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hello all im new he...
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hello all im new here

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hello there everyone
your fiendly neighborhood ultimate overlord here
after searching the web for a sonic board i deceided to join here because it looks like the most fun
if theres anything i should know about this board i would appreciate it

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

You should definitely get a shorter username. It's stretching the tables a bit =P

With that said though, welcome aboard. The only other stuff you should really know is that we now have full uncontested possession of any sanity you owned when arriving, and any sanity you may still have not surrendered to us.

Also, beware of small people with a cookie addiction eyeing your shoelaces, beware of red wolves with interestingly decorated boxer shorts offering you a guided tour, and avoid prolonged exposure to anything Dubs posts ;p

Other than that, welcome aboard and enjoy your stay.

...oh, and lastly. *Promptly eats the newbie* First dibs! X3

*Scuttles off*


Posts: 2232
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Ultimate Overloard Neo Metal Sonic?


Kinky ;3

Posts: 432
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Welcome to the board, dude. Its always nice to have someone new.

It kinda breaks the monotony of seeing the same people over and over. :lol

Posts: 3291
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shoelaces, CLAIMED! *flee!*

Posts: 1694
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Hiya! Welcome to the MoFo. Upon entering this establishment, you forfeit your sanity to the house. That said...


*steals your sanity*

Enjoy your stay and avoid LNR at all costs.

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

I'm new too, so... YAY!!! We're both noobsorz!!! I is teh more health!!! I got directed here from a friend of mine who has an account. Suffice it to say... I'm an idiot who can't find anything on his own. WHEEEEE!!!

Posts: 3291
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shoelaces, REMOVED! *claims from the second newbie, flee!* ^.^

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Ah! My shoelaces! I will have my- oh look, a cookie... So, can someone explain some of the things you do here? With me being new and all... and having just now read the rules, I'd like to get the hang of things.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

the shoelaces are my newbie initiation ritual. *hands you a herring in return* i used to resuce newbies from the newbie eaters, but these days i find you guys have gotten pretty quick at running away from them. :p

what do we do here? talk, discuss, be silly, be siller, discuss that which is sonic, compare things and have lots of drama. lots and lots of drama. oo

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Oh-yeah!!! I eat teh noob eaters!!! I hope I get used to this place soon. I plan on posting a couple of my fanfics here too. I think I'll like it here. But y'know... It's to bad I can't post my main fanfic... I'd have to spend a year censoring it... x_x

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

In that case, it's best you don't post it. >_>
We have Carnival Island if you ever wanna post fics, South Island for Sonic discussion, Gaming Academy for general game discusssion, Sandopolis for random stuff (Don't believe them when they say it's for sig testing only :P), Marble Garden for serious issues that don't go in here, and Emerald Visitor service for staff-related questions.

Also, watch out for the thread-winning monster that is PSX! He cannot be beaten!

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Eh... Will do... Thanks for the intel. I should have the hang of things soon enough... I hope...

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

You should. And don't look at the Tails Doll! <_<

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

*cries* But why? It's so amazazing I can't help it. WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

See my post to Neo Metal.

*steals Ramza's sanity as well*

Avoid LNR and anything Orangina related at all costs. It's bad for the brain.

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

>_> YOU LOOKED AT HIM?! I shall not save you. You dissapoint me. :(

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Air is bad for the brain too! That's why I only breath Dr. Pepper! But that made my car explode due to me being a noob here.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Ah, a fellow Dr. Pepper lover and Tails Doll fan. We shall get along nicely, yesssssss. [/BW Megatron]

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

I shall log this day in... something... I think... or maybe not... Oh, well. *trips over his own forhead*

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Ah, a newbie topic I haven't yet posted in again. :p

In any case, welcome to the Mobius Forum. Hope you have fun here and all that jazz.

Just don't step on me. Chao can be very dangerous when provoked.

*hands the newbies complimentary nail bats for defensive purposes*

BTW, I'd only call a newbie who didn't know any better a n00b, but you seem to be okay, so you're just a regular ol' newbie in my book... if I had one. :p

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Thank you. *asides to self* Did you hear that? We were complemented. *self raises an eyebrow* I just hope that the person who actually made this topic doesn't get mad at me for stealing their thunder... or so the saying goes...

