REEEEEEEEEEEEALY forsee a happy future doing what you went to school for, go to GRAD school.

Otherwise, I'm sure you could work you way up with what you have now.

...*Tickles Dubz so he can't breathe for a little longer* TEEHEEHEE I TURN BLACK MAN RED LIKE INJIN!

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I think Grad School is like University 2 @ Becca

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Electric Boogaloo

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I'm going for my MA/PhD in Gender Studies. :crazy

So yes, Becca, it's university. But it's a professional degree for when you've decided that wasting four years (three years in England I think) in school just wasn't enough!

Posts: 3291
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FREEDOM! *poses alongside a kira cardboard cutout* ^.^

i know some people stay on at university to do a higher verison of their course or post-graduate stuff.. must be the same sort of thing. still, have to admire their determindation. ^^ go, go!

but not me, i'm getting the heck away from most of my tutors as fast as possible. ^.@;

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Personally I think you should post your Halloween costume pictures but that's just me.

Posts: 1044
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aah, so if you do this, we'll be able to call you Dr Astrid?! if so then do it! :D , however doing this will probably reduce all and any social life you may have to next to nothing D:

Also when I was doing my bsc in physics, that was hard enough work, as such i don't plan on doing any more physics related degrees (still might do a pgce later on) and yes at funny hat and gown :D

Posts: 608
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Well, I'm in second year of graduate school. I'm TRYING ot AIMING to get my PhD in Neuroscience.... It's hell. I mean you meat great people and the vast amount of knowledge you gain is superv.

I have no life right now... I'm a slave of my lab. I generate as much data as I can. I only have 2 weeks vacation per year. I do get paid however and classes are nothing like the ones in undergrad. The proffesor are slave-drivers. My last midterm was essay questions. Each question had to have a 2 page answer single space with references to papers that had been published on the topic.

In order to graduate I need to pass my comprehensive examination, which is a oral exam that covers every class I take in the first three years of my degree. Then I have to write a grant for the NIH and defend it as part of my comprehensive examination. After I pass I'll be considered a PhS Candidate...
I need to writ book chapters, a review for publication in a good journal (impact factor 5 and above), a first author paper inone of the top journals (IF >8) and then write up and defend my Thesis or dissertation...

Its a hard life being a graduate student and you feel like the MD students are out to get you. On the other hand.....there's not much else to say...

Well, good luck applying and taking the GRE...

visit here for more Grad Life:

Posts: 356
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I just started graduate school in libaray science. I am in one of the thoughest classes in the program. I'll try to remember to tell you how it goes later.

Posts: 2354
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I have to yet begin the process....

Posts: 1134
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I'm halfway through my undergrad time in Uni. Still have yet to decide whether I'm going to stay on to do any postgrad stuff. Currently my university isn't offering a Masters version of my course (Computer Science), so if I wanted to do that I'd either have to take a year out or go to another university. I'm not really sure if it would be worth it though (especially as I believe postgrads get less support in terms of gov't loans and stuff than undergrads over here), so I might decide to leave once I get my BA and join the real world at long last. :crazy :

Posts: 2232
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I was going to do a masters, but my grades arn't good enough for that, and frankly, I now just want to get out of here as soon as slagging possible. Even if the prospect of the real world is scary.

Posts: 917
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Well, I've been out of college for a year and a half now. Every now and then I think about grad school, but to be honest I never get very far, because I'm not really sure what I would go for.

Besides, in journalism it's normal to go to grad school after you've had a few years of experience under your belt.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

It depends on whether it is necessary for what you want to do while weighing in the cost/benefit factors.

I already have a Masters and it's required to teach in NY. You don't need it to start teaching, but you have 5 years to get it if you don't have to start. Working and going to school can be tiring, but it depends on the circumstances.

Can you afford to work part-time and pay for school?
If you must work full-time to pay for school, are the classes offered at times that will accomodate your schedule?
Is getting the Masters going to improve your job prospects enough to be worth the cost in time/money?

There are other things to think about as well, but I'm slightly tired myself so this will have to do. ;p

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I got my MSc just under five years ago. I'm a librarian, and there're certain grades of position that you need an accredited qualification for.

Personally, I liked my Masters. Once you get to graduate school, you've generally weeded out the people who only went to university because it was expected of them or didn't want to make an effort, and you're left with the people who actually want to study.

The tutors respected that, too, rather than treated students like pieces of meat on a conveyor belt that were getting in the way of their research (no, I didn't have a good undergraduate experience).

It had a really nice atmosphere as a result.
