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Happy (3.1414159265...
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Happy (3.1414159265358979323846264338327...) Day!

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Posts: 4336
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I actually didn't know until I went to google something.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Huh, the one day I didn't have a pie for lunch, go fig.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

But today is the 14th of March (also mother's day) not the 3rd day of the non existant 14th month!

Posts: 3756
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Silly brit, pie is for Americans!

Posts: 2723
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As for tomorrow... beware the Ides of March.

So yeah, it's the day celebrating one of my least favorite math terms (well, it's a number, but who cares). Not that math isn't one of my strong points, I just don't like math. >:[

I'll just settle down with some cookies on Pi day instead! Take that!

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

TTG, you people have not clue one what a pie is.

Heck, southerers in this country seem to struggle, you guys have no chance.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Wow, and just 3 days ago I celebrated 311 Day...awesome to hear there's a Pi Day.

Posts: 2915
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My university's math department celebrated this on Friday... Got myself a slice of Apple Pie

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahah! So great, so great.

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