Posts: 1694
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It wouldn't be the first time.

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Hii little boy

Posts: 489
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Welcome, and stuff. This is my home, keep it clean please. ^^

Posts: 2809
Famed Member


Also, watch out for the thread-winning monster that is PSX! He cannot be beaten!

But, but, what about Dubsie, he's also a monster made of pure absolute win.?!


I just hope that the person who actually made this topic doesn't get mad at me for stealing their thunder...

I wouldn't count on it as it seems he won't be back. It happens so much, newbies come in and make an intro post and maybe a few more and leave never to return. Why don't they want to stay and play with us!!!!!!!!:( Anyway, I would like to tell you that soon we will be moving here and...oh, yeah, Eliteboard go boom, never mind. Anyway, happy posting!! ^_^

Posts: 1694
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*plays "Taps" for Eliteboard*

Posts: 2809
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*puts hat over heart as he chokes back the tears* Ah, Eliteboard, how well we knew ye! *sniff*

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

...Rayzor my dear boy, that would be like Godzilla Vs Mecha Godzilla. They are both coolsome in entirely different ways so you don't know who to root for.

And then Megazord would come in and pwn them both. Damned Megazord. You know, I wonder if Megazoid ever dreamed of piloting the megazord...

I'm digressing, oringina for everybody!

Posts: 2809
Famed Member


...Rayzor my dear boy, that would be like Godzilla Vs Mecha Godzilla. They are both coolsome in entirely different ways so you don't know who to root for.

True, but I thought it kinda unfair to mention one Absolute Pure Win Monster without mentioning the other; ya know kinda like mention the impact of classic Mario on gaming without even so much as mentioning the impact of classic Sonic.:p

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Classic Mario wasn't all that great though... Not even the newer ones really get my attention... Mainly the reason I usually eat all the Mario clones out there. He's like Sephiroth, only not cool... HE JUST WONT DIE!!!

Posts: 2809
Famed Member


He's like Sephiroth, only not cool

*looks at watch and waits for a mob of Mario/Nintendo fanboys with pitchforks and torches* Nice knowing you, Ramza.

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

I've already been attacked by Mario fanboys, but the general Nintendo fanboys had my back. But that was only my opinion. What about the rest of you? Do YOU like Mario? Luigi's cool though...

Posts: 2723
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Mario will remain cool in my book until Nintendo decides to start treating him like what Sega did to Sonic.

Posts: 1694
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I prefer Link over Mario.

Posts: 2116
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*sits in a corner of the topic and watches*

*waves to the newbie*

Carry on. 🙂

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Yeah, Link's alot better. And on that note: I don't really think Mario has as many fans as he used to.

*Waves to Samanfur the Fox*

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Mario's alright in my book as well, but man did Sonic get screwed by Sega these past few years. ;_;
Anyway, hope you stay and enjoy the MoFo!

On a side note, I don't think I've ever seen you post before Sam. o_o

Posts: 3291
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sam is one of our most accomplished lurkers.. *nodnod* ^^

Posts: 731
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Indeed. o.o

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Huh? He buries himself into the ground and shoots spikes at people?

Posts: 3291
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*whispers* Samanfur is female. >>;

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Though the spike shooting-burying thing, that's all true.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

So she's like a spike throwing Deku Scrub?

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

O_O! Sorry! I'm an idiot! Please forgive me!

Posts: 3291
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*more whisper*
gimmie lots of cookies, shoelaces and a can of sprite.. and i'll see if i can plead for a lighter sentance for your crime of calling our resident queen a male.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Don't worry, Becca - the most he's likely to be is made into Privy Councillor. I haven't had anyone to clean out the privy in a while... ;p

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Ok... I'm lost and a little confused now... GAH!!! My head hurts!!!

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

well, one has to make sure one's lesser throne is sanitary when one has to pop out to powder one's nose!

*hands ramza a toilet brush, some gloves and a bottle of bleach* :p

Posts: 731
Prominent Member


Ok... I'm lost and a little confused now... GAH!!! My head hurts!!!

Don't worry, it's supposed to. >.>

If we really wanted to punish you, we would get some oringina for you. ^_^

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