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He turns the BIG 40, so go out and wish him well, and his girlfriend, Klondikena!

Oh... Such a vision!

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It's just Seleth's birthday today.

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He turns the big 3-0 today, duder.........

Either way, Happy Birthday Dubs!

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He turns the big 6-0 today, duder.........

Either way, Happy Birthday Dubs!

Fixed for accuracy.

[hides from Dubs wrath]

Posts: 4336
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Ah, old jokes.

By now, his afro should start graying.

/seriously though happy birthday Dubs

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I'm obviously missing something here, but what the hell - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUBZY!

Posts: 1573
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Happy Escape from the Womb Day, Dubsy-sama!!

*shoots confetti out of cannon*

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oh, you don't care anymore as much as I do, do you, Dubziepants? Happy closer day to dying, dudeski.

From the bottom of my heart, too.

Posts: 1986
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Happy b-day man. Hope you're having a randomly insanely awesome day.

Posts: 663
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Happy Birthday WB!^^

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Happy Birthday Dubs!

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*throws cakes* ^^

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Old, old, old, old, old, old, old, old, old, olllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld!

Seriously though, Happy B-Day, WB. Now go crazy.

Posts: 679
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Somewhat belated, but you guys are forgetting your beloved queen! Since I'm now late, I wish Sam a very merry unbirthday! So blow the candles out my dear, and make your wish come true, a very merry unbirthday to you!


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Somewhat belated, but you guys are forgetting your beloved queen! Since I'm now late, I wish Sam a very merry unbirthday! So blow the candles out my dear, and make your wish come true, a very merry unbirthday to you!


Sam's - Birthday - BELATED?

WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME?!? [runs to bake a cake]

Posts: 1573
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Somewhat belated, but you guys are forgetting your beloved queen! Since I'm now late, I wish Sam a very merry unbirthday! So blow the candles out my dear, and make your wish come true, a very merry unbirthday to you!


Eh?! Why did no one tell me?!

Happy (Late) Escape from the Womb Day as well, Sam-sama!

*shoots more confetti out of cannon*

Posts: 3291
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*makes more cake, covers it in icing and sprinkles, FLING!* oo;;

Posts: 1986
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Wait, it was Sam's b-day and we didn't know about it?!


Also, Happy Birthday to SA. Lot's of birthdays going on lately o.o

Posts: 2723
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August is the best month for birthdays! Happy (belated) B-days to anybody's that have been missed and such!

Posts: 1986
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September >>>>>>> August.

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August 2003 >>>>>>> September.


Also, Happy Belated Birthday Sam. It's not my fault, I didn't forget, see, I the finishing touches on your cake is almost do-

... [sigh] I asked for Coluseum not TAJ MAHAL! >:E

Posts: 565
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Well, if it's any consolation, I'm terrible at birthdays unless I see you EVERY SINGLE DAY.

For example, this was the first year I remembered my mom's and my best friend's birthdays! (June/July mixups that I get EVERY YEAR). So, yeah.

I would not have wished Dubziepoo a happy birthday were it not for this thread. Ditto to Sammy girl.

Also, to note; neither are here right now. Where are the birthday peeps?! Someone drag their ass in here!

Posts: 679
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*uses the powah of the interweb to contact Sam*

Stay tuned.


Posts: 1986
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Eh, this channel's boring

*Grabs remote*

Posts: 3291
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i forget the birthdays of my own family.. people online is even more of a struggle. oo;

Posts: 1573
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I know.

Let's try this one more time.

Happy (Belated or not) Escape from the Womb Day, everyone who was born in August!!

*shoots lots of confetti out of cannon*

Posts: 2354
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Happy belated birthday wishes!

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August is the best month for birthdays!

February is the month of my birthday. Therefore:

February > every other month

Posts: 2116
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*drags in from the LARP event she's been at since Thursday*

People used to remember that Dub and I have the same birthday (with the exception of him being one year older than I am), but I'm getting kind of used to being forgotten about by now.


Thanks, guys.

Posts: 3291
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i didn't remember either birthday, if that's any consolation.. c.c; *shall only remember My Will's birthday as it's on the same day as hers.. hands you half a shoelace?* ;-;

Posts: 5772
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I doubt most people are "remembering" insomuch as they're looking to the bottom of the MoFo front page and seeing Yuku list who's birthday it is on any given day. I think I saw Dub show up, but I didn't see yours Sam.

And now that I've gone to the trouble of posting here again, the entirety of the Party Cat Saga.

Posts: 464
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I luv de party cat.

*calls party cat*

Me: Heeey.... party cat
Party Cat: Heeey.... random person...... wanna party?
Me: Yeah, its Dubsy and Sammy's birthdays today

Posts: 2723
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Why have I not posted here yet?
Happy (very belated) birthdays to Dub and Sam and anyone else mentioned/missed. Hope everything was fun!
